DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'


yeah, I knew you were a right wing nut job case, when I first saw your post ... Vince foster really !!!! you want to go there??? or are you just naturally stupid

Disregarding all her other lies and corruption and incompetency why would anybody in good consistence vote for The Hillary Bitch to be President after she claimed stolen valor?

"Billy also did it" excuse that was offered up by one of your fellow Moon Bats was not a good enough answer. It may work on first grade school yard playground but not here.
when i ask nut job like you, "do you have any proof of these so called lies" nut jobs like you lose it ... then you start with the childish remarks ... sooooooo i stick with the childish remarks so you can grasp ... still waiting for proof that she lied and yet not one of you guys have come up with any proof ... just accusations of lies coming from the right ...
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One of the things that cracks me up when republicans speak ... first thing the say is illegals are all on welfare and food stamps, which anyone with a brain know they can't ... but to convince them well, banging your head against the wall is a lot easier on you ... so with all these illegals on welfare and food stamps plus they are taking all of the jobs ... does those two thought make any sense to you??? conclusion, they are nut jobs ... that pretty much describes a republican
When liberals speak they lie. Just like the above. No, that isn't what "the Republicans" say.

yeah, I knew you were a right wing nut job case, when I first saw your post ... Vince foster really !!!! you want to go there??? or are you just naturally stupid

Disregarding all her other lies and corruption and incompetency why would anybody in good consistence vote for The Hillary Bitch to be President after she claimed stolen valor?

"Billy also did it" excuse that was offered up by one of your fellow Moon Bats was not a good enough answer. It may work on first grade school yard playground but not here.
oh yes we can disregard her lies ... because she hasn't told one yet... nor has anything in question has ever been proved to be a lie
One of the things that cracks me up when republicans speak ... first thing the say is illegals are all on welfare and food stamps, which anyone with a brain know they can't ... but to convince them well, banging your head against the wall is a lot easier on you ... so with all these illegals on welfare and food stamps plus they are taking all of the jobs ... does those two thought make any sense to you??? conclusion, they are nut jobs ... that pretty much describes a republican
When liberals speak they lie. Just like the above. No, that isn't what "the Republicans" say.

so you're saying republican never say the illegals are taking our jobs so explain this

One of the things that cracks me up when republicans speak ... first thing the say is illegals are all on welfare and food stamps, which anyone with a brain know they can't ... but to convince them well, banging your head against the wall is a lot easier on you ... so with all these illegals on welfare and food stamps plus they are taking all of the jobs ... does those two thought make any sense to you??? conclusion, they are nut jobs ... that pretty much describes a republican
When liberals speak they lie. Just like the above. No, that isn't what "the Republicans" say.
the real truth is the conservatives or republicons speak they don't know what they are talking about ...
One of the things that cracks me up when republicans speak ... first thing the say is illegals are all on welfare and food stamps, which anyone with a brain know they can't ... but to convince them well, banging your head against the wall is a lot easier on you ... so with all these illegals on welfare and food stamps plus they are taking all of the jobs ... does those two thought make any sense to you??? conclusion, they are nut jobs ... that pretty much describes a republican
When liberals speak they lie. Just like the above. No, that isn't what "the Republicans" say.
well ice weasel I'm waiting for more words of wisdom from you about liberals ... the problem you have is when liberals speak they cut right through your stupidity ...
still waiting for some words of brilliance from you
It amazes me that you are so blind that you cant see how this all unfolded. Are you that partisan that it has killed every one of your brain cells?

So, can you explain to everyone why none of those hundreds of previous "Going to jail for sure this time!" claims have ever panned out?

We can easily explain it. Your masters constantly spoon feed you such inane BS because they know you have such a hearty appetite for it. I'd just like to hear your explanation, as it will no doubt be very amusing. That goes for the rest of the righty Useful-Idiots on this thread; we'd like to hear your ravings about why the real world and yourself never get acquainted.

I have consistently said that I would be very surprised if she does jail time. Getting her out of the 2016 election will be sufficient.
The rubes never learn.

Oh wait. This time is different from the other hundred times they declared Obama or Hillary was going to jail for certain. Just because ... well, it is, that's why!

Can you imagine how bleak their lives must be that the only thrill left is waiting for Hillary to go to jail (and all of the lurid fantasies they entertain themselves with)? So sad, really. :(

I don't think she will go to jail, she should but with Obama and Lynch at the controls they will find a way to ignore the FBI findings.

