Donors changing their tune on Donald Trump

Donors changing tune on Trump
Donors who have either given the maximum $2,700 contribution to Trump’s campaign or plan to give vastly more than that in a general election, say they are noticing a growing acceptance of Trump among their mainstream Republicans friends and business associates.
When Republican donor Ernie Boch Jr. threw a party for Trump on the grounds of his 16,000-square-foot mansion over the summer, most of his friends in Boston’s elite corporate and political circles thought he was “nuts” for supporting the billionaire’s unlikely presidential bid.
“People were going crazy that I was having him over to my house,” Boch says of his summer fundraising bash for Trump. “A lot of my friends were afraid to say that they were supporting him because it just wasn’t politically correct.”
Now, nearly six months later, Boch, a car dealership mogul and supporter of the Massachusetts Republican Party, says friends and business associates he regards as moderate or “establishment” Republicans “are coming to terms with the idea that this is the guy; this is who is going to be the GOP leader.”

Compare that to Hillary. Is she getting more support as time goes on?


I thought he was "self funding" and beholden to nobody....

So much for that legend.[/
He will accept only small donations. Not large ones where someone or some company expects something in return.
He will accept only small donations. Not large ones where someone or some company expects something in return.
When Republican donor Ernie Boch Jr. threw a party for Trump on the grounds of his 16,000-square-foot mansion over the summer...

Hmmmm...Interesting. Trump lies again!

"I'm the only one self-funding," the billionaire mogul and 2016 GOP frontrunner told Greta Van Susteren. "I'm putting up my own money.

Trump: I'm the Only Candidate That Won't Be Controlled by Donors

That means he is not taking money from anyone except individual donors. Look at the fundraising totals.
If he gets momentum, that will change radically. And besides, the whole point is Trump said he was self-funding and would not be controlled by donors.
And he won't. Aunt Bessie of Idaho gave $2000 but she won;t get anything from Trump but a "thank you!."
It costs over a billion dollars to get elected. Only the dumbest of rubes would bleev Trump won't need some big donors if he is going to get anywhere.

He sure as hell isn't going to spend his own billion.

Thank you. Thank you very muuuuuuch.
Okay, you have officially turned the corner. Not only do you talk to yourself and answer, you post to yourself and post back because seldom does anyone pay attention to you.
I'm just showing another one of my predictions has come true.

Trump is not self-funding. He is not going to spend his own billion dollars to win the White House.
He is not accepting donations over $2780.
Are Hillary and Bernie doing that?
It costs over a billion dollars to get elected. Only the dumbest of rubes would bleev Trump won't need some big donors if he is going to get anywhere.

He sure as hell isn't going to spend his own billion.

Thank you. Thank you very muuuuuuch.
Okay, you have officially turned the corner. Not only do you talk to yourself and answer, you post to yourself and post back because seldom does anyone pay attention to you.
I'm just showing another one of my predictions has come true.

Trump is not self-funding. He is not going to spend his own billion dollars to win the White House.
He is not accepting donations over $2780.
Any donations accepted means he is not fully funding his campaign..
It costs over a billion dollars to get elected. Only the dumbest of rubes would bleev Trump won't need some big donors if he is going to get anywhere.

He sure as hell isn't going to spend his own billion.

Thank you. Thank you very muuuuuuch.
Okay, you have officially turned the corner. Not only do you talk to yourself and answer, you post to yourself and post back because seldom does anyone pay attention to you.
I'm just showing another one of my predictions has come true.

Trump is not self-funding. He is not going to spend his own billion dollars to win the White House.
Like I have said, he is not taking large donations:

“I don’t agree with all Mr. Trump has said or inferred,” said Bazyk, who supported Romney in 2012 and Jeb Bush’s Right to Rise super-PAC before deciding Trump was his candidate. He has since given the maximum $2,700 to Trump’s campaign.
But Bazyk, like a growing number of his establishment peers, concluded that Trump is the only candidate with the “entrepreneurial spirit” to solve America’s “big problems.”
“Early on, many of my friends and associates, who have supported establishment candidates in the past, spoke of Trump as ‘a joke,’ ” Bazyk said. “They have recently changed their tune.”

