Don't be on the wrong side of history

And yes they do run better than ours. Their people live longer and pay less. And everyone is covered.

Exhibit A of the second most retarded argument in the history of arguments. I'm gonna give you a chance here. You're really going to try to tell us that a countries healthcare system is the reason its citizens live longer?

How many Canadians would prefer our system to theirs? A little over 10%. That makes no sense if ours is better.

You didn't do well in debate did ya. Can you provide evidence of that number. Probably not, but lets assume it's true for the hell of it. How exactly does not wanting our system automatically translate into 90% of them liking their system.

American cars are the best cars on earth. Maybe if I say it enough times you'll believe this too.

When you actually get access to it it most definately is. Access is the issue and what you don't seem to get is that making it cheap won't improve that.

You didn't do well in debate, did ya. Can you provide evidence that they have an access problem?

I found it:

By an overwhelming margin, Canadians prefer the Canadian health care system to the American one. Overall, 82% said they preferred the Canadian system, fully ten times the number who said the American system is superior (8%).

Open Left:: Canadians Love Their Health Care and Want it to be Even More Socialized
These guys are sooo scared that their healthcare is going to get worse because everyone is going to be covered. And they think their costs are going to go up.

They don't realize that is impossible. We are gettin ripped off right now.

So the CBO is just plain wrong huh. Have YOU noticed that it is ONLY the dems saying saying costs will not rise.

How exaclty is it impossible that costs won't go up. You dont get that it is not enough to be covered. Being covered does not equal access bobo.

No one argues that the system needs a change. Everyone, accept the dems, can see (or more likely the refuse to admit, or didn't take basic math or econ) however that their plan doesn't have much of a chance of hell of improving the health care system because that isn't what this has ever been about for them. It is about government running the system and masking some 3% of the population that is uninsured as a crisis.

Do you notice that only right wing assholes say what you say?

Costs will rise in one area and lower in others.

A strong public option will cover everyone and cost less than the for profits are costing us now. Factoid.
These guys are sooo scared that their healthcare is going to get worse because everyone is going to be covered. And they think their costs are going to go up.

They don't realize that is impossible. We are gettin ripped off right now.

So the CBO is just plain wrong huh. Have YOU noticed that it is ONLY the dems saying saying costs will not rise.

How exaclty is it impossible that costs won't go up. You dont get that it is not enough to be covered. Being covered does not equal access bobo.

No one argues that the system needs a change. Everyone, accept the dems, can see (or more likely the refuse to admit, or didn't take basic math or econ) however that their plan doesn't have much of a chance of hell of improving the health care system because that isn't what this has ever been about for them. It is about government running the system and masking some 3% of the population that is uninsured as a crisis.

Do you notice that only right wing assholes say what you say?

Costs will rise in one area and lower in others.

A strong public option will cover everyone and cost less than the for profits are costing us now. Factoid.
have you noticed that only left wing moronic assholes say what you say?
And yes they do run better than ours. Their people live longer and pay less. And everyone is covered.

Exhibit A of the second most retarded argument in the history of arguments. I'm gonna give you a chance here. You're really going to try to tell us that a countries healthcare system is the reason its citizens live longer?

You didn't do well in debate did ya. Can you provide evidence of that number. Probably not, but lets assume it's true for the hell of it. How exactly does not wanting our system automatically translate into 90% of them liking their system.

American cars are the best cars on earth. Maybe if I say it enough times you'll believe this too.

When you actually get access to it it most definately is. Access is the issue and what you don't seem to get is that making it cheap won't improve that.

You didn't do well in debate, did ya. Can you provide evidence that they have an access problem?

I found it:

By an overwhelming margin, Canadians prefer the Canadian health care system to the American one. Overall, 82% said they preferred the Canadian system, fully ten times the number who said the American system is superior (8%).

Open Left:: Canadians Love Their Health Care and Want it to be Even More Socialized

Open Left? WTF booboo? Come on...were suppose to believe that?
Hey...what's with your 0 reps?
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These guys are sooo scared that their healthcare is going to get worse because everyone is going to be covered. And they think their costs are going to go up.

They don't realize that is impossible. We are gettin ripped off right now.

So the CBO is just plain wrong huh. Have YOU noticed that it is ONLY the dems saying saying costs will not rise.

How exaclty is it impossible that costs won't go up. You dont get that it is not enough to be covered. Being covered does not equal access bobo.

No one argues that the system needs a change. Everyone, accept the dems, can see (or more likely the refuse to admit, or didn't take basic math or econ) however that their plan doesn't have much of a chance of hell of improving the health care system because that isn't what this has ever been about for them. It is about government running the system and masking some 3% of the population that is uninsured as a crisis.

Do you notice that only right wing assholes say what you say?

Costs will rise in one area and lower in others.

A strong public option will cover everyone and cost less than the for profits are costing us now. Factoid.

You're not listening bobo. What good is coverage without the ability to actually obtain health care? They are not one in the same.
Hey That's funny !:tongue:
You're gonna be living in a tent soon !:eek:
" Duh Amurkin Dreem":cuckoo:
Go take a nap............:lol:
Nope....Both my personal condo and the family's spread in the north woods are paid for in full.

You lose, Buckwheat.

Good for you dude. If more people looked after themselves responsibly like you and your family have the whole country would be in a lot better shape.
I've lived without many extravagances myself to get my place paid for 3yrs ago, and it's paying off now. There's some great opportunities out there right now if a person is in the position to take advantage of it.

no family
Nope....Both my personal condo and the family's spread in the north woods are paid for in full.

You lose, Buckwheat.

Good for you dude. If more people looked after themselves responsibly like you and your family have the whole country would be in a lot better shape.
I've lived without many extravagances myself to get my place paid for 3yrs ago, and it's paying off now. There's some great opportunities out there right now if a person is in the position to take advantage of it.

Buckwheat.......LOL Yer the family ***, not me.
Your family tries to save your silly ass but they too will completely fail.
Let's have a DUDE bailout.

Hey you have PMS today? If this is the best that you can post with any relevance...maybe you should just stick to the humor forum...because your a joke. Try taking some might help. Next time try not to flame, but bring an opinion to your post.
Good for you dude. If more people looked after themselves responsibly like you and your family have the whole country would be in a lot better shape.
I've lived without many extravagances myself to get my place paid for 3yrs ago, and it's paying off now. There's some great opportunities out there right now if a person is in the position to take advantage of it.

Buckwheat.......LOL Yer the family ***, not me.
Your family tries to save your silly ass but they too will completely fail.
Let's have a DUDE bailout.

Hey you have PMS today? If this is the best that you can post with any relevance...maybe you should just stick to the humor forum...because your a joke. Try taking some might help. Next time try not to flame, but bring an opinion to your post.

Maybe you can lend him some of yours.
Buckwheat.......LOL Yer the family ***, not me.
Your family tries to save your silly ass but they too will completely fail.
Let's have a DUDE bailout.

Hey you have PMS today? If this is the best that you can post with any relevance...maybe you should just stick to the humor forum...because your a joke. Try taking some might help. Next time try not to flame, but bring an opinion to your post.

Maybe you can lend him some of yours.

Christine, what happened to your reps?
Hey you have PMS today? If this is the best that you can post with any relevance...maybe you should just stick to the humor forum...because your a joke. Try taking some might help. Next time try not to flame, but bring an opinion to your post.

Maybe you can lend him some of yours.

Christine, what happened to your reps?

I don't know, and I don't care.

Is that ignorance or apathy?

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