DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

Let me make this simple for the partisan Democrats. The "Special Access Program" SAP is a sub-group of Top Secret. It is the most secure/secret of all government communications. Having a Top Secret security clearance is not enough to view SAP information- SAP emails require a special code be input to open. The codes change at random times.

hiLIARy's secret server had SAP emails on it. That means she knew they were classified AT THE TIME.

Bottom line =. hiLIARy is a LIAR. Contrary to her public statements, she did send and receive classified information on her unsecured home brew server. She used a private server to circumvent FOIA requirements and avoid Congressional oversight. She endangered national security.

Will she be indicted? Probably not. The Justice Dept is too corrupt and politicized.
and if they didn't have the SAP on it then what ??? you guys share do reach a lot ...

They did find them, so your argument is irrelevant.

It's true the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ likes to over classify everything. I used to be in the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ doing β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ with β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ and you would not believe what they would classify. Even if it was how many times a day you β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ or went to β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ to β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ . It made β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ so much harder to do β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ without β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ . Even after you leave β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ they follow your contact with β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ or β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, which is just ridiculous and makes a lot of wasted effort.

^ As seen on the net.
The emails in question were "Not Classified At The Time They Passed Through," Ms. Clinton's server. The emails in question were not classified until Five Years ago.

There is no proof, there is no evidence that Ms. Clinton transmitted or passed Classified Information to any person at any time.

No violation occurred.

There is no reasoning with many. Probably 100's of emails each day for 6 years went in/out.

You actually believe that NONE of them were important? secret? classified? Not even the SAP mails found sitting on the server? Wow. Parroting the newest gimmick "classified 5 years later"?

I believe the U.S. State Department, the U.S. Diplomatic SecurityService, the U.S. Diplomatic Intelligence Service.

There is no evidence to support any conjecture (all you have got), any contention (all you have got) or any supposition (all you have got) as to if any classified material was held, transmitted or passed though the server(s) used by Ms. Clinton.

I would point that when Karl Rove, as a Senior White Aide to bush43 used a server supplied by the Republican National Committee Republican did nothing. When Karl Rove, as a Senior White Aide to bush43 deleted over 5,000,000 held on the server supplied by the Republican National Committee Republicans did noting.

When Condolezza Rice both as National Security Adviser and Secretary of State to bush43 used a private server(s) Republicans did nothing.

The emails in question were classified 5-years after the fact.

There is no proof, no credible evidence to suggest violation of law.

Keep dreaming.
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Her excuse saying that they were not marked classified is a horrible excuse. Hello you want to be president and you cant tell what is classified or not .. Sorry go to jail
"The intelligence community has now deemed some of Hillary Clinton’s emails β€œtoo damaging" to national security to release under any circumstances, according to a U.S. government official close to the ongoing review. A second source, who was not authorized to speak on the record, backed up the finding. "

"Na na na na
Na na na na
Hey, Hey, Hey

Go to jail. Go DIRECTLY to Jail. Do NOT pass 'Go'. Do NOT collect $200. Do NOT Win the DNC Nomination. Do NOT continue Campaigning. Do NOT get put on the ballot. DO go down as the 1st 1st Lady to Go to Jail for NUMEROUS Felonies - crimes under the ESPIONAGE Act and for CORRUPTION Charges!


Selling Russia 1/5th of the US uranium Stockpile.

Caught and stopped TRYING to sell the Russians several of the Aleutian Islands & their mineral rights.

Caught taking contributions from foreign millionaire whose company she protected from legal punishment for violating Iranian Sanctions - running illegal goods to Iran - WHILE she served as Secretary of State ('Corruption'/'Influence Peddling)

Taking millions from Islamic nations that finance and support terrorism.

Taking millions from Islamic nations that oppress women, engage in female genital mutilation, and who murder homosexuals.

Hiring an AL QAEIDA-associated Militia to protect a US Ambassador.

Abandoning a US Ambassador in a hostile environment amidst terrorist threats that forced EVERY other nation with people in Benghazi to pull them out.

REJECTING OVER 600 pleas for additional security from the on-site US Ambassador AND TAKING AWAY 14 members of the Ambassador's security detail in the midst of these threats, a call for his assassination, AND after 2 previous terror attacks on his compound, the last of which before his murder left a 4-foot hole in his compound wall.

Denying UNDER OATH she knew what happened that night, ONLY to have HER OWN E-MAILS expose she told the Turkish Ambassador after the 13-hour attack that resulted in 4 Americans dead that she KNEW the video had nothing to do with the attack, that this was a terrorist attack; revealed that she told her own daughter that this was a terrorist attack; then told the world and the grieving families it was all about a video...thern ended up calling the grieving families 'Liars'!

