Don't Be A Chump. Vote For TRUMP!

First, the main thing wrong with politicians is that they are so cheaply bought and paid for. Often, their political positions are only precursors to a nice cushy private sector job for whatever corporation they played ball for when in office. Trump on the other hand is already a multi billioniare. That being the case, he would be harder to buy off. On that point alone, VOTE FOR HIM!

Another reason I like Trump is that many republicans are against him. So VOTE FOR HIM! Also, it's about time that the White House was occupied by a really hot first lady. So VOTE FOR HIM! Another reason to vote for Trump is that he has far more going for him than simply being the ex-presidents piece of ass. So VOTE FOR HIM!

Also, it was because of what Bill Clinton did in office that really started the American jobs going overseas. (Where enviromnental standards are almost nonexistant) Which then caused less treasonous companies in the U.S. to do the same just to compete. Leaving many Americans with basically no better employment than to flip each other's burgers. And I would expect no different from billy boys wife. So VOTE FOR TRUMP!

You like him because Republicans don't like him... Which means who is going to vote for him in as general?

If Trump gets elected, he will be commander in chief. So why would he want to be a general.
I fully expect racists to vote trump
Really? When Clinton and Bernie are playing race baiting games to win a primary? I think you have it 180 degrees backwards. The left are the true racists that is how you can have a group of people carry signs that say Black lives matter as if no one else dose. Just black folk. That's the definition of racism my friend.
and you don't think they have a point ?? how many white guys were killed carrying no weapon?? or killed running away from a traffic ticket and get shot 5,6 times in the back??

You have a point there. All the negro riots that happened were because some cop shot some negro CRIMINAL! Apparently the word "criminal" doesn't mean the same to a negro as it does to a White person.

Yet apparently the word "negro" does mean the same to you as it meant to Bull Connor in the 1950s. That's why I ticked "informative" on this post.

But then there was...

I would prefer a con man to a con woman.

Strike two. And that explains the Rump obsession... misogynists of a feather and all...
First, the main thing wrong with politicians is that they are so cheaply bought and paid for. Often, their political positions are only precursors to a nice cushy private sector job for whatever corporation they played ball for when in office. Trump on the other hand is already a multi billioniare. That being the case, he would be harder to buy off. On that point alone, VOTE FOR HIM!

Another reason I like Trump is that many republicans are against him. So VOTE FOR HIM! Also, it's about time that the White House was occupied by a really hot first lady. So VOTE FOR HIM! Another reason to vote for Trump is that he has far more going for him than simply being the ex-presidents piece of ass. So VOTE FOR HIM!

Also, it was because of what Bill Clinton did in office that really started the American jobs going overseas. (Where enviromnental standards are almost nonexistant) Which then caused less treasonous companies in the U.S. to do the same just to compete. Leaving many Americans with basisally no better employment than to flip each other's burgers. And I would expect no different from billy boys wife. So VOTE FOR TRUMP!
shit happens when bush was president it's dems congresses fault ,,,,shit happens when obama is president its dems again even if congress is repub ,,,can't win with liars and con men VOTE HILLARY

You can't win with liars so we should elect Hillary, the biggest liar?

If Trump was a liar, he wouldn't have said what he said about deporting overpopulating illegal invader scab scum mexicans. Knowing that it could only cost him the votes of the "politically correct" cultists.
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First, the main thing wrong with politicians is that they are so cheaply bought and paid for. Often, their political positions are only precursors to a nice cushy private sector job for whatever corporation they played ball for when in office. Trump on the other hand is already a multi billioniare. That being the case, he would be harder to buy off. On that point alone, VOTE FOR HIM!

Another reason I like Trump is that many republicans are against him. So VOTE FOR HIM! Also, it's about time that the White House was occupied by a really hot first lady. So VOTE FOR HIM! Another reason to vote for Trump is that he has far more going for him than simply being the ex-presidents piece of ass. So VOTE FOR HIM!

Also, it was because of what Bill Clinton did in office that really started the American jobs going overseas. (Where enviromnental standards are almost nonexistant) Which then caused less treasonous companies in the U.S. to do the same just to compete. Leaving many Americans with basically no better employment than to flip each other's burgers. And I would expect no different from billy boys wife. So VOTE FOR TRUMP!

