DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

How about answering the question? Can you cite a case identical to HIllary where anyone got jail time?


11 "Leakers" Charged With Espionage | July 12, 2013 | PBS NewsHour | PBS

do you actually read these articles before you send them.

NONE Of these cases were identical to Hillary getting classified information she was authorized to see, and showing it to no one but getting it on an 'unauthorized' server.

They were all cases of people giving information to people who weren't authorized to have it. A lot of them were acquitted.

NONE of these cases involved prosecutions of the people who got the information, usually journalists.
That link is to a much longer article. That is only the beginning. She appears to be in violation of some Federal records acts. Hence her Ark two-step answers and tricks on display.

Then how about actually posting the POINT. When has someone been arrested or imprisoned for receiving information they were entitled to see on an unauthorized computer or device, that someone sent them in error?
NONE Of these cases were identical to Hillary getting classified information she was authorized to see, and showing it to no one but getting it on an 'unauthorized' server.

Yes I always at least scan thru it. I TOLD U I could not find any "receivers" doing time but I found some "senders". Some of those had classified documents and provided them to others, got caught. Agreed. not the same thing as emailing around. unless Bloomenthal or her Lawyer was chock full of Classified?
How about answering the question? Can you cite a case identical to HIllary where anyone got jail time?


11 "Leakers" Charged With Espionage | July 12, 2013 | PBS NewsHour | PBS

do you actually read these articles before you send them.

NONE Of these cases were identical to Hillary getting classified information she was authorized to see, and showing it to no one but getting it on an 'unauthorized' server.

They were all cases of people giving information to people who weren't authorized to have it. A lot of them were acquitted.

NONE of these cases involved prosecutions of the people who got the information, usually journalists.

Was her "thumb drive" Lawyer authorized to put Federal Classified docs' into his desk drawer? Was Bloomenthal (hacked) sent classified from HER? I'm not the FBI, don't shoot at me. Demoncrats after HER, not me.
How about answering the question? Can you cite a case identical to HIllary where anyone got jail time?

I don't find any "receivers" right away. But there are "senders" doing time. I ain't working this hard.

Former CIA Officer Arrested for Alleged Unauthorized Disclosure of National Defense Information and Obstruction of Justice | OPA | Department of Justice
Jeffrey Alexander Sterling, 43, of O’Fallon, Mo., was charged in a 10-count indictment returned by a federal grand jury in the Eastern District of Virginia on Dec. 22, 2010, and unsealed today. The indictment charges Sterling with six counts of unauthorized disclosure of national defense information, and one count each of unlawful retention of national defense information, mail fraud, unauthorized conveyance of government property and obstruction of justice. Sterling was arrested today in St. Louis and is expected to make his initial appearance this afternoon before U.S. Magistrate Judge Terry I. Adelman in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri.

Sterling knowingly gave information to a journalist.

It should also be noted that James Risen, the guy who RECEIVED the information was not charged with a crime, which seems to bolster my point.

I should also point out that Risen was not authorized to have the information that he had. Hillary was authorized to have the information in these e-mails. So you really don't have a case, guy.
Actually, Joey, there IS a case.....

See, the law requires that you safeguard classified information that you DO have legitimate access to, and there are stiff penalties for any violations.....

And we know that Hillary had over 1,300 emails containing classified information on her server.....

Now explain how having her turn that information over to some yahoo in Denver (with NO security clearance) where he could store it IN HIS BATHROOM is no big deal.....
Then how about actually posting the POINT.

There were two sets of questions at same time. This link talks about violations and why, who.

Hillary Clinton's email: Did she follow all the rules?

It would have been a violation of the NARA's rules in the Code of Federal Regulations for Clinton to use personal email exclusively, Metcalfe said. The code requires federal agencies to make and preserve records that duly document agency activity, so that they are readily available when needed -- such as for FOIA requests or congressional inquiries. Using personal email exclusively is contrary to proper record preservation.

I had hoped you would scan thru it. it is too long to post it all.

The State dept said Hillary did NOT give them everything she was required to by law. They have said some of the e-mails recovered by the FBI were NEVER handed over to them. THAT IS A CRIME.

Once again...
The State Dept can say she did nothing wrong...
Her priest can say she did nothing wrong...
Her mother can write a note saying it...
Chelsea can say it...
Hillary has declared it...
Obama himself can say it...

...but until the FBI says it, it don't mean SHIT!
That's a LIE, the State dept did NOT say they got emails of Hillary's from the FBI that were not turned over to them by Hillary.
Link - prove it, big man. I watched the press conference.

WASHINGTON EXAMINER: Clinton said she'd turned all work-related emails -- the State Department has now admitted that isn't true. (Getty)

(Got to cut-n-paste whole thing, link not working right, but...)

Care, YOU lie. Feel free to apologize.... pardon me if I don't hold my breath waiting...