Phoenix-based business owner Bob Ellis considered himself an establishment Republican all his life “until Mr. Trump came along.”
“I always vote the party line except in this case, because I am not sure what the party line is,” said Ellis, the CEO of AvAir, an aviation components trading company.

“There’s a lot of people like me who have the same feeling. … I think a lot of people have changed,” said Ellis, who has given $2,700 to Trump’s campaign.
Richard Edwards, president of an electrical contracting firm in Pennsylvania, is another lifelong establishment Republican who has given the maximum contribution to Trump’s campaign.
“There have been a lot of people who were on the fence at the beginning,” Edwards said when asked about Trump support within his business networks. “My friends are now seeing something in him. … He just understands business, and he’s right in saying that America is a business. It’s a multibillion-dollar business.”
Wealthy Trump supporters interviewed for this story say they want to give the GOP front-runner significantly more money than allowed within the limits of campaign finance law and by Trump’s self-imposed rejection of super-PACs.

Boch tried to donate the $87,000 cost of his summer fundraiser as an in-kind contribution to Trump’s campaign, but he was refunded all but $2,700 to comply with Federal Election
It costs over a billion dollars to get elected. Only the dumbest of rubes would bleev Trump won't need some big donors if he is going to get anywhere.

He sure as hell isn't going to spend his own billion.

Thank you. Thank you very muuuuuuch.
Okay, you have officially turned the corner. Not only do you talk to yourself and answer, you post to yourself and post back because seldom does anyone pay attention to you.
I'm just showing another one of my predictions has come true.

Trump is not self-funding. He is not going to spend his own billion dollars to win the White House.
He is not accepting donations over $2780.
Any donations accepted means he is not fully funding his campaign..
Is Hillary and Bernie limiting their donations to $2780? Hillary has garnered $100 million,. That is a lot of influence peddling in anyones camp!
When Republican donor Ernie Boch Jr. threw a party for Trump on the grounds of his 16,000-square-foot mansion over the summer...

Hmmmm...Interesting. Trump lies again!

"I'm the only one self-funding," the billionaire mogul and 2016 GOP frontrunner told Greta Van Susteren. "I'm putting up my own money.

Trump: I'm the Only Candidate That Won't Be Controlled by Donors
And how much influence to thousands of people with the maximum donation have with Trump? Since there is a multituce of people giving that, no on person gets a break...Except the American people. The little people will have the influence on Trump, which is right.
Donors changing tune on Trump
Donors who have either given the maximum $2,700 contribution to Trump’s campaign or plan to give vastly more than that in a general election, say they are noticing a growing acceptance of Trump among their mainstream Republicans friends and business associates.
When Republican donor Ernie Boch Jr. threw a party for Trump on the grounds of his 16,000-square-foot mansion over the summer, most of his friends in Boston’s elite corporate and political circles thought he was “nuts” for supporting the billionaire’s unlikely presidential bid.
“People were going crazy that I was having him over to my house,” Boch says of his summer fundraising bash for Trump. “A lot of my friends were afraid to say that they were supporting him because it just wasn’t politically correct.”
Now, nearly six months later, Boch, a car dealership mogul and supporter of the Massachusetts Republican Party, says friends and business associates he regards as moderate or “establishment” Republicans “are coming to terms with the idea that this is the guy; this is who is going to be the GOP leader.”

Compare that to Hillary. Is she getting more support as time goes on?


I thought he was "self funding" and beholden to nobody....

So much for that legend.[/
He will accept only small donations. Not large ones where someone or some company expects something in return.
He will accept only small donations. Not large ones where someone or some company expects something in return.

So he's not self-funding. He says he's self funding. Seems like I recall someone stating they'd stop supporting him when he became dishonest (which was day one). I wonder if she'll keep her word.

