DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

STEPHANOPOULOS: “You know, you’ve said many times that the emails were not marked classified. The non-disclosure agreement you signed as Secretary of State says that that’s really NOT that relevant. It says classified information is marked OR UNMARKED classified and that all of you are trained to treat ALL of that sensitively and SHOULD KNOW the difference.”

CLINTON: “Well of course and that’s exactly what I did."

It is obvious that Hillary did NOT know (or didn't care). FAIL!

The State dept said Hillary did NOT give them everything she was required to by law. They have said some of the e-mails recovered by the FBI were NEVER handed over to them. THAT IS A CRIME.

Once again...
The State Dept can say she did nothing wrong...
Her priest can say she did nothing wrong...
Her mother can write a note saying it...
Chelsea can say it...
Hillary has declared it...
Obama himself can say it...

...but until the FBI says it, it don't mean SHIT!
That's a LIE, the State dept did NOT say they got emails of Hillary's from the FBI that were not turned over to them by Hillary.
Link - prove it, big man. I watched the press conference.

WASHINGTON EXAMINER: Clinton said she'd turned all work-related emails -- the State Department has now admitted that isn't true. (Getty)

(Got to cut-n-paste whole thing, link not working right, but...)

Care, YOU lie. Feel free to apologize.... pardon me if I don't hold my breath waiting...
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The secret attachments sent in over 6 years alone should be good for 10 years in SingSing.

Many are locked up for less. I see a PLEA DEAL coming for Da' Beast.

Drop out of Presidential race in exchange for Felonys' dropped? If they don't prosecute HER they will have to let ALL others go free and never prosecute anyone again. Ananrchy. Do whatever you want.
No plea deal necessary. No jail time coming. Worst case scenario -- Obama pardons Hillary.
Pardons are for people found GUILTY.
Obama has already declared he will NOT allow a Grand Jury to be called or any indictment to be made....just like with Holder.
Obama declared no such thing...another LIE from you Easy, why not take some pride in telling the TRUTH for a change? The truth will set you free.....from Satan's grasp on you.


The State dept said Hillary did NOT give them everything she was required to by law. They have said some of the e-mails recovered by the FBI were NEVER handed over to them. THAT IS A CRIME.

Once again...
The State Dept can say she did nothing wrong...
Her priest can say she did nothing wrong...
Her mother can write a note saying it...
Chelsea can say it...
Hillary has declared it...
Obama himself can say it...

...but until the FBI says it, it don't mean SHIT!
That's a LIE, the State dept did NOT say they got emails of Hillary's from the FBI that were not turned over to them by Hillary.
Link - prove it, big man. I watched the press conference.
How can I prove something that didn't happen Miss easy65?

You are the one that said it happened.

Now you're simply making up shit. The number of people unemployed plus those having given up is lower today than when Obama became president.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

We have no idea how many people have given up looking for work. Obama's BLS say they come up with that stat by calling a few people each month. Those are only subjective numbers put out by the administration. Only idiots like you would trust Obama's government to tell the truth after all the other lies he has told.

However, what we do know is that poverty has risen, family income has decreased, economic growth is minimal, the debt has soared and the number of people on welfare has substantial increased and only you stupid uneducated, low information Moon Bats define that as success.

You made a big mistake by voting fot the Muslim for President. What the hell were you thinking, that an Affirmation Action community organizer was going to somehow do a good job running this country? How stupid can you be? You are going to make the same big mistake this year by voting for either the Silly Communist or the incompetent lying crook Bitch. When will you Moon Bats ever pull your head out of your asses? You have really screwed up this country with you filthy ass socialist greed.
The secret attachments sent in over 6 years alone should be good for 10 years in SingSing.

Many are locked up for less. I see a PLEA DEAL coming for Da' Beast.

Drop out of Presidential race in exchange for Felonys' dropped? If they don't prosecute HER they will have to let ALL others go free and never prosecute anyone again. Ananrchy. Do whatever you want.
No plea deal necessary. No jail time coming. Worst case scenario -- Obama pardons Hillary.
Pardons are for people found GUILTY.
Obama has already declared he will NOT allow a Grand Jury to be called or any indictment to be made....just like with Holder.
Obama declared no such thing...another LIE from you Easy, why not take some pride in telling the TRUTH for a change? The truth will set you free.....from Satan's grasp on you.

BS! The WH (Obama) said based on what we know now NO Grand Jury will be called, no indictments.

The FBI works for the DOJ. Lynch wirks for Obama. The 'WH' IS Obama, and he said he is not going to let a Grand Jury / indictments happen, based on what is known now.

Spin that any way you want. Since he protected Holder the same way in the end, you might as well count on it now, too.
The uppity Muslim negro beat the best candidate Republicans had to offer by a 2:1 margin

Republucans have never managed to beat that uppity negro have they?

...and you saw what a disaster that was for the country.

