DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

The uppity Muslim negro beat the best candidate Republicans had to offer by a 2:1 margin

Republucans have never managed to beat that uppity negro have they?

...and you saw what a disaster that was for the country.

The uppity Negro Muslim was able to put together a coalition of all the despicable greedy assholes in the country but after the disastrous election for the Moon Bats in 2010 and 2014 midterms and the two shitty candidates the Moon Bats have this year it doesn't look good for them.

One of them is a silly ass deranged card carrying Communist and the other one will have an ID card for the Federal Women's Correctional Facility.

Stopped a depression, added 9 million jobs, saved the auto industry, killed bin laden .......not too shabby for a community organizer

If it was true, it would be, but its not. There are more unemployed today than in 2007, more on welfare, more on food stamps, and more underemployed. Plus he has doubled the national debt and made Putin look like a statesman. Bin Laden was found using intel developed during the Bush admin, all obozo did was give the ok to hit him. The auto bailout didn't save anything-------------except the UAW and its donations to the DNC.
What?? There are more people unemployed today (with a larger population) than there were when a real estate bubble was propping up the economy??

You don't say?

Regardless, there are fewer people unemployed today, despite the larger population, than there were when Obama became president.
The secret attachments sent in over 6 years alone should be good for 10 years in SingSing.

Many are locked up for less. I see a PLEA DEAL coming for Da' Beast.

Drop out of Presidential race in exchange for Felonys' dropped? If they don't prosecute HER they will have to let ALL others go free and never prosecute anyone again. Ananrchy. Do whatever you want.
No plea deal necessary. No jail time coming. Worst case scenario -- Obama pardons Hillary.
"Authorized" by whom? The only person senior to Hillary was Barak Obama. Hillary has been saying the rules allowed it, not that someone "authorized" it.
Doesn't matter how big you are you don't get to make your own security rules......even Obama

That's why Hillary is in trouble, stupid. She broke the rules.
Actually, she followed the rules and security classifications of the time she was Secretary of State
Actually she DIDN'T.

When she received her security clearance as Sect of State she received training on handling and storage of classified documents / information. She did not sign the federal document required by law acknowleding this. THAT IS A CRIME.

Her private server did not meet federally required Legal standards. THAT IS A CRIME.

Giving her server to a company not authorized and whose employees do not have proper clearances to store and maintain it BY LAW is a CRIME.

Ordering a subordinate to strip the classified markings of a document and send it via UNCLASS means, intentionally, as several of her employees say she did, IS A CRIME.

PERJURY, testifying under oath to only using 1...then 2 devices...and then it turning out to be 3...IS A CRIME.

But you keep parroting the's all you've been taught by your 'master'.


You want to send Hillary to jail because of not signing her classified briefing statement? guys are tough
1 of many, my friend...and thank you for acknowledging she broke the law...and that liberals like to pick and choose which laws they want to enforce and which laws they don't (which are usually the ones they break).
The secret attachments sent in over 6 years alone should be good for 10 years in SingSing.

Many are locked up for less. I see a PLEA DEAL coming for Da' Beast.

Drop out of Presidential race in exchange for Felonys' dropped? If they don't prosecute HER they will have to let ALL others go free and never prosecute anyone again. Ananrchy. Do whatever you want.
No plea deal necessary. No jail time coming. Worst case scenario -- Obama pardons Hillary.
Pardons are for people found GUILTY.
Obama has already declared he will NOT allow a Grand Jury to be called or any indictment to be made....just like with Holder.
"Authorized" by whom? The only person senior to Hillary was Barak Obama. Hillary has been saying the rules allowed it, not that someone "authorized" it.
Doesn't matter how big you are you don't get to make your own security rules......even Obama

That's why Hillary is in trouble, stupid. She broke the rules.
Actually, she followed the rules and security classifications of the time she was Secretary of State
Actually she DIDN'T.

When she received her security clearance as Sect of State she received training on handling and storage of classified documents / information. She did not sign the federal document required by law acknowleding this. THAT IS A CRIME.

Her private server did not meet federally required Legal standards. THAT IS A CRIME.

Giving her server to a company not authorized and whose employees do not have proper clearances to store and maintain it BY LAW is a CRIME.

Ordering a subordinate to strip the classified markings of a document and send it via UNCLASS means, intentionally, as several of her employees say she did, IS A CRIME.

