DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

I guess they did not watch the video at the link? Or read the other info?
Intentional selective ignorance....'As long as I don't SEE Hillary admitting it or the evidence then in my mind she's still innocent!'

Hillary's IT requirements were NOT like everyone else's, as hers were required to obey a host of laws.

...and half the people in the govt aren't under investigation.

She broke the law, proven. The arguments about markings and the State Dept having cleared her of anything have been proven false.

Why aren't the people who sent her classified information under investigation?

Don't Republicans care about them?

they are, idiot. Do you live under a rock where there is no TV, radio, or newspapers?
I guess they did not watch the video at the link? Or read the other info?
Intentional selective ignorance....'As long as I don't SEE Hillary admitting it or the evidence then in my mind she's still innocent!'

Or the fact that they're Democrats, who have to subsist on welfare, food stamps, and other "free shit" because their lack of education and low IQ means they can't even get a job flipping burgers at McDonald's.
1st Libs think the State Department has the power to exonerate Hillary while LYING about what they said / did, and now they are trying to claim Bill Maher can free her. :p

A Video of Bill Maher does not 'beat' a video of Hillary Clinton admitting that the Non-Disclosure agreement she signed makes her argument about what documents were marked or not marked classified MOOT!
1st Libs think the State Department has the power to exonerate Hillary while LYING about what they said / did, and now they are trying to claim Bill Maher can free her. :p

A Video of Bill Maher does not 'beat' a video of Hillary Clinton admitting that the Non-Disclosure agreement she signed makes her argument about what documents were marked or not marked classified MOOT!
1st Libs think the State Department has the power to exonerate Hillary while LYING about what they said / did, and now they are trying to claim Bill Maher can free her. :p

A Video of Bill Maher does not 'beat' a video of Hillary Clinton admitting that the Non-Disclosure agreement she signed makes her argument about what documents were marked or not marked classified MOOT!
Posted it 4 times, Daws. Learn to read, THEN worry about how to open up a link. Oh, and the answer is still 'NO!' :p
Intentional selective ignorance....'As long as I don't SEE Hillary admitting it or the evidence then in my mind she's still innocent!'

I will admit. I don't watch every video or read all the long articles either. But if it NBC and short, yeah I take a look. Or I at least scan the article to see if relevant facts are there. That video about the signed Document was not that long. And the way she twisted and spun, Land O' Goshen! embarrassing.
Actually, Joey, there IS a case.....

See, the law requires that you safeguard classified information that you DO have legitimate access to, and there are stiff penalties for any violations.....

And we know that Hillary had over 1,300 emails containing classified information on her server.....

Now explain how having her turn that information over to some yahoo in Denver (with NO security clearance) where he could store it IN HIS BATHROOM is no big deal.....
you may not know it due to your beloved right wing media regurgitation fest, BUT, stored in the bathroom part is a LIE.
So you admit that the part about her turning a server containing over 1,300 classified emails to a bunch of yahoos with no security clearance IS true???

That's one felony count PER EMAIL, regardless of where they stored it...
They were not classified at the time, I believe all that has been classified for the FOIA requested release, was JUST NOW classified... years after she left office....and they are still in dispute between the present State Dept and the present intelligence Community, and yet ANOTHER review by a State dept IG is in the help settle the dispute between the 2 depts.
Even if that is significant given that Hillary had the authority and responsibility to so mark them, again, does Hillary's lawyer have the clearance to handle them?
BTW, do you know the rules she was to follow to make something classified? Was it her duty alone, or was it a consensus, or did it involve checking with the intelligence committee as well... what exactly are the rules on classifying stuff? Is it willy nilly?

To this very day, Kerry's State Dept is arguing that these items emailed did not contain stuff that was not already in the public arena, and another review is taking place now by the State Dept IG.... and Hillary wants all the email's released still, so we will see....
I do not know the State Department's rules regarding exactly how that process works. The bottom line, however, is that Hillary SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER than to allow information like that to go through her private server. I mean, the Secretary of State does not think that top secret information is going to flow in and out of her office through her email system? Come on. Even if she did not break a law, the sloppiness and carelessness is unbelievable and certainly not worthy of reward by being elected POTUS.
The non-disclosure agreement she admitted she signed could not have made it any more clear:

You will treat ALL information, documents, etc as CLASSIFIED. You will know the difference / when something is classified. You will be held accountable to this from the moment you sign the document'. Hillary would have to have an IQ just slightly above PLANT LIFE not to understand it.
"Discussions with Intelligence Community officials have revealed that Ms. Clinton’s “unclassified” emails included Holy Grail items of American espionage such as the true names of Central Intelligence Agency intelligence officers serving overseas under cover. Worse, some of those exposed are serving under non-official cover. NOCs (see this for an explanation of their important role in espionage) are the pointy end of the CIA spear and they are always at risk of exposure – which is what Ms. Clinton’s emails have done.

Not only have these spies had their lives put in serious risk by this, it’s a clear violation of Federal law. The Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982, enacted due to the murder of the CIA’s station chief in Athens after his cover was blown by the left-wing media, makes it a Federal crime to divulge the true identity of any covert operative serving U.S. intelligence if that person has not previous been publicly acknowledged to be working for our spy agencies.

People really go to jail for breaking this law. John Kiriakou, a former CIA officer, recently emerged from two years in prison for unauthorized disclosure of classified information, including exposing the identity of an Agency colleague who was serving under cover."

(She has made putting American lives in danger and getting them killed a habit / SOP!)

LINK: Oh my: Hillary e-mail contained “operational” intel; Update: State proposed workaround for nonsecure system; Update: NOC lists?

'Incl CIA identities & foreign nat'ls on CIA payroll, via "IC officials." Explosive if true. Proceed w/ caution.

— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) February 1, 2016'


HOLLYWOOD NEWS: Hillary to play main role in New Movie:


The Shaw-Skank Redemption
"Discussions with Intelligence Community officials have revealed that Ms. Clinton’s “unclassified” emails included Holy Grail items of American espionage such as the true names of Central Intelligence Agency intelligence officers serving overseas under cover. Worse, some of those exposed are serving under non-official cover. NOCs (see this for an explanation of their important role in espionage) are the pointy end of the CIA spear and they are always at risk of exposure – which is what Ms. Clinton’s emails have done.

Not only have these spies had their lives put in serious risk by this, it’s a clear violation of Federal law. The Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982, enacted due to the murder of the CIA’s station chief in Athens after his cover was blown by the left-wing media, makes it a Federal crime to divulge the true identity of any covert operative serving U.S. intelligence if that person has not previous been publicly acknowledged to be working for our spy agencies.

People really go to jail for breaking this law. John Kiriakou, a former CIA officer, recently emerged from two years in prison for unauthorized disclosure of classified information, including exposing the identity of an Agency colleague who was serving under cover."

(She has made putting American lives in danger and getting them killed a habit / SOP!)

LINK: Oh my: Hillary e-mail contained “operational” intel; Update: State proposed workaround for nonsecure system; Update: NOC lists?

'Incl CIA identities & foreign nat'ls on CIA payroll, via "IC officials." Explosive if true. Proceed w/ caution.

— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) February 1, 2016'


HOLLYWOOD NEWS: Hillary to play main role in New Movie:

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The Shaw-Skank Redemption
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