Now, if she loses the first few primary states, things might change. remember, the obamas and Clintons hate each other and Obama would much rather back Biden
Obama urged Biden not to run. He hates Hillary so much that he named her Sec of State.......ensuring her the presidency in 2016

you are either very ignorant or very stupid. Clinton was SecState as part of a deal with obozo to keep quiet with what she had on him regarding his past and help him win in 2008.

The Biden thing was just that, a thing. The conjured that up to make it look like they supported the hildebeast while watching her self destruct, leaving Biden as the only viable candidate. Obozo knows he could control Biden.

It amazes me that you are so blind that you cant see how this all unfolded. Are you that partisan that it has killed every one of your brain cells?
Quite a conspiracy you have going there

Wanna talk about the moon landing?

Nope, wanna talk about how Bush was so brilliant that he fooled the entire world?
The uppity Muslim negro beat the best candidate Republicans had to offer by a 2:1 margin

Republucans have never managed to beat that uppity negro have they?

...and you saw what a disaster that was for the country.

The uppity Negro Muslim was able to put together a coalition of all the despicable greedy assholes in the country but after the disastrous election for the Moon Bats in 2010 and 2014 midterms and the two shitty candidates the Moon Bats have this year it doesn't look good for them.

One of them is a silly ass deranged card carrying Communist and the other one will have an ID card for the Federal Women's Correctional Facility.

Stopped a depression, added 9 million jobs, saved the auto industry, killed bin laden .......not too shabby for a community organizer

If it was true, it would be, but its not. There are more unemployed today than in 2007, more on welfare, more on food stamps, and more underemployed. Plus he has doubled the national debt and made Putin look like a statesman. Bin Laden was found using intel developed during the Bush admin, all obozo did was give the ok to hit him. The auto bailout didn't save anything-------------except the UAW and its donations to the DNC.
What?? There are more people unemployed today (with a larger population) than there were when a real estate bubble was propping up the economy??

You don't say?

Regardless, there are fewer people unemployed today, despite the larger population, than there were when Obama became president.

that is simply not true, they changed the way they count the unemployed to exclude those who are no longer looking for work. its a game and they have you fooled.

that is simply not true, they changed the way they count the unemployed to exclude those who are no longer looking for work. its a game and they have you fooled.

You are wasting your time trying to explain Obama's corruption and failure to these Moon Bats.

They don't want to admit they voted for a failure so they try to spin Obama's failed economy as prosperity. They don't have a clue how ridiculous they sound.

The Moon Bats cannot answer for the increased poverty, low economic growth, decreased family income, tremendous debt or massive number of people out of work or underemployed.

The only thing they can point to is the one thing that Obama manipulated and that is the bogus unemployment figure.

You have to remember that you are trying to explain reality to a Moon Bat that was so stupid as to think Hussein Obama was going to be a good President. How stupid is that? These Moon Bats are not exactly the best and the brightest and the idiots are going to make the same mistake in 2016 that they made in 2008.
The uppity Muslim negro beat the best candidate Republicans had to offer by a 2:1 margin

Republucans have never managed to beat that uppity negro have they?

...and you saw what a disaster that was for the country.

The uppity Negro Muslim was able to put together a coalition of all the despicable greedy assholes in the country but after the disastrous election for the Moon Bats in 2010 and 2014 midterms and the two shitty candidates the Moon Bats have this year it doesn't look good for them.

One of them is a silly ass deranged card carrying Communist and the other one will have an ID card for the Federal Women's Correctional Facility.

Stopped a depression, added 9 million jobs, saved the auto industry, killed bin laden .......not too shabby for a community organizer

If it was true, it would be, but its not. There are more unemployed today than in 2007, more on welfare, more on food stamps, and more underemployed. Plus he has doubled the national debt and made Putin look like a statesman. Bin Laden was found using intel developed during the Bush admin, all obozo did was give the ok to hit him. The auto bailout didn't save anything-------------except the UAW and its donations to the DNC.
What?? There are more people unemployed today (with a larger population) than there were when a real estate bubble was propping up the economy??

You don't say?

