DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

He said, without a hint of irony.

Dude, he was caught lying his ass off and had to resign.

He was a piece of dirty, crooked shit.
If you believe that what do you think of Hillary?
I think she's a politician. Do politicians lie? Yup. All of them.


She is not however the criminal cons have been calling her for 25 some odd years.

Mud throwing at the Clintons is it's own rich and thriving cottage industry.
The problem is they have provided fertile grounds. The Clintons have always gotten a pass, dismissing it as 'they all lie' is lame. If she broke a law, that makes it a crime and it looks like she broke laws, not just protocol. She lied when she said she handed over the emails and only deleted personal shit, she did not. Now we know why she wanted exclusive access but she didn't know how slick the IT guys are.

Clinton's have always gotten a pass?

Like with a seven year Whitewater investigation?
Impeachment over a blowjob?
Three year witch hunt over Benghazi?

It's not that the Clintons get a pass, but that Republicans overplay a weak hand
He got impeached for lying under oath. Get that straight.

He got impeached about lying about a blowjob.......even lamer
I think there was third party candidate once who almost took a good share of votes. Unfortunately, of course, he didn't win the election, but that is a clue that YES, in fact, we can get rid of the democrats and republicans. :) Let's do this!!! Get er done! Vote for 3rd party candidates!!!
I think she's a politician. Do politicians lie? Yup. All of them.


She is not however the criminal cons have been calling her for 25 some odd years.

Mud throwing at the Clintons is it's own rich and thriving cottage industry.
The problem is they have provided fertile grounds. The Clintons have always gotten a pass, dismissing it as 'they all lie' is lame. If she broke a law, that makes it a crime and it looks like she broke laws, not just protocol. She lied when she said she handed over the emails and only deleted personal shit, she did not. Now we know why she wanted exclusive access but she didn't know how slick the IT guys are.

Clinton's have always gotten a pass?

Like with a seven year Whitewater investigation?
Impeachment over a blowjob?
Three year witch hunt over Benghazi?

It's not that the Clintons get a pass, but that Republicans overplay a weak hand
He got impeached for lying under oath. Get that straight.
...about a blowjob.

lying under oath is perjury, the subject of the lie doesn't matter. I think you are a woman, why do you condone a 50+ year old man spraying his semen on a 19 year old girl in the oval office of the whitehouse?
What was the lie?

Print it
I think there was third party candidate once who almost took a good share of votes. Unfortunately, of course, he didn't win the election, but that is a clue that YES, in fact, we can get rid of the democrats and republicans. :) Let's do this!!! Get er done! Vote for 3rd party candidates!!!
Teddy Roosevelt did it.......Other party won the election
George Wallace did it......other party won the election
Ross Perot, Ralph at opposite side of the political spectrum always wins
If you believe that what do you think of Hillary?
I think she's a politician. Do politicians lie? Yup. All of them.


She is not however the criminal cons have been calling her for 25 some odd years.

Mud throwing at the Clintons is it's own rich and thriving cottage industry.
The problem is they have provided fertile grounds. The Clintons have always gotten a pass, dismissing it as 'they all lie' is lame. If she broke a law, that makes it a crime and it looks like she broke laws, not just protocol. She lied when she said she handed over the emails and only deleted personal shit, she did not. Now we know why she wanted exclusive access but she didn't know how slick the IT guys are.

Clinton's have always gotten a pass?

Like with a seven year Whitewater investigation?
Impeachment over a blowjob?
Three year witch hunt over Benghazi?

It's not that the Clintons get a pass, but that Republicans overplay a weak hand
He got impeached for lying under oath. Get that straight.

He got impeached about lying about a blowjob.......even lamer
It wouldn't be any worse if he lied about eating breakfast. It is against the law to lie under oath. Thanks for proving you support lying if you have a d beside their name. You are part of the problem of today's world. Oh and you never answered my question about who is lying about those emails. Obama or Hillary?
I think there was third party candidate once who almost took a good share of votes. Unfortunately, of course, he didn't win the election, but that is a clue that YES, in fact, we can get rid of the democrats and republicans. :) Let's do this!!! Get er done! Vote for 3rd party candidates!!!
Teddy Roosevelt did it.......Other party won the election
George Wallace did it......other party won the election
Ross Perot, Ralph at opposite side of the political spectrum always wins

So . . . you want to continue with the status quo. NOTHING is ever going to change. We are going to keep on meddling in the affairs of others, our government is going to continue to be in the pocket of corporate America.

What a shame! All it takes is to psych up enough people about a candidate, and it is certainly NOT impossible for a 3rd party candidate to gain recognition and get the votes!