PERJURY, testifying under oath to only using 1...then 2 devices...and then it turning out to be 3...IS A CRIME.

But you keep parroting the's all you've been taught by your 'master'.

actually it did fit federal standards go look at plate canyon network I just posted it
The company itself declared none of its people have TS/SCI clearances. 'Not authorized'...
Platte River is a huge deal, wins awards, and keeps Secret / TS/SCI-filled servers in their BATHROOM?! :p

Yeah, ok... LOL!
No actually 22 emails that would endanger our national security was kept on a private email account by her. As told by the Obama administration.
Subsequent reclassification is not a crime

more lies, the data was classified when it was created, it was not reclassified.

do you ever post anything that isn't a lie?

If the data was classified when created, it was marked classified when created.

Who sent known Top Secret information without markings?

OK, for the final time. It doesn't have to be marked to be classified. If I have memorized classified data and then write it down on a piece of paper its still classified data. I should mark it, and I would have. But Hillary did not either when she received it or forwarded it.

She also told a staffer to remove classified markings on some data that was marked.

Face it, moron, she is a criminal.
Again...has nothing to do with Hillary

If you memorized classified and sent it to Hillary.......YOU will be prosecuted

Where are all the republican investigations of those who sent emails to Hillary?

Admit it.......Republicans don't give a shit
RW...and JOE...

There ARE NO Republican investigations. The FBI, led by Obama's hand-picked guy, is conducting the investigation.

Put down Hillary's 'RW Conspiracy' Crack Pipe, and get that through your head.
The secret attachments sent in over 6 years alone should be good for 10 years in SingSing.

Many are locked up for less. I see a PLEA DEAL coming for Da' Beast.

Drop out of Presidential race in exchange for Felonys' dropped? If they don't prosecute HER they will have to let ALL others go free and never prosecute anyone again. Ananrchy. Do whatever you want.
No plea deal necessary. No jail time coming. Worst case scenario -- Obama pardons Hillary.
Pardons are for people found GUILTY.
Obama has already declared he will NOT allow a Grand Jury to be called or any indictment to be made....just like with Holder.
Your ignorance is noted and laughed at.

Tell me, for which crime(s) was Nixon found guilty when Ford Pardoned him...?
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The State dept said Hillary did NOT give them everything she was required to by law. They have said some of the e-mails recovered by the FBI were NEVER handed over to them. THAT IS A CRIME.

Once again...
The State Dept can say she did nothing wrong...
Her priest can say she did nothing wrong...
Her mother can write a note saying it...
Chelsea can say it...
Hillary has declared it...
Obama himself can say it...

...but until the FBI says it, it don't mean SHIT!
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The secret attachments sent in over 6 years alone should be good for 10 years in SingSing.

Many are locked up for less. I see a PLEA DEAL coming for Da' Beast.

Drop out of Presidential race in exchange for Felonys' dropped? If they don't prosecute HER they will have to let ALL others go free and never prosecute anyone again. Ananrchy. Do whatever you want.
No plea deal necessary. No jail time coming. Worst case scenario -- Obama pardons Hillary.
Pardons are for people found GUILTY.
Obama has already declared he will NOT allow a Grand Jury to be called or any indictment to be made....just like with Holder.
Your ignorance is noted and laughed at.

Tell me, what for which crime(s) was Nixon found guilty when Ford Pardoned him...?
Destruction of audiotape, participating in a coverup of a crime. Back in Nixon's day people knew what crimes were. Politicians who committed them and who cared for our nation had enough respect for it to step down so as not to put the country through the shit Bill Clinton put this nation through (1st sitting US president dragged into trial/forced to testify, Impeachment) and that Hillary is determined to put this nation through.

Even if Hillary does escape prison, her complete and utter incompetence, inability to recognize TS info (so classified NONE of it can be released in any circumstance), inability to run an AGENCY (let alone a country), refusing to take an Ambassador out of harm's way when EVERY other country got their people out, denying an Ambassador's more than 600 pleas for more security before his murder, hiring Al Qaeida - his murderers - to protect him....even if she escapes prison all of this has been exposed about her. She will be the most tainted candidate to ever limp into the election and, God forbid, the WH.

And who knows what critically damaging info she gave our enemies, who most probably got whatever was on her server....

