Don't Be A Chump. Vote For TRUMP!

First, the main thing wrong with politicians is that they are so cheaply bought and paid for. Often, their political positions are only precursors to a nice cushy private sector job for whatever corporation they played ball for when in office. Trump on the other hand is already a multi billioniare. That being the case, he would be harder to buy off. On that point alone, VOTE FOR HIM!

Another reason I like Trump is that many republicans are against him. So VOTE FOR HIM! Also, it's about time that the White House was occupied by a really hot first lady. So VOTE FOR HIM! Another reason to vote for Trump is that he has far more going for him than simply being the ex-presidents piece of ass. So VOTE FOR HIM!

Also, it was because of what Bill Clinton did in office that really started the American jobs going overseas. (Where enviromnental standards are almost nonexistant) Which then caused less treasonous companies in the U.S. to do the same just to compete. Leaving many Americans with basically no better employment than to flip each other's burgers. And I would expect no different from billy boys wife. So VOTE FOR TRUMP!

You like him because Republicans don't like him... Which means who is going to vote for him in as general?

If Trump gets elected, he will be commander in chief. So why would he want to be a general.

The general election. You know, when we all vote for president

I wish we did vote for president. But it is actually the electoral college that decides who is to be president. Not popular vote.
the reasons you gave aint good enough.....ill stick with my usual write in....

Oh. So you like your politicians bought and paid for. You should check out a documentary about the corporations that buy your politicians. It's called "The Corporation." Though it is a little long winded, in it you will find out that most corporations are psychotic and socipoathic entities. Along with other unplesant things. Your path isn't going to end well.
Oh. So you like your politicians bought and paid for.
do i? would you know? just joined today,you dont know shit about me outside of the fact that i dont like trump....

You just TOLD me. You said that my reasons for voting for Trump weren't good enough. The first one being that since he is already a multi billioniare, he would be much harder for the wealthy to bribe. Since you don't like that reason, I just have to assume that you like your politicians bought and paid for. Or at least bought and paid for more cheaply.
First, the main thing wrong with politicians is that they are so cheaply bought and paid for. Often, their political positions are only precursors to a nice cushy private sector job for whatever corporation they played ball for when in office. Trump on the other hand is already a multi billioniare. That being the case, he would be harder to buy off. On that point alone, VOTE FOR HIM!

Another reason I like Trump is that many republicans are against him. So VOTE FOR HIM! Also, it's about time that the White House was occupied by a really hot first lady. So VOTE FOR HIM! Another reason to vote for Trump is that he has far more going for him than simply being the ex-presidents piece of ass. So VOTE FOR HIM!

Also, it was because of what Bill Clinton did in office that really started the American jobs going overseas. (Where enviromnental standards are almost nonexistant) Which then caused less treasonous companies in the U.S. to do the same just to compete. Leaving many Americans with basisally no better employment than to flip each other's burgers. And I would expect no different from billy boys wife. So VOTE FOR TRUMP!

Sorry dood. I literally would not vote for Rump if my life depended on it. But it's instructive that your reasoning is "it's about time that the White House was occupied by a really hot first lady" or that "so many (Republicans, Democrats, whatever) are against him". Anyone with a functioning brain is against him.

Those are in no way reasons to vote for a self-absorbed narcissistic asshole attention whore in love with the sound of his own whiny voice who has never held an actual job in his life. As Bob Uecker would put it, juuuuuust a bit outside.

Your little video, faked as it is, is a major reason to vote FOR Trump. That office worker is most likely one of the overpopulating illegal invader scab scum mexicans. Doing a job that Americans should be doing. I know how terrible it is to you for Trump wanting Americans doing American jobs.

Yyyyeaah um..... actually I didn't post a video. Nor did I post anything about an "office worker". But it's good to have a demonstration of why snorting cleaning products before posting is ill-advised.
the reasons you gave aint good enough.....ill stick with my usual write in....

Oh. So you like your politicians bought and paid for. You should check out a documentary about the corporations that buy your politicians. It's called "The Corporation." Though it is a little long winded, in it you will find out that most corporations are psychotic and socipoathic entities. Along with other unplesant things. Your path isn't going to end well.
Oh. So you like your politicians bought and paid for.
do i? would you know? just joined today,you dont know shit about me outside of the fact that i dont like trump....