The uppity Negro Muslim was able to put together a coalition of all the despicable greedy assholes in the country but after the disastrous election for the Moon Bats in 2010 and 2014 midterms and the two shitty candidates the Moon Bats have this year it doesn't look good for them.

One of them is a silly ass deranged card carrying Communist and the other one will have an ID card for the Federal Women's Correctional Facility.

Stopped a depression, added 9 million jobs, saved the auto industry, killed bin laden .......not too shabby for a community organizer

If it was true, it would be, but its not. There are more unemployed today than in 2007, more on welfare, more on food stamps, and more underemployed. Plus he has doubled the national debt and made Putin look like a statesman. Bin Laden was found using intel developed during the Bush admin, all obozo did was give the ok to hit him. The auto bailout didn't save anything-------------except the UAW and its donations to the DNC.
What?? There are more people unemployed today (with a larger population) than there were when a real estate bubble was propping up the economy??

You don't say?

Regardless, there are fewer people unemployed today, despite the larger population, than there were when Obama became president.
That is only if you only count the ones still qualified to collect unemployment benefits. If you count the ones who ran out of unemployment or was forced to take a part time job the number is way higher.

The State dept said Hillary did NOT give them everything she was required to by law. They have said some of the e-mails recovered by the FBI were NEVER handed over to them. THAT IS A CRIME.

Once again...
The State Dept can say she did nothing wrong...
Her priest can say she did nothing wrong...
Her mother can write a note saying it...
Chelsea can say it...
Hillary has declared it...
Obama himself can say it...

...but until the FBI says it, it don't mean SHIT!
That's a LIE, the State dept did NOT say they got emails of Hillary's from the FBI that were not turned over to them by Hillary.
Link - prove it, big man. I watched the press conference.
How can I prove something that didn't happen Miss easy65?

You are the one that said it happened.
You don't have to do anything - I posted the link proving it did...and that you are ignorant / a liar!

The State dept said Hillary did NOT give them everything she was required to by law. They have said some of the e-mails recovered by the FBI were NEVER handed over to them. THAT IS A CRIME.

Once again...
The State Dept can say she did nothing wrong...
Her priest can say she did nothing wrong...
Her mother can write a note saying it...
Chelsea can say it...
Hillary has declared it...
Obama himself can say it...

...but until the FBI says it, it don't mean SHIT!
That's a LIE, the State dept did NOT say they got emails of Hillary's from the FBI that were not turned over to them by Hillary.
Link - prove it, big man. I watched the press conference.
How can I prove something that didn't happen Miss easy65?

You are the one that said it happened.
STEPHANOPOULOS: “You know, you’ve said many times that the emails were not marked classified. The non-disclosure agreement you signed as Secretary of State says that that’s really NOT that relevant. It says classified information is marked OR UNMARKED classified and that all of you are trained to treat ALL of that sensitively and SHOULD KNOW the difference.”

CLINTON: “Well of course and that’s exactly what I did."

It is obvious that Hillary did NOT know (or didn't care). FAIL!
If that is the could her agency ALLOW her to use a private server?
STEPHANOPOULOS: “You know, you’ve said many times that the emails were not marked classified. The non-disclosure agreement you signed as Secretary of State says that that’s really NOT that relevant. It says classified information is marked OR UNMARKED classified and that all of you are trained to treat ALL of that sensitively and SHOULD KNOW the difference.”

CLINTON: “Well of course and that’s exactly what I did."

It is obvious that Hillary did NOT know (or didn't care). FAIL!
If that is the could her agency ALLOW her to use a private server?
STEPHANOPOULOS: “You know, you’ve said many times that the emails were not marked classified. The non-disclosure agreement you signed as Secretary of State says that that’s really NOT that relevant. It says classified information is marked OR UNMARKED classified and that all of you are trained to treat ALL of that sensitively and SHOULD KNOW the difference.”

CLINTON: “Well of course and that’s exactly what I did."

It is obvious that Hillary did NOT know (or didn't care). FAIL!
If that is the could her agency ALLOW her to use a private server?
Who do you think ran the Department???

It's not like she had to ask her employees for permission....
Hillary admitted herself in the interview (link to video posted) she signed a federal form stating markings on documents do not matter, she would treat ALL documents as classified, and that she should know the difference anyway.

The State Dept has said / confirmed Hillary did NOT turn over all State Dept-related e-mails, as required by the provided confirming that as well.

2 of the biggest lies libs continue to spew -- unmarked at the time = no crime & state dept has 'cleared' her of wrong-doing - now have been completely DE-BUNKED!
Hillary admitted herself in the interview (link to video posted) she signed a federal form stating markings on documents do not matter, she would treal ALL documents as classified, and that she should know the difference anyway.

The State Dept has said / confirmed Hillary did NOT turn over all State Dept-related e-mails, as required by the provided con firming that as well.

