Don't be blind

Here's Ron Paul saying he's not a truther:

Here's him saying otherwise:

And Ron Paul has been on the Alex Jones show THREE FREAKING TIMES. Got that everybody? The most recent was in January.

So You are telling us he is a nutcase and not to vote for him. Got it......
No I believe Obama and Palin secured those votes
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[ame=]YouTube - Freedom of Speech and H.R. 1955 pt. 1[/ame]

No global Nazi regime?
[ame=]YouTube - 9/11 commission was ordered to scale down investigation[/ame]
Say Ollie, I've got a question. Do you agree with Michael Reagan?

[ame=]YouTube - Michael Reagan Theatens To Kill Mark Dice[/ame]
Say Ollie, I've got a question. Do you agree with Michael Reagan?

YouTube - Michael Reagan Theatens To Kill Mark Dice

No, I would not call on any American to be outright shot. However, I would love to be in a locked room with Mark Dice, and hopefully I could get him to swing on me once. Then I could give him a few lessons in human decency. He is an idiot and an asshole, it would have to be up to a court to call him a traitor.
say ollie, i've got a question. Do you agree with michael reagan?

youtube - michael reagan theatens to kill mark dice

no, i would not call on any american to be outright shot. However, i would love to be in a locked room with mark dice, and hopefully i could get him to swing on me once. Then i could give him a few lessons in human decency. He is an idiot and an asshole, it would have to be up to a court to call him a traitor.

lol... What would you do ?...put your army traning into action and radio for help
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It seems there are too many people who think "We should ignore the facts of what our government has done to us, is doing to us, and has planned for us". Just simply embrace what's more comfortable and sunshine and daisies.
It seems there are too many people who think "We should ignore the facts of what our government has done to us, is doing to us, and has planned for us". Just simply embrace what's more comfortable and sunshine and daisies.
troofer morons confuse their delusions with facts
troofer morons confuse their delusions with facts

A History of Governmentally Coerced Sterilization: The Plight of the Native American Woman | Atlantic Free Press - Hard Truths for Hard Times

In 1972, the Nixon administration implemented a eugenics policy under Daddy Bush himself, at the time United States ambassador to the UN.

Obama doesn't seem too different-
Global ObamaCare and World Population Control

Yeah. Because those among everything else I've posted are totally subjective if not nothing but my warped imagination.
troofer morons confuse their delusions with facts

A History of Governmentally Coerced Sterilization: The Plight of the Native American Woman | Atlantic Free Press - Hard Truths for Hard Times

In 1972, the Nixon administration implemented a eugenics policy under Daddy Bush himself, at the time United States ambassador to the UN.

Obama doesn't seem too different-
Global ObamaCare and World Population Control

Yeah. Because those among everything else I've posted are totally subjective if not nothing but my warped imagination.
you using that as proof 9/11 was in inside job is totally fucking delusional
you using that as proof 9/11 was in inside job is totally fucking delusional

i am very familiar with the evidence and you are a fucking MORON

Really. You're familiar with the evidence. All the non subjective evidence that piles up so that the only conclusion is that there is something very, very wrong?

You've got to put 2 and 2 together. The history of eugenics with the US, Prescott Bush financing Hitler, school kids singing praises to Obama with echoes of Hiter youth, Brad Sherman threatened with Martial law, false flag terrorism, propaganda demonizing anybody who questions the government, trillions of dollars unaccounted for and pricks refusing to say where they went, oh, and this, forgot to add it.

YouTube - Rachel Maddow: Indefinite detention? Shame on you... President Obama

Can't get much more clear cut, can you?

You go out of your way to ignore me.
you using that as proof 9/11 was in inside job is totally fucking delusional

Really. You're familiar with the evidence. All the non subjective evidence that piles up so that the only conclusion is that there is something very, very wrong?

You've got to put 2 and 2 together. The history of eugenics with the US, Prescott Bush financing Hitler, school kids singing praises to Obama with echoes of Hiter youth, Brad Sherman threatened with Martial law, false flag terrorism, propaganda demonizing anybody who questions the government, trillions of dollars unaccounted for and pricks refusing to say where they went, oh, and this, forgot to add it.

YouTube - Rachel Maddow: Indefinite detention? Shame on you... President Obama

Can't get much more clear cut, can you?

You go out of your way to ignore me.
its really easy
you are a fucking moron

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