DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

The rubes never learn.

Oh wait. This time is different from the other hundred times they declared Obama or Hillary was going to jail for certain. Just because ... well, it is, that's why!
1) what amazes me when you read the total of age actual article hillary may have violated the law not hillary violated the law but she may have violated the law...
2) the law inquestion states clearly if a foreign country hacks her server then she will be held accountable for the email that the retrieved ... no foreign country hacked her emails ....
3) finally her private server was look at for being secure ... according to the neck world the server she use is better then the ones thats the government uses from being hacked ...

so you wing nuts are saying she's going to jail, or you say she won't go to jail because obama will protect her.. that's even funnier ... she hasn't violated any law ... that's the only reason she won't go to jail .,.. and its killing you guys ... here you have your hero trump ... who refuses to go to the fox debate because he's afraid of the fox woman news caster Megan Kelly ... he's afraid she will asking to answer the question she first ask him ... and he's your best choice !!!!!!! runs from a debate from a woman news caster with her puff questions ??? no wonder you guys are wishing hillary get convicted ... if he's afraid of Megan Kelly hell, hillary will rip him a NEW ONE
Where did you get your information that her server was never hacked? Or her server was more secure? Or the information is old so the laws don't matter? Or that Trump has the majority GOP support?

In other words, how can a guy fuck so much up in so little time?
its on the web I googled hillary clinton server in boulder colrado bathroom... one of you whack jobs were say her server was in a bathroom closet in boulder colorado... So I looked it up ... what came up was the name of the company and where it was located ... it said it was located in new Jersey and they talk about how secure it was .. I posed it back then ... if you want to know l look it up for yourself
Are you stoned? Anyway, I don't do research for people.
The rubes never learn.

Oh wait. This time is different from the other hundred times they declared Obama or Hillary was going to jail for certain. Just because ... well, it is, that's why!
Who are "they"? Liberals always speak as if we know what the fuck they are talking about.
The left wing is working overtime to polish Hillary's turds.

yes they are, and now they all smell like shit.
nooooo you hope it does !!!!!
Actually, she followed the rules and security classifications of the time she was Secretary of State


Name the regulation she violated

The regulation against having a private server? There wasn't one

talking to you is like trying to get a frog to understand nuclear physics. your mind is simply too small to grasp the concept.

The rules regarding classified data are very clear, especially SAP data. I had a SAP clearance years ago, If I did what she did, I would be in jail today.
there you go lying to us again BWA HAHAHAHAHAHA what a loser you are
Subsequent reclassification is not a crime

more lies, the data was classified when it was created, it was not reclassified.

do you ever post anything that isn't a lie?

If the data was classified when created, it was marked classified when created.

Who sent known Top Secret information without markings?

OK, for the final time. It doesn't have to be marked to be classified. If I have memorized classified data and then write it down on a piece of paper its still classified data. I should mark it, and I would have. But Hillary did not either when she received it or forwarded it.

She also told a staffer to remove classified markings on some data that was marked.

Face it, moron, she is a criminal.
you are sooooooooo full of bull shit ... none of her emails fits your criteria, or any of your criteria ... in the article it clearly say there are 22 emails that "MAY" not "ARE" but "MAY" be considered classified and you bite the carrot every time... what a loser you are ... now the law that you quote to us, Mr. ( listen to me ) classified secret agent says if any of her emails have been hacked by a foreign government she will be held accountable... soMr. ( listen to me ) classified secret agent show us where she was hacked ??? oh you forgot that tiny tidbit Mr. ( listen to me ) classified secret agent
The Obama administration says that 22 of her emails would endanger our national security. Is he lying?
if thats what he said no he's not lying ... what I'm saying is the law clearly reads if government receives a classified document and that person email is hacked, and its a unprotected server, then they can be held accountable ... the fact that they are consider classified doesn't mean she violated any law ... they only way she can be charged is if her server was hacked far this hasn't been the case...
Yes I do.

The State Department has already on record about the emails. Said emails were "Not Classified When They Passed Through The Server."

The emails were only classified within the past FIVE (05) YEARS.

There remains no clear and certain proof, evidence that Ms. Clinton did knowingly and willing and with intent to do the same, communicate classified information to an individual or individuals unknown.

The emails were classified after the fact.