You like him because Republicans don't like him... Which means who is going to vote for him in as general?

If Trump gets elected, he will be commander in chief. So why would he want to be a general.

The general election. You know, when we all vote for president
the reasons you gave aint good enough.....ill stick with my usual write in....

Oh. So you like your politicians bought and paid for. You should check out a documentary about the corporations that buy your politicians. It's called "The Corporation." Though it is a little long winded, in it you will find out that most corporations are psychotic and socipoathic entities. Along with other unplesant things. Your path isn't going to end well.
Oh. So you like your politicians bought and paid for.
do i? would you know? just joined today,you dont know shit about me outside of the fact that i dont like trump....
First, the main thing wrong with politicians is that they are so cheaply bought and paid for. Often, their political positions are only precursors to a nice cushy private sector job for whatever corporation they played ball for when in office. Trump on the other hand is already a multi billioniare. That being the case, he would be harder to buy off. On that point alone, VOTE FOR HIM!

Another reason I like Trump is that many republicans are against him. So VOTE FOR HIM! Also, it's about time that the White House was occupied by a really hot first lady. So VOTE FOR HIM! Another reason to vote for Trump is that he has far more going for him than simply being the ex-presidents piece of ass. So VOTE FOR HIM!

Also, it was because of what Bill Clinton did in office that really started the American jobs going overseas. (Where enviromnental standards are almost nonexistant) Which then caused less treasonous companies in the U.S. to do the same just to compete. Leaving many Americans with basisally no better employment than to flip each other's burgers. And I would expect no different from billy boys wife. So VOTE FOR TRUMP!
shit happens when bush was president it's dems congresses fault ,,,,shit happens when obama is president its dems again even if congress is repub ,,,can't win with liars and con men VOTE HILLARY

You can't win with liars so we should elect Hillary, the biggest liar?

If Trump was a liar, he wouldn't have said what he said about deporting overpopulating illegal invader scab scum. Knowing that it could only cost him the votes of the "politically correct" cultists.

So he can convince people ignoring that he supported the dream act not long ago to vote for him in the primary
First, the main thing wrong with politicians is that they are so cheaply bought and paid for. Often, their political positions are only precursors to a nice cushy private sector job for whatever corporation they played ball for when in office. Trump on the other hand is already a multi billioniare. That being the case, he would be harder to buy off. On that point alone, VOTE FOR HIM!

Another reason I like Trump is that many republicans are against him. So VOTE FOR HIM! Also, it's about time that the White House was occupied by a really hot first lady. So VOTE FOR HIM! Another reason to vote for Trump is that he has far more going for him than simply being the ex-presidents piece of ass. So VOTE FOR HIM!

Also, it was because of what Bill Clinton did in office that really started the American jobs going overseas. (Where enviromnental standards are almost nonexistant) Which then caused less treasonous companies in the U.S. to do the same just to compete. Leaving many Americans with basically no better employment than to flip each other's burgers. And I would expect no different from billy boys wife. So VOTE FOR TRUMP!

I have to admit------DEMOCRATE BY BIRTH that I am------I could kinda
justify a vote for the Donald based on the fact------that lots of repubs seem
to hate his guts -------see-----I am kinda agreeing with you. ---------I have a kind
of BIAS against the CLINTONS-----must they be SOOOO trashy? ------and
Kerry the Klown <<< stupidity flies out of his mouth every time he opens it.
Bernie is a super annuated hippy from the 1960s-------Trump's best feature is ---
persecuted and he seems sorta UNDAUNTED

"Annuated"?? :wtf:

Definition of annuation
plural -s

  1. 1 : annual variation in the presence or absence or the abundance of particular members of a plant community usually relatable to annual climatic variation — compare aspection

  2. 2 : ecological observations made over a period of years
--- Bernie Sanders is an annual varied absence or presence of certain vegetation "hippy" [sic]?