I already know that you're an old partisan, a dying breed. Younger people are more interested in 3rd party candidates, and THEY are the future. Not you.
The problem is they have provided fertile grounds. The Clintons have always gotten a pass, dismissing it as 'they all lie' is lame. If she broke a law, that makes it a crime and it looks like she broke laws, not just protocol. She lied when she said she handed over the emails and only deleted personal shit, she did not. Now we know why she wanted exclusive access but she didn't know how slick the IT guys are.

Clinton's have always gotten a pass?

Like with a seven year Whitewater investigation?
Impeachment over a blowjob?
Three year witch hunt over Benghazi?

It's not that the Clintons get a pass, but that Republicans overplay a weak hand
He got impeached for lying under oath. Get that straight.
...about a blowjob.

lying under oath is perjury, the subject of the lie doesn't matter. I think you are a woman, why do you condone a 50+ year old man spraying his semen on a 19 year old girl in the oval office of the whitehouse?
What was the lie?

Print it
Oh my, how old are you? 12?
Clinton's have always gotten a pass?

Like with a seven year Whitewater investigation?
Impeachment over a blowjob?
Three year witch hunt over Benghazi?

It's not that the Clintons get a pass, but that Republicans overplay a weak hand
He got impeached for lying under oath. Get that straight.
...about a blowjob.

lying under oath is perjury, the subject of the lie doesn't matter. I think you are a woman, why do you condone a 50+ year old man spraying his semen on a 19 year old girl in the oval office of the whitehouse?
What was the lie?

Print it
Oh my, how old are you? 12?

I suspect that he is a 60 year old man with the mind of a 12 year old. He is sitting in a tenement somewhere in front of his computer 20 hours a day posting liberal bullshit for 10 cents per post.
I think there was third party candidate once who almost took a good share of votes. Unfortunately, of course, he didn't win the election, but that is a clue that YES, in fact, we can get rid of the democrats and republicans. :) Let's do this!!! Get er done! Vote for 3rd party candidates!!!
Teddy Roosevelt did it.......Other party won the election
George Wallace did it......other party won the election
Ross Perot, Ralph at opposite side of the political spectrum always wins

I rarely agree with you on anything, but on this I do. A third party always gives the win to the opposite party. Come on Bloomberg, run. Complete the destruction of the dem party.
Clinton's have always gotten a pass?

Like with a seven year Whitewater investigation?
Impeachment over a blowjob?
Three year witch hunt over Benghazi?

It's not that the Clintons get a pass, but that Republicans overplay a weak hand
He got impeached for lying under oath. Get that straight.
...about a blowjob.

lying under oath is perjury, the subject of the lie doesn't matter. I think you are a woman, why do you condone a 50+ year old man spraying his semen on a 19 year old girl in the oval office of the whitehouse?
What was the lie?

Print it
Oh my, how old are you? 12?
Can't print it can you?

Lets see what Republucans call a "high crime and misdemeanor"
I think there was third party candidate once who almost took a good share of votes. Unfortunately, of course, he didn't win the election, but that is a clue that YES, in fact, we can get rid of the democrats and republicans. :) Let's do this!!! Get er done! Vote for 3rd party candidates!!!
Teddy Roosevelt did it.......Other party won the election
George Wallace did it......other party won the election
Ross Perot, Ralph at opposite side of the political spectrum always wins

I rarely agree with you on anything, but on this I do. A third party always gives the win to the opposite party. Come on Bloomberg, run. Complete the destruction of the dem party.

Bloomberg could cost Hillary the election. I don't think he would split the billionaire vote
Two party system[edit]
The winner-take-all system in the United States limits the success of third party candidates who may have a difficult time achieving an electoral majority.[5]Young people are increasingly supporting third party candidates, though the American political system has continued to foster a two-party system. In 1992,Ross Perot, a third party candidate for president, won 22 percent of the eighteen-to-twenty-four-year-old vote, his strongest performance among any demographic group”.[5] These third party candidates who gain such support from the youth of the U.S. do not benefit from major party coffers - they must campaign by themselves.