No violation occurred.
you are sooooooooo full of bull shit ... none of her emails fits your criteria, or any of your criteria ... in the article it clearly say there are 22 emails that "MAY" not "ARE" but "MAY" be considered classified and you bite the carrot every time... what a loser you are ... now the law that you quote to us, Mr. ( listen to me ) classified secret agent says if any of her emails have been hacked by a foreign government she will be held accountable... soMr. ( listen to me ) classified secret agent show us where she was hacked ??? oh you forgot that tiny tidbit Mr. ( listen to me ) classified secret agent
That ship has sailed, Sport. Some can't even be released due to their sensitive nature. You're another retard that thinks she never got classified intel.
I've never said that ... what if have said and you failed to understand for her to be involution of any law a foreign government would have to have received that email or if her account has been hack none of that has happen ... second these emails that are in question wasn't shown as to be classified at the time they were sent... but again that doesn't matter .. due to the fact that no government has got a hold of them
Yes I do.

The State Department has already on record about the emails. Said emails were "Not Classified When They Passed Through The Server."

The emails were only classified within the past FIVE (05) YEARS.

There remains no clear and certain proof, evidence that Ms. Clinton did knowingly and willing and with intent to do the same, communicate classified information to an individual or individuals unknown.

The emails were classified after the fact.

No violation occurred.
Actually, I believe they were only upgraded to classified and top secret in the last year.

One of them classified as Top Secret after the fact was a freakin New York Times article that was sent to her.
if thats what he said no he's not lying ... what I'm saying is the law clearly reads if government receives a classified document and that person email is hacked, and its a unprotected server, then they can be held accountable ... the fact that they are consider classified doesn't mean she violated any law ... they only way she can be charged is if her server was hacked far this hasn't been the case...

Just because any attempt YOU might have made to hack Her Thigness' server failed does not mean that ALL attempts have failed. Or are you clairvoyant? Let me ask a hard question: If you were an enemy of The US. (if?) and you had hacked for information you used to your benefit would you brag about having hacked it and perhaps made it impossible for you to repeat the hack?

Could even the most radical of liberals be THAT stupid?
No actually 22 emails that would endanger our national security was kept on a private email account by her. As told by the Obama administration.
Subsequent reclassification is not a crime

more lies, the data was classified when it was created, it was not reclassified.

do you ever post anything that isn't a lie?

If the data was classified when created, it was marked classified when created.

Who sent known Top Secret information without markings?

Hillary Clinton. Damn, you are stupid. WTF do you think the FBI is investigating?
right now they aren't investigating any thing

do you live under a rock? of course the FBI is investigating. The Obama admin confirmed it. Is obozo lying too?
Clinton emails reveal murky world of "top secret" documents | TheHill

"The watchdog said it found a number of Clinton’s emails that currently contained “classified intelligence community information.” But the State Department has said it did not consider that language classified at the time those emails were sent.

Both sides can be correct, said several former officials.

Not only is each side entitled to different standards of classification, but information can become classified almost retroactively, as situations and guidelines change over the years.

An IG could decide “it is a completely different scenario,” and that certain details must now be protected, said Michael Brown, a former DHS director of cybersecurity coordination and current vice president at security firm RSA.

And culturally, intelligence agencies tend to lean toward classification more than an agency like State would, several former employees on both sides agreed."
Yes I do.

The State Department has already on record about the emails. Said emails were "Not Classified When They Passed Through The Server."

The emails were only classified within the past FIVE (05) YEARS.

There remains no clear and certain proof, evidence that Ms. Clinton did knowingly and willing and with intent to do the same, communicate classified information to an individual or individuals unknown.

The emails were classified after the fact.

No violation occurred.
Actually, I believe they were only upgraded to classified and top secret in the last year.

One of them classified as Top Secret after the fact was a freakin New York Times article that was sent to her.


. These distinctions are explained in regular training sessions for employees, usually held annually. Because on a day-to-day basis, it’s ultimately these workers that determine whether or not an email they’re about to send contains classified information.

“It’s incredibly challenging,” said Cohen, who also oversaw DHS counterterrorism programs. “You are, in the course of any given day, provided huge amounts of information, some of it highly classified, some of it classified at lower levels, some of it unclassified."

However, the classified determination doesn’t end once an email has been sent.

Information in a message can be declared classified years after it was initially sent. And the State Department and Intelligence Community can also look at the same text and come to opposite conclusions over whether it contains secret information.