Maybe this level of intellectualism is beyond my cerebral paradigm.
First, the main thing wrong with politicians is that they are so cheaply bought and paid for. Often, their political positions are only precursors to a nice cushy private sector job for whatever corporation they played ball for when in office. Trump on the other hand is already a multi billioniare. That being the case, he would be harder to buy off. On that point alone, VOTE FOR HIM!

Another reason I like Trump is that many republicans are against him. So VOTE FOR HIM! Also, it's about time that the White House was occupied by a really hot first lady. So VOTE FOR HIM! Another reason to vote for Trump is that he has far more going for him than simply being the ex-presidents piece of ass. So VOTE FOR HIM!

Also, it was because of what Bill Clinton did in office that really started the American jobs going overseas. (Where enviromnental standards are almost nonexistant) Which then caused less treasonous companies in the U.S. to do the same just to compete. Leaving many Americans with basically no better employment than to flip each other's burgers. And I would expect no different from billy boys wife. So VOTE FOR TRUMP!

You're full of shit about Bill Clinton. Have you forgotten so quickly? Bill Clinton took over a recession. He immediately raised taxes on the rich. By the time he left office the unemployment rate was 4.3%. He left office with a 65% approval rating....the highest ever. You people watch too much Fox News and the sad thing is that you believe that major dose of horse shit that they preach 24/7.

Only very rarely have I ever watched FOX news. I know it is mostly a mouthpiece for the right wing. But it WAS under Bill Clinton's presidency that American jobs started flowing more freely to other countries. Do you remember when he ran against Ross Perot? He said that if Clinton did as he wanted, there would be a huge sucking sound from American jobs leaving this country. And that's EXACTLY what happened.

Also, when most people are morons who will actually pay good money to be lied to, what they approve of doesn't impress me much. Though maybe part of their approval came from buying the Clinton bullshit that they balanced the budget. But the only reason they were able to do so on paper was by using accounting practices that would have been illegal in the private sector.
the reasons you gave aint good enough.....ill stick with my usual write in....

Oh. So you like your politicians bought and paid for. You should check out a documentary about the corporations that buy your politicians. It's called "The Corporation." Though it is a little long winded, in it you will find out that most corporations are psychotic and socipoathic entities. Along with other unplesant things. Your path isn't going to end well.

We've prolly all seen The Corporation and its points are well taken.

But how you get from that to taking Donald Freaking Rump as a serious option is a bizarre leap across a gorge with no bridge.

For one thing, though he is a businessman who would probably benefit from cheap labor, he still wants to get rid of overpopulating illegal invader scab scum mexicans. Also, as I said, with him already being a milti billionaire, he would be much harder for corporations to pay off.
Superannuated definition,------- retired because of age or infirmity.

What you actually typed was "annuated". Check it.

Bernie's not retired because of either. He's a sitting Senator. And he's several months into a Presidential campaign, which is a 24/7 grind; if anyone was not physically up to it, it would be showing before now. Bernie, Rump and Hillary are all around the same age; none of them are showing any signs of "superannuation". Of the three of them Bernie's the only one who does not color his hair and probably the only one who does not color his skin. In other words the only one not being dishonest about what he looks like.

Annuate that.
I fully expect racists to vote trump
Really? When Clinton and Bernie are playing race baiting games to win a primary? I think you have it 180 degrees backwards. The left are the true racists that is how you can have a group of people carry signs that say Black lives matter as if no one else dose. Just black folk. That's the definition of racism my friend.
and you don't think they have a point ?? how many white guys were killed carrying no weapon?? or killed running away from a traffic ticket and get shot 5,6 times in the back??

You have a point there. All the negro riots that happened were because some cop shot some negro CRIMINAL! Apparently the word "criminal" doesn't mean the same to a negro as it does to a White person.

Yet apparently the word "negro" does mean the same to you as it meant to Bull Connor in the 1950s. That's why I ticked "informative" on this post.

But then there was...

I would prefer a con man to a con woman.

Strike two. And that explains the Rump obsession... misogynists of a feather and all...

You should ask what it meant to another democrat. LBJ.

LBJ 2.jpeg
Superannuated definition,------- retired because of age or infirmity.

What you actually typed was "annuated". Check it.

