Don't Be Fooled. The Economy is Still Weak and Not Recovered

The June increase in jobs still leaves us with fewer jobs than we had in February 2020.
What made you think that economies are built in a day?

Trump did it. Trump built the greatest economy ever in one day.

The day before the inauguration Obama’s economy was the worst recovery in the history of the world. The day after the inauguration Trump’s economy was the greatest economy in the history of the world, even though his numbers were lower than Obama.

The economy is ran by three States:



New York

If any of these States head into a recession then the rest of the Country will head into recession shortly.

As for the 2020 collapse the fact is China went offline and States like California, New York and Texas closed down which caused the country to go into a recession and the fact is Trump had very little to do with it at all and it was because of a Virus called Covid from China that caused it.

Now that the country ( U.S.A. ) is reopening and States like California, New York and Texas are reopening or have reopened their economies mean the country will see a dramatic decline in unemployment and increase of tax revenue from people going back to work.

Now did Biden do this?

No, and it was the Governors of those three big States that have economies ( well at least Texas and California ) that rival most of the World economies, so as long as those three States are doing well then the rest of the U.S. will be thriving and again Biden will have little to do with it…

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