DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'


yes, they did change it. now only those who apply for unemployment benefits each week are counted. Those whose benefits have run out or do not apply are not counted.

you also do not mention the millions who are underemployed under the Kenyan messiah's terrible economy, or the doubling of the national debt during his terms.

face it, Obama has been the worst president ever and he is doubling down on that his last year.

Most of the BLM data is collected by only surveying a few people. Very inaccurate and can be manipulated by the administration as we have seen with Obama..
60,000 households every month. Big enough. Margin of error for the labor force and employed is +/- 0.3% and for unemployed +/- 3.2%. The Une ployment rate if +/- 0.2 percentage points. So not "very inaccurate." And no, we have not seen how the data can be manipulated by anyone. At most people can selectively choose what to mention (as Obama has).
Given that Hillary's lawyer insists on having copies of all of her emails, I wonder if he has the clearance to handle those? If not, he could be in big trouble too.
Ohhhhhhh NOOOoooooo


Where is lab rat Trey Gowdy with an investigation of anyone but Hillary?

When you get busted for pushing lies as the truth and for repeating the same ol' things just to see your name appear, you're FUNNY!

Given that Hillary's lawyer insists on having copies of all of her emails, I wonder if he has the clearance to handle those? If not, he could be in big trouble too.

SWEET BABY JESUS-- The State Department has repeatedly stated that Hillary Clinton has done nothing wrong.

State Department spokesman John Kirby said the documents, totaling 37 pages, were not marked classified at the time they were sent, but are being upgraded at the request of the Intelligence Community because they contain sensitive information.
[FONT=CNN, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Utkal, sans-serif]State Department will not release 22 'top secret' Clinton emails -

Hillary Clinton has done nothing wrong. She never sent or received any documents marked as classified or Top Secret.


Hillary Clinton herself has requested that these emails be released to the public. Over the past 4 years, the interagencies within the State department have decided to re-classify them as confidential--meaning they don't want them released to the public. It's as simple as that.

Last edited:
Given that Hillary's lawyer insists on having copies of all of her emails, I wonder if he has the clearance to handle those? If not, he could be in big trouble too.

SWEET BABY JESUS-- The State Department has repeatedly stated that Hillary Clinton has done nothing wrong.

State Department spokesman John Kirby said the documents, totaling 37 pages, were not marked classified at the time they were sent, but are being upgraded at the request of the Intelligence Community because they contain sensitive information.
[FONT=CNN, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Utkal, sans-serif]State Department will not release 22 'top secret' Clinton emails -

Hillary Clinton has done nothing wrong. She never sent or received any documents marked as classified or Top Secret.


As Sec State, Hillary was responsible to mark information as classified. The fact that she did not do so is a dereliction of duty, not a cover. The excuse that she did not know the information was classified is not an excuse.
How about answering the question? Can you cite a case identical to HIllary where anyone got jail time?

I don't find any "receivers" right away. But there are "senders" doing time. I ain't working this hard.

Former CIA Officer Arrested for Alleged Unauthorized Disclosure of National Defense Information and Obstruction of Justice | OPA | Department of Justice
Jeffrey Alexander Sterling, 43, of O’Fallon, Mo., was charged in a 10-count indictment returned by a federal grand jury in the Eastern District of Virginia on Dec. 22, 2010, and unsealed today. The indictment charges Sterling with six counts of unauthorized disclosure of national defense information, and one count each of unlawful retention of national defense information, mail fraud, unauthorized conveyance of government property and obstruction of justice. Sterling was arrested today in St. Louis and is expected to make his initial appearance this afternoon before U.S. Magistrate Judge Terry I. Adelman in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri.

Sterling knowingly gave information to a journalist.

It should also be noted that James Risen, the guy who RECEIVED the information was not charged with a crime, which seems to bolster my point.

I should also point out that Risen was not authorized to have the information that he had. Hillary was authorized to have the information in these e-mails. So you really don't have a case, guy.
Actually, Joey, there IS a case.....