You just TOLD me. You said that my reasons for voting for Trump weren't good enough. The first one being that since he is already a multi billioniare, he would be much harder for the wealthy to bribe. Since you don't like that reason, I just have to assume that you like your politicians bought and paid for. Or at least bought and paid for more cheaply.
yea your right i dont like what can you tell me about how i view the others?...
First, the main thing wrong with politicians is that they are so cheaply bought and paid for. Often, their political positions are only precursors to a nice cushy private sector job for whatever corporation they played ball for when in office. Trump on the other hand is already a multi billioniare. That being the case, he would be harder to buy off. On that point alone, VOTE FOR HIM!

Another reason I like Trump is that many republicans are against him. So VOTE FOR HIM! Also, it's about time that the White House was occupied by a really hot first lady. So VOTE FOR HIM! Another reason to vote for Trump is that he has far more going for him than simply being the ex-presidents piece of ass. So VOTE FOR HIM!

Also, it was because of what Bill Clinton did in office that really started the American jobs going overseas. (Where enviromnental standards are almost nonexistant) Which then caused less treasonous companies in the U.S. to do the same just to compete. Leaving many Americans with basisally no better employment than to flip each other's burgers. And I would expect no different from billy boys wife. So VOTE FOR TRUMP!

Sorry dood. I literally would not vote for Rump if my life depended on it. But it's instructive that your reasoning is "it's about time that the White House was occupied by a really hot first lady" or that "so many (Republicans, Democrats, whatever) are against him". Anyone with a functioning brain is against him.

Those are in no way reasons to vote for a self-absorbed narcissistic asshole attention whore in love with the sound of his own whiny voice who has never held an actual job in his life. As Bob Uecker would put it, juuuuuust a bit outside.

Your little video, faked as it is, is a major reason to vote FOR Trump. That office worker is most likely one of the overpopulating illegal invader scab scum mexicans. Doing a job that Americans should be doing. I know how terrible it is to you for Trump wanting Americans doing American jobs.

Yyyyeaah um..... actually I didn't post a video. Nor did I post anything about an "office worker". But it's good to have a demonstration of why snorting cleaning products before posting is ill-advised.

Well maybe you didn't. But it still shows up when I look at your reply. Also, if anybody around here is snorting something, it must be you.
the reasons you gave aint good enough.....ill stick with my usual write in....

Oh. So you like your politicians bought and paid for. You should check out a documentary about the corporations that buy your politicians. It's called "The Corporation." Though it is a little long winded, in it you will find out that most corporations are psychotic and socipoathic entities. Along with other unplesant things. Your path isn't going to end well.
Oh. So you like your politicians bought and paid for.
do i? would you know? just joined today,you dont know shit about me outside of the fact that i dont like trump....

You just TOLD me. You said that my reasons for voting for Trump weren't good enough. The first one being that since he is already a multi billioniare, he would be much harder for the wealthy to bribe. Since you don't like that reason, I just have to assume that you like your politicians bought and paid for. Or at least bought and paid for more cheaply.
yea your right i dont like what can you tell me about how i view the others?...

Well as a guess, I would have to say more favorably than Trump.
the reasons you gave aint good enough.....ill stick with my usual write in....

Oh. So you like your politicians bought and paid for. You should check out a documentary about the corporations that buy your politicians. It's called "The Corporation." Though it is a little long winded, in it you will find out that most corporations are psychotic and socipoathic entities. Along with other unplesant things. Your path isn't going to end well.
Trump is the creep buying politicians by the wholesale lot who is going to clean up american politics? he is going to make it filthier.
You folks who believe Trump, what fools you are.

Trump is supposed to be the Master Deal Maker. He says he will be tough on Putin, on China, on Mexico. Trump says he will here's the Master Deal Maker now? Colorado Republicans can own his ass. What do you suppose the make deals in favor of you, in favor of America and, without doubt, in favor of him.

Tough talk. Ballsy. A genius negotiator.

And today Trump is being rolled and boned by the Colorado Republican Party. He is being swatted down by the RNC.

What do you suppose the Chinese, the Russians, the Mexicans will do to him if he can't handle the Colorado Republicans?
the reasons you gave aint good enough.....ill stick with my usual write in....

Oh. So you like your politicians bought and paid for. You should check out a documentary about the corporations that buy your politicians. It's called "The Corporation." Though it is a little long winded, in it you will find out that most corporations are psychotic and socipoathic entities. Along with other unplesant things. Your path isn't going to end well.
Trump is the creep buying politicians by the wholesale lot who is going to clean up american politics? he is going to make it filthier.