Bernie's not retired because of either. He's a sitting Senator. And he's several months into a Presidential campaign, which is a 24/7 grind; if anyone was not physically up to it, it would be showing before now. Bernie, Rump and Hillary are all around the same age; none of them are showing any signs of "superannuation". Of the three of them Bernie's the only one who does not color his hair and probably the only one who does not color his skin. In other words the only one not being dishonest about what he looks like.

Annuate that.

there are several defintions-----annuated refers to YEARS-----superannuated means MANY YEARS or OVER AGE-----and that is all there is to it------I posted the first
definitionI hit on google-----the word actually has very little to do with RETIREMENT
First, the main thing wrong with politicians is that they are so cheaply bought and paid for. Often, their political positions are only precursors to a nice cushy private sector job for whatever corporation they played ball for when in office. Trump on the other hand is already a multi billioniare. That being the case, he would be harder to buy off. On that point alone, VOTE FOR HIM!

Another reason I like Trump is that many republicans are against him. So VOTE FOR HIM! Also, it's about time that the White House was occupied by a really hot first lady. So VOTE FOR HIM! Another reason to vote for Trump is that he has far more going for him than simply being the ex-presidents piece of ass. So VOTE FOR HIM!

Also, it was because of what Bill Clinton did in office that really started the American jobs going overseas. (Where enviromnental standards are almost nonexistant) Which then caused less treasonous companies in the U.S. to do the same just to compete. Leaving many Americans with basisally no better employment than to flip each other's burgers. And I would expect no different from billy boys wife. So VOTE FOR TRUMP!
shit happens when bush was president it's dems congresses fault ,,,,shit happens when obama is president its dems again even if congress is repub ,,,can't win with liars and con men VOTE HILLARY

You can't win with liars so we should elect Hillary, the biggest liar?

If Trump was a liar, he wouldn't have said what he said about deporting overpopulating illegal invader scab scum. Knowing that it could only cost him the votes of the "politically correct" cultists.

So he can convince people ignoring that he supported the dream act not long ago to vote for him in the primary

Well I'm just glad that he came around. Let me tell you something else that I don't like. Many mexicans belong to or support a mexican group called "LaRaza." It means "The Race." You can't get much more of a straightforward statement of racism than that. And it isn't the gringo race that they are talking about. But between the U.S. government and Bill Gates, that racist organization has received over 10 million dollars. Just to be all equal and fair about it, I think the U.S. government and Bill Gates should give an equal amount of money to the National Socialist Party or the KKK.
Superannuated definition,------- retired because of age or infirmity.

What you actually typed was "annuated". Check it.

Bernie's not retired because of either. He's a sitting Senator. And he's several months into a Presidential campaign, which is a 24/7 grind; if anyone was not physically up to it, it would be showing before now. Bernie, Rump and Hillary are all around the same age; none of them are showing any signs of "superannuation". Of the three of them Bernie's the only one who does not color his hair and probably the only one who does not color his skin. In other words the only one not being dishonest about what he looks like.

Annuate that.

there are several defintions-----annuated refers to YEARS-----superannuated means MANY YEARS or OVER AGE-----and that is all there is to it------I posted the first
definitionI hit on google-----the word actually has very little to do with RETIREMENT

And again for the blind --- what you actually typed was "annuated". Then you came up with a definition for the word "superannuated".

You do know the difference between "annuated" and "superannuated", do you not?

How 'bout natural/supernatural?
First, the main thing wrong with politicians is that they are so cheaply bought and paid for. Often, their political positions are only precursors to a nice cushy private sector job for whatever corporation they played ball for when in office. Trump on the other hand is already a multi billioniare. That being the case, he would be harder to buy off. On that point alone, VOTE FOR HIM!

Another reason I like Trump is that many republicans are against him. So VOTE FOR HIM! Also, it's about time that the White House was occupied by a really hot first lady. So VOTE FOR HIM! Another reason to vote for Trump is that he has far more going for him than simply being the ex-presidents piece of ass. So VOTE FOR HIM!