Regardless, there are fewer people unemployed today, despite the larger population, than there were when Obama became president.

that is simply not true, they changed the way they count the unemployed to exclude those who are no longer looking for work. its a game and they have you fooled.
No one changed it...people not looking for work have never been included as unemployed (excepting those on temporaty layoff, and, until 1993, those hired but who hadn't started working yet).Until 1967 the interviewer could, at his discretion, list people as unemployed IF the area was particularly depressed and there was clearly no work to look for in their field (a factory/mining town where the factory/mine shut down). But even that specifically excluded many of those we now refer to as discouraged (those who quit looking due to perceived discrimination)
Regardless of her guilt and constant lies, the old Hag will escape punishment, the media will dumb down the extent of her transgression, misdirect blame on the GOP, the white house will direct the FBI to stand down, and she will win the nomination. In the event this scenario plays out, she survives, wins the election, then welcome to the textgate investigation, trial, and impeachment. She may last 18 months in office, as a result of her narcissistic ego, impeached, rather than admit guilt and resign.
On the flip side, the white house's hand is forced, the Hag is forced to suspend her campaign, DEM's orchestrate a closed convention, the esteemed Al Gore Joe Biden, or Jerry Brown step in to secure the nomination. deja vu 1972.
As Santayana proclaimed "those that ignore the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it".
In either event it will result in a media feeding frenzy.
This is the type of place where Hillary Clinton is going to be spending Inauguration Day, 2017.


You gonna look sooo stupid when I plop this post back in your face.

Hey! Look! Vince Foster!
yeah, I knew you were a right wing nut job case, when I first saw your post ... Vince foster really !!!! you want to go there??? or are you just naturally stupid

Dude. Slow the fuck down.

1. I'm a flaming lib

2. I was making a fucking JOKE about Vince Foster and mocking the cons.
What part of record do you not understand?
After Five Years Of Obamanomics, A Record 100 Million Americans Not Working
You do understand that there is a difference between number of Americans working and number of people, including illegal aliens, working in our country right? 80% of our job growth went to illegal aliens.
Seal the border.
No more immigrants until every American who wants a job has a job that pays a living wage.
Great, another idiot. :eusa_doh: The vast majority of those 100,000 don't want to work. They include retirees, stay-at-home spouses, students, folks collecting government checks, etc...

Currently, there are about 7.9 million people unemployed and another 5.9 who have stopped looking but want a job.
You must think those who read your posts are idiots if you keep using stats that include working illegal aliens.
I'm one of those 100,000 and I WANT TO WORK!!! So your statement is mere fiction. And it's more than 100,000.
Seal the border.
No new immigrants, unless they bring money or jobs, until every American who wants a job has a job that pays a living wage.

I'm eeking out contractual work because everybody wants to hire pt or seasonable employees only because of Obamacare.
What happened to "picking up yourself by your own bootstraps" that you righties love touting so much?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

I don't really think that has anything to do with American jobs going to immigrants, while 35% of our population is collecting social services in order to pay the bills!!! Why do you want to destroy our country and our economy?
One of the things that cracks me up when republicans speak ... first thing the say is illegals are all on welfare and food stamps, which anyone with a brain knows they can't ... but to convince them well, banging your head against the wall is a lot easier on you ... so with all these illegals on welfare and food stamps plus they are taking all of the jobs ... does those two thought make any sense to you??? conclusion, they are nut jobs ... that pretty much describes a republican

They are low skilled in just about ALL cases. We do not have an infinite supply of money. There are limits. Time you people realized that.
she handed over all the government ones

She is not allowed to be the "filter" for what is business and what is not.

encourage you to clean up your e-mail on a regular basis, getting rid of old messages.

Modern IT never tells you to delete anything. They set you up with automatic Archive to a file that is saved/backed up.
Vague Email Rules Let Federal Agencies Decide When to Hit Save or Delete.

"Members of President Obama’s cabinet have a wide variety of strategies, shortcuts and tricks for handling their email, and until three months ago there was no law setting out precisely what they had to do with it, and when. And while the majority of Obama administration officials use government email to conduct their business, there has never been any legal prohibition against using a personal account.


Mr. Obama signed legislation late last year requiring government officials who use personal email addresses for official business to bring those records into the government within 20 days. Before that, the National Archives and Records Administration simply required those messages at some point to be provided to the government.

“The wiggle room for Mrs. Clinton is that those policies didn’t come into play until after she was gone”
from the State Department in early 2013, said Thomas S. Blanton, the director of the National Security Archive at George Washington University, an independent, nongovernmental organization focused on transparency."
she handed over all the government ones

She is not allowed to be the "filter" for what is business and what is not.

encourage you to clean up your e-mail on a regular basis, getting rid of old messages.

Modern IT never tells you to delete anything. They set you up with automatic Archive to a file that is saved/backed up.
Be careful...witch hunts are transparent during elections. And they can backfire...

Whether its the Sanders/Obama/Soros team doing the hunt...or..the GOP..the common man always has a bleeding heart for the obviously-persecuted; even if they don't like her. They see themselves as "next" ..

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