And that’s where the discrepancies are arising between the Office of the Inspector General (IG) of Intelligence Community, Clinton’s campaign and the State Department.
It is astounding to me that Democrats continue to stand behind this criminal. There are none so blind as those who will not see. How do you possibly spin this? The State Dept and our intelligence agencies are conspiring against Hillary? That is absolute nonsense. By compromising Top Secret and SAP information she has potentially put our national security at risk and certainly put lives at risk by her unconscionable abuse of power. This is NOT defensible.
<snip> Older article but with relevant information on the classification process.

"Of the several thousand emails from Hillary Clinton’s private server that have been released to the public, more than 180 have been redacted, meaning they contain information deemed classified. But State Department officials decided only in the past few months that this information should be classified.

This sort of classification upgrade occasionally happens when new information comes into play that affects the sensitivity of the information.

Because the information was classified after the emails were sent, no one mishandled this information at the time by sending it over Clinton’s private server.

To send classified information electronically, the State Department has a secure, closed system. So even if Clinton had used a email address, this would not have been secure enough to transmit classified information. Procedurally, emails would get a label marking them as containing classified information.

.... The emails released so far don’t have labels marking them classified when sent, which supports Clinton’s argument.

"The fact that no emails on her personal server were marked as classified suggests that she generally was doing her classified business on the secure government servers dedicated to that purpose," she said.
Government agencies regularly disagree over what should be classified or not, and transparency advocates say the government overclassifies. (We talked about this at length in a previous article.) It means, though, that the inspectors general’s findings are not definitive proof that Clinton’s server contained classified information...."

Hillary Clinton's emails: classified or not? PolitiFact
The rubes never learn.

Oh wait. This time is different from the other hundred times they declared Obama or Hillary was going to jail for certain. Just because ... well, it is, that's why!
Who are "they"? Liberals always speak as if we know what the fuck they are talking about.
that would be your problem if you didn't know what the fuck they were talking about not ours
It is astounding to me that Democrats continue to stand behind this criminal. There are none so blind as those who will not see. How do you possibly spin this? The State Dept and our intelligence agencies are conspiring against Hillary? That is absolute nonsense. By compromising Top Secret and SAP information she has potentially put our national security at risk and certainly put lives at risk by her unconscionable abuse of power. This is NOT defensible.
What criminal? What the fuck are you talking about, idiot? She hasn't EVER been charged with anything, let alone convicted of anything.

It is amazing how fucking stupid you nutters are.
Actually, she followed the rules and security classifications of the time she was Secretary of State
No actually 22 emails that would endanger our national security was kept on a private email account by her. As told by the Obama administration.
Subsequent reclassification is not a crime

more lies, the data was classified when it was created, it was not reclassified.

do you ever post anything that isn't a lie?

If the data was classified when created, it was marked classified when created.

Who sent known Top Secret information without markings?

Hillary Clinton. Damn, you are stupid. WTF do you think the FBI is investigating?
FBI is not investigating Hillary Clinton

Neither will they file charges against her
you are sooooooooo full of bull shit ... none of her emails fits your criteria, or any of your criteria ... in the article it clearly say there are 22 emails that "MAY" not "ARE" but "MAY" be considered classified and you bite the carrot every time... what a loser you are ... now the law that you quote to us, Mr. ( listen to me ) classified secret agent says if any of her emails have been hacked by a foreign government she will be held accountable... soMr. ( listen to me ) classified secret agent show us where she was hacked ??? oh you forgot that tiny tidbit Mr. ( listen to me ) classified secret agent
That ship has sailed, Sport. Some can't even be released due to their sensitive nature. You're another retard that thinks she never got classified intel.
whose a retard is you ... you don't even know if she violated a law ... or what law she violated you retard 1111
Actually, she followed the rules and security classifications of the time she was Secretary of State
No actually 22 emails that would endanger our national security was kept on a private email account by her. As told by the Obama administration.
Subsequent reclassification is not a crime

more lies, the data was classified when it was created, it was not reclassified.

do you ever post anything that isn't a lie?

If the data was classified when created, it was marked classified when created.

Who sent known Top Secret information without markings?

Wrong. Pictures from spy satellites are classified the minute they are created.
So now Hillary was posting spy satellite pictures?

Red Herring my friend

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