I doubt it.
Donors changing tune on Trump
Donors who have either given the maximum $2,700 contribution to Trump’s campaign or plan to give vastly more than that in a general election, say they are noticing a growing acceptance of Trump among their mainstream Republicans friends and business associates.
When Republican donor Ernie Boch Jr. threw a party for Trump on the grounds of his 16,000-square-foot mansion over the summer, most of his friends in Boston’s elite corporate and political circles thought he was “nuts” for supporting the billionaire’s unlikely presidential bid.
“People were going crazy that I was having him over to my house,” Boch says of his summer fundraising bash for Trump. “A lot of my friends were afraid to say that they were supporting him because it just wasn’t politically correct.”
Now, nearly six months later, Boch, a car dealership mogul and supporter of the Massachusetts Republican Party, says friends and business associates he regards as moderate or “establishment” Republicans “are coming to terms with the idea that this is the guy; this is who is going to be the GOP leader.”

Compare that to Hillary. Is she getting more support as time goes on?


I thought he was "self funding" and beholden to nobody....

So much for that legend.[/
He will accept only small donations. Not large ones where someone or some company expects something in return.
He will accept only small donations. Not large ones where someone or some company expects something in return.

So he's not self-funding. He says he's self funding. Seems like I recall someone stating they'd stop supporting him when he became dishonest (which was day one). I wonder if she'll keep her word.

I doubt it.
Do you think $2780 a supporter is going to fund his campaign, lol? So you think someone is going to expect personal favors for giving that amount? Good Grief,,, get real!
Go Trump!!!

Is there anything dumber than people who think that people won't tell others that they are supporting a candidate because they think the person hearing it will mock them?

Studies have been done that indicates this exact phenomenon, actually. Heard it on libber talk radio, nonetheless....

People in some cases won't admit to a human that they intend to vote for trump, but the same questions asked by machine show increased support for trump.
Donors changing tune on Trump
Donors who have either given the maximum $2,700 contribution to Trump’s campaign or plan to give vastly more than that in a general election, say they are noticing a growing acceptance of Trump among their mainstream Republicans friends and business associates.
When Republican donor Ernie Boch Jr. threw a party for Trump on the grounds of his 16,000-square-foot mansion over the summer, most of his friends in Boston’s elite corporate and political circles thought he was “nuts” for supporting the billionaire’s unlikely presidential bid.
“People were going crazy that I was having him over to my house,” Boch says of his summer fundraising bash for Trump. “A lot of my friends were afraid to say that they were supporting him because it just wasn’t politically correct.”
Now, nearly six months later, Boch, a car dealership mogul and supporter of the Massachusetts Republican Party, says friends and business associates he regards as moderate or “establishment” Republicans “are coming to terms with the idea that this is the guy; this is who is going to be the GOP leader.”

Compare that to Hillary. Is she getting more support as time goes on?


I thought he was "self funding" and beholden to nobody....

So much for that legend.[/
He will accept only small donations. Not large ones where someone or some company expects something in return.
He will accept only small donations. Not large ones where someone or some company expects something in return.

So he's not self-funding. He says he's self funding. Seems like I recall someone stating they'd stop supporting him when he became dishonest (which was day one). I wonder if she'll keep her word.

I doubt it.
Do you think $2780 a supporter is going to fund his campaign, lol? So you think someone is going to expect personal favors for giving that amount? Good Grief,,, get real!

Depends on who gave the maximum amount. I scrape up $2,780, likely not. If my name is DuPont and I give that amount...yeah, you know that there is more honey in the hive.

The point is he's not self-funding.
He says that he is.

Someone once said they'd stop supporting him if he was dishonest
Trump is being dishonest.

I wonder if she'll stop supporting him.
Go Trump!!!

Is there anything dumber than people who think that people won't tell others that they are supporting a candidate because they think the person hearing it will mock them?

Studies have been done that indicates this exact phenomenon, actually. Heard it on libber talk radio, nonetheless....