Yes, Bush fucked up the region really good and we'll probably be spending years there trying to fix it. What is your point, dummy?

But your Boy fought the war for three years and then called the Iraq War a success and your Bitch Hillary voted for the invasion. You Libtards can deny and spin all you want because that is what you do instead of the truth but you can't run away from that.

ton gave Bush the authority, on the premise he would use it responsibly. IT's not her fault he didn't.

Obama fucked up the war. He said it was a success after fighting it for three years and then he withdrew the troops and lost what many Americans died for and now he is back fighting again. Dumbass.

it wasn't EXACTLY the same thing. Hillary said that from her perspective, Bosnia in the middle of the Balkan War was a pretty scary place. I'm sure the hundreds of armed men around her and her daughter made it so.

Williams claimed his helicopter had been hit. It wasn't.

It was exactly the same kind of stolen valor. Both the shitheads claim they were under fire when they weren't.

You can hold that Williams asshole accountable for being a dickhead by not watching any of his stupid shows.

You can holed The Bitch accountable for her lying and stolen valor by not voting for her for President. You think you can do the right thing for a change?
The secret attachments sent in over 6 years alone should be good for 10 years in SingSing.

Many are locked up for less. I see a PLEA DEAL coming for Da' Beast.

Drop out of Presidential race in exchange for Felonys' dropped? If they don't prosecute HER they will have to let ALL others go free and never prosecute anyone again. Ananrchy. Do whatever you want.
No plea deal necessary. No jail time coming. Worst case scenario -- Obama pardons Hillary.
Pardons are for people found GUILTY.
Obama has already declared he will NOT allow a Grand Jury to be called or any indictment to be made....just like with Holder.
Your ignorance is noted and laughed at.

Tell me, what for which crime(s) was Nixon found guilty when Ford Pardoned him...?
Destruction of audiotape, participating in a coverup of a crime. Back in Nixon's day people knew what crimes were. Politicians who committed them and who cared for our nation had enough respect for it to step down so as not to put the country through the shit Bill Clinton put this nation through (1st sitting US president dragged into trial/forced to testify, Impeachment) and that Hillary is determined to put this nation through.

Even if Hillary does escape prison, her complete and utter incompetence, inability to recognize TS info (so classified NONE of it can be released in any circumstance), inability to run an AGENCY (let alone a country), refusing to take an Ambassador out of harm's way when EVERY other country got their people out, denying an Ambassador's more than 600 pleas for more security before his murder, hiring Al Qaeida - his murderers - to protect him....even if she escapes prison all of this has been exposed about her. She will be the most tainted candidate to ever limp into the election and, God forbid, the WH.

And who knows what critically damaging info she gave our enemies, who most probably got whatever was on her server....
Nixon was "found guilty" of destruction of audiotape, participating in a coverup of a crime?"

In what court?

G'head, I'll wait for you to explain how Nixon was "found guilty" of crime(s) so that he could be pardoned ... or ... admit you're a flaming imbecile.
The uppity Muslim negro beat the best candidate Republicans had to offer by a 2:1 margin

Republucans have never managed to beat that uppity negro have they?

...and you saw what a disaster that was for the country.

The uppity Negro Muslim was able to put together a coalition of all the despicable greedy assholes in the country but after the disastrous election for the Moon Bats in 2010 and 2014 midterms and the two shitty candidates the Moon Bats have this year it doesn't look good for them.

One of them is a silly ass deranged card carrying Communist and the other one will have an ID card for the Federal Women's Correctional Facility.

Stopped a depression, added 9 million jobs, saved the auto industry, killed bin laden .......not too shabby for a community organizer

If it was true, it would be, but its not. There are more unemployed today than in 2007, more on welfare, more on food stamps, and more underemployed. Plus he has doubled the national debt and made Putin look like a statesman. Bin Laden was found using intel developed during the Bush admin, all obozo did was give the ok to hit him. The auto bailout didn't save anything-------------except the UAW and its donations to the DNC.
What?? There are more people unemployed today (with a larger population) than there were when a real estate bubble was propping up the economy??

You don't say?

Regardless, there are fewer people unemployed today, despite the larger population, than there were when Obama became president.

No you are wrong.

The unemployment rate that is lower now does not take into consideration the massive number of people that have given up looking for work nor the ones that were forced out of a good job into a lower lob.