YOU specifically said that the State Dept said they got emails that Hillary did not give to the State dept recovered by THE FBI...

And your link does not say anything about the FBI recovering Hillary emails, (from her server, I presume?)
How about answering the question? Can you cite a case identical to HIllary where anyone got jail time?

I don't find any "receivers" right away. But there are "senders" doing time. I ain't working this hard.

Former CIA Officer Arrested for Alleged Unauthorized Disclosure of National Defense Information and Obstruction of Justice | OPA | Department of Justice
Jeffrey Alexander Sterling, 43, of O’Fallon, Mo., was charged in a 10-count indictment returned by a federal grand jury in the Eastern District of Virginia on Dec. 22, 2010, and unsealed today. The indictment charges Sterling with six counts of unauthorized disclosure of national defense information, and one count each of unlawful retention of national defense information, mail fraud, unauthorized conveyance of government property and obstruction of justice. Sterling was arrested today in St. Louis and is expected to make his initial appearance this afternoon before U.S. Magistrate Judge Terry I. Adelman in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri.

Sterling knowingly gave information to a journalist.

It should also be noted that James Risen, the guy who RECEIVED the information was not charged with a crime, which seems to bolster my point.

I should also point out that Risen was not authorized to have the information that he had. Hillary was authorized to have the information in these e-mails. So you really don't have a case, guy.
Actually, Joey, there IS a case.....

See, the law requires that you safeguard classified information that you DO have legitimate access to, and there are stiff penalties for any violations.....

And we know that Hillary had over 1,300 emails containing classified information on her server.....

Now explain how having her turn that information over to some yahoo in Denver (with NO security clearance) where he could store it IN HIS BATHROOM is no big deal.....
you may not know it due to your beloved right wing media regurgitation fest, BUT, stored in the bathroom part is a LIE.

The State dept said Hillary did NOT give them everything she was required to by law. They have said some of the e-mails recovered by the FBI were NEVER handed over to them. THAT IS A CRIME.

Once again...
The State Dept can say she did nothing wrong...
Her priest can say she did nothing wrong...
Her mother can write a note saying it...
Chelsea can say it...
Hillary has declared it...
Obama himself can say it...

...but until the FBI says it, it don't mean SHIT!
That's a LIE, the State dept did NOT say they got emails of Hillary's from the FBI that were not turned over to them by Hillary.
Link - prove it, big man. I watched the press conference.

WASHINGTON EXAMINER: Clinton said she'd turned all work-related emails -- the State Department has now admitted that isn't true. (Getty)

(Got to cut-n-paste whole thing, link not working right, but...)

Care, YOU lie. Feel free to apologize.... pardon me if I don't hold my breath waiting...

YOU specifically said that the State Dept said they got emails that Hillary did not give to the State dept recovered FROM THE FBI...

And your link does not say anything about the FBI recovering Hillary emails, (from her server, I presume?)

In response to a State Department request last year, Clinton turned over 55,000 pages of emails and documents from her private email server, leaving out emails and documents that she said were of a personal nature, like wedding and funeral plans. She later said she deleted these personal emails.

Cox said the fact that Clinton’s staff -- rather than a State Department federal records officer -- chose which emails to destroy is "honestly breathtaking." Her private employees don’t have the authority to decide what does or doesn’t count as a federal record. Further, when she was making these choices, she was acting as a private citizen, not a government employee.
in defense of HER:

In Clinton’s defense, we should note that it was only after Clinton left the State Department, that the National Archives issued a recommendation that government employees should avoid conducting official business on personal emails (though they noted there might be extenuating circumstances such as an emergency that require it). Additionally, in 2014, President Barack Obama signed changes to the Federal Records Act that explicitly said federal officials can only use personal email addresses if they also copy or send the emails to their official account.

Because these rules weren’t in effect when Clinton was in office, "she was in compliance with the laws and regulations at the time," said Gary Bass, founder and former director of OMB Watch, a government accountability organization.

"Unless she violated a rule dealing with the handling of classified or sensitive but unclassified information, I don’t see how she violated any law or regulation," said Bass, who is now executive director of the Bauman Foundation. "There may be a stronger argument about violating the spirit of the law, but that is a very vague area."
If that is the could her agency ALLOW her to use a private server?
Who do you think ran the Department???

It's not like she had to ask her employees for permission....
When it comes to security...yes you do

That is the problem for Republicans. If she was told not to use a private server and did might have a case
Gee, Hillary only had ONE boss (Obozo), who claimed he DIDN'T know about her shenanigans in setting up that private server...

So, did she decide to use an unsecured server for classified information all on her own, or is Obungles lying again????
Even Obama has to comply with security regulations

Hillary followed her agencies policies at the time
Then Hillary fucked up royally, since SHE was in charge of those policies as SoS...

