DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

No results found for mission statement.
BREAKING: Hillary Clinton Put Spies’ Lives at Risk

Learn how LINKS work, daws....

...and the answer is STILL 'no'...
learn to read "No results found for MISSION STATEMENT

Mission statement
A mission statement is a statement which is used as a way of communicating the purpose of the organization. Although most of the time it will remain the same for a long period of time, it is not uncommon for organizations to update their mission statement and generally happens when an organization evolves.
paranoid and ignorant is no way to go through life there. queasy.
Ah, you're trying to find a 'mission statement' in an attempt to find anything about them to sue to try to discredit them and the facts they just published about Hillary ... and you came up with nothing.

Daws, you're trying to hard, which I applaud you for doing as a Liberal (a rarity). You should stick with the quick Liberal 101 comeback of 'your source isn't valid' (cause I say so).
Ah, you're trying to find a 'mission statement' in an attempt to find anything about them to sue to try to discredit them and the facts they just published about Hillary ... and you came up with nothing.

Daws, you're trying to hard, which I applaud you for doing as a Liberal (a rarity). You should stick with the quick Liberal 101 comeback of 'your source isn't valid' (cause I say so).
if they have no mission statement they have no credibility.....if they had it might give them some,
instead they appeal to slap dicks like yourself who don't know difference between, to,too and two,

Definition of slap-dick

  • Something that is made or put together with poor quality.This paint job is slap-dick.
    Last edited on Mar 09 2000. Submitted by Fred S. from Woodland Hills, CA, USA on Mar 09 2000.

  • Stronger than dipshit. A man who is such a loser he needs to have a dick slapped upside his head. Complete moron.
Definition of slap-dick

  • Something that is made or put together with poor quality.This paint job is slap-dick.
    Last edited on Mar 09 2000. Submitted by Fred S. from Woodland Hills, CA, USA on Mar 09 2000.

  • Stronger than dipshit. A man who is such a loser he needs to have a dick slapped upside his head. Complete moron.
An incredibly insightful response. The kind that makes you proud to be an American .
"some have questioned" isn't a legal definition.

Sorry, you lose again.

That link is to a much longer article. That is only the beginning. She appears to be in violation of some Federal records acts. Hence her Ark two-step answers and tricks on display.
She "appears to be"...more conjure from far rightwing cesspools of disinformation.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

All the Cons have is Assumption, Conjecture, Contention and Supposition.

Cons cannot argue against the facts regarding the so-called "Classified" Material was not classified until 5-years after the fact.

They do not attempt how this classified material was transferred to an unsecure server.

Facts give Cons a headache.


Good luck with that.

Cons are not known for their love of facts, especially when the facts do no support the lie(s) they have been told.
Given that Hillary's lawyer insists on having copies of all of her emails, I wonder if he has the clearance to handle those? If not, he could be in big trouble too.

SWEET BABY JESUS-- The State Department has repeatedly stated that Hillary Clinton has done nothing wrong.

State Department spokesman John Kirby said the documents, totaling 37 pages, were not marked classified at the time they were sent, but are being upgraded at the request of the Intelligence Community because they contain sensitive information.
[FONT=CNN, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Utkal, sans-serif]State Department will not release 22 'top secret' Clinton emails -

Hillary Clinton has done nothing wrong. She never sent or received any documents marked as classified or Top Secret.


As Sec State, Hillary was responsible to mark information as classified. The fact that she did not do so is a dereliction of duty, not a cover. The excuse that she did not know the information was classified is not an excuse.

Nope--there are many agencies within the State Department--that mark documents as classified or not classified--depending on which department wanted something xxxxx out of a document. She is not going to be charged with anything get over it. These emails may not even have had anything to do with National Security--and are more of inter agency diplomacy--between one employee of the state department to another--that one of these agencies don't want released to the public.

You have jumped into a hot vat of grease again, and you should know by now from these former FBI investigations of the Clinton's that absolutely nothing EVER comes out of them.

State Department spokesman John Kirby said the documents, totaling 37 pages, were not marked classified at the time they were sent, but are being upgraded at the request of the Intelligence Community because they contain sensitive information.
[FONT=CNN, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Utkal, sans-serif]State Department will not release 22 'top secret' Clinton emails -


Sensitive information could be anything from an insult about an employee--or a discussion between employees of the state department, etc. Which is probably why Hillary Clinton has already asked that they release these emails.
Last edited:
Given that Hillary's lawyer insists on having copies of all of her emails, I wonder if he has the clearance to handle those? If not, he could be in big trouble too.

SWEET BABY JESUS-- The State Department has repeatedly stated that Hillary Clinton has done nothing wrong.

State Department spokesman John Kirby said the documents, totaling 37 pages, were not marked classified at the time they were sent, but are being upgraded at the request of the Intelligence Community because they contain sensitive information.
[FONT=CNN, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Utkal, sans-serif]State Department will not release 22 'top secret' Clinton emails -

Hillary Clinton has done nothing wrong. She never sent or received any documents marked as classified or Top Secret.