See, the law requires that you safeguard classified information that you DO have legitimate access to, and there are stiff penalties for any violations.....

And we know that Hillary had over 1,300 emails containing classified information on her server.....

Now explain how having her turn that information over to some yahoo in Denver (with NO security clearance) where he could store it IN HIS BATHROOM is no big deal.....
you may not know it due to your beloved right wing media regurgitation fest, BUT, stored in the bathroom part is a LIE.
So you admit that the part about her turning a server containing over 1,300 classified emails to a bunch of yahoos with no security clearance IS true???

That's one felony count PER EMAIL, regardless of where they stored it...
They were not classified at the time, I believe all that has been classified for the FOIA requested release, was JUST NOW classified... years after she left office....and they are still in dispute between the present State Dept and the present intelligence Community, and yet ANOTHER review by a State dept IG is in the help settle the dispute between the 2 depts.
Given that Hillary's lawyer insists on having copies of all of her emails, I wonder if he has the clearance to handle those? If not, he could be in big trouble too.

SWEET BABY JESUS-- The State Department has repeatedly stated that Hillary Clinton has done nothing wrong.

State Department spokesman John Kirby said the documents, totaling 37 pages, were not marked classified at the time they were sent, but are being upgraded at the request of the Intelligence Community because they contain sensitive information.
[FONT=CNN, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Utkal, sans-serif]State Department will not release 22 'top secret' Clinton emails -

Hillary Clinton has done nothing wrong. She never sent or received any documents marked as classified or Top Secret.


Would that happen to be the same State Department that's being run by John Kerry (who used a private, unsecured server to trade emails containing classified information with Hillary when she was SoS)???
Official: Withheld Clinton emails contain 'operational' intel, put lives at risk | Fox News

Meanwhile, the release of other emails has revealed more about the high-level exchange of classified information on personal accounts. Among the latest batch of emails released by the State Department is an exchange between Clinton and then-Sen. John Kerry, now secretary of state. Sections are fully redacted, citing classified information – and both Kerry and Clinton were using unsecured, personal accounts.
Given that Hillary's lawyer insists on having copies of all of her emails, I wonder if he has the clearance to handle those? If not, he could be in big trouble too.

SWEET BABY JESUS-- The State Department has repeatedly stated that Hillary Clinton has done nothing wrong.

State Department spokesman John Kirby said the documents, totaling 37 pages, were not marked classified at the time they were sent, but are being upgraded at the request of the Intelligence Community because they contain sensitive information.
[FONT=CNN, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Utkal, sans-serif]State Department will not release 22 'top secret' Clinton emails -

Hillary Clinton has done nothing wrong. She never sent or received any documents marked as classified or Top Secret.


Would that happen to be the same State Department that's being run by John Kerry (who used a private, unsecured server to trade emails containing classified information with Hillary when she was SoS)???
Official: Withheld Clinton emails contain 'operational' intel, put lives at risk | Fox News

Meanwhile, the release of other emails has revealed more about the high-level exchange of classified information on personal accounts. Among the latest batch of emails released by the State Department is an exchange between Clinton and then-Sen. John Kerry, now secretary of state. Sections are fully redacted, citing classified information – and both Kerry and Clinton were using unsecured, personal accounts.
That's why Hillary won't do a perp walk, no matter what they find. She's too connected and knows where too many skeletons are. The best we can hope for is the disintegration of her campaign.
I don't find any "receivers" right away. But there are "senders" doing time. I ain't working this hard.

Former CIA Officer Arrested for Alleged Unauthorized Disclosure of National Defense Information and Obstruction of Justice | OPA | Department of Justice
Jeffrey Alexander Sterling, 43, of O’Fallon, Mo., was charged in a 10-count indictment returned by a federal grand jury in the Eastern District of Virginia on Dec. 22, 2010, and unsealed today. The indictment charges Sterling with six counts of unauthorized disclosure of national defense information, and one count each of unlawful retention of national defense information, mail fraud, unauthorized conveyance of government property and obstruction of justice. Sterling was arrested today in St. Louis and is expected to make his initial appearance this afternoon before U.S. Magistrate Judge Terry I. Adelman in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri.