Trump is just the best option. Besides, I would rather support a buyer rather than a seller.
the reasons you gave aint good enough.....ill stick with my usual write in....

Oh. So you like your politicians bought and paid for. You should check out a documentary about the corporations that buy your politicians. It's called "The Corporation." Though it is a little long winded, in it you will find out that most corporations are psychotic and socipoathic entities. Along with other unplesant things. Your path isn't going to end well.
Oh. So you like your politicians bought and paid for.
do i? would you know? just joined today,you dont know shit about me outside of the fact that i dont like trump....

You just TOLD me. You said that my reasons for voting for Trump weren't good enough. The first one being that since he is already a multi billioniare, he would be much harder for the wealthy to bribe. Since you don't like that reason, I just have to assume that you like your politicians bought and paid for. Or at least bought and paid for more cheaply.
yea your right i dont like what can you tell me about how i view the others?...

Well as a guess, I would have to say more favorably than Trump.
keep some threads before you start telling people who they is a hint....i cant stand both parties or the politicians who populate them.....
You folks who believe Trump, what fools you are.

Trump is supposed to be the Master Deal Maker. He says he will be tough on Putin, on China, on Mexico. Trump says he will here's the Master Deal Maker now? Colorado Republicans can own his ass. What do you suppose the make deals in favor of you, in favor of America and, without doubt, in favor of him.

Tough talk. Ballsy. A genius negotiator.

And today Trump is being rolled and boned by the Colorado Republican Party. He is being swatted down by the RNC.

What do you suppose the Chinese, the Russians, the Mexicans will do to him if he can't handle the Colorado Republicans?

Not to mention Megyn Kelly and Rosie O'Donnell....
You folks who believe Trump, what fools you are.

Trump is supposed to be the Master Deal Maker. He says he will be tough on Putin, on China, on Mexico. Trump says he will here's the Master Deal Maker now? Colorado Republicans can own his ass. What do you suppose the make deals in favor of you, in favor of America and, without doubt, in favor of him.

Tough talk. Ballsy. A genius negotiator.

And today Trump is being rolled and boned by the Colorado Republican Party. He is being swatted down by the RNC.

What do you suppose the Chinese, the Russians, the Mexicans will do to him if he can't handle the Colorado Republicans?

My thread had nothing to do with "believing" Trump. As I told someone else, he is just the lesser to "to weevils." Putting aside some of your other nonsense, I already KNOW what Hillary's husband did with China. He sent them millions of our jobs. On that front, there is nothing else that is needed to be known.
Oh. So you like your politicians bought and paid for. You should check out a documentary about the corporations that buy your politicians. It's called "The Corporation." Though it is a little long winded, in it you will find out that most corporations are psychotic and socipoathic entities. Along with other unplesant things. Your path isn't going to end well.
Oh. So you like your politicians bought and paid for.
do i? would you know? just joined today,you dont know shit about me outside of the fact that i dont like trump....

You just TOLD me. You said that my reasons for voting for Trump weren't good enough. The first one being that since he is already a multi billioniare, he would be much harder for the wealthy to bribe. Since you don't like that reason, I just have to assume that you like your politicians bought and paid for. Or at least bought and paid for more cheaply.
yea your right i dont like what can you tell me about how i view the others?...

Well as a guess, I would have to say more favorably than Trump.
keep some threads before you start telling people who they is a hint....i cant stand both parties or the politicians who populate them.....

Well seeing how there is nothing you can do about it, what option does that leave you with.
the reasons you gave aint good enough.....ill stick with my usual write in....

Oh. So you like your politicians bought and paid for. You should check out a documentary about the corporations that buy your politicians. It's called "The Corporation." Though it is a little long winded, in it you will find out that most corporations are psychotic and socipoathic entities. Along with other unplesant things. Your path isn't going to end well.
Trump is the creep buying politicians by the wholesale lot who is going to clean up american politics? he is going to make it filthier.

Trump is just the best option. Besides, I would rather support a buyer rather than a seller.
No way is Trump the best option. He is a bad option. he is almost as bad as Hillary most days, worse than hillary on a few days. Hillary at least has the balls to deal with the press, trump is too craven to do that

Putin is looking forward to President Trump. he will roll him up like a cheap carpet
The lesser of two evils is what we have. Actually, 4 evils. Which one is the least evil?
Sanders is now sympathizing with Palestine
Shrillary is a lying, corrupt shrew.
LyingTed is..well....creepy.

