DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

Those republicans deserve jail time. I see you will coondem a republican

Hastert deserves Jail time because he did something actually Criminal.

Foley and Weiner didn't break any laws. Their punishment was to get voted out of office, which is reasonable and fair.
They can't "call her bluff" they are still classified. Are you a consultant to Mrs. Bosnia Clinton?

I promise you, there is someone out there ready to leak these e-mails at the most opportune time.

The fact Hillary is saying "Meh, go ahead and release them", tells me she knows that what is on them isn't any big deal.
22 of them cannot be released because it would threaten our national security. You think that isn't a big deal?

Five years later, with revised classification? No
If it's true that those emails are that dangerous to national security and Putin got them off her private server. Which he could've easily done. If Hillary becomes president. She would become Putin's bitch, even more than Obama has been.
What a wild fantasy...

Why don't you tell me more about Vince Foster?

liberal logic-------------you guys did bad stuff so its OK if we do bad stuff.

That is because they have a First Grade mentality.

When caught on the playground doing something really bad their response was "Johnny also did it". It worked for them then so it should work now, right?

These Moon Bats need to start taking responsibility for Hillary's lies, corruption and criminality.

The longer they wait the harder it is going to be on the Moon Bat Party. However, since they are in the denial phase they will probably never pull their heads out of their asses. so they deserve to suffer the consequences.
Just a few post you said the FBI lies. Thanks for proving you are a hack.

I said I don't take the FBI's word for it. The fact that the FBI has lied about other topics isn't even a disputed fact.
The Obama administration thinks the same. Then you say you think nobody is lying. Which is it, is Obama or Hillary lying? One of them is, so which is it?
They can't "call her bluff" they are still classified. Are you a consultant to Mrs. Bosnia Clinton?

I promise you, there is someone out there ready to leak these e-mails at the most opportune time.

The fact Hillary is saying "Meh, go ahead and release them", tells me she knows that what is on them isn't any big deal.
22 of them cannot be released because it would threaten our national security. You think that isn't a big deal?

Five years later, with revised classification? No
If it's true that those emails are that dangerous to national security and Putin got them off her private server. Which he could've easily done. If Hillary becomes president. She would become Putin's bitch, even more than Obama has been.
What a wild fantasy...

Why don't you tell me more about Vince Foster?
The Obama administration says that 22 of those emails would be a threat to our national security. So is Obama or Hillary lying? One of them is.
Good Ole Cookie. lol

Whadda guy.

Howard J. "Cookie" Krongard was an appointee in the government of President George W. Bush. Krongard was head of the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of State.

His position was known as the State Inspector General or State IG. After being accused of averting probes into contracting fraud in Iraq and a possible conflict of interest regarding investigations into Blackwater Worldwide, Krongard left his post on January 15, 2008, and was not eligible for retirement.[LINK]

Inspector general tied to Blackwater quits

State Department Inspector General Howard Krongard, who has been accused of improperly interfering with investigations into private security...

Inspector general tied to Blackwater quits
He was accused so that's good enough for the likes of you? You can't stand the message so you need to smear the messenger.

There's a definite pattern with the left wing, lie, smear, obfuccate, attack. What a shitty personality to have.
He said, without a hint of irony.

Dude, he was caught lying his ass off and had to resign.

He was a piece of dirty, crooked shit.
If you believe that what do you think of Hillary?
I think she's a politician. Do politicians lie? Yup. All of them.


She is not however the criminal cons have been calling her for 25 some odd years.

Mud throwing at the Clintons is it's own rich and thriving cottage industry.
The problem is they have provided fertile grounds. The Clintons have always gotten a pass, dismissing it as 'they all lie' is lame. If she broke a law, that makes it a crime and it looks like she broke laws, not just protocol. She lied when she said she handed over the emails and only deleted personal shit, she did not. Now we know why she wanted exclusive access but she didn't know how slick the IT guys are.

Clinton's have always gotten a pass?

Like with a seven year Whitewater investigation?
Impeachment over a blowjob?
Three year witch hunt over Benghazi?

It's not that the Clintons get a pass, but that Republicans overplay a weak hand
I promise you, there is someone out there ready to leak these e-mails at the most opportune time.

The fact Hillary is saying "Meh, go ahead and release them", tells me she knows that what is on them isn't any big deal.
22 of them cannot be released because it would threaten our national security. You think that isn't a big deal?

Five years later, with revised classification? No
If it's true that those emails are that dangerous to national security and Putin got them off her private server. Which he could've easily done. If Hillary becomes president. She would become Putin's bitch, even more than Obama has been.
What a wild fantasy...