Money in politics[edit]
In nine out of ten elections, the candidate who spends the most money is elected.[5] The average cost of a successful campaign for the United States House of Representatives is nearly half a million dollars.[5] A large portion of this money comes from "large individual contributions" – an average of 74 percent of the campaign funds raised in the 2012 presidential election between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney were large individual contributions. An average of 25 percent of presidential campaign funds in 2012 were made in "small individual contributions."[13] The Supreme Court rulings on Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission in 2010 and v. Federal Election Commission allowed corporations and individuals to donate directly to political action committees (PACs), Super PACs, or 501(c)(4)s which could then spend unlimited amounts of money on campaigns of their own. [14] The general perception of this system is that in turn for such large donations, candidates will vote in accordance to their large donors to ensure future donations during their reelection bid and pay the smaller donors slight attention.[5] When the media reports that on campaign finance scandals, it is portrayed as a solitary incident with no connection to later policy outcomes.[5] Americans have become so accustomed to the power of money in politics they are not surprised when a scandal occurs.[5] The future for the influence of large donors is unlikely to change because the lawmakers with the power to create and pass campaign finance reformare those who benefit most from the large donations when their term is up and they must run reelection campaigns.[5]
And now we find out Kerry might be doing the same thing.....and Obama knew all along......just more lies deceit and treachery
He got impeached for lying under oath. Get that straight.
...about a blowjob.

lying under oath is perjury, the subject of the lie doesn't matter. I think you are a woman, why do you condone a 50+ year old man spraying his semen on a 19 year old girl in the oval office of the whitehouse?
What was the lie?

Print it
Oh my, how old are you? 12?

I suspect that he is a 60 year old man with the mind of a 12 year old. He is sitting in a tenement somewhere in front of his computer 20 hours a day posting liberal bullshit for 10 cents per post.
I know I think him and Joe are insane. Ole rightie thinks lying under oath is no big deal as long you have a d beside their name, and Joe thinks Weiner a grown man sexting a seventeen year old girl. While condemning republicans for similar things. They all should be in jail, Joe agrees, till you ad Weiner to the situation. He should get a pass, right Joe?
He got impeached for lying under oath. Get that straight.
...about a blowjob.

lying under oath is perjury, the subject of the lie doesn't matter. I think you are a woman, why do you condone a 50+ year old man spraying his semen on a 19 year old girl in the oval office of the whitehouse?
What was the lie?

Print it
Oh my, how old are you? 12?
Can't print it can you?

Lets see what Republucans call a "high crime and misdemeanor"
Is lying under oath not breaking the law?
...about a blowjob.

lying under oath is perjury, the subject of the lie doesn't matter. I think you are a woman, why do you condone a 50+ year old man spraying his semen on a 19 year old girl in the oval office of the whitehouse?
What was the lie?

Print it
Oh my, how old are you? 12?
Can't print it can you?

Lets see what Republucans call a "high crime and misdemeanor"
Is lying under oath not breaking the law?

Still can't print it can you?

Let's see your high crime
RW, Hillary did not sign a legally required govt document. That's a crime. GUILTY!

Hillary lied under oath about the number of devices she used. That is Perjury. GUILTY!

Hillary's server was not configured as required by the law, was entrusted to a company whose employees did not have the security clearances or authorization required. Those are crimes. GUILTY.

Hillary failed to turn over everything required according to the law to the State Department. That is a crime. GUILTY.

Crimes that have nothing to do with specific e-mails have been identified.

...more than enough to call for a Grand Jury so THEY can decide if she should be indicted. If she truly is innocent, why not let a Grand Jury decide if an indictment is warranted? Why are liberals so frightened to allow the justice system to decide instead of partisans / politicians?
Total crap

Hillary was authorized to use her personal server. Your "crimes" are nothing but molehills

"Authorized" by whom? The only person senior to Hillary was Barak Obama. Hillary has been saying the rules allowed it, not that someone "authorized" it.
Doesn't matter how big you are you don't get to make your own security rules......even Obama

That's why Hillary is in trouble, stupid. She broke the rules.
RW, Hillary did not sign a legally required govt document. That's a crime. GUILTY!

Hillary lied under oath about the number of devices she used. That is Perjury. GUILTY!

Hillary's server was not configured as required by the law, was entrusted to a company whose employees did not have the security clearances or authorization required. Those are crimes. GUILTY.

Hillary failed to turn over everything required according to the law to the State Department. That is a crime. GUILTY.

Crimes that have nothing to do with specific e-mails have been identified.

...more than enough to call for a Grand Jury so THEY can decide if she should be indicted. If she truly is innocent, why not let a Grand Jury decide if an indictment is warranted? Why are liberals so frightened to allow the justice system to decide instead of partisans / politicians?
Total crap

Hillary was authorized to use her personal server. Your "crimes" are nothing but molehills

"Authorized" by whom? The only person senior to Hillary was Barak Obama. Hillary has been saying the rules allowed it, not that someone "authorized" it.
Doesn't matter how big you are you don't get to make your own security rules......even Obama

That's why Hillary is in trouble, stupid. She broke the rules.
Actually, she followed the rules and security classifications of the time she was Secretary of State

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