Obama's growth rate has been piss poor and that is the reason poverty is increasing, family income decreasing, debt astronomical, welfare rolls at an all time high and workforce participation so low.

You voted for a failure.
Doesn't matter how big you are you don't get to make your own security rules......even Obama

That's why Hillary is in trouble, stupid. She broke the rules.
Actually, she followed the rules and security classifications of the time she was Secretary of State
Actually she DIDN'T.

When she received her security clearance as Sect of State she received training on handling and storage of classified documents / information. She did not sign the federal document required by law acknowleding this. THAT IS A CRIME.

Her private server did not meet federally required Legal standards. THAT IS A CRIME.

Giving her server to a company not authorized and whose employees do not have proper clearances to store and maintain it BY LAW is a CRIME.

Ordering a subordinate to strip the classified markings of a document and send it via UNCLASS means, intentionally, as several of her employees say she did, IS A CRIME.

PERJURY, testifying under oath to only using 1...then 2 devices...and then it turning out to be 3...IS A CRIME.

But you keep parroting the's all you've been taught by your 'master'.


You want to send Hillary to jail because of not signing her classified briefing statement? guys are tough
1 of many, my friend...and thank you for acknowledging she broke the law...and that liberals like to pick and choose which laws they want to enforce and which laws they don't (which are usually the ones they break).
Hillary is guilty of storing unclassified information on an unclassified server

San Quentin here I come
The uppity Muslim negro beat the best candidate Republicans had to offer by a 2:1 margin

Republucans have never managed to beat that uppity negro have they?

...and you saw what a disaster that was for the country.

The uppity Negro Muslim was able to put together a coalition of all the despicable greedy assholes in the country but after the disastrous election for the Moon Bats in 2010 and 2014 midterms and the two shitty candidates the Moon Bats have this year it doesn't look good for them.

One of them is a silly ass deranged card carrying Communist and the other one will have an ID card for the Federal Women's Correctional Facility.

Stopped a depression, added 9 million jobs, saved the auto industry, killed bin laden .......not too shabby for a community organizer

If it was true, it would be, but its not. There are more unemployed today than in 2007, more on welfare, more on food stamps, and more underemployed. Plus he has doubled the national debt and made Putin look like a statesman. Bin Laden was found using intel developed during the Bush admin, all obozo did was give the ok to hit him. The auto bailout didn't save anything-------------except the UAW and its donations to the DNC.
What?? There are more people unemployed today (with a larger population) than there were when a real estate bubble was propping up the economy??

You don't say?

Regardless, there are fewer people unemployed today, despite the larger population, than there were when Obama became president.

No you are wrong.

The unemployment rate that is lower now does not take into consideration the massive number of people that have given up looking for work nor the ones that were forced out of a good job into a lower lob.

Obama's growth rate has been piss poor and that is the reason poverty is increasing, family income decreasing, debt astronomical, welfare rolls at an all time high and workforce participation so low.

You voted for a failure.
Now you're simply making up shit. The number of people unemployed plus those having given up is lower today than when Obama became president.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
The secret attachments sent in over 6 years alone should be good for 10 years in SingSing.

Many are locked up for less. I see a PLEA DEAL coming for Da' Beast.

Drop out of Presidential race in exchange for Felonys' dropped? If they don't prosecute HER they will have to let ALL others go free and never prosecute anyone again. Ananrchy. Do whatever you want.
No plea deal necessary. No jail time coming. Worst case scenario -- Obama pardons Hillary.
Pardons are for people found GUILTY.
Obama has already declared he will NOT allow a Grand Jury to be called or any indictment to be made....just like with Holder.
Your ignorance is noted and laughed at.

Tell me, what for which crime(s) was Nixon found guilty when Ford Pardoned him...?
Destruction of audiotape, participating in a coverup of a crime. Back in Nixon's day people knew what crimes were. Politicians who committed them and who cared for our nation had enough respect for it to step down so as not to put the country through the shit Bill Clinton put this nation through (1st sitting US president dragged into trial/forced to testify, Impeachment) and that Hillary is determined to put this nation through.

Even if Hillary does escape prison, her complete and utter incompetence, inability to recognize TS info (so classified NONE of it can be released in any circumstance), inability to run an AGENCY (let alone a country), refusing to take an Ambassador out of harm's way when EVERY other country got their people out, denying an Ambassador's more than 600 pleas for more security before his murder, hiring Al Qaeida - his murderers - to protect him....even if she escapes prison all of this has been exposed about her. She will be the most tainted candidate to ever limp into the election and, God forbid, the WH.