Why don't you tell me more about Vince Foster?
The Obama administration says that 22 of those emails would be a threat to our national security. So is Obama or Hillary lying? One of them is.
Well...we know both are prolific liars, so that will be a tough question to answer.
These Moon Bats need to get with reality and understand that Hillary is damaged goods now. She will never be "Madame President", even if there is no indictment.

This denial they are doing is hilarious.

It is probably caused by the fact they have nobody else. We know the Silly Ass Communist will never win a national election so it is either Hillary or nothing.

It must really suck to be a Moon Bat Libard nowadays.
I promise you, there is someone out there ready to leak these e-mails at the most opportune time.

The fact Hillary is saying "Meh, go ahead and release them", tells me she knows that what is on them isn't any big deal.
22 of them cannot be released because it would threaten our national security. You think that isn't a big deal?

Five years later, with revised classification? No
If it's true that those emails are that dangerous to national security and Putin got them off her private server. Which he could've easily done. If Hillary becomes president. She would become Putin's bitch, even more than Obama has been.
What a wild fantasy...

Why don't you tell me more about Vince Foster?
The Obama administration says that 22 of those emails would be a threat to our national security. So is Obama or Hillary lying? One of them is.

probably both, what they are really thinking is that the release of any of those 22 emails would be damaging to Hillary's chances in the election.

there is no end to democrat and liberal corruption.
He was accused so that's good enough for the likes of you? You can't stand the message so you need to smear the messenger.

There's a definite pattern with the left wing, lie, smear, obfuccate, attack. What a shitty personality to have.
He said, without a hint of irony.

Dude, he was caught lying his ass off and had to resign.

He was a piece of dirty, crooked shit.
If you believe that what do you think of Hillary?
I think she's a politician. Do politicians lie? Yup. All of them.


She is not however the criminal cons have been calling her for 25 some odd years.

Mud throwing at the Clintons is it's own rich and thriving cottage industry.
The problem is they have provided fertile grounds. The Clintons have always gotten a pass, dismissing it as 'they all lie' is lame. If she broke a law, that makes it a crime and it looks like she broke laws, not just protocol. She lied when she said she handed over the emails and only deleted personal shit, she did not. Now we know why she wanted exclusive access but she didn't know how slick the IT guys are.

Clinton's have always gotten a pass?

Like with a seven year Whitewater investigation?
Impeachment over a blowjob?
Three year witch hunt over Benghazi?

It's not that the Clintons get a pass, but that Republicans overplay a weak hand
He got impeached for lying under oath. Get that straight.
He said, without a hint of irony.

Dude, he was caught lying his ass off and had to resign.

He was a piece of dirty, crooked shit.
If you believe that what do you think of Hillary?
I think she's a politician. Do politicians lie? Yup. All of them.


She is not however the criminal cons have been calling her for 25 some odd years.

Mud throwing at the Clintons is it's own rich and thriving cottage industry.
The problem is they have provided fertile grounds. The Clintons have always gotten a pass, dismissing it as 'they all lie' is lame. If she broke a law, that makes it a crime and it looks like she broke laws, not just protocol. She lied when she said she handed over the emails and only deleted personal shit, she did not. Now we know why she wanted exclusive access but she didn't know how slick the IT guys are.

Clinton's have always gotten a pass?

Like with a seven year Whitewater investigation?
Impeachment over a blowjob?
Three year witch hunt over Benghazi?

It's not that the Clintons get a pass, but that Republicans overplay a weak hand
He got impeached for lying under oath. Get that straight.
...about a blowjob.

The Obama administration says that 22 of those emails would be a threat to our national security. So is Obama or Hillary lying? One of them is.

They are both proven liars so the choice is not mutually exclusive.
He was accused so that's good enough for the likes of you? You can't stand the message so you need to smear the messenger.

There's a definite pattern with the left wing, lie, smear, obfuccate, attack. What a shitty personality to have.
He said, without a hint of irony.

Dude, he was caught lying his ass off and had to resign.

He was a piece of dirty, crooked shit.
If you believe that what do you think of Hillary?
I think she's a politician. Do politicians lie? Yup. All of them.


She is not however the criminal cons have been calling her for 25 some odd years.

Mud throwing at the Clintons is it's own rich and thriving cottage industry.
The problem is they have provided fertile grounds. The Clintons have always gotten a pass, dismissing it as 'they all lie' is lame. If she broke a law, that makes it a crime and it looks like she broke laws, not just protocol. She lied when she said she handed over the emails and only deleted personal shit, she did not. Now we know why she wanted exclusive access but she didn't know how slick the IT guys are.

Clinton's have always gotten a pass?

Like with a seven year Whitewater investigation?
Impeachment over a blowjob?
Three year witch hunt over Benghazi?