Sterling knowingly gave information to a journalist.

It should also be noted that James Risen, the guy who RECEIVED the information was not charged with a crime, which seems to bolster my point.

I should also point out that Risen was not authorized to have the information that he had. Hillary was authorized to have the information in these e-mails. So you really don't have a case, guy.
Actually, Joey, there IS a case.....

See, the law requires that you safeguard classified information that you DO have legitimate access to, and there are stiff penalties for any violations.....

And we know that Hillary had over 1,300 emails containing classified information on her server.....

Now explain how having her turn that information over to some yahoo in Denver (with NO security clearance) where he could store it IN HIS BATHROOM is no big deal.....
you may not know it due to your beloved right wing media regurgitation fest, BUT, stored in the bathroom part is a LIE.
So you admit that the part about her turning a server containing over 1,300 classified emails to a bunch of yahoos with no security clearance IS true???

That's one felony count PER EMAIL, regardless of where they stored it...
They were not classified at the time, I believe all that has been classified for the FOIA requested release, was JUST NOW classified... years after she left office....and they are still in dispute between the present State Dept and the present intelligence Community, and yet ANOTHER review by a State dept IG is in the help settle the dispute between the 2 depts.
Any information that includes intelligence sources and assets is considered to be "born classified", and Hillary knew that....

Why else would she just tell her underlings to strip the classification headers in order to send classified information over an unsecured network????
I don't find any "receivers" right away. But there are "senders" doing time. I ain't working this hard.

Former CIA Officer Arrested for Alleged Unauthorized Disclosure of National Defense Information and Obstruction of Justice | OPA | Department of Justice
Jeffrey Alexander Sterling, 43, of O’Fallon, Mo., was charged in a 10-count indictment returned by a federal grand jury in the Eastern District of Virginia on Dec. 22, 2010, and unsealed today. The indictment charges Sterling with six counts of unauthorized disclosure of national defense information, and one count each of unlawful retention of national defense information, mail fraud, unauthorized conveyance of government property and obstruction of justice. Sterling was arrested today in St. Louis and is expected to make his initial appearance this afternoon before U.S. Magistrate Judge Terry I. Adelman in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri.

Sterling knowingly gave information to a journalist.

It should also be noted that James Risen, the guy who RECEIVED the information was not charged with a crime, which seems to bolster my point.

I should also point out that Risen was not authorized to have the information that he had. Hillary was authorized to have the information in these e-mails. So you really don't have a case, guy.
Actually, Joey, there IS a case.....

See, the law requires that you safeguard classified information that you DO have legitimate access to, and there are stiff penalties for any violations.....

And we know that Hillary had over 1,300 emails containing classified information on her server.....

Now explain how having her turn that information over to some yahoo in Denver (with NO security clearance) where he could store it IN HIS BATHROOM is no big deal.....
you may not know it due to your beloved right wing media regurgitation fest, BUT, stored in the bathroom part is a LIE.
So you admit that the part about her turning a server containing over 1,300 classified emails to a bunch of yahoos with no security clearance IS true???

That's one felony count PER EMAIL, regardless of where they stored it...
They were not classified at the time, I believe all that has been classified for the FOIA requested release, was JUST NOW classified... years after she left office....and they are still in dispute between the present State Dept and the present intelligence Community, and yet ANOTHER review by a State dept IG is in the help settle the dispute between the 2 depts.
Even if that is significant given that Hillary had the authority and responsibility to so mark them, again, does Hillary's lawyer have the clearance to handle them?
Sterling knowingly gave information to a journalist.

