DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

Hillary e-mail contained “operational” intel -- Jeopardized “sources, methods, and lives”

“Convenience” has a high price, no? The reason the State Department was forced to seize 22 Hillary e-mails and deem them to be 'so unclassified they could not be released UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES' and why Obama / the WH declared them to be so potentially damaging to our National Security' has now been revealed:

"...They expose operational intelligence, which could damage “sources, methods, and lives.”

(NOT that, as we have seen based on 'Benghazi' and the 'sacrifice' of Stevens and her lies surrounding the truth of what happened, means much to Hillary!)

In terms of the law, specifically 18 USC 793, these e-mails demonstrates a gross negligence in handling this kind of data, which is classified as a felony:

"(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both"

It has already been proven - and acknowledged by Hillary herself in a video/link already posted - that WHEN these e-mails were so highly classified does NOT matter. The non-disclosure form she signed stated all material / info would be treated AS CLASSIFIED, that the markings did not matter, and that she would be held accountable to that from the moment she signed the document.

Whether Hillary KNOWINGLY (for 'expedience' / to make her job 'easier') OR IGNORANTLY jeopardized critical, TOP SECRET sources, intelligence collection methods, and American lives does not matter. The FACT that she DID is all that legally matters in this case!

Hillary is in a deeeeeeeeeep world of SHITE!

LINK: Oh my: Hillary e-mail contained “operational” intel
“The wiggle room for Mrs. Clinton is that those policies didn’t come into play until after she was gone”

yeah SHE may be able to wiggle out of it but SHE is "riding dirty" why?

Lots and lots of links out there with massive information. I am not going to dig it up for all of you.

3 Federal Laws Hillary May Have Violated By Using Personal Email Accounts for State Business
Harper goes on to point out that multiple violations of this law have been enforced recently, including in 1999, when former CIA Director John M. Deutch’s security clearance was suspended for using his personal email to send classified information.

Additionally, this past week, Gen. David Patraeus pleaded guilty for mishandling classified information by using a Gmail account instead of his official government email.
...and you saw what a disaster that was for the country.

The uppity Negro Muslim was able to put together a coalition of all the despicable greedy assholes in the country but after the disastrous election for the Moon Bats in 2010 and 2014 midterms and the two shitty candidates the Moon Bats have this year it doesn't look good for them.

One of them is a silly ass deranged card carrying Communist and the other one will have an ID card for the Federal Women's Correctional Facility.

Stopped a depression, added 9 million jobs, saved the auto industry, killed bin laden .......not too shabby for a community organizer

If it was true, it would be, but its not. There are more unemployed today than in 2007, more on welfare, more on food stamps, and more underemployed. Plus he has doubled the national debt and made Putin look like a statesman. Bin Laden was found using intel developed during the Bush admin, all obozo did was give the ok to hit him. The auto bailout didn't save anything-------------except the UAW and its donations to the DNC.
What?? There are more people unemployed today (with a larger population) than there were when a real estate bubble was propping up the economy??

You don't say?

Regardless, there are fewer people unemployed today, despite the larger population, than there were when Obama became president.

that is simply not true, they changed the way they count the unemployed to exclude those who are no longer looking for work. its a game and they have you fooled.
No one changed it...people not looking for work have never been included as unemployed (excepting those on temporaty layoff, and, until 1993, those hired but who hadn't started working yet).Until 1967 the interviewer could, at his discretion, list people as unemployed IF the area was particularly depressed and there was clearly no work to look for in their field (a factory/mining town where the factory/mine shut down). But even that specifically excluded many of those we now refer to as discouraged (those who quit looking due to perceived discrimination)

yes, they did change it. now only those who apply for unemployment benefits each week are counted. Those whose benefits have run out or do not apply are not counted.

you also do not mention the millions who are underemployed under the Kenyan messiah's terrible economy, or the doubling of the national debt during his terms.

face it, Obama has been the worst president ever and he is doubling down on that his last year.
Hillary is in a deeeeeeeeeep world of SHITE!