As Sec State, Hillary was responsible to mark information as classified. The fact that she did not do so is a dereliction of duty, not a cover. The excuse that she did not know the information was classified is not an excuse.

Nope--there are many agencies within the State Department--that mark documents as classified or not classified--depending on which department wanted something xxxxx out of a document. She is not going to be charged with anything get over it. These emails may not even have had anything to do with National Security--and are more of inter agency diplomacy--between one employee of the state department to another--that one of these agencies don't want released to the public.

You have jumped into a hot vat of grease again, and you should know by now from these former FBI investigations of the Clinton's that absolutely nothing EVER comes out of them.
She doesn't have to be charged in order for her campaign to disintegrate. Her absolute disregard for security should be enough to shut her down.
Hillary's IT requirements were NOT like everyone else's, as hers were required to obey a host of laws.

...and half the people in the govt aren't under investigation.

She broke the law, proven. The arguments about markings and the State Dept having cleared her of anything have been proven false.

Why aren't the people who sent her classified information under investigation?

Don't Republicans care about them?

they are, idiot. Do you live under a rock where there is no TV, radio, or newspapers?
When is the next congressional investigation?

I am sure Gowdy is rounding them up as we speak
Hillary's IT requirements were NOT like everyone else's, as hers were required to obey a host of laws.

...and half the people in the govt aren't under investigation.

She broke the law, proven. The arguments about markings and the State Dept having cleared her of anything have been proven false.

Why aren't the people who sent her classified information under investigation?

Don't Republicans care about them?

they are, idiot. Do you live under a rock where there is no TV, radio, or newspapers?
When is the next congressional investigation?

I am sure Gowdy is rounding them up as we speak
Actually that's exactly what he is doing. More hearings are scheduled.

He also said today, in a totally unGowdy like way, that his colleagues should "shut the hell up" about the email scandal.

Maycause he doesn't want the build up to result in the next sequel: Eleven Hours, or How Gowdy Got His Ass Kicked. Again.

Given that Hillary's lawyer insists on having copies of all of her emails, I wonder if he has the clearance to handle those? If not, he could be in big trouble too.

SWEET BABY JESUS-- The State Department has repeatedly stated that Hillary Clinton has done nothing wrong.

State Department spokesman John Kirby said the documents, totaling 37 pages, were not marked classified at the time they were sent, but are being upgraded at the request of the Intelligence Community because they contain sensitive information.
[FONT=CNN, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Utkal, sans-serif]State Department will not release 22 'top secret' Clinton emails -

Hillary Clinton has done nothing wrong. She never sent or received any documents marked as classified or Top Secret.


As Sec State, Hillary was responsible to mark information as classified. The fact that she did not do so is a dereliction of duty, not a cover. The excuse that she did not know the information was classified is not an excuse.

Nope--there are many agencies within the State Department--that mark documents as classified or not classified--depending on which department wanted something xxxxx out of a document. She is not going to be charged with anything get over it. These emails may not even have had anything to do with National Security--and are more of inter agency diplomacy--between one employee of the state department to another--that one of these agencies don't want released to the public.

You have jumped into a hot vat of grease again, and you should know by now from these former FBI investigations of the Clinton's that absolutely nothing EVER comes out of them.
She doesn't have to be charged in order for her campaign to disintegrate. Her absolute disregard for security should be enough to shut her down.

Nope--the more Republicans talk about emails, like Bengazi--the more it falls on deaf ears and becomes a liability for Republicans, not an asset. It becomes nothing more than a witch hunt--full of hyperbole, and that's the way the majority of Americans will perceive it, the more Republicans talk about it.
Definition of slap-dick

  • Something that is made or put together with poor quality.This paint job is slap-dick.
    Last edited on Mar 09 2000. Submitted by Fred S. from Woodland Hills, CA, USA on Mar 09 2000.

  • Stronger than dipshit. A man who is such a loser he needs to have a dick slapped upside his head. Complete moron.
An incredibly insightful response. The kind that makes you proud to be an American .
Too bad you're not.
Joey, remind me to NEVER let you represent me in court (even on a traffic ticket)....

I can just hear you now: "But Your Honor, you HAVE to throw the case out!!! In fact, you HAVE no case, because my client DIDN'T INTEND to do 92 miles per hour in a school zone!!!"

Then watch the judge tell you what a fool you are before he gives your client the MAXIMUM prison term!!!!

Actually, If I represented you, I'd say, "Frankly, Your Honor, after talking to the defendent, I think he's a crazy person who is a danger to himself and others. You need to lock him up and melt down all his guns for good measure!"

But fact is, you guys don't have case against Hillary. The FBI is just looking for a face saving way out because apparently they didn't learn jack when Ken Starr had them test a dress for come stains.
The uppity Muslim negro beat the best candidate Republicans had to offer by a 2:1 margin

Republucans have never managed to beat that uppity negro have they?

...and you saw what a disaster that was for the country.