So any illegal activities that she approved come right back to HER doorstep...
Which illegal activities?

It was all perfectly allowable at that time
How about answering the question? Can you cite a case identical to HIllary where anyone got jail time?

I don't find any "receivers" right away. But there are "senders" doing time. I ain't working this hard.

Former CIA Officer Arrested for Alleged Unauthorized Disclosure of National Defense Information and Obstruction of Justice | OPA | Department of Justice
Jeffrey Alexander Sterling, 43, of O’Fallon, Mo., was charged in a 10-count indictment returned by a federal grand jury in the Eastern District of Virginia on Dec. 22, 2010, and unsealed today. The indictment charges Sterling with six counts of unauthorized disclosure of national defense information, and one count each of unlawful retention of national defense information, mail fraud, unauthorized conveyance of government property and obstruction of justice. Sterling was arrested today in St. Louis and is expected to make his initial appearance this afternoon before U.S. Magistrate Judge Terry I. Adelman in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri.

Sterling knowingly gave information to a journalist.

It should also be noted that James Risen, the guy who RECEIVED the information was not charged with a crime, which seems to bolster my point.

I should also point out that Risen was not authorized to have the information that he had. Hillary was authorized to have the information in these e-mails. So you really don't have a case, guy.
Actually, Joey, there IS a case.....

See, the law requires that you safeguard classified information that you DO have legitimate access to, and there are stiff penalties for any violations.....

And we know that Hillary had over 1,300 emails containing classified information on her server.....

Now explain how having her turn that information over to some yahoo in Denver (with NO security clearance) where he could store it IN HIS BATHROOM is no big deal.....
you may not know it due to your beloved right wing media regurgitation fest, BUT, stored in the bathroom part is a LIE.
So you admit that the part about her turning a server containing over 1,300 classified emails to a bunch of yahoos with no security clearance IS true???

That's one felony count PER EMAIL, regardless of where they stored it...
Hillary admitted herself in the interview (link to video posted) she signed a federal form stating markings on documents do not matter, she would treat ALL documents as classified, and that she should know the difference anyway.

The State Dept has said / confirmed Hillary did NOT turn over all State Dept-related e-mails, as required by the provided confirming that as well.

2 of the biggest lies libs continue to spew -- unmarked at the time = no crime & state dept has 'cleared' her of wrong-doing - now have been completely DE-BUNKED!

The emails in question were not classified at the time they were the Clinton server(s)

@easyt65 Your a liar.
In the govt document she SIGNED it states markings -AT ANY TIME - do NOT matter. BUSTED.

Th State Dept DID declare she broke the law by NOT giving them all docs required by law.

The 2 links provided destroy - DESTROY - once and for all the 2 main LIES RW, Joe, Care, et al keep repeating.

Once Hillary signed the federal doc acknowledging ALL docs/info was to be treated as CLASSIFIED, that markings AT NO TIME she dealt with matters / mattered. It ELIMIDATED any claim now that no markings = no crime. The doc she signed clearly makes that / her / YOUR claim a LIE!

The other links shows exatly the State Dept did NOT clear her of anything (a lie Joe / Care continue to spew) but instead made it CLEAR Hillary broke the law by withholding State Dept-related e-mails...a CRIME!

YOUR ARGUMENTS HAVE BEEN PROVEN FALSE! Your claims are Un-True, wrong, inaccurate, and to continue to repeat them in the face of the evidence is a LIE!

Last edited:
...and you saw what a disaster that was for the country.

The uppity Negro Muslim was able to put together a coalition of all the despicable greedy assholes in the country but after the disastrous election for the Moon Bats in 2010 and 2014 midterms and the two shitty candidates the Moon Bats have this year it doesn't look good for them.

One of them is a silly ass deranged card carrying Communist and the other one will have an ID card for the Federal Women's Correctional Facility.

Stopped a depression, added 9 million jobs, saved the auto industry, killed bin laden .......not too shabby for a community organizer

If it was true, it would be, but its not. There are more unemployed today than in 2007, more on welfare, more on food stamps, and more underemployed. Plus he has doubled the national debt and made Putin look like a statesman. Bin Laden was found using intel developed during the Bush admin, all obozo did was give the ok to hit him. The auto bailout didn't save anything-------------except the UAW and its donations to the DNC.
What?? There are more people unemployed today (with a larger population) than there were when a real estate bubble was propping up the economy??

You don't say?