It should also be noted that James Risen, the guy who RECEIVED the information was not charged with a crime, which seems to bolster my point.

I should also point out that Risen was not authorized to have the information that he had. Hillary was authorized to have the information in these e-mails. So you really don't have a case, guy.
Actually, Joey, there IS a case.....

See, the law requires that you safeguard classified information that you DO have legitimate access to, and there are stiff penalties for any violations.....

And we know that Hillary had over 1,300 emails containing classified information on her server.....

Now explain how having her turn that information over to some yahoo in Denver (with NO security clearance) where he could store it IN HIS BATHROOM is no big deal.....
you may not know it due to your beloved right wing media regurgitation fest, BUT, stored in the bathroom part is a LIE.
So you admit that the part about her turning a server containing over 1,300 classified emails to a bunch of yahoos with no security clearance IS true???

That's one felony count PER EMAIL, regardless of where they stored it...
They were not classified at the time, I believe all that has been classified for the FOIA requested release, was JUST NOW classified... years after she left office....and they are still in dispute between the present State Dept and the present intelligence Community, and yet ANOTHER review by a State dept IG is in the help settle the dispute between the 2 depts.
Any information that includes intelligence sources and assets is considered to be "born classified", and Hillary knew that....

Why else would she just tell her underlings to strip the classification headers in order to send classified information over an unsecured network????
she told him to strip the heading and turn it in to paperless and send it.....if the secure fax was not fixed soon.

That does not mean he sent or was to send the classified information if there was any, in the Talking Points Memo...

Strip the headings and making it paperless, could very well mean what she has said it meant....which is remove the classified parts if any, and send me the rest....
Actually, Joey, there IS a case.....

See, the law requires that you safeguard classified information that you DO have legitimate access to, and there are stiff penalties for any violations.....

And we know that Hillary had over 1,300 emails containing classified information on her server.....

Now explain how having her turn that information over to some yahoo in Denver (with NO security clearance) where he could store it IN HIS BATHROOM is no big deal.....
you may not know it due to your beloved right wing media regurgitation fest, BUT, stored in the bathroom part is a LIE.
So you admit that the part about her turning a server containing over 1,300 classified emails to a bunch of yahoos with no security clearance IS true???

That's one felony count PER EMAIL, regardless of where they stored it...
They were not classified at the time, I believe all that has been classified for the FOIA requested release, was JUST NOW classified... years after she left office....and they are still in dispute between the present State Dept and the present intelligence Community, and yet ANOTHER review by a State dept IG is in the help settle the dispute between the 2 depts.
Any information that includes intelligence sources and assets is considered to be "born classified", and Hillary knew that....

Why else would she just tell her underlings to strip the classification headers in order to send classified information over an unsecured network????
she told him to strip the heading and turn it in to paperless and send it.....if the secure fax was not fixed soon.

That does not mean he sent or was to send the classified information if there was any, in the Talking Points Memo...

Strip the headings and making it paperless, could very well mean what she has said it meant....which is remove the classified parts if any, and send me the rest....
She was responsible to mark information as classified. I want to know why she ducked that responsibility.
Sterling knowingly gave information to a journalist.

It should also be noted that James Risen, the guy who RECEIVED the information was not charged with a crime, which seems to bolster my point.

I should also point out that Risen was not authorized to have the information that he had. Hillary was authorized to have the information in these e-mails. So you really don't have a case, guy.
Actually, Joey, there IS a case.....

See, the law requires that you safeguard classified information that you DO have legitimate access to, and there are stiff penalties for any violations.....

And we know that Hillary had over 1,300 emails containing classified information on her server.....

Now explain how having her turn that information over to some yahoo in Denver (with NO security clearance) where he could store it IN HIS BATHROOM is no big deal.....
you may not know it due to your beloved right wing media regurgitation fest, BUT, stored in the bathroom part is a LIE.
So you admit that the part about her turning a server containing over 1,300 classified emails to a bunch of yahoos with no security clearance IS true???

