Don't be blind

it wont change my opinion that he is wrong

You do realize that there are hundreds of people that make statements implying very clearly that there were bombs that went off that give no room for interpretation, right?

how many people do you think have actually heard bombs go off so they would be able to differentiate between a bomb and an explosion.

secondary explosions happen at fires all the time. its not unusual for people to hear explosions at fires.

I'm not sure what videos he is talking about. In the ones that Rimjob brings up time and again, there are a bunch of people standing around and you hear an explosion in the background and these guys flex for a moment then just go on about their business.

Interesting is the fact that, according to the twoofers, these explosions are not the simple chemical reactions that take place in most involved complex structures. According to the twoofers, these are not that but rather they are pre-planted harbingers of death being detonated to destroy and maim. Yet somehow these guys don't even budge when these weapons of mass destruction are unleashed.

So either the camera happens to capture the men with nerves of steel, men who are too dumb to know the difference, or perhaps these explosions are just common secondary explosions you hear in all complex fires. I'll let them perform the cold calculus of what a camera was able to pick up on that September morning.
no, there arent
there are some that say they heard explosions, and i have no doubt that they did
but to conclude that in a burning building there the only thing that could make explosive sounds is bombs is BULLSHIT

What's bullshit is you don't check out my sources. Something I've noticed too, the shift button isn't your friend, is it?
Well, eots may have burned you already, but here's some salt in your wounds.

An excerpt from the Firefighters for 9/11 truth website. Now read.

A common sense test:

You’re dispatched to a house fire in a 2 story with a basement. Upon arrival, all 3 floors are well involved. After extinguishment, the neighbor across the street tells you he saw flashes on all 3 floors within seconds of each other. It turns out the owner has arson convictions on his record. You smell gasoline. Now, should you test the debris for accelerants? No matter what the owner and his friends tell you, wouldn’t you still test it? It’s a “NO-Brainer”…isn’t it?

Look at the facts of the WTC, specifically Tower 7, collapses:
1) Terrorists used explosives on WTC 1 in 1993.
2) Over 118 first responders reported hearing explosions before all 3 collapses, many said it sounded like the “bang-bang-bang” you hear during a demolition.
3) We have video, photographic and audio evidence of explosions after the impact and before collapse.
4) Live news was reporting multiple explosions, and the possibility terrorists also planted explosives.
5) Barry Jennings, the Emergency Coordinator for the NY Housing Authority reported explosions in Tower 7. He also reported being knocked down by explosions prior to the collapse of the tower.
6) Molten steel AND concrete were found at Ground Zero “remember, hydrocarbon fires do not burn hot enough to melt steel or concrete.”N.F.P.A. 921- 19.2.4 Exotic Accelerants states that molten steel and concrete could indicate the use of exotic accelerants, specifically Thermite.
7) WTC 7 was the first concrete and steel high rise to collapse during a fire that had not been struck by an aircraft. It was determined not to be significantly damaged by the falling debris, and diesel fuel tanks DID NOT contribute significantly to the fire (according to NIST final report 2008).

So, with all these indicators, would you test for exotic accelerants/explosive residue/Thermite? How could you confirm or rule out the possibility terrorists planted explosives in addition to the aircraft hits?

Why does N.I.S.T. REFUSE to this day to test for exotic accelerants in the most heinous crime in U.S. history? With the first high rise building collapses in history, why would N.I.S.T. NOT test for accelerants? Especially, with so many indicators, one in which we have lost so many lives, so many Brothers, so many Freedoms, and our Economy. I have not found a single fire investigator who can give a reason other than they didn’t want to find exotic accelerants or they were incompetent! Well, if it was incompetence, we can go back and still test. Steven E. Jones (p.h.d) - Nano Thermite

If you can’t answer why, then please take the time to investigate. Browse our website, and please sign the petition. Our communities trust us. If we let them know this is not how professionals investigate, or how we treat our Brothers and Sisters who gave so much, they will listen. Also, please visit FealGood Foundation and learn how to help our Brothers and Sisters in need.

Many of our Brothers and Sisters are sick and dying from their exposures at Ground Zero, our Country is crumbling. I am asking you to do something much more difficult than fighting a fire. I am asking you to be as professional as you would be on any emergency call. I am asking you to review the evidence surrounding 9-11. I am asking you to join us in demanding an investigation that follows National Standards, and passage of the 9/11 Health and Compensation Act to take care of the sick Ground Zero workers. I am asking you to stand with us to help SAVE OUR BROTHERS, SISTERS AND OUR COUNTRY!
Erik Lawyer
Did you ever read it? If so, can you point to one major inaccuracy in the text of the report?