Also, it was because of what Bill Clinton did in office that really started the American jobs going overseas. (Where enviromnental standards are almost nonexistant) Which then caused less treasonous companies in the U.S. to do the same just to compete. Leaving many Americans with basisally no better employment than to flip each other's burgers. And I would expect no different from billy boys wife. So VOTE FOR TRUMP!
shit happens when bush was president it's dems congresses fault ,,,,shit happens when obama is president its dems again even if congress is repub ,,,can't win with liars and con men VOTE HILLARY

You can't win with liars so we should elect Hillary, the biggest liar?

If Trump was a liar, he wouldn't have said what he said about deporting overpopulating illegal invader scab scum. Knowing that it could only cost him the votes of the "politically correct" cultists.

So he can convince people ignoring that he supported the dream act not long ago to vote for him in the primary

Well I'm just glad that he came around. Let me tell you something else that I don't like. Many mexicans belong to or support a mexican group called "LaRaza." It means "The Race." You can't get much more of a straightforward statement of racism than that. And it isn't the gringo race that they are talking about. But between the U.S. government and Bill Gates, that racist organization has received over 10 million dollars. Just to be all equal and fair about it, I think the U.S. government and Bill Gates should give an equal amount of money to the National Socialist Party or the KKK.

"Gringo" is not a race. Neither is "Mexican". But it is a proper adjective and as such, capitalized.
First, the main thing wrong with politicians is that they are so cheaply bought and paid for. Often, their political positions are only precursors to a nice cushy private sector job for whatever corporation they played ball for when in office. Trump on the other hand is already a multi billioniare. That being the case, he would be harder to buy off. On that point alone, VOTE FOR HIM!

Another reason I like Trump is that many republicans are against him. So VOTE FOR HIM! Also, it's about time that the White House was occupied by a really hot first lady. So VOTE FOR HIM! Another reason to vote for Trump is that he has far more going for him than simply being the ex-presidents piece of ass. So VOTE FOR HIM!

Also, it was because of what Bill Clinton did in office that really started the American jobs going overseas. (Where enviromnental standards are almost nonexistant) Which then caused less treasonous companies in the U.S. to do the same just to compete. Leaving many Americans with basisally no better employment than to flip each other's burgers. And I would expect no different from billy boys wife. So VOTE FOR TRUMP!

Sorry dood. I literally would not vote for Rump if my life depended on it. But it's instructive that your reasoning is "it's about time that the White House was occupied by a really hot first lady" or that "so many (Republicans, Democrats, whatever) are against him". Anyone with a functioning brain is against him.

Those are in no way reasons to vote for a self-absorbed narcissistic asshole attention whore in love with the sound of his own whiny voice who has never held an actual job in his life. As Bob Uecker would put it, juuuuuust a bit outside.

Your little video, faked as it is, is a major reason to vote FOR Trump. That office worker is most likely one of the overpopulating illegal invader scab scum mexicans. Doing a job that Americans should be doing. I know how terrible it is to you for Trump wanting Americans doing American jobs.
shit happens when bush was president it's dems congresses fault ,,,,shit happens when obama is president its dems again even if congress is repub ,,,can't win with liars and con men VOTE HILLARY

You can't win with liars so we should elect Hillary, the biggest liar?

If Trump was a liar, he wouldn't have said what he said about deporting overpopulating illegal invader scab scum. Knowing that it could only cost him the votes of the "politically correct" cultists.

So he can convince people ignoring that he supported the dream act not long ago to vote for him in the primary

Well I'm just glad that he came around. Let me tell you something else that I don't like. Many mexicans belong to or support a mexican group called "LaRaza." It means "The Race." You can't get much more of a straightforward statement of racism than that. And it isn't the gringo race that they are talking about. But between the U.S. government and Bill Gates, that racist organization has received over 10 million dollars. Just to be all equal and fair about it, I think the U.S. government and Bill Gates should give an equal amount of money to the National Socialist Party or the KKK.

"Gringo" is not a race. Neither is "Mexican". But it is a proper adjective and as such, capitalized.

"Gringo" is just what many "latinos" call White people. Also, what of the mexican group called "LaRaza." (The Race) What are they talking about. Though all of those Central American countries are filled with indains and mestizos.

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