DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

A classified email is sent to a secure server at C.I.A. Headquarters in Langley Virginia.

That classified email if forwarded to a classified server at the State Department at Foggy Bottom.

No way can classified information, including email be transferred and/or transmitted to a non-secure private server. Which is what the RePugs are trying to say.

Sufficient safeguards exist to prevent heretofore classified information (including emails) on a secure server(s) to be passed/transmitted to non-secure off-site private server(s).

The use of off-site non-secure server(s) by Republican Aides/Advisers/Cabinet Officials is a documented fact from the previous the Republican Administration (2001 - 2009).

At no time did Republican Congressman or Republican Senators question the use of private server(s) by Republican Aides/Advisers/Cabinet Officials during the previous Republican Administration (2001 - 2009).

At no time did Republican Congressman or Republican Senators demand the resignation of Senior White House Adviser Karl Rove after it became known that over 5,000,000 emails on his private server(s) (Either donated or under the control of the Republican National Committee) had been illegally deleted. Federal Law requires White House Communications to held at the White House, on Government Servers.

At no time did Republican Congressman or Republican Senators demand the resignation of former National Security Adviser/Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice after it became a matter of public record that Ms. Rice had used an off-site, non-secure private server for her Government Emails/Correspondence.

No legal action taken against either Karl Rove or Condoleezza Rice.

No Congressional Hearing were held regarding the use of private server(s) by Karl Rove or Condoleezza Rice.

The history of the use by Government Officials is a matter of public record.

But it is only against the law when a Democrat does it.
Yep, that about sums it up.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
"some have questioned" isn't a legal definition.

Sorry, you lose again.

That link is to a much longer article. That is only the beginning. She appears to be in violation of some Federal records acts. Hence her Ark two-step answers and tricks on display.
She "appears to be"...more conjure from far rightwing cesspools of disinformation.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
What?? There are more people unemployed today (with a larger population) than there were when a real estate bubble was propping up the economy??

You don't say?

Regardless, there are fewer people unemployed today, despite the larger population, than there were when Obama became president.
That is only if you only count the ones still qualified to collect unemployment benefits. If you count the ones who ran out of unemployment or was forced to take a part time job the number is way higher.
You idiot. :cuckoo: The second link I posted was to folks no longer collecting unemployment benefits. Even if you add those taking part time jobs for economic reasons, there are still fewer than when Obama became president. And that's still not even factoring in population growth.
After Five Years Of Obamanomics, A Record 100 Million Americans Not Working

What part of record do you not understand?
After Five Years Of Obamanomics, A Record 100 Million Americans Not Working
he Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) jobs report for December counted 74,000 jobs created last month. That was less than half the 200,000 new jobs expected.
Nevertheless, the BLS reported those 74,000 new jobs as reducing at least what it calls the U3 unemployment rate by three tenths of a percentage point, from 7.0% to 6.7%. That was because 347,000 workers fled the work force altogether last month, and so were no longer counted as unemployed.
Those 347,000 workers leaving the workforce altogether were almost 5 times (4.689) the 74,000 new jobs created. But the BLS, and the New York Times, still count that as headline unemployment plummeting on net to 6.7% from 7.0%. In fact, all of the decline in the U3 headline unemployment rate since President Obama entered office has been due to workers leavingthe work force, and therefore no longer counted as unemployed, rather than to new jobs created.
Those 347,000 for December, 2013, however, are still out there not working, and suffering. Indeed, they joined a near record of more than 102 million Americans not working in December, all still out there and suffering without jobs. Those 102 million Americans are the human face of an employment-population ratio stuck at a pitiful 58.6%. In fact, more than 100 million Americans were not working in Obama’s workers’ paradise for all of 2013 and 2012.
You do understand that there is a difference between number of Americans working and number of people, including illegal aliens, working in our country right? 80% of our job growth went to illegal aliens.
Seal the border.
No more immigrants until every American who wants a job has a job that pays a living wage.
Great, another idiot. :eusa_doh: The vast majority of those 100,000 don't want to work. They include retirees, stay-at-home spouses, students, folks collecting government checks, etc...