2 of the biggest lies libs continue to spew -- unmarked at the time = no crime & state dept has 'cleared' her of wrong-doing - now have been completely DE-BUNKED!

Agree. if that video don't shut it down........geez. what it take for these people?
A classified email is sent to a secure server at C.I.A. Headquarters in Langley Virginia.

That classified email if forwarded to a classified server at the State Department at Foggy Bottom.

No way can classified information, including email be transferred and/or transmitted to a non-secure private server. Which is what the RePugs are trying to say.

Sufficient safeguards exist to prevent heretofore classified information (including emails) on a secure server(s) to be passed/transmitted to non-secure off-site private server(s).

The use of off-site non-secure server(s) by Republican Aides/Advisers/Cabinet Officials is a documented fact from the previous the Republican Administration (2001 - 2009).

At no time did Republican Congressman or Republican Senators question the use of private server(s) by Republican Aides/Advisers/Cabinet Officials during the previous Republican Administration (2001 - 2009).

At no time did Republican Congressman or Republican Senators demand the resignation of Senior White House Adviser Karl Rove after it became known that over 5,000,000 emails on his private server(s) (Either donated or under the control of the Republican National Committee) had been illegally deleted. Federal Law requires White House Communications to held at the White House, on Government Servers.

At no time did Republican Congressman or Republican Senators demand the resignation of former National Security Adviser/Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice after it became a matter of public record that Ms. Rice had used an off-site, non-secure private server for her Government Emails/Correspondence.

No legal action taken against either Karl Rove or Condoleezza Rice.

No Congressional Hearing were held regarding the use of private server(s) by Karl Rove or Condoleezza Rice.

The history of the use by Government Officials is a matter of public record.

But it is only against the law when a Democrat does it.
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Hillary admitted herself in the interview (link to video posted) she signed a federal form stating markings on documents do not matter, she would treat ALL documents as classified, and that she should know the difference anyway.

The State Dept has said / confirmed Hillary did NOT turn over all State Dept-related e-mails, as required by the provided confirming that as well.

2 of the biggest lies libs continue to spew -- unmarked at the time = no crime & state dept has 'cleared' her of wrong-doing - now have been completely DE-BUNKED!

The emails in question were not classified at the time they were the Clinton server(s)

@easyt65 Your a liar.
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STEPHANOPOULOS: “You know, you’ve said many times that the emails were not marked classified. The non-disclosure agreement you signed as Secretary of State says that that’s really NOT that relevant. It says classified information is marked OR UNMARKED classified and that all of you are trained to treat ALL of that sensitively and SHOULD KNOW the difference.”

CLINTON: “Well of course and that’s exactly what I did."

It is obvious that Hillary did NOT know (or didn't care). FAIL!
If that is the could her agency ALLOW her to use a private server?
Who do you think ran the Department???

It's not like she had to ask her employees for permission....
When it comes to security...yes you do

That is the problem for Republicans. If she was told not to use a private server and did might have a case

Now you're simply making up shit. The number of people unemployed plus those having given up is lower today than when Obama became president.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

We have no idea how many people have given up looking for work. Obama's BLS say they come up with that stat by calling a few people each month. Those are only subjective numbers put out by the administration. Only idiots like you would trust Obama's government to tell the truth after all the other lies he has told.

However, what we do know is that poverty has risen, family income has decreased, economic growth is minimal, the debt has soared and the number of people on welfare has substantial increased and only you stupid uneducated, low information Moon Bats define that as success.

You made a big mistake by voting fot the Muslim for President. What the hell were you thinking, that an Affirmation Action community organizer was going to somehow do a good job running this country? How stupid can you be? You are going to make the same big mistake this year by voting for either the Silly Communist or the incompetent lying crook Bitch. When will you Moon Bats ever pull your head out of your asses? You have really screwed up this country with you filthy ass socialist greed.
:lmao: First of all -- i just posted the figures you claim we don't know about.

But even funnier ... if you don't know the figures, then how in the hell do you know they're greater now???


Never forget -- you rightards are the dumbest creatures crawling on the planet .... and everyone knows it. :thup:
STEPHANOPOULOS: “You know, you’ve said many times that the emails were not marked classified. The non-disclosure agreement you signed as Secretary of State says that that’s really NOT that relevant. It says classified information is marked OR UNMARKED classified and that all of you are trained to treat ALL of that sensitively and SHOULD KNOW the difference.”

CLINTON: “Well of course and that’s exactly what I did."

It is obvious that Hillary did NOT know (or didn't care). FAIL!
If that is the could her agency ALLOW her to use a private server?
Who do you think ran the Department???

It's not like she had to ask her employees for permission....
When it comes to security...yes you do

That is the problem for Republicans. If she was told not to use a private server and did might have a case
Gee, Hillary only had ONE boss (Obozo), who claimed he DIDN'T know about her shenanigans in setting up that private server...

So, did she decide to use an unsecured server for classified information all on her own, or is Obungles lying again????

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