That leaves Trump. Business man. Tacky. Crude. Mouthy. But not necessarily evil.

Trump has no business being president.

And this ‘lesser of two evils’ is nonsense as well, it’s sophomoric, myopic, and ignorant.

When one votes for president he’s also voting for judges sitting on the Federal courts, justices sitting on the Supreme Court, administrators who will decide all manner of policy implementation, foreign policy, and matters of war and peace.

Given republicans’ hostility toward the privacy rights of women, the rights of gay and transgender Americans, the voting rights of minorities, and the propensity for war common to most republicans, the choice becomes very clear, particularly given the disaster that was the last republican administration.
First, the main thing wrong with politicians is that they are so cheaply bought and paid for. Often, their political positions are only precursors to a nice cushy private sector job for whatever corporation they played ball for when in office. Trump on the other hand is already a multi billioniare. That being the case, he would be harder to buy off. On that point alone, VOTE FOR HIM!

Another reason I like Trump is that many republicans are against him. So VOTE FOR HIM! Also, it's about time that the White House was occupied by a really hot first lady. So VOTE FOR HIM! Another reason to vote for Trump is that he has far more going for him than simply being the ex-presidents piece of ass. So VOTE FOR HIM!

Also, it was because of what Bill Clinton did in office that really started the American jobs going overseas. (Where enviromnental standards are almost nonexistant) Which then caused less treasonous companies in the U.S. to do the same just to compete. Leaving many Americans with basisally no better employment than to flip each other's burgers. And I would expect no different from billy boys wife. So VOTE FOR TRUMP!
shit happens when bush was president it's dems congresses fault ,,,,shit happens when obama is president its dems again even if congress is repub ,,,can't win with liars and con men VOTE HILLARY

You can't win with liars so we should elect Hillary, the biggest liar?

If Trump was a liar, he wouldn't have said what he said about deporting overpopulating illegal invader scab scum mexicans. Knowing that it could only cost him the votes of the "politically correct" cultists.
And here we see the bigotry, hate, and stupidity common to most Trump supporters.
First, the main thing wrong with politicians is that they are so cheaply bought and paid for. Often, their political positions are only precursors to a nice cushy private sector job for whatever corporation they played ball for when in office. Trump on the other hand is already a multi billioniare. That being the case, he would be harder to buy off. On that point alone, VOTE FOR HIM!

Another reason I like Trump is that many republicans are against him. So VOTE FOR HIM! Also, it's about time that the White House was occupied by a really hot first lady. So VOTE FOR HIM! Another reason to vote for Trump is that he has far more going for him than simply being the ex-presidents piece of ass. So VOTE FOR HIM!

Also, it was because of what Bill Clinton did in office that really started the American jobs going overseas. (Where enviromnental standards are almost nonexistant) Which then caused less treasonous companies in the U.S. to do the same just to compete. Leaving many Americans with basisally no better employment than to flip each other's burgers. And I would expect no different from billy boys wife. So VOTE FOR TRUMP!
shit happens when bush was president it's dems congresses fault ,,,,shit happens when obama is president its dems again even if congress is repub ,,,can't win with liars and con men VOTE HILLARY

You can't win with liars so we should elect Hillary, the biggest liar?

If Trump was a liar, he wouldn't have said what he said about deporting overpopulating illegal invader scab scum. Knowing that it could only cost him the votes of the "politically correct" cultists.

So he can convince people ignoring that he supported the dream act not long ago to vote for him in the primary

Well I'm just glad that he came around. Let me tell you something else that I don't like. Many mexicans belong to or support a mexican group called "LaRaza." It means "The Race." You can't get much more of a straightforward statement of racism than that. And it isn't the gringo race that they are talking about. But between the U.S. government and Bill Gates, that racist organization has received over 10 million dollars. Just to be all equal and fair about it, I think the U.S. government and Bill Gates should give an equal amount of money to the National Socialist Party or the KKK.

He didn't come around. He is pandering for votes. He already said everything on immigration is negotiable and also that he is just like the establishment on everything but trade and the establishment lies about fixing immigration all the time.
Oh. So you like your politicians bought and paid for.
do i? would you know? just joined today,you dont know shit about me outside of the fact that i dont like trump....