Currently, there are about 7.9 million people unemployed and another 5.9 who have stopped looking but want a job.
You must think those who read your posts are idiots if you keep using stats that include working illegal aliens.
I'm one of those 100,000 and I WANT TO WORK!!! So your statement is mere fiction. And it's more than 100,000.
December, 2015, there were approximately 251,936,000 people in the US age 16 and above who were not in the military, prison, or other institution (mental institute, retirement home etc).
149,703,000 worked, 102,223,000 did not.
Of those not working, 88,985,000 did NOT want to work at that time, and 13,247,000 said they did. Of those that said they did, 7,542,000 had actually done something about trying to get a job since Novermber (officially unemployed) and 2,404,000 had tried to get a job in the last year, but about 571,000 said that though they wanted a job in December, they could not have accepted one if offered.
How about answering the question? Can you cite a case identical to HIllary where anyone got jail time?


11 "Leakers" Charged With Espionage | July 12, 2013 | PBS NewsHour | PBS

do you actually read these articles before you send them.

NONE Of these cases were identical to Hillary getting classified information she was authorized to see, and showing it to no one but getting it on an 'unauthorized' server.

They were all cases of people giving information to people who weren't authorized to have it. A lot of them were acquitted.

NONE of these cases involved prosecutions of the people who got the information, usually journalists.
The FOOL is actually strengthening your argument. LMBAO!

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Do you hold Bill O'Reilly accountable for his stolen valor?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

I don't give a shit about Bill O'Reilly and I wouldn't vote for him as President.

However, this Libtard first grade tactic of giving The Hillary Bitch a pass on her stolen valor because "Johnny also did it" is pathetic and morally reprehensible.

She was an asshole to do that and not Presidential material.
If it was true, it would be, but its not. There are more unemployed today than in 2007, more on welfare, more on food stamps, and more underemployed. Plus he has doubled the national debt and made Putin look like a statesman. Bin Laden was found using intel developed during the Bush admin, all obozo did was give the ok to hit him. The auto bailout didn't save anything-------------except the UAW and its donations to the DNC.
What?? There are more people unemployed today (with a larger population) than there were when a real estate bubble was propping up the economy??

You don't say?

Regardless, there are fewer people unemployed today, despite the larger population, than there were when Obama became president.
That is only if you only count the ones still qualified to collect unemployment benefits. If you count the ones who ran out of unemployment or was forced to take a part time job the number is way higher.
You idiot. :cuckoo: The second link I posted was to folks no longer collecting unemployment benefits. Even if you add those taking part time jobs for economic reasons, there are still fewer than when Obama became president. And that's still not even factoring in population growth.
After Five Years Of Obamanomics, A Record 100 Million Americans Not Working

What part of record do you not understand?
After Five Years Of Obamanomics, A Record 100 Million Americans Not Working
he Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) jobs report for December counted 74,000 jobs created last month. That was less than half the 200,000 new jobs expected.
Nevertheless, the BLS reported those 74,000 new jobs as reducing at least what it calls the U3 unemployment rate by three tenths of a percentage point, from 7.0% to 6.7%. That was because 347,000 workers fled the work force altogether last month, and so were no longer counted as unemployed.
Those 347,000 workers leaving the workforce altogether were almost 5 times (4.689) the 74,000 new jobs created. But the BLS, and the New York Times, still count that as headline unemployment plummeting on net to 6.7% from 7.0%. In fact, all of the decline in the U3 headline unemployment rate since President Obama entered office has been due to workers leavingthe work force, and therefore no longer counted as unemployed, rather than to new jobs created.
Those 347,000 for December, 2013, however, are still out there not working, and suffering. Indeed, they joined a near record of more than 102 million Americans not working in December, all still out there and suffering without jobs. Those 102 million Americans are the human face of an employment-population ratio stuck at a pitiful 58.6%. In fact, more than 100 million Americans were not working in Obama’s workers’ paradise for all of 2013 and 2012.

You do understand that there is a difference between number of Americans working and number of people, including illegal aliens, working in our country right? 80% of our job growth went to illegal aliens.
Seal the border.
No more immigrants until every American who wants a job has a job that pays a living wage.

This is the part where I ask you to prove your claims about illegals and you tell me to Google it myself, right?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
What?? There are more people unemployed today (with a larger population) than there were when a real estate bubble was propping up the economy??

You don't say?