That's one felony count PER EMAIL, regardless of where they stored it...
They were not classified at the time, I believe all that has been classified for the FOIA requested release, was JUST NOW classified... years after she left office....and they are still in dispute between the present State Dept and the present intelligence Community, and yet ANOTHER review by a State dept IG is in the help settle the dispute between the 2 depts.
Even if that is significant given that Hillary had the authority and responsibility to so mark them, again, does Hillary's lawyer have the clearance to handle them?
BTW, do you know the rules she was to follow to make something classified? Was it her duty alone, or was it a consensus, or did it involve checking with the intelligence committee as well... what exactly are the rules on classifying stuff? Is it willy nilly?

To this very day, Kerry's State Dept is arguing that these items emailed did not contain stuff that was not already in the public arena, and another review is taking place now by the State Dept IG.... and Hillary wants all the email's released still, so we will see....
Given that Hillary's lawyer insists on having copies of all of her emails, I wonder if he has the clearance to handle those? If not, he could be in big trouble too.

SWEET BABY JESUS-- The State Department has repeatedly stated that Hillary Clinton has done nothing wrong.

State Department spokesman John Kirby said the documents, totaling 37 pages, were not marked classified at the time they were sent, but are being upgraded at the request of the Intelligence Community because they contain sensitive information.
[FONT=CNN, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Utkal, sans-serif]State Department will not release 22 'top secret' Clinton emails -

Hillary Clinton has done nothing wrong. She never sent or received any documents marked as classified or Top Secret.


Hillary Clinton herself has requested that these emails be released to the public. Over the past 4 years, the interagencies within the State department have decided to re-classify them as confidential--meaning they don't want them released to the public. It's as simple as that.


You either intentionally remain ignorant, or YOU LIE! The link has been posted, several times, to where the State Department declared that Hillary did NOT released all of the documents and e-mails she was supposed to AS REQUIRED BY THE LAW. In doing so they provided testimony to the fact that Hillary broke the law!

Also, it doesn't give a damn what the State Department states in regards to their OPINION regarding her guilt or innocent. The ONLY one who can 'clear her', as you repeatedly have falsely claimed the State Dept has done, is the FBI. Repeating the lies don't make it true. It makes you look ignorant and destroys your credibility (if you still have any)!
Actually, Joey, there IS a case.....

See, the law requires that you safeguard classified information that you DO have legitimate access to, and there are stiff penalties for any violations.....

And we know that Hillary had over 1,300 emails containing classified information on her server.....

Now explain how having her turn that information over to some yahoo in Denver (with NO security clearance) where he could store it IN HIS BATHROOM is no big deal.....
you may not know it due to your beloved right wing media regurgitation fest, BUT, stored in the bathroom part is a LIE.
So you admit that the part about her turning a server containing over 1,300 classified emails to a bunch of yahoos with no security clearance IS true???

That's one felony count PER EMAIL, regardless of where they stored it...
They were not classified at the time, I believe all that has been classified for the FOIA requested release, was JUST NOW classified... years after she left office....and they are still in dispute between the present State Dept and the present intelligence Community, and yet ANOTHER review by a State dept IG is in the help settle the dispute between the 2 depts.
Any information that includes intelligence sources and assets is considered to be "born classified", and Hillary knew that....

Why else would she just tell her underlings to strip the classification headers in order to send classified information over an unsecured network????
she told him to strip the heading and turn it in to paperless and send it.....if the secure fax was not fixed soon.

That does not mean he sent or was to send the classified information if there was any, in the Talking Points Memo...

Strip the headings and making it paperless, could very well mean what she has said it meant....which is remove the classified parts if any, and send me the rest....
So do you actually think you can explain away the fact that classified information was redacted on over 1,300 emails that went through Hillary's server with THAT Bullshit???

Besides, if we're just referring to "talking points", why not just type up an email???