Broke the law by not signing the required legal document, upon getting her security clearance required to do the job as Secretary of State, stating she had received her classification training.

Violated Administration rules and the law by not providing copies of ALL State Dept-related documents and e-mails to the State Dept for required recording/holding. The State Dept made it clear Hillary did NOT turn over all documents AS SHE CLAIMED UNDER OATH TO HAVE DONE.

Lied under oath about not using a legal private server, using MULTIPLE electronic devices (not just 'one'), and about NOT sending / receiving classified information. She later changed her statement to cover ass by saying she had not sent/received an e-mails / documents MARKED classified.
-- Since then the FBI has evidence that Hillary ordered subordinates to strip the classification markings off documents and to send them vis UNCLASS means for the sake of 'ease' and 'expedience'. These workers have stated this was not a 1-time thing but was almost 'SOP'! Thatm btw, is a CRIME.

Illegal handling, storage, and attempted destruction of Classified / EXTREMELY classified information capable of seriously damaging our national security.
- The company handling her server, which illegally had different / multiple classifications of information on 1 server (illegal) - did not have the appropriate legal clearance to hold/store/handle the classified information.
- Her lawyer was walking around with a USB drive that contained highly classified information without a security clearance, violating laws regarding handling, transporting, and storage of classified information.

Hillary broke the law by not signing the Federal Document stating she had released / returned all security documents and that she was keeping none of them (according to one report), which is a crime. If she DID sign the document, in light of all the classified State Dept-related information found in her position, she broke the law for keeping all this classified information.
-- Once you quit/step down/leave a job/program dealing with COMPARTMENTALIZED Highly Classified information the business/organization 'READS YOU OUT' of the program. From that point on it is ILLEGAL for you to have access to the information let alone have any of it in your possession!!!! The FBI just confirmed Hillary has / had compartmentalized Highly Classified info in her possession...ILLEGALLY.

(If they wanted to press it and make the case, considering her dealings with Russia and taking money from Islamic countries and others - such as the guy she 'helped' violate US Sanctions on Iran, a case of possible TREASON / REAL 'ESPIONAGE' could me made. (Not that it would stick, but it could be made...)

NOW the FBI is reporting that the information Hillary has / had in her possession was / is SO HIGHLY CLASSIFIED AND DANGEROUS TO OUR NATIONAL SECURITY that they CAN'T even REDACT it enough to release ANY of it!

HOLY CR@P! Stick a fork in her. SHE IS DONE! There is NO WAY the DOJ and / or Obama could possibly refuse to call for a Grand Jury / agree to indict her! Doing so to protect Ex-Atty General Eric Holder for multiple counts of Felony Perjury while attempting to keep Obama's 'Fast and Furious' scandal buried was easy to pull off because his criminal acts did not rise to the level of being capable of 'seriously causing damage to our national security'! Hillary, though? She'll be lucky if ALL they charge her with is 'NEGLIGENCE' under the Esionage Act!
The rubes never learn.

Oh wait. This time is different from the other hundred times they declared Obama or Hillary was going to jail for certain. Just because ... well, it is, that's why!

Can you imagine how bleak their lives must be that the only thrill left is waiting for Hillary to go to jail (and all of the lurid fantasies they entertain themselves with)? So sad, really. :(
You claim to know what thrills "they" have left?

Enlighten me. Tell me you and your BFFs do something other than sit around drooling at your fantasies of Hillary in prison.
You're a waste of time. You throw shit out you can't support, like a toddler.

You challenged me, I invited you to disprove my statement, and instead you've confirmed it. Thank you.
I would point that when Karl Rove,

we are talking about NOW. Encryption techniques and Email in general is light years ahead of 2003 or so. Attachments, classifications are levels of sophistication as well as Backup recover schemes.

give it a rest. This is 2015.......not 2003. running your own EMAIL with public owned information is a huge violation.
The rubes never learn.

Oh wait. This time is different from the other hundred times they declared Obama or Hillary was going to jail for certain. Just because ... well, it is, that's why!

Can you imagine how bleak their lives must be that the only thrill left is waiting for Hillary to go to jail (and all of the lurid fantasies they entertain themselves with)? So sad, really. :(
You claim to know what thrills "they" have left?

Enlighten me. Tell me you and your BFFs do something other than sit around drooling at your fantasies of Hillary in prison.
You're a waste of time. You throw shit out you can't support, like a toddler.