And you never did answer how you can stand behind W-Rod when he went from a 'rumble' to feeling a "Boom!!". Are you ready to change your story on him?

Read my posts again. It. Is. A. Linguistics. Argument.

His English is pretty good but it's not his native tongue. And again, if he was the only one who described explosions going off in the building, if there were no engineers and architects with decades of experience claiming they'd bet their careers that the buildings were brought down by demolition, if firefighters who know what natural "booms" sound like from fire didn't call bull on the official story, if there were also no firefighters who swear they saw flashes of light on the towers before collapsing indicating demolition, if there was nobody who worked in the buildings that corroborated his claims, I wouldn't take him seriously. But there are MANY who do corroborate his claims.

As for the omission report-

[ame=]YouTube - 9-11 ACI - The 9-11 'Omission Report'[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - 9/11 Omission Commission[/ame]

And no mention of the flashes from both planes that struck the towers, or explosions from the buildings whether it have been from a firefighter's testimony or a WTC worker.

Flashes of light yet all the audio and video tapes do not pick up the explosions that one would associate with a demolition. There should have been a series of controlled BOOMS. for buildings that large I would say several Hundred BOOMS. How many did we hear? Silent explosions?
no, there arent
there are some that say they heard explosions, and i have no doubt that they did
but to conclude that in a burning building there the only thing that could make explosive sounds is bombs is BULLSHIT

What's bullshit is you don't check out my sources. Something I've noticed too, the shift button isn't your friend, is it?
Well, eots may have burned you already, but here's some salt in your wounds.

An excerpt from the Firefighters for 9/11 truth website. Now read.

A common sense test:

You’re dispatched to a house fire in a 2 story with a basement. Upon arrival, all 3 floors are well involved. After extinguishment, the neighbor across the street tells you he saw flashes on all 3 floors within seconds of each other. It turns out the owner has arson convictions on his record. You smell gasoline. Now, should you test the debris for accelerants? No matter what the owner and his friends tell you, wouldn’t you still test it? It’s a “NO-Brainer”…isn’t it?

Look at the facts of the WTC, specifically Tower 7, collapses:
1) Terrorists used explosives on WTC 1 in 1993.
2) Over 118 first responders reported hearing explosions before all 3 collapses, many said it sounded like the “bang-bang-bang” you hear during a demolition.
3) We have video, photographic and audio evidence of explosions after the impact and before collapse.
4) Live news was reporting multiple explosions, and the possibility terrorists also planted explosives.
5) Barry Jennings, the Emergency Coordinator for the NY Housing Authority reported explosions in Tower 7. He also reported being knocked down by explosions prior to the collapse of the tower.
6) Molten steel AND concrete were found at Ground Zero “remember, hydrocarbon fires do not burn hot enough to melt steel or concrete.”N.F.P.A. 921- 19.2.4 Exotic Accelerants states that molten steel and concrete could indicate the use of exotic accelerants, specifically Thermite.
7) WTC 7 was the first concrete and steel high rise to collapse during a fire that had not been struck by an aircraft. It was determined not to be significantly damaged by the falling debris, and diesel fuel tanks DID NOT contribute significantly to the fire (according to NIST final report 2008).

So, with all these indicators, would you test for exotic accelerants/explosive residue/Thermite? How could you confirm or rule out the possibility terrorists planted explosives in addition to the aircraft hits?

Why does N.I.S.T. REFUSE to this day to test for exotic accelerants in the most heinous crime in U.S. history? With the first high rise building collapses in history, why would N.I.S.T. NOT test for accelerants? Especially, with so many indicators, one in which we have lost so many lives, so many Brothers, so many Freedoms, and our Economy. I have not found a single fire investigator who can give a reason other than they didn’t want to find exotic accelerants or they were incompetent! Well, if it was incompetence, we can go back and still test. Steven E. Jones (p.h.d) - Nano Thermite

If you can’t answer why, then please take the time to investigate. Browse our website, and please sign the petition. Our communities trust us. If we let them know this is not how professionals investigate, or how we treat our Brothers and Sisters who gave so much, they will listen. Also, please visit FealGood Foundation and learn how to help our Brothers and Sisters in need.