The uppity Negro Muslim was able to put together a coalition of all the despicable greedy assholes in the country but after the disastrous election for the Moon Bats in 2010 and 2014 midterms and the two shitty candidates the Moon Bats have this year it doesn't look good for them.

One of them is a silly ass deranged card carrying Communist and the other one will have an ID card for the Federal Women's Correctional Facility.

Stopped a depression, added 9 million jobs, saved the auto industry, killed bin laden .......not too shabby for a community organizer

If it was true, it would be, but its not. There are more unemployed today than in 2007, more on welfare, more on food stamps, and more underemployed. Plus he has doubled the national debt and made Putin look like a statesman. Bin Laden was found using intel developed during the Bush admin, all obozo did was give the ok to hit him. The auto bailout didn't save anything-------------except the UAW and its donations to the DNC.
What?? There are more people unemployed today (with a larger population) than there were when a real estate bubble was propping up the economy??

You don't say?

Regardless, there are fewer people unemployed today, despite the larger population, than there were when Obama became president.

that is simply not true, they changed the way they count the unemployed to exclude those who are no longer looking for work. its a game and they have you fooled.
They did not, ya deranged rightard. :eusa_doh:

Stopped a depression, added 9 million jobs, saved the auto industry, killed bin laden .......not too shabby for a community organizer

If it was true, it would be, but its not. There are more unemployed today than in 2007, more on welfare, more on food stamps, and more underemployed. Plus he has doubled the national debt and made Putin look like a statesman. Bin Laden was found using intel developed during the Bush admin, all obozo did was give the ok to hit him. The auto bailout didn't save anything-------------except the UAW and its donations to the DNC.
What?? There are more people unemployed today (with a larger population) than there were when a real estate bubble was propping up the economy??

You don't say?

Regardless, there are fewer people unemployed today, despite the larger population, than there were when Obama became president.

that is simply not true, they changed the way they count the unemployed to exclude those who are no longer looking for work. its a game and they have you fooled.
No one changed it...people not looking for work have never been included as unemployed (excepting those on temporaty layoff, and, until 1993, those hired but who hadn't started working yet).Until 1967 the interviewer could, at his discretion, list people as unemployed IF the area was particularly depressed and there was clearly no work to look for in their field (a factory/mining town where the factory/mine shut down). But even that specifically excluded many of those we now refer to as discouraged (those who quit looking due to perceived discrimination)

yes, they did change it. now only those who apply for unemployment benefits each week are counted. Those whose benefits have run out or do not apply are not counted.

you also do not mention the millions who are underemployed under the Kenyan messiah's terrible economy, or the doubling of the national debt during his terms.

face it, Obama has been the worst president ever and he is doubling down on that his last year.
Not if people like you stopped saying such things. THAT is the reason why people don't look more at 3rd party candidates. You government lackeys have them convinced that their votes would be "wasted." Not true. People just need to stop listening to people like you.

People don't look at Third Party Candidates because they mostly tend to be NUTS.

Let's look at a roster of recent Third Party Candidates, shall we?

Ralph Nader - Environmental Nut.
Pat Buchanan - Guy's a fucking Nazi who thinks the world would be better if Hitler won WWII.
Ross Perot- Crazy person, dropped out of race then jumped back in because Bush was spying on his daughter's wedding. No, really!
John Anderson - Kind of a Flake
George Wallace - A racist
Strom Thurmond - A bigger racist
Henry Wallace- Damned near a Communist

You seeing a pattern here? Can you honestly say ANY of these people would have made a better president than the guy who did win? I mean, I despise George W. Bush, but I can't honestly say, "Too bad we didn't get Patzenfuhrer Buchanan in there!"

yes, they did change it. now only those who apply for unemployment benefits each week are counted. Those whose benefits have run out or do not apply are not counted.

you also do not mention the millions who are underemployed under the Kenyan messiah's terrible economy, or the doubling of the national debt during his terms.

face it, Obama has been the worst president ever and he is doubling down on that his last year.

Most of the BLM data is collected by only surveying a few people. Very inaccurate and can be manipulated by the administration as we have seen with Obama.

These Moon Bats are simply too stupid to understand that Obama is lying to them.

They think Obama has led us to prosperity because he told them he has, the lying bastard.
Here's a dumbfuck's idea of surveying only a "few people"...

Current Population Survey, a sample of 60,000 households

Keep in mind, the typical survey samples only about a 1000 respondents (give or take) and has an MoE of about 3 percentage points.
The OP is a rightwing hack who gets information from deeply partisan sources.

The only federal agent making a stink about this is deeply partisan Republican.

The OP is a rightwing hack who gets information from deeply partisan sources.

The only federal agent making a stink about this is deeply partisan Republican.

Considering one of the sources was THE STATE DEPARTMENT I would say you're full of shite! Link posted - you lose.

Since the other source is Hillary's own signed bon-disclosure form, again, I would say you're full of shite. Link to the video of her reading it and admitting whether the docs were marked at the time or not doesn't matter is posted. AGain, you LOSE!

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