People in some cases won't admit to a human that they intend to vote for trump, but the same questions asked by machine show increased support for trump.
I'm not ready to commit, but I am not against him. Time will tell, but I see the Libs getting nervous.
Go Trump!!!

Is there anything dumber than people who think that people won't tell others that they are supporting a candidate because they think the person hearing it will mock them?

Studies have been done that indicates this exact phenomenon, actually. Heard it on libber talk radio, nonetheless....

People in some cases won't admit to a human that they intend to vote for trump, but the same questions asked by machine show increased support for trump.
I'm not ready to commit, but I am not against him. Time will tell, but I see the Libs getting nervous.

Yep. They're still laughing, but not quite as uproariously.

I'm not a trumper but watching the libs shit themselves brings a great deal of joy after the last 7 years of that POS they foisted on us.

Hell, watching the pub establishment soil it's diapers is almost as fun. Almost.
Trump may not be beholden to others, but how about himself?

Remember, he used to buy favors. Once president, favors become "free"--to him and his buddies!!

HaHa--you still can't escape crony capitalism with a billionaire politician, you only made corruption cheaper!--HaHa
Donors changing tune on Trump
Donors who have either given the maximum $2,700 contribution to Trump’s campaign or plan to give vastly more than that in a general election, say they are noticing a growing acceptance of Trump among their mainstream Republicans friends and business associates.
When Republican donor Ernie Boch Jr. threw a party for Trump on the grounds of his 16,000-square-foot mansion over the summer, most of his friends in Boston’s elite corporate and political circles thought he was “nuts” for supporting the billionaire’s unlikely presidential bid.
“People were going crazy that I was having him over to my house,” Boch says of his summer fundraising bash for Trump. “A lot of my friends were afraid to say that they were supporting him because it just wasn’t politically correct.”
Now, nearly six months later, Boch, a car dealership mogul and supporter of the Massachusetts Republican Party, says friends and business associates he regards as moderate or “establishment” Republicans “are coming to terms with the idea that this is the guy; this is who is going to be the GOP leader.”

Compare that to Hillary. Is she getting more support as time goes on?


I thought he was "self funding" and beholden to nobody....

So much for that legend.

Damn, you folks really look pathetic when you start getting so petty.
Thank you. Thank you very muuuuuuch.
Okay, you have officially turned the corner. Not only do you talk to yourself and answer, you post to yourself and post back because seldom does anyone pay attention to you.
I'm just showing another one of my predictions has come true.

Trump is not self-funding. He is not going to spend his own billion dollars to win the White House.
He is not accepting donations over $2780.
Any donations accepted means he is not fully funding his campaign..
Is Hillary and Bernie limiting their donations to $2780? Hillary has garnered $100 million,. That is a lot of influence peddling in anyones camp!

You have nothing to defend, these pathetic petty people are just flapping their gums because they got nothing substantial. Ignore the whiny little bitches.
Donors changing tune on Trump
Donors who have either given the maximum $2,700 contribution to Trump’s campaign or plan to give vastly more than that in a general election, say they are noticing a growing acceptance of Trump among their mainstream Republicans friends and business associates.
When Republican donor Ernie Boch Jr. threw a party for Trump on the grounds of his 16,000-square-foot mansion over the summer, most of his friends in Boston’s elite corporate and political circles thought he was “nuts” for supporting the billionaire’s unlikely presidential bid.
“People were going crazy that I was having him over to my house,” Boch says of his summer fundraising bash for Trump. “A lot of my friends were afraid to say that they were supporting him because it just wasn’t politically correct.”
Now, nearly six months later, Boch, a car dealership mogul and supporter of the Massachusetts Republican Party, says friends and business associates he regards as moderate or “establishment” Republicans “are coming to terms with the idea that this is the guy; this is who is going to be the GOP leader.”

Compare that to Hillary. Is she getting more support as time goes on?


I thought he was "self funding" and beholden to nobody....

So much for that legend.

Damn, you folks really look pathetic when you start getting so petty.

I think it makes us look confused...he said he would do one thing and is doing another.

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