You challenged me, I invited you to disprove my statement, and instead you've confirmed it. Thank you.
Thank yourself, asshole.

I said: "You claim to know what thrills "they" have left?"

And you responded with asking me an idiotic question. That isn't a challenge, it's an avoidance of mine to you.

More proof you're a dishonest retard. That's why you're a lefty.
You challenged me, I invited you to disprove my statement, and instead you've confirmed it. Thank you.

at least learn how to reply so reader does not have to expand the attached.....gee whiz beaver.

I know how to reply so as to highlight just how lazy some other posters can be. :p

I said: "You claim to know what thrills "they" have left?"

And I said "Prove me wrong," and you were unable to do so. Now, how much longer do you intend to make this about yourself and not about Hillary? Does your lack of interest indicate you've given up all hope of her going to prison?
You challenged me, I invited you to disprove my statement, and instead you've confirmed it. Thank you.

at least learn how to reply so reader does not have to expand the attached.....gee whiz beaver.

I know how to reply so as to highlight just how lazy some other posters can be. :p

I said: "You claim to know what thrills "they" have left?"

And I said "Prove me wrong," and you were unable to do so. Now, how much longer do you intend to make this about yourself and not about Hillary? Does your lack of interest indicate you've given up all hope of her going to prison?
Right. I asked you to explain yourself when you chimed in with how you said what thrills "they" had left and you asked me to prove you wrong. Who are they and how do you know?

You're a dumb asshole, nothing more.
you've given up all hope of her going to prison?

I don't care if go to prison or not. I don't want to feed and house her fat butt. Expose the fraud. Show how she took payoffs for Govt. action. Get her out of WH forever would be enough.
Her excuse saying that they were not marked classified is a horrible excuse. Hello you want to be president and you cant tell what is classified or not .. Sorry go to jail
"The intelligence community has now deemed some of Hillary Clinton’s emails β€œtoo damaging" to national security to release under any circumstances, according to a U.S. government official close to the ongoing review. A second source, who was not authorized to speak on the record, backed up the finding. "

"Na na na na
Na na na na
Hey, Hey, Hey

Go to jail. Go DIRECTLY to Jail. Do NOT pass 'Go'. Do NOT collect $200. Do NOT Win the DNC Nomination. Do NOT continue Campaigning. Do NOT get put on the ballot. DO go down as the 1st 1st Lady to Go to Jail for NUMEROUS Felonies - crimes under the ESPIONAGE Act and for CORRUPTION Charges!


Selling Russia 1/5th of the US uranium Stockpile.

Caught and stopped TRYING to sell the Russians several of the Aleutian Islands & their mineral rights.

Caught taking contributions from foreign millionaire whose company she protected from legal punishment for violating Iranian Sanctions - running illegal goods to Iran - WHILE she served as Secretary of State ('Corruption'/'Influence Peddling)

Taking millions from Islamic nations that finance and support terrorism.

Taking millions from Islamic nations that oppress women, engage in female genital mutilation, and who murder homosexuals.

Hiring an AL QAEIDA-associated Militia to protect a US Ambassador.

Abandoning a US Ambassador in a hostile environment amidst terrorist threats that forced EVERY other nation with people in Benghazi to pull them out.

REJECTING OVER 600 pleas for additional security from the on-site US Ambassador AND TAKING AWAY 14 members of the Ambassador's security detail in the midst of these threats, a call for his assassination, AND after 2 previous terror attacks on his compound, the last of which before his murder left a 4-foot hole in his compound wall.

Denying UNDER OATH she knew what happened that night, ONLY to have HER OWN E-MAILS expose she told the Turkish Ambassador after the 13-hour attack that resulted in 4 Americans dead that she KNEW the video had nothing to do with the attack, that this was a terrorist attack; revealed that she told her own daughter that this was a terrorist attack; then told the world and the grieving families it was all about a video...thern ended up calling the grieving families 'Liars'!

Broke the law by not signing the required legal document, upon getting her security clearance required to do the job as Secretary of State, stating she had received her classification training.

Violated Administration rules and the law by not providing copies of ALL State Dept-related documents and e-mails to the State Dept for required recording/holding. The State Dept made it clear Hillary did NOT turn over all documents AS SHE CLAIMED UNDER OATH TO HAVE DONE.

Lied under oath about not using a legal private server, using MULTIPLE electronic devices (not just 'one'), and about NOT sending / receiving classified information. She later changed her statement to cover ass by saying she had not sent/received an e-mails / documents MARKED classified.
-- Since then the FBI has evidence that Hillary ordered subordinates to strip the classification markings off documents and to send them vis UNCLASS means for the sake of 'ease' and 'expedience'. These workers have stated this was not a 1-time thing but was almost 'SOP'! Thatm btw, is a CRIME.