Many of our Brothers and Sisters are sick and dying from their exposures at Ground Zero, our Country is crumbling. I am asking you to do something much more difficult than fighting a fire. I am asking you to be as professional as you would be on any emergency call. I am asking you to review the evidence surrounding 9-11. I am asking you to join us in demanding an investigation that follows National Standards, and passage of the 9/11 Health and Compensation Act to take care of the sick Ground Zero workers. I am asking you to stand with us to help SAVE OUR BROTHERS, SISTERS AND OUR COUNTRY!
Erik Lawyer

Molten Steel, that was never proven to be actual steel.

And Molten concrete? How the hell do you melt concrete? Even slag skimmed off the top of molten Iron isn't really molten. Damned hot but molten?
no, there arent
there are some that say they heard explosions, and i have no doubt that they did
but to conclude that in a burning building there the only thing that could make explosive sounds is bombs is BULLSHIT

What's bullshit is you don't check out my sources. Something I've noticed too, the shift button isn't your friend, is it?
Well, eots may have burned you already, but here's some salt in your wounds.

An excerpt from the Firefighters for 9/11 truth website. Now read.

A common sense test:

You’re dispatched to a house fire in a 2 story with a basement. Upon arrival, all 3 floors are well involved. After extinguishment, the neighbor across the street tells you he saw flashes on all 3 floors within seconds of each other. It turns out the owner has arson convictions on his record. You smell gasoline. Now, should you test the debris for accelerants? No matter what the owner and his friends tell you, wouldn’t you still test it? It’s a “NO-Brainer”…isn’t it?

Look at the facts of the WTC, specifically Tower 7, collapses:
1) Terrorists used explosives on WTC 1 in 1993.
2) Over 118 first responders reported hearing explosions before all 3 collapses, many said it sounded like the “bang-bang-bang” you hear during a demolition.
3) We have video, photographic and audio evidence of explosions after the impact and before collapse.
4) Live news was reporting multiple explosions, and the possibility terrorists also planted explosives.
5) Barry Jennings, the Emergency Coordinator for the NY Housing Authority reported explosions in Tower 7. He also reported being knocked down by explosions prior to the collapse of the tower.
6) Molten steel AND concrete were found at Ground Zero “remember, hydrocarbon fires do not burn hot enough to melt steel or concrete.”N.F.P.A. 921- 19.2.4 Exotic Accelerants states that molten steel and concrete could indicate the use of exotic accelerants, specifically Thermite.
7) WTC 7 was the first concrete and steel high rise to collapse during a fire that had not been struck by an aircraft. It was determined not to be significantly damaged by the falling debris, and diesel fuel tanks DID NOT contribute significantly to the fire (according to NIST final report 2008).

So, with all these indicators, would you test for exotic accelerants/explosive residue/Thermite? How could you confirm or rule out the possibility terrorists planted explosives in addition to the aircraft hits?

Why does N.I.S.T. REFUSE to this day to test for exotic accelerants in the most heinous crime in U.S. history? With the first high rise building collapses in history, why would N.I.S.T. NOT test for accelerants? Especially, with so many indicators, one in which we have lost so many lives, so many Brothers, so many Freedoms, and our Economy. I have not found a single fire investigator who can give a reason other than they didn’t want to find exotic accelerants or they were incompetent! Well, if it was incompetence, we can go back and still test. Steven E. Jones (p.h.d) - Nano Thermite

If you can’t answer why, then please take the time to investigate. Browse our website, and please sign the petition. Our communities trust us. If we let them know this is not how professionals investigate, or how we treat our Brothers and Sisters who gave so much, they will listen. Also, please visit FealGood Foundation and learn how to help our Brothers and Sisters in need.

Many of our Brothers and Sisters are sick and dying from their exposures at Ground Zero, our Country is crumbling. I am asking you to do something much more difficult than fighting a fire. I am asking you to be as professional as you would be on any emergency call. I am asking you to review the evidence surrounding 9-11. I am asking you to join us in demanding an investigation that follows National Standards, and passage of the 9/11 Health and Compensation Act to take care of the sick Ground Zero workers. I am asking you to stand with us to help SAVE OUR BROTHERS, SISTERS AND OUR COUNTRY!
Erik Lawyer

Molten Steel, that was never proven to be actual steel.

