Don't Be Fooled. The Economy is Still Weak and Not Recovered


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
The "increases" are from businesses opening back up, that were stupidly and ineffectively shut down by despotic governors.

The hacks claiming that the "new jobs" numbers are something to brag about are propagandist tools.

The June increase in jobs still leaves us with fewer jobs than we had in February 2020.

We're doing OK.. Its a long slog back from the edge. We're going to be fine. Don't let the Trumpies undermine you. Many of them post all day and aren't inclined to work at all.

The June increase in jobs still leaves us with fewer jobs than we had in February 2020.

We're doing OK.. Its a long slog back from the edge. We're going to be fine. Don't let the Trumpies undermine you. Many of them post all day and aren't inclined to work at all.
Got-dammit are you a gargantuan fucking snob asshole....No wonder you're a demoncrat.
The majority of the recovery are in the service industry:

Jobs Report Shows Good News for Service Sector, Bad News for Manufacturing and Construction

July 2, 2021 | Sundance |


CTH has said repeatedly the road to serfdom is cemented with the catch-phrase “a service driven economy.” The June jobs report from the Bureau of Labor statistics [BLS LINK] highlights the JoeBama economic policy exactly that way.

Approximately 850,000 jobs were gained in June; however, simultaneously the number of long-term unemployed increased by 233,000 to the current state of four million.

While we should expect to see the leisure and hospitality industries as well as education rebounding from the various COVID-19 shutdowns, and indeed they did ( +343,000 and +155,000 respectively), manufacturing was flat (+11,000), and construction was down -7,000. The details inside the data are not as great as the top-line would presume.


The June increase in jobs still leaves us with fewer jobs than we had in February 2020.
IDK. I missed no work due to the big drama, paid off a ton of bills and have more in my savings account than I have had in a long time. Something about it all makes be not really wanting to spend money. It is like I got out of the habit of doing it, and now have no desire to do it.

I have also spent a lot of time this week getting rid of things I don't need and probably won't ever need/use again. The trash man is gonna hate me. I have just moved away from matrialism for whatever reason. I am not sure I will be doing much to help Uncle Joe get the economy roaring again.
We're $30,000,000,000,000 (thirty trillion) in debt bailing out our economy ... businesses that should go to bankruptcy ... just giving them money doesn't make them any less bankrupt ...

Our economy isn't worth saving ... let it fall and allow a new economy build up from the ashes ... something that doesn't cost tax-payers $3,000,000,000,000 (three trillion) every year ...
We're $30,000,000,000,000 (thirty trillion) in debt bailing out our economy ... businesses that should go to bankruptcy ... just giving them money doesn't make them any less bankrupt ...

Our economy isn't worth saving ... let it fall and allow a new economy build up from the ashes ... something that doesn't cost tax-payers $3,000,000,000,000 (three trillion) every year ...
Watch what happens to Wall Street and real estate as soon as the Fed is forced to raise interest rates.
We're $30,000,000,000,000 (thirty trillion) in debt bailing out our economy ... businesses that should go to bankruptcy ... just giving them money doesn't make them any less bankrupt ...

Our economy isn't worth saving ... let it fall and allow a new economy build up from the ashes ... something that doesn't cost tax-payers $3,000,000,000,000 (three trillion) every year ...
Watch what happens to Wall Street and real estate as soon as the Fed is forced to raise interest rates.
Homes sales have been down for five weeks.
Well considering the number of qualified, beyond hard working work force they have to draw from reopening is not a challenge.
The Chinese sure did a number on the US, didn't they? They figured they needed to get rid of Trump by any means necessary.

It was brilliant to release a virus that caused a world wide pandemic that destroyed Trump's great economy.

It also allowed the Democrat Dirty Tricks Department to use the Pandemic as a cover to implement the scam of univerified mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts.

Now their man is in the White House. Or should I say their Dufus is in the White House?
"A 50-year study of the use of economic models that redirect a significant share of funds into the hands of the rich has shown their complete failure. Trickle-down does not lead to faster growth, but it breeds even greater inequality"


The June increase in jobs still leaves us with fewer jobs than we had in February 2020.
What made you think that economies are built in a day?

Trump did it. Trump built the greatest economy ever in one day.

The day before the inauguration Obama’s economy was the worst recovery in the history of the world. The day after the inauguration Trump’s economy was the greatest economy in the history of the world, even though his numbers were lower than Obama.

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