Regardless, there are fewer people unemployed today, despite the larger population, than there were when Obama became president.
That is only if you only count the ones still qualified to collect unemployment benefits. If you count the ones who ran out of unemployment or was forced to take a part time job the number is way higher.
You idiot. :cuckoo: The second link I posted was to folks no longer collecting unemployment benefits. Even if you add those taking part time jobs for economic reasons, there are still fewer than when Obama became president. And that's still not even factoring in population growth.
After Five Years Of Obamanomics, A Record 100 Million Americans Not Working

What part of record do you not understand?
After Five Years Of Obamanomics, A Record 100 Million Americans Not Working
he Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) jobs report for December counted 74,000 jobs created last month. That was less than half the 200,000 new jobs expected.
Nevertheless, the BLS reported those 74,000 new jobs as reducing at least what it calls the U3 unemployment rate by three tenths of a percentage point, from 7.0% to 6.7%. That was because 347,000 workers fled the work force altogether last month, and so were no longer counted as unemployed.
Those 347,000 workers leaving the workforce altogether were almost 5 times (4.689) the 74,000 new jobs created. But the BLS, and the New York Times, still count that as headline unemployment plummeting on net to 6.7% from 7.0%. In fact, all of the decline in the U3 headline unemployment rate since President Obama entered office has been due to workers leavingthe work force, and therefore no longer counted as unemployed, rather than to new jobs created.
Those 347,000 for December, 2013, however, are still out there not working, and suffering. Indeed, they joined a near record of more than 102 million Americans not working in December, all still out there and suffering without jobs. Those 102 million Americans are the human face of an employment-population ratio stuck at a pitiful 58.6%. In fact, more than 100 million Americans were not working in Obama’s workers’ paradise for all of 2013 and 2012.

You do understand that there is a difference between number of Americans working and number of people, including illegal aliens, working in our country right? 80% of our job growth went to illegal aliens.
Seal the border.
No more immigrants until every American who wants a job has a job that pays a living wage.

Stopped a depression, added 9 million jobs, saved the auto industry, killed bin laden .......not too shabby for a community organizer

If it was true, it would be, but its not. There are more unemployed today than in 2007, more on welfare, more on food stamps, and more underemployed. Plus he has doubled the national debt and made Putin look like a statesman. Bin Laden was found using intel developed during the Bush admin, all obozo did was give the ok to hit him. The auto bailout didn't save anything-------------except the UAW and its donations to the DNC.
What?? There are more people unemployed today (with a larger population) than there were when a real estate bubble was propping up the economy??

You don't say?

Regardless, there are fewer people unemployed today, despite the larger population, than there were when Obama became president.
That is only if you only count the ones still qualified to collect unemployment benefits. If you count the ones who ran out of unemployment or was forced to take a part time job the number is way higher.
You idiot. :cuckoo: The second link I posted was to folks no longer collecting unemployment benefits. Even if you add those taking part time jobs for economic reasons, there are still fewer than when Obama became president. And that's still not even factoring in population growth.
After Five Years Of Obamanomics, A Record 100 Million Americans Not Working

What part of record do you not understand?
After Five Years Of Obamanomics, A Record 100 Million Americans Not Working
he Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) jobs report for December counted 74,000 jobs created last month. That was less than half the 200,000 new jobs expected.
Nevertheless, the BLS reported those 74,000 new jobs as reducing at least what it calls the U3 unemployment rate by three tenths of a percentage point, from 7.0% to 6.7%. That was because 347,000 workers fled the work force altogether last month, and so were no longer counted as unemployed.
Those 347,000 workers leaving the workforce altogether were almost 5 times (4.689) the 74,000 new jobs created. But the BLS, and the New York Times, still count that as headline unemployment plummeting on net to 6.7% from 7.0%. In fact, all of the decline in the U3 headline unemployment rate since President Obama entered office has been due to workers leavingthe work force, and therefore no longer counted as unemployed, rather than to new jobs created.
Those 347,000 for December, 2013, however, are still out there not working, and suffering. Indeed, they joined a near record of more than 102 million Americans not working in December, all still out there and suffering without jobs. Those 102 million Americans are the human face of an employment-population ratio stuck at a pitiful 58.6%. In fact, more than 100 million Americans were not working in Obama’s workers’ paradise for all of 2013 and 2012.

You do understand that there is a difference between number of Americans working and number of people, including illegal aliens, working in our country right? 80% of our job growth went to illegal aliens.
Seal the border.
No more immigrants until every American who wants a job has a job that pays a living wage.

This is the part where I ask you to prove your claims about illegals and you tell me to Google it myself, right?
The secret attachments sent in over 6 years alone should be good for 10 years in SingSing.

Many are locked up for less. I see a PLEA DEAL coming for Da' Beast.

Drop out of Presidential race in exchange for Felonys' dropped? If they don't prosecute HER they will have to let ALL others go free and never prosecute anyone again. Ananrchy. Do whatever you want.

One more time- Can you please cite a case of someone being sent to prison for receiving an e-mail with classified information on it.

Again, I've asked this of all you wingnuts, and not A ONE of you came up with a case on point.

Reality is, this sort of thing probably goes on all the time. it's the problem when you are trying to apply 20th century rules to 21st century technology.
Name someone who illegally used an unsanctioned server to read their email with.

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