Regardless, there are fewer people unemployed today, despite the larger population, than there were when Obama became president.
That is only if you only count the ones still qualified to collect unemployment benefits. If you count the ones who ran out of unemployment or was forced to take a part time job the number is way higher.
You idiot. :cuckoo: The second link I posted was to folks no longer collecting unemployment benefits. Even if you add those taking part time jobs for economic reasons, there are still fewer than when Obama became president. And that's still not even factoring in population growth.
After Five Years Of Obamanomics, A Record 100 Million Americans Not Working

What part of record do you not understand?
After Five Years Of Obamanomics, A Record 100 Million Americans Not Working
he Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) jobs report for December counted 74,000 jobs created last month. That was less than half the 200,000 new jobs expected.
Nevertheless, the BLS reported those 74,000 new jobs as reducing at least what it calls the U3 unemployment rate by three tenths of a percentage point, from 7.0% to 6.7%. That was because 347,000 workers fled the work force altogether last month, and so were no longer counted as unemployed.
Those 347,000 workers leaving the workforce altogether were almost 5 times (4.689) the 74,000 new jobs created. But the BLS, and the New York Times, still count that as headline unemployment plummeting on net to 6.7% from 7.0%. In fact, all of the decline in the U3 headline unemployment rate since President Obama entered office has been due to workers leavingthe work force, and therefore no longer counted as unemployed, rather than to new jobs created.
Those 347,000 for December, 2013, however, are still out there not working, and suffering. Indeed, they joined a near record of more than 102 million Americans not working in December, all still out there and suffering without jobs. Those 102 million Americans are the human face of an employment-population ratio stuck at a pitiful 58.6%. In fact, more than 100 million Americans were not working in Obama’s workers’ paradise for all of 2013 and 2012.
You do understand that there is a difference between number of Americans working and number of people, including illegal aliens, working in our country right? 80% of our job growth went to illegal aliens.
Seal the border.
No more immigrants until every American who wants a job has a job that pays a living wage.
Great, another idiot. :eusa_doh: The vast majority of those 100,000 don't want to work. They include retirees, stay-at-home spouses, students, folks collecting government checks, etc...

Currently, there are about 7.9 million people unemployed and another 5.9 who have stopped looking but want a job.
You must think those who read your posts are idiots if you keep using stats that include working illegal aliens.
I'm one of those 100,000 and I WANT TO WORK!!! So your statement is mere fiction. And it's more than 100,000.
Seal the border.
No new immigrants, unless they bring money or jobs, until every American who wants a job has a job that pays a living wage.

I'm eeking out contractual work because everybody wants to hire pt or seasonable employees only because of Obamacare.
What happened to "picking up yourself by your own bootstraps" that you righties love touting so much?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Hillary's IT requirements were NOT like everyone else's, as hers were required to obey a host of laws.

...and half the people in the govt aren't under investigation.

She broke the law, proven. The arguments about markings and the State Dept having cleared her of anything have been proven false.

really, when did this happen.

Here's how it's going to play out, buddy. The FBI will send its findings to Justice, without a recommendation, and Justice will decline to prosecute. Then Congress will have hearings, and probably end up leaking all the e-mails in question, and we'll find out they were really no big deal and State was right in the first place.

Hillary will then win easily because the Republican Establishment will sabotage Cruz or Trump if they are the nominee.
Sounds about right to me.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Do you hold Bill O'Reilly accountable for his stolen valor?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

I don't give a shit about Bill O'Reilly and I wouldn't vote for him as President.

However, this Libtard first grade tactic of giving The Hillary Bitch a pass on her stolen valor because "Johnny also did it" is pathetic and morally reprehensible.

She was an asshole to do that and not Presidential material.
You mentioned holding Brian Williams accountable by not watching his shows. Is that the same standard you are applying to Bill O'Reilly?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
That is only if you only count the ones still qualified to collect unemployment benefits. If you count the ones who ran out of unemployment or was forced to take a part time job the number is way higher.
You idiot. :cuckoo: The second link I posted was to folks no longer collecting unemployment benefits. Even if you add those taking part time jobs for economic reasons, there are still fewer than when Obama became president. And that's still not even factoring in population growth.
After Five Years Of Obamanomics, A Record 100 Million Americans Not Working