Just take a look at one part of your link. wow.

Someone had to convert this data from secure systems — and most likely SCIF containment — into Hillary’s e-mail system. Even if that person isn’t Hillary, she set up the server for her “convenience” and required her aides to use it. She would have seen the intelligence, and her clearance and signoffs make her responsible to deal with spillage of highly classified material into non-secure systems. On top of that, she kept possession of this information in her home on an unsecured and unauthorized computer — and then shared the database with unauthorized data-management companies. Those are all violations of 18 USC 1924.
"some have questioned" isn't a legal definition.

Sorry, you lose again.

That link is to a much longer article. That is only the beginning. She appears to be in violation of some Federal records acts. Hence her Ark two-step answers and tricks on display.
She "appears to be"...more conjure from far rightwing cesspools of disinformation.

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All the Cons have is Assumption, Conjecture, Contention and Supposition.

Cons cannot argue against the facts regarding the so-called "Classified" Material was not classified until 5-years after the fact.

They do not attempt how this classified material was transferred to an unsecure server.

Facts give Cons a headache.

"some have questioned" isn't a legal definition.

Sorry, you lose again.

That link is to a much longer article. That is only the beginning. She appears to be in violation of some Federal records acts. Hence her Ark two-step answers and tricks on display.
She "appears to be"...more conjure from far rightwing cesspools of disinformation.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

All the Cons have is Assumption, Conjecture, Contention and Supposition.

Cons cannot argue against the facts regarding the so-called "Classified" Material was not classified until 5-years after the fact.

They do not attempt how this classified material was transferred to an unsecure server.

Facts give Cons a headache.


Stopped a depression, added 9 million jobs, saved the auto industry, killed bin laden .......not too shabby for a community organizer

If it was true, it would be, but its not. There are more unemployed today than in 2007, more on welfare, more on food stamps, and more underemployed. Plus he has doubled the national debt and made Putin look like a statesman. Bin Laden was found using intel developed during the Bush admin, all obozo did was give the ok to hit him. The auto bailout didn't save anything-------------except the UAW and its donations to the DNC.
What?? There are more people unemployed today (with a larger population) than there were when a real estate bubble was propping up the economy??

You don't say?

Regardless, there are fewer people unemployed today, despite the larger population, than there were when Obama became president.
That is only if you only count the ones still qualified to collect unemployment benefits. If you count the ones who ran out of unemployment or was forced to take a part time job the number is way higher.
You idiot. :cuckoo: The second link I posted was to folks no longer collecting unemployment benefits. Even if you add those taking part time jobs for economic reasons, there are still fewer than when Obama became president. And that's still not even factoring in population growth.
After Five Years Of Obamanomics, A Record 100 Million Americans Not Working

What part of record do you not understand?
After Five Years Of Obamanomics, A Record 100 Million Americans Not Working
he Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) jobs report for December counted 74,000 jobs created last month. That was less than half the 200,000 new jobs expected.
Nevertheless, the BLS reported those 74,000 new jobs as reducing at least what it calls the U3 unemployment rate by three tenths of a percentage point, from 7.0% to 6.7%. That was because 347,000 workers fled the work force altogether last month, and so were no longer counted as unemployed.
Those 347,000 workers leaving the workforce altogether were almost 5 times (4.689) the 74,000 new jobs created. But the BLS, and the New York Times, still count that as headline unemployment plummeting on net to 6.7% from 7.0%. In fact, all of the decline in the U3 headline unemployment rate since President Obama entered office has been due to workers leavingthe work force, and therefore no longer counted as unemployed, rather than to new jobs created.
Those 347,000 for December, 2013, however, are still out there not working, and suffering. Indeed, they joined a near record of more than 102 million Americans not working in December, all still out there and suffering without jobs. Those 102 million Americans are the human face of an employment-population ratio stuck at a pitiful 58.6%. In fact, more than 100 million Americans were not working in Obama’s workers’ paradise for all of 2013 and 2012.
You do understand that there is a difference between number of Americans working and number of people, including illegal aliens, working in our country right? 80% of our job growth went to illegal aliens.
Seal the border.
No more immigrants until every American who wants a job has a job that pays a living wage.