And who knows what critically damaging info she gave our enemies, who most probably got whatever was on her server....
Nixon was "found guilty" of destruction of audiotape, participating in a coverup of a crime?"

In what court?

G'head, I'll wait for you to explain how Nixon was "found guilty" of crime(s) so that he could be pardoned ... or ... admit you're a flaming imbecile.

He's a fascinating monkey, innit he?





By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation
Richard Nixon became the thirty-seventh President of the United States on January 20, 1969 and was reelected in 1972 for a second term by the electors of forty-nine of the fifty states. His term in office continued until his resignation on August 9, 1974.

Pursuant to resolutions of the House of Representatives, its Committee on the Judiciary conducted an inquiry and investigation on the impeachment of the President extending over more than eight months. The hearings of the Committee and its deliberations, which received wide national publicity over television, radio, and in printed media, resulted in votes adverse to Richard Nixon on recommended Articles of Impeachment.

As a result of certain acts or omissions occurring before his resignation from the Office of President, Richard Nixon has become liable to possible indictment and trial for offenses against the United States. Whether or not he shall be so prosecuted depends on findings of the appropriate grand jury and on the discretion of the authorized prosecutor. Should an indictment ensue, the accused shall then be entitled to a fair trial by an impartial jury, as guaranteed to every individual by the Constitution.

It is believed that a trial of Richard Nixon, if it became necessary, could not fairly begin until a year or more has elapsed. In the meantime, the tranquility to which this nation has been restored by the events of recent weeks could be irreparably lost by the prospects of bringing to trial a former President of the United States. The prospects of such trial will cause prolonged and divisive debate over the propriety of exposing to further punishment and degradation a man who has already paid the unprecedented penalty of relinquishing the highest elective office of the United States.

Now, Therefore, I, Gerald R. Ford, President of the United States, pursuant to the pardon power conferred upon me by Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution, have granted and by these presents do grant a full, free, and absolute pardon unto Richard Nixon for all offenses against the United States which he, Richard Nixon, has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 20, 1969 through August 9, 1974.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this eighth day of September, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and seventy-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and ninety-ninth.



Gerald R. Ford: Proclamation 4311 - Granting Pardon to Richard Nixon
There is a video on Hotair,com right now showing Stephenopolis interviewing Hillary. (Sorry, unable to post direct link).

In the interview he shows Hillary that she signed a govt form that states whether docs are marked as classified or not she will treat them as if they are, that the markings or lack of markins do not matter. A copy of this signed doc is on the page. HILLARY AGREES that this is the case, even when he points out that her claiming docs weren't marked at the time then won't save her.

In the next few seconds she declares again, despite what she just agreed with, that she is innocent because of the lack of markings on the docs she sent / received at the time.

The document she signed / agreed to before her e-mails, when she 1st began as Sect of State, explains markings or not, it does not treat it like classified! This eliminates her 'wasn't marked' and 'I didn't know' defense....she signed the form explaining it and agreed to / with it by signing it.

BUSTED! Claim it wasn't marked all you want. As the statement SHE SIGNED says, markings don't matter! Finally the 'knife' that definitively kills that stupid argument / excuse!
Video: Hillary Clinton is finally confronted with her classified data non-disclosure agreement

"I almost feel sorry for Stephanopoulos at this point. It’s like trying to have an argument with Rainman about buying underwear. First you tell her that she signed an agreement saying that the information is classified whether it’s marked or not. She agrees with you, saying that’s exactly how she handled things. Then, literally two sentences later, she says, “there has to be some markings, some indication...”
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The State dept said Hillary did NOT give them everything she was required to by law. They have said some of the e-mails recovered by the FBI were NEVER handed over to them. THAT IS A CRIME.

Once again...
The State Dept can say she did nothing wrong...
Her priest can say she did nothing wrong...
Her mother can write a note saying it...
Chelsea can say it...
Hillary has declared it...
Obama himself can say it...

...but until the FBI says it, it don't mean SHIT!
That's a LIE, the State dept did NOT say they got emails of Hillary's from the FBI that were not turned over to them by Hillary.

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