DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

"The laws, regulations, and State Department policy in place during her tenure permitted her to use a non-government email for work.

The 2009 National Archives regulation in place during her tenure required that "[a]gencies that allow employees to send and receive official electronic mail messages using a system not operated by the agency must ensure that Federal records sent or received on such systems are preserved in the appropriate agency recordkeeping system." The regulation recognizes the use of non-government email accounts.

As she has stated, Clinton's practice was to email government officials on their ".gov" accounts, so her work emails were immediately captured and preserved. In fact, more than 90% of those emails should have already been captured in the State Department’s email system before she provided them with paper copies.

A Politifact analysis also confirmed that Clinton's practices complied with laws and regulations, including support from the former director of a prominent government accountability organization:

"In Clinton's defense, we should note that it was only after Clinton left the State Department, that the National Archives issued a recommendation that government employees should avoid conducting official business on personal emails (though they noted there might be extenuating circumstances such as an emergency that require it).

Additionally, in 2014, President Barack Obama signed changes to the Federal Records Act that explicitly said federal officials can only use personal email addresses if they also copy or send the emails to their official account. Because these rules weren't in effect when Clinton was in office, 'she was in compliance with the laws and regulations at the time,' said Gary Bass, founder and former director of OMB Watch, a government accountability organization."

Updated: The Facts About Hillary Clinton’s Emails

The regulations you mention have nothing to do with the regulations concerning the handling of classified information. They are entirely separate. One thing I know, because I have friends who have top secret clearances, that they aren't allowed to use private email systems to transmit or store classified documents.
RW, Hillary did not sign a legally required govt document. That's a crime. GUILTY!

Hillary lied under oath about the number of devices she used. That is Perjury. GUILTY!

Hillary's server was not configured as required by the law, was entrusted to a company whose employees did not have the security clearances or authorization required. Those are crimes. GUILTY.

Hillary failed to turn over everything required according to the law to the State Department. That is a crime. GUILTY.

Crimes that have nothing to do with specific e-mails have been identified.

...more than enough to call for a Grand Jury so THEY can decide if she should be indicted. If she truly is innocent, why not let a Grand Jury decide if an indictment is warranted? Why are liberals so frightened to allow the justice system to decide instead of partisans / politicians?
Total crap

Hillary was authorized to use her personal server. Your "crimes" are nothing but molehills

"Authorized" by whom? The only person senior to Hillary was Barak Obama. Hillary has been saying the rules allowed it, not that someone "authorized" it.
Doesn't matter how big you are you don't get to make your own security rules......even Obama

That's why Hillary is in trouble, stupid. She broke the rules.
Actually, she followed the rules and security classifications of the time she was Secretary of State

I think there was third party candidate once who almost took a good share of votes. Unfortunately, of course, he didn't win the election, but that is a clue that YES, in fact, we can get rid of the democrats and republicans. :) Let's do this!!! Get er done! Vote for 3rd party candidates!!!
Teddy Roosevelt did it.......Other party won the election
George Wallace did it......other party won the election
Ross Perot, Ralph at opposite side of the political spectrum always wins

I rarely agree with you on anything, but on this I do. A third party always gives the win to the opposite party. Come on Bloomberg, run. Complete the destruction of the dem party.

Bloomberg could cost Hillary the election. I don't think he would split the billionaire vote

Hillary has zero chance with or without big soda Bloomberg.
lying under oath is perjury, the subject of the lie doesn't matter. I think you are a woman, why do you condone a 50+ year old man spraying his semen on a 19 year old girl in the oval office of the whitehouse?
What was the lie?

Print it
Oh my, how old are you? 12?
Can't print it can you?

Lets see what Republucans call a "high crime and misdemeanor"
Is lying under oath not breaking the law?

Still can't print it can you?

Let's see your high crime
Still can't comprehend? Is lying under oath no against the law? Ole slick Willie lied under oath as president and while he did it. Shamed the office of the president. He will also go down in history as the sleaziest president. Well not if a miracle happens and Hillary becomes president. Then then interns will get sexually harassed by both Clinton's.
RW, Hillary did not sign a legally required govt document. That's a crime. GUILTY!

Hillary lied under oath about the number of devices she used. That is Perjury. GUILTY!

Hillary's server was not configured as required by the law, was entrusted to a company whose employees did not have the security clearances or authorization required. Those are crimes. GUILTY.