Its workforce participation rate again.......Damn you Obama
Hillary's IT requirements were NOT like everyone else's, as hers were required to obey a host of laws.

...and half the people in the govt aren't under investigation.

She broke the law, proven. The arguments about markings and the State Dept having cleared her of anything have been proven false.

Why aren't the people who sent her classified information under investigation?

Don't Republicans care about them?

Stopped a depression, added 9 million jobs, saved the auto industry, killed bin laden .......not too shabby for a community organizer

If it was true, it would be, but its not. There are more unemployed today than in 2007, more on welfare, more on food stamps, and more underemployed. Plus he has doubled the national debt and made Putin look like a statesman. Bin Laden was found using intel developed during the Bush admin, all obozo did was give the ok to hit him. The auto bailout didn't save anything-------------except the UAW and its donations to the DNC.
What?? There are more people unemployed today (with a larger population) than there were when a real estate bubble was propping up the economy??

You don't say?

Regardless, there are fewer people unemployed today, despite the larger population, than there were when Obama became president.

that is simply not true, they changed the way they count the unemployed to exclude those who are no longer looking for work. its a game and they have you fooled.
No one changed it...people not looking for work have never been included as unemployed (excepting those on temporaty layoff, and, until 1993, those hired but who hadn't started working yet).Until 1967 the interviewer could, at his discretion, list people as unemployed IF the area was particularly depressed and there was clearly no work to look for in their field (a factory/mining town where the factory/mine shut down). But even that specifically excluded many of those we now refer to as discouraged (those who quit looking due to perceived discrimination)

yes, they did change it. now only those who apply for unemployment benefits each week are counted. Those whose benefits have run out or do not apply are not counted.
Where on earth did you get that idea from???? The survey used for the unemployment rate doesn't even ask about benefits.
"6. Is the count of unemployed persons limited to just those people receiving unemployment insurance benefits?

No; the estimate of unemployment is based on a monthly sample survey of households. All persons who are without jobs and are actively seeking and available to work are included among the unemployed. (People on temporary layoff are included even if they do not actively seek work.) There is no requirement or question relating to unemployment insurance benefits in the monthly survey.

Oh, and where is your evidence it was changed? The definiton has always had looking for work as a requirement...and I already mentioned the exceptions.

you also do not mention the millions who are underemployed under the Kenyan messiah's terrible economy, or the doubling of the national debt during his terms.
why would I bring those up in the discussion of unemployment?[/i][/b]
Last edited:
All the Cons have is Assumption, Conjecture, Contention and Supposition.

Cons cannot argue against the facts regarding the so-called "Classified" Material was not classified until 5-years after the fact.
Bravo, you Libs claimed that Hillary was innocent because the e-mails were never classified when she stored, sent, or received them. That was NOT 'fact'. That was a LIE! It was proven by Hillary's own admission on video, the link already having been provided.

You libs tried to claim as 'fact' that the State Department had already cleared Hillary of any wrong-doing...except the REAL FACT is the State Department exposed Hillary's lie AND CRIME be declaring / proving she had not turned all of the documents she was required to by law! This has been proven as well, the link already posted, too.

You try to cover your ass by ignoring these facts and still call others 'liars', much like Hillary did to the grieving families of the victims of Benghazi when they called her on her lie to them. It is beyond pathetic and despicable.

You have proved you have no honor, no integrity, no honesty, can not be trusted. You're done.
Hillary's IT requirements were NOT like everyone else's, as hers were required to obey a host of laws.

...and half the people in the govt aren't under investigation.