You just TOLD me. You said that my reasons for voting for Trump weren't good enough. The first one being that since he is already a multi billioniare, he would be much harder for the wealthy to bribe. Since you don't like that reason, I just have to assume that you like your politicians bought and paid for. Or at least bought and paid for more cheaply.
yea your right i dont like what can you tell me about how i view the others?...

Well as a guess, I would have to say more favorably than Trump.
keep some threads before you start telling people who they is a hint....i cant stand both parties or the politicians who populate them.....

Well seeing how there is nothing you can do about it, what option does that leave you with.
if i dont see an outsider running who actually cares about the country, i will do what i have done so far every election this century....write in Rufus T. Firefly, again...
First, the main thing wrong with politicians is that they are so cheaply bought and paid for. Often, their political positions are only precursors to a nice cushy private sector job for whatever corporation they played ball for when in office. Trump on the other hand is already a multi billioniare. That being the case, he would be harder to buy off. On that point alone, VOTE FOR HIM!

Another reason I like Trump is that many republicans are against him. So VOTE FOR HIM! Also, it's about time that the White House was occupied by a really hot first lady. So VOTE FOR HIM! Another reason to vote for Trump is that he has far more going for him than simply being the ex-presidents piece of ass. So VOTE FOR HIM!

Also, it was because of what Bill Clinton did in office that really started the American jobs going overseas. (Where enviromnental standards are almost nonexistant) Which then caused less treasonous companies in the U.S. to do the same just to compete. Leaving many Americans with basically no better employment than to flip each other's burgers. And I would expect no different from billy boys wife. So VOTE FOR TRUMP!

You're full of shit about Bill Clinton. Have you forgotten so quickly? Bill Clinton took over a recession. He immediately raised taxes on the rich. By the time he left office the unemployment rate was 4.3%. He left office with a 65% approval rating....the highest ever. You people watch too much Fox News and the sad thing is that you believe that major dose of horse shit that they preach 24/7.

Only very rarely have I ever watched FOX news. I know it is mostly a mouthpiece for the right wing. But it WAS under Bill Clinton's presidency that American jobs started flowing more freely to other countries. Do you remember when he ran against Ross Perot? He said that if Clinton did as he wanted, there would be a huge sucking sound from American jobs leaving this country. And that's EXACTLY what happened.

Also, when most people are morons who will actually pay good money to be lied to, what they approve of doesn't impress me much. Though maybe part of their approval came from buying the Clinton bullshit that they balanced the budget. But the only reason they were able to do so on paper was by using accounting practices that would have been illegal in the private sector.

Looks pretty good to me:

These figures came from the bureau of the debt....they're easily verified:

......................................................Total U S Debt......................................................

09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75(80% Of All Debt Across 232 Years Borrowed By Reagan And Bushes)

09/30/2008 $10,024,724,896,912.49(Times Square Debt Clock Modified To Accommodate Tens of Trillions)

09/30/2007 $9,007,653,372,262.48
09/30/2006 $8,506,973,899,215.23
09/30/2005 $7,932,709,661,723.50
09/30/2004 $7,379,052,696,330.32

09/30/2003 $6,783,231,062,743.62(Second Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2002 $6,228,235,965,597.16

09/30/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06(First Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2000 $5,674,178,209,886.86(Administration And Congress Arguing About How To Use Surplus)

09/30/1999 $5,656,270,901,615.43(First Surplus Generated...On Track To Pay Off Debt By 2012)

09/30/1998 $5,526,193,008,897.62
09/30/1997 $5,413,146,011,397.34
09/30/1996 $5,224,810,939,135.73
09/29/1995 $4,973,982,900,709.39
09/30/1994 $4,692,749,910,013.32 (Bill Clinton Raised Tax Rates)
09/30/1993 $4,411,488,883,139.38 ( Debt Quadrupled By Reagan/Bush41)
09/30/1992 $4,064,620,655,521.66
09/30/1991 $3,665,303,351,697.03
09/28/1990 $3,233,313,451,777.25
09/29/1989 $2,857,430,960,187.32
09/30/1988 $2,602,337,712,041.16
09/30/1987 $2,350,276,890,953.00
09/30/1986 $2,125,302,616,658.42
09/30/1985 $1,823,103,000,000.00
09/30/1984 $1,572,266,000,000.00
09/30/1983 $1,377,210,000,000.00

09/30/1982 $1,142,034,000,000.00(Total Debt Passes $1 Trillion)((Reagan Slashed Tax Rates To Pre Depression Levels)

09/30/1981 $997,855,000,000.00

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