Hillary failed to turn over everything required according to the law to the State Department. That is a crime. GUILTY.

Crimes that have nothing to do with specific e-mails have been identified.

...more than enough to call for a Grand Jury so THEY can decide if she should be indicted. If she truly is innocent, why not let a Grand Jury decide if an indictment is warranted? Why are liberals so frightened to allow the justice system to decide instead of partisans / politicians?
Total crap

Hillary was authorized to use her personal server. Your "crimes" are nothing but molehills

"Authorized" by whom? The only person senior to Hillary was Barak Obama. Hillary has been saying the rules allowed it, not that someone "authorized" it.
Doesn't matter how big you are you don't get to make your own security rules......even Obama

That's why Hillary is in trouble, stupid. She broke the rules.
Actually, she followed the rules and security classifications of the time she was Secretary of State

That is not true. Rule number 1 in any government agency is that you must follow US security laws regarding classified data and documents.

Do you think that repeating a lie 1000 times somehow magically converts it to truth?
If your life depended on it Joey, would you take the word of the FBI or Mrs. BJ?

I would do something that you Libertarian Retards would find unacceptable. I'd make my decision based on EVIDENCE.
RW, Hillary did not sign a legally required govt document. That's a crime. GUILTY!

Hillary lied under oath about the number of devices she used. That is Perjury. GUILTY!

Hillary's server was not configured as required by the law, was entrusted to a company whose employees did not have the security clearances or authorization required. Those are crimes. GUILTY.

Hillary failed to turn over everything required according to the law to the State Department. That is a crime. GUILTY.

Crimes that have nothing to do with specific e-mails have been identified.

...more than enough to call for a Grand Jury so THEY can decide if she should be indicted. If she truly is innocent, why not let a Grand Jury decide if an indictment is warranted? Why are liberals so frightened to allow the justice system to decide instead of partisans / politicians?
Total crap

Hillary was authorized to use her personal server. Your "crimes" are nothing but molehills

"Authorized" by whom? The only person senior to Hillary was Barak Obama. Hillary has been saying the rules allowed it, not that someone "authorized" it.
Doesn't matter how big you are you don't get to make your own security rules......even Obama

That's why Hillary is in trouble, stupid. She broke the rules.
Actually, she followed the rules and security classifications of the time she was Secretary of State
No actually 22 emails that would endanger our national security was kept on a private email account by her. As told by the Obama administration.
These Moon Bats need to get with reality and understand that Hillary is damaged goods now. She will never be "Madame President", even if there is no indictment.

This denial they are doing is hilarious.

It is probably caused by the fact they have nobody else. We know the Silly Ass Communist will never win a national election so it is either Hillary or nothing.

It must really suck to be a Moon Bat Libard nowadays.

Again, for all her problems, Hillary would easily beat anyone the GOP puts up. If you really think the country will elect a reality TV rodeo clown, you are deluded.
Total crap

Hillary was authorized to use her personal server. Your "crimes" are nothing but molehills

"Authorized" by whom? The only person senior to Hillary was Barak Obama. Hillary has been saying the rules allowed it, not that someone "authorized" it.
Doesn't matter how big you are you don't get to make your own security rules......even Obama

That's why Hillary is in trouble, stupid. She broke the rules.
Actually, she followed the rules and security classifications of the time she was Secretary of State


Name the regulation she violated

The regulation against having a private server? There wasn't one
Total crap

Hillary was authorized to use her personal server. Your "crimes" are nothing but molehills

"Authorized" by whom? The only person senior to Hillary was Barak Obama. Hillary has been saying the rules allowed it, not that someone "authorized" it.
Doesn't matter how big you are you don't get to make your own security rules......even Obama

That's why Hillary is in trouble, stupid. She broke the rules.
Actually, she followed the rules and security classifications of the time she was Secretary of State
No actually 22 emails that would endanger our national security was kept on a private email account by her. As told by the Obama administration.
Subsequent reclassification is not a crime
The Obama administration thinks the same. Then you say you think nobody is lying. Which is it, is Obama or Hillary lying? One of them is, so which is it?

Again, show me the e-mails,then I can decide if this was really as damaging as you say. Then prove that this information hadn't already been put out on WikiLeaks by Manning or Snowden or some other whistle blower. Then prove to me that the Chinese (or whoever) hacked that info from her server and not one of the one million hacks they executed against "secure" government servers.