And Molten concrete? How the hell do you melt concrete? Even slag skimmed off the top of molten Iron isn't really molten. Damned hot but molten?

Concrete will "melt", but will not flow. Most of the materials that become plastic at high temps in concrete convert to gas at about the same temps as they melt. The melting temperature starts at the melting temperature of the material in the concrete that has the lowest melting temp. In order to become something close to a plastic state, the concrete must devolatilize (lose CO2 and water). A guess of 800-1000°C or 1472°-1832°F for melting is what I would assume, for various reasons. look up calcination of calcium carbonate to get an idea of the issues involved. If you do , you will see lower estimates and higher ones are possible, and this range is basically the 'middle third' for all the materials expected to compose a structural concrete.

A contrast to the melting temp of structural steel (~825ºC, (1517ºF)) shows the two materials melting points to be in about the same range.

On a personal level, I witnessed concrete melting along the perimeter of a slab on grade for a few houses that were burned during the Roceo-Chedeski Fire, in areas that were left "moonscaped". The melted areas I witnessed were deformed but had not flowed.
Dedicated conspiracy theorists are masters at putting together what appaers to be 'evidence' and they are egged on by people eager to believe the conspiracies.

If 9/11 was an inside job as the conspiracy theorists say, it would have to involved cooperation of thousands upon thousands of eye witnesses, rescue workers, law enforcement pesonnel, and technical experts. At some point some credible person would have produced irrefutable evidence requiring a full Congressional investigation including interviews of credible witnesses.

As none of that has happened, but there has been testimony of thousands of witnesses who witnessed airplanes flying into buildings and dealing with remnants of those same planes pullled from the wreckage that the conspiracy theorists simply can't make their case stand up.
Dedicated conspiracy theorists are masters at putting together what appaers to be 'evidence' and they are egged on by people eager to believe the conspiracies.

If 9/11 was an inside job as the conspiracy theorists say, it would have to involved cooperation of thousands upon thousands of eye witnesses, rescue workers, law enforcement pesonnel, and technical experts. At some point some credible person would have produced irrefutable evidence requiring a full Congressional investigation including interviews of credible witnesses.

As none of that has happened, but there has been testimony of thousands of witnesses who witnessed airplanes flying into buildings and dealing with remnants of those same planes pullled from the wreckage that the conspiracy theorists simply can't make their case stand up.

People like FauxFire are masters of baseless assumptions like of thousands and thousands of people would be required to pull off a false flag operation or that there is not powerful wittiness testimony that draws the official story into question...he also makes bizarre statements about planes flying into buildings implying that somehow the questions surrounding 9/11 are that planes did not fly into the wtc towers
Last edited:
Dedicated conspiracy theorists are masters at putting together what appaers to be 'evidence' and they are egged on by people eager to believe the conspiracies.

If 9/11 was an inside job as the conspiracy theorists say, it would have to involved cooperation of thousands upon thousands of eye witnesses, rescue workers, law enforcement pesonnel, and technical experts. At some point some credible person would have produced irrefutable evidence requiring a full Congressional investigation including interviews of credible witnesses.

As none of that has happened, but there has been testimony of thousands of witnesses who witnessed airplanes flying into buildings and dealing with remnants of those same planes pullled from the wreckage that the conspiracy theorists simply can't make their case stand up.

wrong deluded got to be a moron to look at the facts and evidence of the case to believe the officla conspiracy THEORY of the governments that 9/11 was done by muslims and bin only see what you wwant to see because if you bothered researching the case,you would know that the witnesse testimonys of the pentagon case show they vary that some said they saw what looked like a missle and they could not believe the story that it was a jet airliner.

the conspiracy theorists here that defend the official version cant make their case stand up to the evidence and facts.and your wrong,it would for sure take thousands of people but not the people you mentioned.and also,if you knew anything about the TRUE history of government,you would know that tere have been MANY cases were the government was involved in secret covert wars involving thousands that were kept from the american people for DECADES!!!!!:cuckoo: you need to read griffins book DEBUNKING THE 9/11 DEBUNKING,his book debunks NIST and the 9/11 coverup commission report.
Dedicated conspiracy theorists are masters at putting together what appaers to be 'evidence' and they are egged on by people eager to believe the conspiracies.

If 9/11 was an inside job as the conspiracy theorists say, it would have to involved cooperation of thousands upon thousands of eye witnesses, rescue workers, law enforcement pesonnel, and technical experts. At some point some credible person would have produced irrefutable evidence requiring a full Congressional investigation including interviews of credible witnesses.