It's not that the Clintons get a pass, but that Republicans overplay a weak hand

Yep, you are correct, both Clintons should be in jail. If they were republicans they would be in jail.
Can I get a link to the actual laws that were broken?

And wouldnt anyone who emailed hillary also be just as guilty ?

That's a very good point. No one charged Petreaus' mistress for seeing the classified documents. It seems the person who is guilty of something is whoever copy and pasted the "classified" (not really) info off the SAP Server, not whoever was on the e-mail chain that eventually found its way into Hillary's inbox. That also begs the question, does everyone else on the e-mail chain who got the e-mail also guilty of a crime? What if someone resent it with a video of a cute kitten attached? Are they guilty of a crime.

Imagine the firewalls they must have at the state department ?

If you are sending "secrete " info outside the dept, everyone is aware of it and its OK'd .

You seriously think you can just email the names of all our spy's to a hotmail account ?

Nice diatribe Timmy but spoken by someone who doesn't know shit about State Dept systems, capabilities, or procedures. Nice fantasy story, one based on, as you say, imagination.

Are you saying the state dept doesn't have the computer savvy that you would see in many companies and gov agencies ?
If you believe that what do you think of Hillary?
I think she's a politician. Do politicians lie? Yup. All of them.


She is not however the criminal cons have been calling her for 25 some odd years.

Mud throwing at the Clintons is it's own rich and thriving cottage industry.
The problem is they have provided fertile grounds. The Clintons have always gotten a pass, dismissing it as 'they all lie' is lame. If she broke a law, that makes it a crime and it looks like she broke laws, not just protocol. She lied when she said she handed over the emails and only deleted personal shit, she did not. Now we know why she wanted exclusive access but she didn't know how slick the IT guys are.

Clinton's have always gotten a pass?

Like with a seven year Whitewater investigation?
Impeachment over a blowjob?
Three year witch hunt over Benghazi?

It's not that the Clintons get a pass, but that Republicans overplay a weak hand
He got impeached for lying under oath. Get that straight.
...about a blowjob.

lying under oath is perjury, the subject of the lie doesn't matter. I think you are a woman, why do you condone a 50+ year old man spraying his semen on a 19 year old girl in the oval office of the whitehouse?
If you believe that what do you think of Hillary?
I think she's a politician. Do politicians lie? Yup. All of them.


She is not however the criminal cons have been calling her for 25 some odd years.

Mud throwing at the Clintons is it's own rich and thriving cottage industry.
The problem is they have provided fertile grounds. The Clintons have always gotten a pass, dismissing it as 'they all lie' is lame. If she broke a law, that makes it a crime and it looks like she broke laws, not just protocol. She lied when she said she handed over the emails and only deleted personal shit, she did not. Now we know why she wanted exclusive access but she didn't know how slick the IT guys are.

Clinton's have always gotten a pass?

Like with a seven year Whitewater investigation?
Impeachment over a blowjob?
Three year witch hunt over Benghazi?

It's not that the Clintons get a pass, but that Republicans overplay a weak hand
He got impeached for lying under oath. Get that straight.
...about a blowjob.
Does that make it better or worse? He lied under oath as president. He should've known better, but his is a lying liberal. And you support that, proves you are also a lying piece of shit. Thanks for playing.
I think she's a politician. Do politicians lie? Yup. All of them.


She is not however the criminal cons have been calling her for 25 some odd years.

Mud throwing at the Clintons is it's own rich and thriving cottage industry.
The problem is they have provided fertile grounds. The Clintons have always gotten a pass, dismissing it as 'they all lie' is lame. If she broke a law, that makes it a crime and it looks like she broke laws, not just protocol. She lied when she said she handed over the emails and only deleted personal shit, she did not. Now we know why she wanted exclusive access but she didn't know how slick the IT guys are.

Clinton's have always gotten a pass?

Like with a seven year Whitewater investigation?
Impeachment over a blowjob?
Three year witch hunt over Benghazi?

It's not that the Clintons get a pass, but that Republicans overplay a weak hand
He got impeached for lying under oath. Get that straight.
...about a blowjob.

lying under oath is perjury, the subject of the lie doesn't matter. I think you are a woman, why do you condone a 50+ year old man spraying his semen on a 19 year old girl in the oval office of the whitehouse?
Easy...cause Bubba is a D. If he were an R, than she would not condone it.
I highly doubt if she will be going to jail even if she IS a criminal POS. I just cannot believe anyone would still consider her a "valid" candidate. Any of those people being paraded around in front of us. They are all part of the machine. Look at some 3rd party candidates, PLEASE!!!

Voting for a third party candidate is throwing away your vote.

This is about voting for the lesser evil,then Mrs. Clinton is the lesser evil.

That is what government lackeys will tell you, and if everyone keeps listening, there will NEVER be any changes.

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