She broke the law, proven. The arguments about markings and the State Dept having cleared her of anything have been proven false.

Why aren't the people who sent her classified information under investigation?

Don't Republicans care about them?
What a good ol' Saul Alynski-following, obedient Liberal apologist. You have repeatedly asked this question...and the answer is STILL the same:

You have no proof that they aren't being investigated.
Republicans are not running this investigation - The FBI, led by Obama's hand-picked guy, is doing so.

We're just like you - sitting back watching and waiting for it to all play out. The only difference is WE aren't sweating and freaking out over it like Hillary and all you Libs are. :p

yes, they did change it. now only those who apply for unemployment benefits each week are counted. Those whose benefits have run out or do not apply are not counted.

you also do not mention the millions who are underemployed under the Kenyan messiah's terrible economy, or the doubling of the national debt during his terms.

face it, Obama has been the worst president ever and he is doubling down on that his last year.

Most of the BLM data is collected by only surveying a few people. Very inaccurate and can be manipulated by the administration as we have seen with Obama.

These Moon Bats are simply too stupid to understand that Obama is lying to them.

They think Obama has led us to prosperity because he told them he has, the lying bastard.
Platte River is a huge deal, wins awards, and keeps Secret / TS/SCI-filled servers in their BATHROOM?! :p

Yeah, ok... LOL!
the point I was making is fox noise and other republican or conservatives were saying her server was in a closet in a bathroom in boulder colorado trying to ridicule her that turn out to be what republicans always do they lie... I proved that was a lie by posting it from the CEO of plate canyon network.. as for being a sever that was secure from hackers ... if you read up on them you will find that they are more secure then government servers we have ... yes the don't have a government clearance ... two reason why ... they haven't applied for one .. the second reason the didn't want to apply for a government clearance ... to much bull shit
It's also a FELONY for Hillary to hand a server containing classified information over to anyone who doesn't have a clearance and a "need to know"....

Thank you for admitting that you are backing a criminal (and have no problem doing so, since Democrats tend to consider them to be role models)....

Whoever is leaking it out is already helping to make the FBI's 'PUBLIC' case against Hillary to create too much pressure on the DOJ and Obama to refuse to call for a Grand Jury and her Indictment. Of course it was Stephenopolis that interviewed Hillary, 'ambushed' her with her own security form, and got her to admit she signed the document that eliminated her ability to claim no markings at the time made it legal for her to do so.


Nixon was forced to step down because he became embroiled in some spying of one party on another and for the audio-tapes. It wasn't anything that could gravely damage our national security...but was still a crime. She even tried to prevent him from getting his legal defense counsel.

Hillary broke laws and DID gravely jeopardize our national security...and she is still campaigning, being defended by 'loyalists'. Nixon at least cared enough for this country to NOT want to drag it through a scandal that he stepped down...unlike Bill Clinton...and now Hillary. Sad...

You just wait until I get out of jail! I won't be
too old to run for President in 2060. You wait
and see. By then Liberals in Congress will have
illegals and Felons able to vote AND run for


You Tell 'Em, Baby!


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Hillary's IT requirements were NOT like everyone else's, as hers were required to obey a host of laws.

...and half the people in the govt aren't under investigation.

She broke the law, proven. The arguments about markings and the State Dept having cleared her of anything have been proven false.

Why aren't the people who sent her classified information under investigation?

Don't Republicans care about them?
What a good ol' Saul Alynski-following, obedient Liberal apologist. You have repeatedly asked this question...and the answer is STILL the same:

You have no proof that they aren't being investigated.
Republicans are not running this investigation - The FBI, led by Obama's hand-picked guy, is doing so.

We're just like you - sitting back watching and waiting for it to all play out. The only difference is WE aren't sweating and freaking out over it like Hillary and all you Libs are. :p

Ohhhhhhh NOOOoooooo


Where is lab rat Trey Gowdy with an investigation of anyone but Hillary?

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