As none of that has happened, but there has been testimony of thousands of witnesses who witnessed airplanes flying into buildings and dealing with remnants of those same planes pullled from the wreckage that the conspiracy theorists simply can't make their case stand up.

People like FauxFire are masters of baseless assumptions like of thousands and thousands of people would be required to pull off a false flag operation or that there is not powerful wittiness testimony that draws the official story into question...he also makes bizarre statements about planes flying into buildings implying that somehow the questions surrounding 9/11 are that planes did not fly into the wtc towers

:clap2::clap2: you can sure say that again.
Dedicated conspiracy theorists are masters at putting together what appaers to be 'evidence' and they are egged on by people eager to believe the conspiracies.

If 9/11 was an inside job as the conspiracy theorists say, it would have to involved cooperation of thousands upon thousands of eye witnesses, rescue workers, law enforcement pesonnel, and technical experts. At some point some credible person would have produced irrefutable evidence requiring a full Congressional investigation including interviews of credible witnesses.

As none of that has happened, but there has been testimony of thousands of witnesses who witnessed airplanes flying into buildings and dealing with remnants of those same planes pullled from the wreckage that the conspiracy theorists simply can't make their case stand up.

wrong deluded got to be a moron to look at the facts and evidence of the case to believe the officla conspiracy THEORY of the governments that 9/11 was done by muslims and bin only see what you wwant to see because if you bothered researching the case,you would know that the witnesse testimonys of the pentagon case show they vary that some said they saw what looked like a missle and they could not believe the story that it was a jet airliner.

the conspiracy theorists here that defend the official version cant make their case stand up to the evidence and facts.and your wrong,it would for sure take thousands of people but not the people you mentioned.and also,if you knew anything about the TRUE history of government,you would know that tere have been MANY cases were the government was involved in secret covert wars involving thousands that were kept from the american people for DECADES!!!!!:cuckoo: you need to read griffins book DEBUNKING THE 9/11 DEBUNKING,his book debunks NIST and the 9/11 coverup commission report.
^^^^ more TPP
Dedicated conspiracy theorists are masters at putting together what appaers to be 'evidence' and they are egged on by people eager to believe the conspiracies.

If 9/11 was an inside job as the conspiracy theorists say, it would have to involved cooperation of thousands upon thousands of eye witnesses, rescue workers, law enforcement pesonnel, and technical experts. At some point some credible person would have produced irrefutable evidence requiring a full Congressional investigation including interviews of credible witnesses.

As none of that has happened, but there has been testimony of thousands of witnesses who witnessed airplanes flying into buildings and dealing with remnants of those same planes pullled from the wreckage that the conspiracy theorists simply can't make their case stand up.

People like FauxFire are masters of baseless assumptions like of thousands and thousands of people would be required to pull off a false flag operation or that there is not powerful wittiness testimony that draws the official story into question...he also makes bizarre statements about planes flying into buildings implying that somehow the questions surrounding 9/11 are that planes did not fly into the wtc towers

:clap2::clap2: you can sure say that again.
lick that ass again, rimjob
Dedicated conspiracy theorists are masters at putting together what appaers to be 'evidence' and they are egged on by people eager to believe the conspiracies.

If 9/11 was an inside job as the conspiracy theorists say, it would have to involved cooperation of thousands upon thousands of eye witnesses, rescue workers, law enforcement pesonnel, and technical experts. At some point some credible person would have produced irrefutable evidence requiring a full Congressional investigation including interviews of credible witnesses.

As none of that has happened, but there has been testimony of thousands of witnesses who witnessed airplanes flying into buildings and dealing with remnants of those same planes pullled from the wreckage that the conspiracy theorists simply can't make their case stand up.

wrong deluded got to be a moron to look at the facts and evidence of the case to believe the officla conspiracy THEORY of the governments that 9/11 was done by muslims and bin only see what you wwant to see because if you bothered researching the case,you would know that the witnesse testimonys of the pentagon case show they vary that some said they saw what looked like a missle and they could not believe the story that it was a jet airliner.

the conspiracy theorists here that defend the official version cant make their case stand up to the evidence and facts.and your wrong,it would for sure take thousands of people but not the people you mentioned.and also,if you knew anything about the TRUE history of government,you would know that tere have been MANY cases were the government was involved in secret covert wars involving thousands that were kept from the american people for DECADES!!!!!:cuckoo: you need to read griffins book DEBUNKING THE 9/11 DEBUNKING,his book debunks NIST and the 9/11 coverup commission report.
^^^^ more TPP

