Done with the NFL

I know my history... you are the confident one talking about how they beat them every year, and you won't make a silly avatar bet on your team. That's sad. My team just lost their best RB to a torn ACL, their best WR tore his hamstring and might be out the year... among many other major injuries and they are 3-6-1 so far. And you're SCARED of them. Suck it. You call yourself a fan and talk trash and you don't back it up.

STFU asshole!!! We lost the best D player in the last twenty years!!!

And? So you're a loud mouth hollow racist scared coward prick that won't back up your own words. Now go sit under the porch like a good puppy, because you certainly can't run with the big dogs.

You'll have to explain what words you're referring to.

I'm going to bed puppy... you go dig a hole under the porch and sleep there where you belong. :dig:

Hell,I'm likely to fall asleep in the man cave and wake up and stagger off to bed at around three.
Hahaha... That describes my dad's retired life to a T.
That was messed up last night. Just the two spots in the 4th quarter alone were a complete joke. First it was on 3rd down. It was obvious to everyone the RB made the first down, then they went for it and the Texans CLEARLY got the first down AGAIN. They went to replay and everyone with eyes could it see it was a first down.

The call on Hopkins was bad, but it cannot go to a replay. Once the whistle blows, play is dead. It was just a pathetic call.

Not to mention the lasers in the eyes. I mean right when a laser hits the helmet, call it a 15 yard penalty against the Raiders. Keep calling it until it stops. Trust me, fans will put a stop to it if it is dealt with that way.

The NFL has been a joke for a while now. Too many flags. The owners come up with more ambiguous rules every year in order to fine the players. We will never know how much money they collect. The game has been less and less watchable.
It's just a game. Much like the players who take it too far some fans are just as dumb.
I quit paying attention to football awhile ago, but I still love playing it. A few of my buddies from my old job and myself go to the local highschool field and play full contact every Sunday afternoon during the season. We get suited up and everything, but next weekend probably won't happen. One guy broke his collar bone.

Are we stupid playing like that in our late 30's and 40's or what?
It's just a game. Much like the players who take it too far some fans are just as dumb.
I quit paying attention to football awhile ago, but I still love playing it. A few of my buddies from my old job and myself go to the local highschool field and play full contact every Sunday afternoon during the season. We get suited up and everything, but next weekend probably won't happen. One guy broke his collar bone.

Are we stupid playing like that in our late 30's and 40's or what?
Depends on your job. I'm in the construction industry so I don't do anything outside of work that could jeopardize my career. Doc wants to replace my knee and I told him NO FUCKING WAY. Not worth the risk to my livelihood
I got an idea... write Trump a letter and ask him to do something about it. Maybe he'll make the NFL great again!.
Dont you have a car driving by your house to go chase, dude?

You are so fucking lame.

The NFL is crooked as Bill Clinton's penis. They have the officials slow down games with bad calls to keep them more 'interesting' and increase advertising time.

They also use teams to modify the mood of local populations giving them victories when the area is down and putting them up for ridicule if they want to to make some kind of statement.

Fuck the NFL.
I guess you would know about Bill Clinton's penis.
You should write the NFL a strongly worded letter.

Nah....I just refuse to watch another game.
They can continue their downward spiral.
Lasers in Brocks eyes and a TD called back plus two first downs that they screwed the Texans on.
This was an obvious rig and I really hate to say it because I've been a fan for over forty years.
They replay the game or i'm finished with the NFL.

Replay the game? That'll happen as soon as they re-do the Presidential Election...racist.

Maybe you should stick to watching womens ice skating or possibly dance,because if you had actually watched the game,which I know you didnt because you're more into fag sports,you would know it was fucked.

Fag sports? Few sports are gayer than a bunch of domestic abusers in tights playing grab ass while pretending to be tough guys dressed head to fucking toe in protective gear.

Rugby is a real sport.
You do not have the injuries in rugby that you have in football, even with the protective gear,
I get pissed at the refs and stuff sometimes too, but I know I won't stop watching NFL football. It's exciting and I love it.
Nothing more exciting than watching a QB take a knee or spike the ball. As sports go, it`s garbage but it gets high ratings because of the time of year they play and the gambling. I bought 2 squares for the Steeler game Thanksgiving since I`ll be at a relatives home and I`ll be forced to watch it. 3 hours of commercials interrupted by 9 minutes of actual playing. I can`t go home.
I get pissed at the refs and stuff sometimes too, but I know I won't stop watching NFL football. It's exciting and I love it.
Since I stopped watching the NFL this year, I have been astonished to see how much free time I have on the weekends.

Think about it, football is an all day gig on Sunday now, after church.

Shit, I got twice the weekend now and spend it with my wife doing things.

Been great for the marriage, at least so far, but I'll probably wind up fucking it all up somehow.

Football is a childs game played by grown men for more money than is shameful.

I couldnt care less about that insane crap any more, and love life more for it.
So what will you do on Sunday?? :eek-52:
Mow the yard? rake the leaves? Go on a long hike with my wife?

Have the kids over? Work on my game table some more?

Read up on the CDS bubble, find more reason to hate Goldman Sux?
I get pissed at the refs and stuff sometimes too, but I know I won't stop watching NFL football. It's exciting and I love it.
Since I stopped watching the NFL this year, I have been astonished to see how much free time I have on the weekends.

Think about it, football is an all day gig on Sunday now, after church.

Shit, I got twice the weekend now and spend it with my wife doing things.

Been great for the marriage, at least so far, but I'll probably wind up fucking it all up somehow.

Football is a childs game played by grown men for more money than is shameful.

I couldnt care less about that insane crap any more, and love life more for it.
When I moved to Ireland 20 years ago I gave up following sports and love the extra time that I have.
There are so many great things to do in life besides watch a football game. I have gotten to where I can't even stand to sit through a complete game. Wait for the 4th or just check the scores on my phone.

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