Then,maybe, maybe you might have a case against whoever stripped the security markings from this info and e-mailed it TO Hillary.

You know, that's what you do in a real investigation, not make baseless accusations and have us take your word for it.
"Authorized" by whom? The only person senior to Hillary was Barak Obama. Hillary has been saying the rules allowed it, not that someone "authorized" it.
Doesn't matter how big you are you don't get to make your own security rules......even Obama

That's why Hillary is in trouble, stupid. She broke the rules.
Actually, she followed the rules and security classifications of the time she was Secretary of State
No actually 22 emails that would endanger our national security was kept on a private email account by her. As told by the Obama administration.
Subsequent reclassification is not a crime

more lies, the data was classified when it was created, it was not reclassified.

do you ever post anything that isn't a lie?
These Moon Bats need to get with reality and understand that Hillary is damaged goods now. She will never be "Madame President", even if there is no indictment.

This denial they are doing is hilarious.

It is probably caused by the fact they have nobody else. We know the Silly Ass Communist will never win a national election so it is either Hillary or nothing.

It must really suck to be a Moon Bat Libard nowadays.

Again, for all her problems, Hillary would easily beat anyone the GOP puts up. If you really think the country will elect a reality TV rodeo clown, you are deluded.
Trump would kill her in a debate. Hillary in a town hall last week said she has always stood up for women. Unless Bill was screwing them. She also said she was always in support of gay marriage, which is also a lie. There goes support from two lines of support on the undecided. Keep it up, I'm sure by election day over half of the United States will be chanting, anyone but Hillary!
"Authorized" by whom? The only person senior to Hillary was Barak Obama. Hillary has been saying the rules allowed it, not that someone "authorized" it.
Doesn't matter how big you are you don't get to make your own security rules......even Obama

That's why Hillary is in trouble, stupid. She broke the rules.
Actually, she followed the rules and security classifications of the time she was Secretary of State


Name the regulation she violated

The regulation against having a private server? There wasn't one

talking to you is like trying to get a frog to understand nuclear physics. your mind is simply too small to grasp the concept.

The rules regarding classified data are very clear, especially SAP data. I had a SAP clearance years ago, If I did what she did, I would be in jail today.
Doesn't matter how big you are you don't get to make your own security rules......even Obama

That's why Hillary is in trouble, stupid. She broke the rules.
Actually, she followed the rules and security classifications of the time she was Secretary of State
No actually 22 emails that would endanger our national security was kept on a private email account by her. As told by the Obama administration.
Subsequent reclassification is not a crime

more lies, the data was classified when it was created, it was not reclassified.

do you ever post anything that isn't a lie?

If the data was classified when created, it was marked classified when created.

Who sent known Top Secret information without markings?
I think there was third party candidate once who almost took a good share of votes. Unfortunately, of course, he didn't win the election, but that is a clue that YES, in fact, we can get rid of the democrats and republicans. :) Let's do this!!! Get er done! Vote for 3rd party candidates!!!

Uh, yeah. Okay, so let's say we elected a third party candidate.

Where would that person go to find the people to fill out the rest of his government? He'd go back to - wait for it - the Democrats and Republicans. So that would be pointless and sort of self-defeating, wouldn't it?
That's why Hillary is in trouble, stupid. She broke the rules.
Actually, she followed the rules and security classifications of the time she was Secretary of State
No actually 22 emails that would endanger our national security was kept on a private email account by her. As told by the Obama administration.
Subsequent reclassification is not a crime

more lies, the data was classified when it was created, it was not reclassified.

do you ever post anything that isn't a lie?

If the data was classified when created, it was marked classified when created.

Who sent known Top Secret information without markings?

Hillary Clinton. Damn, you are stupid. WTF do you think the FBI is investigating?
That's why Hillary is in trouble, stupid. She broke the rules.
Actually, she followed the rules and security classifications of the time she was Secretary of State
No actually 22 emails that would endanger our national security was kept on a private email account by her. As told by the Obama administration.
Subsequent reclassification is not a crime

more lies, the data was classified when it was created, it was not reclassified.

do you ever post anything that isn't a lie?

If the data was classified when created, it was marked classified when created.

Who sent known Top Secret information without markings?

Wrong. Pictures from spy satellites are classified the minute they are created.

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