What part of record do you not understand?
After Five Years Of Obamanomics, A Record 100 Million Americans Not Working
he Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) jobs report for December counted 74,000 jobs created last month. That was less than half the 200,000 new jobs expected.
Nevertheless, the BLS reported those 74,000 new jobs as reducing at least what it calls the U3 unemployment rate by three tenths of a percentage point, from 7.0% to 6.7%. That was because 347,000 workers fled the work force altogether last month, and so were no longer counted as unemployed.
Those 347,000 workers leaving the workforce altogether were almost 5 times (4.689) the 74,000 new jobs created. But the BLS, and the New York Times, still count that as headline unemployment plummeting on net to 6.7% from 7.0%. In fact, all of the decline in the U3 headline unemployment rate since President Obama entered office has been due to workers leavingthe work force, and therefore no longer counted as unemployed, rather than to new jobs created.
Those 347,000 for December, 2013, however, are still out there not working, and suffering. Indeed, they joined a near record of more than 102 million Americans not working in December, all still out there and suffering without jobs. Those 102 million Americans are the human face of an employment-population ratio stuck at a pitiful 58.6%. In fact, more than 100 million Americans were not working in Obama’s workers’ paradise for all of 2013 and 2012.
You do understand that there is a difference between number of Americans working and number of people, including illegal aliens, working in our country right? 80% of our job growth went to illegal aliens.
Seal the border.
No more immigrants until every American who wants a job has a job that pays a living wage.
Great, another idiot. :eusa_doh: The vast majority of those 100,000 don't want to work. They include retirees, stay-at-home spouses, students, folks collecting government checks, etc...

Currently, there are about 7.9 million people unemployed and another 5.9 who have stopped looking but want a job.
You must think those who read your posts are idiots if you keep using stats that include working illegal aliens.
I'm one of those 100,000 and I WANT TO WORK!!! So your statement is mere fiction. And it's more than 100,000.
Seal the border.
No new immigrants, unless they bring money or jobs, until every American who wants a job has a job that pays a living wage.

I'm eeking out contractual work because everybody wants to hire pt or seasonable employees only because of Obamacare.
What happened to "picking up yourself by your own bootstraps" that you righties love touting so much?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

I don't really think that has anything to do with American jobs going to immigrants, while 35% of our population is collecting social services in order to pay the bills!!! Why do you want to destroy our country and our economy?

You mentioned holding Brian Williams accountable by not watching his shows. Is that the same standard you are applying to Bill O'Reilly?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

I think when I said I didn't give a shit about O'Reilly and sure as hell would not vote for him as President I answered your question. You are barking up the wrong tree if you are excusing The Bitch's stolen valor by suggesting that I am hypocritical with O'Reilly.

When are you going to dump the The Bitch because of her stolen valor or do you even care?

You mentioned holding Brian Williams accountable by not watching his shows. Is that the same standard you are applying to Bill O'Reilly?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Libtard first grade school yard tactic:

"Hillary is innocent because Billy did it also".

Grow up Moon Bat!
Platte River is a huge deal, wins awards, and keeps Secret / TS/SCI-filled servers in their BATHROOM?! :p

Yeah, ok... LOL!
the point I was making is fox noise and other republican or conservatives were saying her server was in a closet in a bathroom in boulder colorado trying to ridicule her that turn out to be what republicans always do they lie... I proved that was a lie by posting it from the CEO of plate canyon network.. as for being a sever that was secure from hackers ... if you read up on them you will find that they are more secure then government servers we have ... yes the don't have a government clearance ... two reason why ... they haven't applied for one .. the second reason the didn't want to apply for a government clearance ... to much bull shit
That is only if you only count the ones still qualified to collect unemployment benefits. If you count the ones who ran out of unemployment or was forced to take a part time job the number is way higher.
You idiot. :cuckoo: The second link I posted was to folks no longer collecting unemployment benefits. Even if you add those taking part time jobs for economic reasons, there are still fewer than when Obama became president. And that's still not even factoring in population growth.
After Five Years Of Obamanomics, A Record 100 Million Americans Not Working

What part of record do you not understand?
After Five Years Of Obamanomics, A Record 100 Million Americans Not Working
This shithead Obama was able to get together a coalition of all the despicable greedy assholes in the country to vote for him.