Illegal handling, storage, and attempted destruction of Classified / EXTREMELY classified information capable of seriously damaging our national security.
- The company handling her server, which illegally had different / multiple classifications of information on 1 server (illegal) - did not have the appropriate legal clearance to hold/store/handle the classified information.
- Her lawyer was walking around with a USB drive that contained highly classified information without a security clearance, violating laws regarding handling, transporting, and storage of classified information.

Hillary broke the law by not signing the Federal Document stating she had released / returned all security documents and that she was keeping none of them (according to one report), which is a crime. If she DID sign the document, in light of all the classified State Dept-related information found in her position, she broke the law for keeping all this classified information.
-- Once you quit/step down/leave a job/program dealing with COMPARTMENTALIZED Highly Classified information the business/organization 'READS YOU OUT' of the program. From that point on it is ILLEGAL for you to have access to the information let alone have any of it in your possession!!!! The FBI just confirmed Hillary has / had compartmentalized Highly Classified info in her possession...ILLEGALLY.

(If they wanted to press it and make the case, considering her dealings with Russia and taking money from Islamic countries and others - such as the guy she 'helped' violate US Sanctions on Iran, a case of possible TREASON / REAL 'ESPIONAGE' could me made. (Not that it would stick, but it could be made...)

NOW the FBI is reporting that the information Hillary has / had in her possession was / is SO HIGHLY CLASSIFIED AND DANGEROUS TO OUR NATIONAL SECURITY that they CAN'T even REDACT it enough to release ANY of it!

HOLY CR@P! Stick a fork in her. SHE IS DONE! There is NO WAY the DOJ and / or Obama could possibly refuse to call for a Grand Jury / agree to indict her! Doing so to protect Ex-Atty General Eric Holder for multiple counts of Felony Perjury while attempting to keep Obama's 'Fast and Furious' scandal buried was easy to pull off because his criminal acts did not rise to the level of being capable of 'seriously causing damage to our national security'! Hillary, though? She'll be lucky if ALL they charge her with is 'NEGLIGENCE' under the Esionage Act!

Five years after the fact.

No Classified Emails were held or passed through the server(s) used by Ms. Clinton.

No evidence existence exists that suggests that classified information was transmitted by Ms. Clinton.
Can you imagine how bleak their lives must be that the only thrill left is waiting for Hillary to go to jail (and all of the lurid fantasies they entertain themselves with)? So sad, really. :(
You claim to know what thrills "they" have left?

Enlighten me. Tell me you and your BFFs do something other than sit around drooling at your fantasies of Hillary in prison.
You're a waste of time. You throw shit out you can't support, like a toddler.

You challenged me, I invited you to disprove my statement, and instead you've confirmed it. Thank you.
Thank yourself, asshole.

I said: "You claim to know what thrills "they" have left?"

And you responded with asking me an idiotic question. That isn't a challenge, it's an avoidance of mine to you.

More proof you're a dishonest retard. That's why you're a lefty.

Nice to see your have the vocabulary of first grader.

Name calling mean you have nothing and you know you have nothing.
I asked you to explain yourself when you chimed in with how you said what thrills "they" had left and you asked me to prove you wrong.

Exactly. Now how many more times do you need to go over this before you get it? And why don't you want to talk about Hillary anymore?
No Classified Emails were held or passed through the server(s) used by Ms. Clinton.

OK. sure. We will maybe find out about this SAP stuff soon enough. That is if Liar-in-Chief does not pull more Banana Republic stuff and have it covered up further. You all better hope Hackers don't start the leak..........drip.......drip.........drip

Maybe even HE will figure out that may not work this time? Or they don't need HER corrupt butt?
here we go again........Corruption Berger Bloomingthal Clinton.............and we're off.
The Obama administration is stating that those emails could endanger our national security, not me. Either Hillary or Obama is lying, both your guys. So which is it?

Are you some kind of retard? Did someone try to take your helmet?

What part of the Obama administration saying 22 of those emails would endanger our national security don't you understand? Your party is ruining america.

That happens to be an opinion, not fact. Sorry you can't see the difference. So you guys on the right do have a problem. You can't accuse Hillary of espinoge without discussing what she actually had. I feel bad for you.

Or maybe they are setting you guys up. They make a bid deal, you insist on releasing them, and then we all find out they are no big deal.

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