Don't be blind

and you think that has any bearing on it?
just because i didnt join HERE till 08, doesnt mean i havent been online sine 1993

Wow, what a dumb ass. Why do I have to spell everything out for you? The fact you've been active here since 08 gives you more credibility that you're not a shill. Whereas somebody who joined rather recently and only spreads propaganda, etc wouldn't.

you troofer morons suck at math

What happened in Nazi Germany when scientists spoke out against eugenics? They lost their jobs. Same holds true for today. Anybody that speaks out against the official story of 9/11 is fired. Rosie, Lou Dobbs, Steven Jones among others.
the reason why those people were fired, is because they are FUCKING NUTTERS

well except Lou Dobbs
and he was fired for being critical of Obama and nothing to do with 911
no where does he buy into the bullshit that 9/11 was an inside job
he disagrees with the conclusion that thermal expansion was the cause

I haven't been able to find a transcript of anything he wrote on it. Just what the Truthers say he said, and they aren't providing any kind of context.

However, in rebuttal to that whole long and most complex site linked, I'll admit I have neither the time nor the interest to read it all. But I will provide this detailed report from Popular Mechanics as the rebuttal for it:

Debunking the 9/11 Myths: Special Report - Popular Mechanics

It is fascinating reading

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well except Lou Dobbs
and he was fired for being critical of Obama and nothing to do with 911

It's all interrelated. And Steven Jones is anything but a nutter. He earned a bachelor's degree in physics and taught at Brigham Young University. You can't even be bothered to use the shift button.
well except Lou Dobbs
and he was fired for being critical of Obama and nothing to do with 911

It's all interrelated. And Steven Jones is anything but a nutter. He earned a bachelor's degree in physics and taught at Brigham Young University. You can't even be bothered to use the shift button.
no, i rarely use the shift button, does it bother you?
if so, i will endeavor to not use it more
well except Lou Dobbs
and he was fired for being critical of Obama and nothing to do with 911

It's all interrelated. And Steven Jones is anything but a nutter. He earned a bachelor's degree in physics and taught at Brigham Young University. You can't even be bothered to use the shift button.
no, i rarely use the shift button, does it bother you?
if so, i will endeavor to not use it more

good i LIKE IT
because it helps PROVE
YOU are a moron DEBWUNKER
It's all interrelated. And Steven Jones is anything but a nutter. He earned a bachelor's degree in physics and taught at Brigham Young University. You can't even be bothered to use the shift button.
no, i rarely use the shift button, does it bother you?
if so, i will endeavor to not use it more

good i LIKE IT
because it helps PROVE
YOU are a moron DEBWUNKER

you prove me right once again
I'd just like to add that if Ron Paul really felt we harmed him, he wouldn't bother with Alex Jones.
well except Lou Dobbs
and he was fired for being critical of Obama and nothing to do with 911

It's all interrelated. And Steven Jones is anything but a nutter. He earned a bachelor's degree in physics and taught at Brigham Young University. You can't even be bothered to use the shift button.

Jones may not be as much of a nutter as somebody who would sabotage Ron Paul to further a nutty truther doctrine, but the peer reviews of his work have not been exactly complimentary and BYU dismissed him because he failed to submit his initial work to the proper peer review. And there are a dozen credible scientists, chemists, physics experts, engineers, and architects who have looked at this from every possible angle and who refute what Jones has said.

I don't have any idea what Dr. Jones mental state is, but people who aren't playing with quite a full deck can have a plethora of degrees and credentials under their names.
Jones may not be as much of a nutter as somebody who would sabotage Ron Paul to further a nutty truther doctrine, but the peer reviews of his work have not been exactly complimentary and BYU dismissed him because he failed to submit his initial work to the proper peer review. And there are a dozen credible scientists, chemists, physics experts, engineers, and architects who have looked at this from every possible angle and who refute what Jones has said.

I don't have any idea what Dr. Jones mental state is, but people who aren't playing with quite a full deck can have a plethora of degrees and credentials under their names

I am NOT harming Ron Paul. He says on one hand he doesn't believe 9/11 was an inside job, he tells his supporters another thing and continues to appear on the Alex Jones show once a year. Seems the only person that's "hurting" Dr. Paul is himself.
Jones may not be as much of a nutter as somebody who would sabotage Ron Paul to further a nutty truther doctrine, but the peer reviews of his work have not been exactly complimentary and BYU dismissed him because he failed to submit his initial work to the proper peer review. And there are a dozen credible scientists, chemists, physics experts, engineers, and architects who have looked at this from every possible angle and who refute what Jones has said.