By your own admission, Hillary had an aide STRIP CLASSIFICATION HEADERS in order to forward information (including CLASSIFIED INFORMATION , so important that she see the source of the information, instead of a "talking point" that any flunky in her office could just make up and email without stripping headers, since a regular email wouldn't have them)....

Thank you so much for coming around and exposing yourself as one of the most flagrant liars on USMB, and demonstrating that you will attempt to go to ANY lengths to defend Hillary's felonious behavior.....
They were not classified at the time...


You continue to ignore the facts / the link / the VIDEO that shows Hillary admitting that the Non-Disclosure SHE SIGNED makes it clear that markings on the documents DO NOT MATTER, that ALL e-mails, documents, material 'is to be treated as classified', and that she was to be HELD ACCOUNTABLE to that agreement from the moment she signed it.

Signing that document simultaneously BOUND her to that agreement AND eliminated any and all arguments / defenses claiming 'not classified at the time = legal'! Doing so was / is VERY MUCH ILLEGAL ACCORDING TO THE DOCUMENT SHE SIGNED.

Repeated claims at this point that she is somehow innocent because documents may not have been classified at the time are wrong, bogus, false, inaccurate, null and void, a ruse, a LIE! Those who repeat the claim are LIARS!
BTW, do you know the rules she was to follow to make something classified?

Yes, YES WE DO! Her non-disclosure agreement, that she signed, directed her to treat ALL information as CLASSIFIED. She agreed to it. She Signed it. She was bound to it. She violated it - she broke the law.

BTW, her non-disclosure agreement also specifically stated that it was HER JOB to know the classification levels of information she would be dealing with. Ignorance is no excuse for the law - neither is 'expediency', belief one is 'above the law'. According to the agreement / legally binding document she signed it was HER JOB to KNOW the classification of information she dealt with AND her JOB to treat ALL info as CLASSIFIED!

DONE! Go to Jail, go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not...

yes, they did change it. now only those who apply for unemployment benefits each week are counted. Those whose benefits have run out or do not apply are not counted.

you also do not mention the millions who are underemployed under the Kenyan messiah's terrible economy, or the doubling of the national debt during his terms.

face it, Obama has been the worst president ever and he is doubling down on that his last year.

Most of the BLM data is collected by only surveying a few people. Very inaccurate and can be manipulated by the administration as we have seen with Obama..
60,000 households every month. Big enough. Margin of error for the labor force and employed is +/- 0.3% and for unemployed +/- 3.2%. The Une ployment rate if +/- 0.2 percentage points. So not "very inaccurate." And no, we have not seen how the data can be manipulated by anyone. At most people can selectively choose what to mention (as Obama has).

I have been living in the US for almost seven decades and not only have I ever got a call from the government bastards but I have never heard of anybody else that ever got called by them.

That is a piss poor way to determine employment in this country and is easily manipulated by the administration.

I don't know where they are getting their sample pool but I do know they haven't called my daughter in law who has a Master's degree in her field and experience and hasn't been able to find a job for the last year.

I know that when I review resumes for the engineering consulting firm I help out with we get sores and scores for every position we advertise. Many of them are experienced engineers that are willing to take lower jobs than they had in order to get work.

You have this dispicable Gruberidiot mentality that you trust what Obama is telling you and that is one of the reasons we ridicule you Moon Bats so much. You really need to think seriously about pulling your head out of your ass.

The economy is in bad shape because of Obama's Left Wing policies of redistributing wealth rather than stimulate business. That is why we are getting poorer with increased poverty, decreased family income, piss poor economic growth, tremendous debt, a large number of people given up working and rising health care cost.

Just this last week Johnson Controls announced they are moving out of the US to Ireland because of the tremendous tax burden the government has put on the company. They have joined many others in doing that.

Meanwhile you idiots plan to vote for this moron Sanders who wants to increase taxes even more or the piece of shit Hillary bitch that is claiming she will continue Obama's failed policies.

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