Dwivecon just debwunked You..He typed sir.. have been debwunked
But some of these reports are from experienced fire fighters that describe explosions unlike anything they have heard before and it is not just the sound ..there are many reports of explosions that knocked people off their feet or in the case of wtc 7 taking out walls and stair wells what would have those kind explosive properties a building like that

thats a fact the 9/11 apologists cant get around is many were very credible people such as firefighters and strutural engineers and like you said,witnesses reported being thrown up in the air.thats why the firefighters called the investigation a half baked farce.
People like FauxFire are masters of baseless assumptions like of thousands and thousands of people would be required to pull off a false flag operation or that there is not powerful wittiness testimony that draws the official story into question...he also makes bizarre statements about planes flying into buildings implying that somehow the questions surrounding 9/11 are that planes did not fly into the wtc towers

:clap2::clap2: you can sure say that again.
lick that ass again, rimjob

DBWUNKERS LIKE DWIVECON....Like to imagine other board members engaging in homosexual acts...they are a strange bunch
wrong deluded got to be a moron to look at the facts and evidence of the case to believe the officla conspiracy THEORY of the governments that 9/11 was done by muslims and bin only see what you wwant to see because if you bothered researching the case,you would know that the witnesse testimonys of the pentagon case show they vary that some said they saw what looked like a missle and they could not believe the story that it was a jet airliner.

the conspiracy theorists here that defend the official version cant make their case stand up to the evidence and facts.and your wrong,it would for sure take thousands of people but not the people you mentioned.and also,if you knew anything about the TRUE history of government,you would know that tere have been MANY cases were the government was involved in secret covert wars involving thousands that were kept from the american people for DECADES!!!!!:cuckoo: you need to read griffins book DEBUNKING THE 9/11 DEBUNKING,his book debunks NIST and the 9/11 coverup commission report.
^^^^ more TPP

Dwivecon just debwunked You..He typed sir.. have been debwunked
thanks for showing once again what a delusional dipshit you are
seek out professional help before you try to attack the pentagon or an IRS office
Dedicated conspiracy theorists are masters at putting together what appaers to be 'evidence' and they are egged on by people eager to believe the conspiracies.

If 9/11 was an inside job as the conspiracy theorists say, it would have to involved cooperation of thousands upon thousands of eye witnesses, rescue workers, law enforcement pesonnel, and technical experts. At some point some credible person would have produced irrefutable evidence requiring a full Congressional investigation including interviews of credible witnesses.

As none of that has happened, but there has been testimony of thousands of witnesses who witnessed airplanes flying into buildings and dealing with remnants of those same planes pullled from the wreckage that the conspiracy theorists simply can't make their case stand up.

People like FauxFire are masters of baseless assumptions like of thousands and thousands of people would be required to pull off a false flag operation or that there is not powerful wittiness testimony that draws the official story into question...he also makes bizarre statements about planes flying into buildings implying that somehow the questions surrounding 9/11 are that planes did not fly into the wtc towers

Sorry but I know people who were there. I have also read the very credible opinions of expert structural engineers and other witnesses that effectively debunkl the arguments of the conspiracy theorists. You see the truthers' posts all the time. No crash into a Pennsylvania field. The hole in the Pentagon was nowhere near large enough for an airliner to have made it, etc. etc. etc. There is no way that an airliner crashing into the World Trade center could make a tower collapse, etc. etc. etc.

One member here emphatically claimed Ron Paul was a truther. And when I posted a video of Ron Paul in his own words denying that, the member said well that's what he says for the public. In private - to the truthers - he says what he really believes. (Cue Twilight Zone eerie music in background please. . . . .)

It just gets crazier and crazier, and it doesn't hold up in the face of rational scrutiny. And if there was ANY truth to it, somebody credible would have spoken up, spilled the beans, or provided incriminating evidence to require a Congressional investigation.

Do you in your wildest imagination honestly think that if there was ANYTHING credible to point to the conspiracy, that the President we now have and the Congress we now have would not be all over it to incriminate President Bush and the GOP Congress?

There really is a limit to even how nuts President Obama, Speaker Pelosi, and Senate leader Reid are willing to appear.

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