Blacks who vote their race and their welfare check.

Welfare Queens.

Greedy Union thugs

Anti gun nuts

Environmental wackos

Children killing abortionists



Confused college kids and their stupid Marxist professors


It remains to be seen if the Hillary Bitch or that silly Communist can hold together the same idiots that voted for Obama and in the same numbers as the Kenyan.
well all I can say is it appears there are more of us then there are you .. in this case it sucks to be you.... we'll keep raising your taxes ... we need the raise to buy us more beer and pot
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This is the type of place where Hillary Clinton is going to be spending Inauguration Day, 2017.


You gonna look sooo stupid when I plop this post back in your face.

Hey! Look! Vince Foster!
yeah, I knew you were a right wing nut job case, when I first saw your post ... Vince foster really !!!! you want to go there??? or are you just naturally stupid

yeah, I knew you were a right wing nut job case, when I first saw your post ... Vince foster really !!!! you want to go there??? or are you just naturally stupid

Disregarding all her other lies and corruption and incompetency why would anybody in good consistence vote for The Hillary Bitch to be President after she claimed stolen valor?

"Billy also did it" excuse that was offered up by one of your fellow Moon Bats was not a good enough answer. It may work on first grade school yard playground but not here.
You idiot. :cuckoo: The second link I posted was to folks no longer collecting unemployment benefits. Even if you add those taking part time jobs for economic reasons, there are still fewer than when Obama became president. And that's still not even factoring in population growth.
After Five Years Of Obamanomics, A Record 100 Million Americans Not Working

What part of record do you not understand?
After Five Years Of Obamanomics, A Record 100 Million Americans Not Working
he Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) jobs report for December counted 74,000 jobs created last month. That was less than half the 200,000 new jobs expected.
Nevertheless, the BLS reported those 74,000 new jobs as reducing at least what it calls the U3 unemployment rate by three tenths of a percentage point, from 7.0% to 6.7%. That was because 347,000 workers fled the work force altogether last month, and so were no longer counted as unemployed.
Those 347,000 workers leaving the workforce altogether were almost 5 times (4.689) the 74,000 new jobs created. But the BLS, and the New York Times, still count that as headline unemployment plummeting on net to 6.7% from 7.0%. In fact, all of the decline in the U3 headline unemployment rate since President Obama entered office has been due to workers leavingthe work force, and therefore no longer counted as unemployed, rather than to new jobs created.
Those 347,000 for December, 2013, however, are still out there not working, and suffering. Indeed, they joined a near record of more than 102 million Americans not working in December, all still out there and suffering without jobs. Those 102 million Americans are the human face of an employment-population ratio stuck at a pitiful 58.6%. In fact, more than 100 million Americans were not working in Obama’s workers’ paradise for all of 2013 and 2012.
You do understand that there is a difference between number of Americans working and number of people, including illegal aliens, working in our country right? 80% of our job growth went to illegal aliens.
Seal the border.
No more immigrants until every American who wants a job has a job that pays a living wage.
Great, another idiot. :eusa_doh: The vast majority of those 100,000 don't want to work. They include retirees, stay-at-home spouses, students, folks collecting government checks, etc...

Currently, there are about 7.9 million people unemployed and another 5.9 who have stopped looking but want a job.
You must think those who read your posts are idiots if you keep using stats that include working illegal aliens.
I'm one of those 100,000 and I WANT TO WORK!!! So your statement is mere fiction. And it's more than 100,000.
Seal the border.
No new immigrants, unless they bring money or jobs, until every American who wants a job has a job that pays a living wage.

I'm eeking out contractual work because everybody wants to hire pt or seasonable employees only because of Obamacare.
What happened to "picking up yourself by your own bootstraps" that you righties love touting so much?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

I don't really think that has anything to do with American jobs going to immigrants, while 35% of our population is collecting social services in order to pay the bills!!! Why do you want to destroy our country and our economy?
One of the things that cracks me up when republicans speak ... first thing the say is illegals are all on welfare and food stamps, which anyone with a brain knows they can't ... but to convince them well, banging your head against the wall is a lot easier on you ... so with all these illegals on welfare and food stamps plus they are taking all of the jobs ... does those two thought make any sense to you??? conclusion, they are nut jobs ... that pretty much describes a republican
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