I don't have any idea what Dr. Jones mental state is, but people who aren't playing with quite a full deck can have a plethora of degrees and credentials under their names

I am NOT harming Ron Paul. He says on one hand he doesn't believe 9/11 was an inside job, he tells his supporters another thing and continues to appear on the Alex Jones show once a year. Seems the only person that's "hurting" Dr. Paul is himself.

Maybe so. But it sure isn't helping him any for your group to be openly supporting him. :)
(See your Post #4 on this thread.)
[ame=]YouTube - Ron Paul on The Alex Jones Show 1/2" Prepare!!"[/ame]

Alex Jones:Congressman, are you feeling the dread that many of us are feeling right now?
Ron Paul:Yes, I do, but I don't think it's brand new. I didn't wake up with it. I've had it for a while now, I don't think the election was a surprise but the rhetoric is getting pretty strong and they are getting very bold.

Hold up. Who is this "they" he's referring to?

Ron Paul:I think McCain was obviously back up candidate in case something happened where Obama didn't win they would have been satisfied with McCain.

What the hell is this crazy talk? BACK UP CANDIDATE? That makes absolutely no sense! Unless of course, he's discussing how presidents are selected and not elected as FDR put it.
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So You are telling us he is a nutcase and not to vote for him. Got it......

Wow. That's pretty bigoted of you if you think anybody who believes in conspiracies are "nutcases". And believing Elvis didn't die(yes, I believe he did die in '77) is no conspiracy and it shows how ignorant people like Glen Beck are who try to associate the truth movement with them.

Go ahead and don't vote for him. It's not like your vote would do him any good. It's all about the electoral votes, not popular votes. We're not a republic anymore. Elected officials vote for other elected officials.
So You are telling us he is a nutcase and not to vote for him. Got it......

Wow. That's pretty bigoted of you if you think anybody who believes in conspiracies are "nutcases". And believing Elvis didn't die(yes, I believe he did die in '77) is no conspiracy and it shows how ignorant people like Glen Beck are who try to associate the truth movement with them.

Go ahead and don't vote for him. It's not like your vote would do him any good. It's all about the electoral votes, not popular votes. We're not a republic anymore. Elected officials vote for other elected officials.
were the moon landings a hoax?
was Obama born in Hawaii?
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well except Lou Dobbs
and he was fired for being critical of Obama and nothing to do with 911

It's all interrelated. And Steven Jones is anything but a nutter. He earned a bachelor's degree in physics and taught at Brigham Young University. You can't even be bothered to use the shift button.

Jones may not be as much of a nutter as somebody who would sabotage Ron Paul to further a nutty truther doctrine, but the peer reviews of his work have not been exactly complimentary and BYU dismissed him because he failed to submit his initial work to the proper peer review. And there are a dozen credible scientists, chemists, physics experts, engineers, and architects who have looked at this from every possible angle and who refute what Jones has said.
I don't have any idea what Dr. Jones mental state is, but people who aren't playing with quite a full deck can have a plethora of degrees and credentials under their names.

and they are who ?
So You are telling us he is a nutcase and not to vote for him. Got it......

Wow. That's pretty bigoted of you if you think anybody who believes in conspiracies are "nutcases". And believing Elvis didn't die(yes, I believe he did die in '77) is no conspiracy and it shows how ignorant people like Glen Beck are who try to associate the truth movement with them.

Go ahead and don't vote for him. It's not like your vote would do him any good. It's all about the electoral votes, not popular votes. We're not a republic anymore. Elected officials vote for other elected officials.
were the moon landings a hoax?
was Obama born in Hawaii?

Is Dwivecon an idiot ?
Well there's no evidence that Obama WAS born in Hawaii. As for the moon landings, if I had to choose I'd say no.
Wow. That's pretty bigoted of you if you think anybody who believes in conspiracies are "nutcases". And believing Elvis didn't die(yes, I believe he did die in '77) is no conspiracy and it shows how ignorant people like Glen Beck are who try to associate the truth movement with them.

Go ahead and don't vote for him. It's not like your vote would do him any good. It's all about the electoral votes, not popular votes. We're not a republic anymore. Elected officials vote for other elected officials.
were the moon landings a hoax?
was Obama born in Hawaii?

Is Dwivecon an idiot ?
no, thats you, Id-Eots

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