Donna Brazile wrote a tell-all, exposing how Hillary and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz controlled the DNC

Uh huh, sure. That explains why the Republicans hold both sides of Congress and the Administration along with 2/3rds of the state legislatures and governorships. They win because their "ideas are insanely unpopular". No wonder your name is the Derp.

Gerrymandering and voter suppression is how the GOP maintains its hold. I don't deny they did a very good job of lying their way into power. But what have they done with all this power they have? Nothing.
Of course, she brings up the hacking of the DNC's emails and blames the "Russians". The more likely scenario is that there were other people inside the DNC who saw and knew what was going on and blew the whistle. Assange maintains that he did not get them from Russians and forensic experts say the rate of copying the files showed it was done locally. She may have smelled a rat, but it's doubtful she was the only one smelling it.

Assange is a liar. You are talking about 1 report. The people who looked at the actual servers agreed they had been hacked.

I have a very nice bridge you might be interested in purchasing.
well 145 million is a good reason why everyone associated with the DNC kissed her loser ass.
Gerrymandering and voter suppression is how the GOP maintains its hold.
Why didn't gerrymandering, that the DNC was doing, was not a problem until Democrats lost the House the Senate, and the White House?
the Dems realize they bet on a lame horse and they are finally looking to put her down behind the woodshed. it's their only hope for the future.

Dems have lost over 1000 legislative seats across America since Obama took office.


Yea, they know what the fuck they are doing. :badgrin:
The 'DNC Hacking' crap NOT about Russians or Personal Data or even non-existent influencing of the election. It was about being EXPOSED!

"If you want to understand why the Democrats and the media are still so incensed of the release of DNC emails by Wikileaks, you have to understand the real story. It’s not about Russians or even privacy per se. It’s about being exposed.

The emails themselves were not extraordinarily scandalous and they received scant coverage from the media (here I’m separating the content of the emails from the release of the email). Contrary to claims there is zero, zip, nada evidence that these emails had a negative impact on Hillary Clinton’s campaign."

What was exposed?

- DNC e-mails showed, through the release of their own personal e-mails, the DNC was filled with a bunch of racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites.

- The DNC had rigged their primaries.

- The DNC engaged in election fraud during their Primaries.

- The DNC cheated in their Primary Debates, giving Hillary debate questions in advance.

Even more important, as Donna Brazil pointed out:

"Obama left the party $24 million in debt—$15 million in bank debt and more than $8 million owed to vendors after the 2012 campaign and had been paying that off very slowly. Obama’s campaign was not scheduled to pay it off until 2016. Hillary for America (the campaign) and the Hillary Victory Fund (its joint fundraising vehicle with the DNC) had taken care of 80 percent of the remaining debt in 2016, about $10 million, and had placed the party on an allowance.

The Clinton campaign arranged a loan on behalf of the DNC without clearing it with the DNC board. The Clinton campaign was actually controlling and using funds that were donated to support Democrat candidates.

This was not “essentially money laundering” this was the “essence of money laundering.

The Clinton campaign evaded federal campaign finance laws by basically “buying” the Democrat party–and by that I mean giving the DNC the choice between being controlled or bankruptcy–and milking it dry, sort of like the way old-time Mafia guys would “buy” a restaurant and milk it dry by skimming off cash."

Wow: Dem Bloodshed as Donna Brazile Outs Hillary Clinton as Grifter Who Milked DNC Dry

You didn't need the e-mails to know the DNC was backing Clinton especially after Biden decided against running. The Republicans are no different. Romney was discouraged from running by the RNC.

The primaries were not rigged. The Democrats use proportional representation. You get delegates based on your percentage of the vote. Even in Mississippi where Sanders got 19% of the vote, he got a few delegates. Contrast that with SC where Trump got 100% of the delegates with 52% of the vote. Clinton got 55% of the Democrat primary vote compared to 45% for Trump. If the DNC is that powerful then how did Obama win the nomination in 2008?

You use the word money laundering quite loosely. That is just a bunch of loose talk. Or maybe you work for the Justice Department. If so take it up with your superiors.
Gerrymandering and voter suppression is how the GOP maintains its hold.
Why didn't gerrymandering, that the DNC was doing, was not a problem until Democrats lost the House the Senate, and the White House?
cause they bought a dossier with fiction about trump and russia to interfere in voters votes. but they ain't gerrymanders. LOL
Progs, who wins?

Hillary or Donna? One of them is full of shit. Which one is it? Rich White woman or Rich Black woman?
Progs, who wins?

Hillary or Donna? One of them is full of shit. Which one is it? Rich White woman or Rich Black woman?
The Clintons have a reputation built from a lifetime of lies, corruption, scandal, and crime...far longer then Donna's.

Then again, asking 'who wins' between the two is like arguing that there is 'BIG sin' and 'LITTLE sin'. Sin is sin.
why are people ok with hillary rigging the dem primaries? it was a charade. it was a fraud. it was fiction. it was predetermined. it was as scripted as an episode of house of cards. it was bullshit. it was a farce. it was fake. it was a pageant. it was a deception. the fix was in.
It was her "turn".

Creeps Creaking Preceded the Collapse

Well, they did get into Whiteys Hating Whitey first, then added the Femininny Eruption in 1969. It's now the Gayists' turn for the nomination.
Progs, who wins?

Hillary or Donna? One of them is full of shit. Which one is it? Rich White woman or Rich Black woman?
The Clintons have a reputation built from a lifetime of lies, corruption, scandal, and crime...far longer then Donna's.

So Hillary wins the hearts and minds of Progs over the black woman?

65 million racists voted for Hillary, apparently....that's bad.
So Hillary wins the hearts and minds over the black woman?
Don't drag me into making this a thing about 'race'.

I don't care if Hillary was a purple Republican - she and her hubby have been criminal scum for a long time. Period.
Here's my favorite phrase from the article, describing the farce which is the Democratic Party:

"essentially … money laundering” for the Clinton campaign"

Lessons learned:

Clintons gonna Clinton

Democrats gonna Democrat.....rather Marxists gonna Marx.

The rational amongst us already knew these things.
So Hillary wins the hearts and minds over the black woman?
Don't drag me into making this a thing about 'race'.

I don't care if Hillary was a purple Republican - she and her hubby have been criminal scum for a long time. Period.

You don't have to acknowledge that its about race, but it is to Progs. They are proud of it. Everything is about race for them. They want a race war and war between classes so they can get votes and power.

So, I was wondering who wins a war between Prog icons of opposing races?

Obama showed us that race wins over I guess they are all siding with Donna over Hillary.
I am still waiting for the DNC to release the REAL E-MAILS.

When the e-mails were first released by WIKILEAKS, the DNC claimed they were ALTERED....but we have never seen the NON-ALTERED e-mails.
If I had a list of all those willfully ignorant Leftist here who have always claimed Hillary a Saint.......

It would pretty much include every Leftist here

Inherently corrupt and uninformed bunch. Oh, did I mention SO easily misled?

Or maybe it's just their stupid self destructive nature and the desire to bring the nation down with them. Leftist misery loves company

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