Don't believe the lies aobut increased premiums

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Don't Believe The Hype About Massive Obamacare Premium Hikes | ThinkProgress

....... on Monday, a new analysis from The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Urban Institute put some of the loudest hysteria to rest, finding that that “premium increases will be moderate (in line with underlying cost growth) rather than growing by double-digits.”

The brief’s author, health economist John Holahan, concedes that the rate of increase will depend on the state of the local health care market. Customers living in areas with few insurance options, for instance, may experience higher premium growth, while those residing in competitive areas could see smaller increases. Yet Holahan argues that on average, the market forces that created lower-than-expected premiums in 2014, “should be even stronger in 2015 with increased enrollment and a more stable risk pool.” Here are four reasons why:

1. “The underlying rate of growth in health care costs remained slow through 2012.” Lower than expected health care spending means that premiums — which traditionally keep up with underlining health care spending — could be lower. Even though preliminary evidence suggests that spending increased in the first quarter of 2014 from all-time-lows, health care prices are still continuing to grow at low rates.

2. “Enrollment in Marketplace plans should be substantially higher in 2015 than 2014.” The Congressional Budget Office anticipates that 7 million people will sign up for health care coverage in 2015 and experts predict that with all of the early website problems fixed, the 2015 open enrollment process will prove smoother. Health insurers also reported a rush of younger enrollees in the final days of the first open enrollment period and expect that since sicker enrollees signed up in the early months of open enrollment, healthier than average beneficiaries will join in 2015.

3. “Cost sharing in the silver tier, the plans most often selected, are high enough to dampen utilization.” Economists have long found that higher cost sharing and narrower networks of doctors and hospitals could keep premiums lower and decrease unnecessary health care spending.

4. “Increasing size and attractiveness of the nongroup markets could intensify the amount of competition from insurers.” The marketplaces appear to be attracting greater insurer participation for 2015. “In Washington state, four insurers plan to sell for the first time on the exchange next year, including UnitedHealth. In Virginia, a local health plan owned by a hospital and physicians in Lynchburg has proposed to join Aetna Inc., Kaiser Permanente and WellPoint Inc. in 2015. And in Indiana, the health exchange’s offerings may double to eight companies,” Bloomberg reported.

Initial premium filings from Washington state and Virginia appear to substantiate Holahan’s analysis. Insurers in Washington, for instance, posted an average proposed rate of 8.25 percent, the lowest increase in seven years. In Virginia, the rate requests similarly fall “shy of the much larger boosts some critics predicted.” Insurers in Indiana are posting increases below the double-digit mark.

“There is every evidence that the 2014 risk pool was more or less what insurers expected and that the 2015 risk pool will be better, so insurers have little reason to raise their premiums,” Timothy Jost, a law professor at Washington & Lee University, told ThinkProgress.

How do you allegedly insure more people, with mandates that coverage includes all sorts of things people will never use, and not have prices skyrocket?

Are you a complete lunatic?
:lol::lol::lol::lol: What silly, silly person you are. My premiums are going up 88% when all of your happy horse shit gets implemented...yippee..

Did you even read it?

Could, might, may well....

The Premiums skyrocketed dumbass and they are going to again.

I especially like the line...

"THe cost sharing in the silver tier are high enough to dampen utilization".....

That is patently stupid and shows they have no idea what they are talking about.

If you take a 2000 dollar ded and reduce it to 200 and a 5000 max out of pocket to 400 are they going to use it more, or use it less?

Dudley, seriously....THINK!!!
How do you allegedly insure more people, with mandates that coverage includes all sorts of things people will never use, and not have prices skyrocket?

Are you a complete lunatic?

It's more like
how do you shift the costs to insurance companies to cover more people
without shifting the costs to people to pay for that.

Since the insurance companies are not going to cover costs they don't have to,
how is this not going to shift to the people?

As for govt, where this kind of program shifts the burden on taxpayers,
of course people are going to pay those costs one way or another.

The costs don't magically disappear just because you shuffle them through "govt."

if you look at public housing, public schooling, public health:
ANYTIME you shift the program into govt
with its added bureaucracies and costs of over-management
(because to make any corrections requires an intensive legislative or legal process
to go through the "proper channels") the costs are going to go up.

It take FOREVER to fix a problem with waste, losses or problems with govt
because of the administrative process (compared with business setups that address losses and changes quickly since they have to cover the costs, not dump them on taxpayers to pay!)

With govt programs that have to be mainstreamed, you are not going to get "individualized" care and needs met or plans
adjusted to be more cost effective as you would with direct control over business decisions.

Any public system should only be used to cover basic policies that the public AGREES on (and that don't require
sensitive decision making) and never be used for decisions and programs that are better managed privately for localized control, ACCOUNTABILITY, and cost-effectiveness.
And especially NOT used for such sensitive policies that people do not agree religiously or politically, because their personal beliefs and values are affected; govt is NOT designed for that!

Why don't people get this????

For example:
If you want freedom to run errands in a specific order and tight schedule, you drive your own car.

Only if you have a streamlined map and generalized schedule to follow can you use public transportation to do VERY BASIC tasks that don't require complex or timesensitive actions.

Maybe I should go back to the analogy about public housing:
We could "house more people for less" if we streamlined all houses to be just
the basics needed, and put everyone in the same housing design, all stacked and ordered.

Why can't people understand that govt regulating health care is going to
streamline the policies in the system
and eliminate freedom to make individualized choices that we COULD PAY FOR OURSELVES?

Why can't people CHOOSE "whether or not to participate" in public health or private health, as with public housing or private housing

Normally, we REWARD people with more freedom for not depending on govt housing
and earning enough to pay for the housing of their choice.

Why not REWARD people for making enough to cover their own health care?
Why this business of PUNISHING people with fines if they don't choose to depend on govt?

As if that is the only way to pay for health care????
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hey not to worry, you will believe in those HIGH deductibles you will have to pay before your wonderful Dear Leader Oscam government insurance kick in

just duped and lies every single day
You have to be a libby luddly libtard lunatic to understand.....

How do you allegedly insure more people, with mandates that coverage includes all sorts of things people will never use, and not have prices skyrocket?

Are you a complete lunatic?

Really Luddly! Why do you mix everyone up with the facts!

(death squads)
(kill grandma)
Don't Believe The Hype About Massive Obamacare Premium Hikes | ThinkProgress

....... on Monday, a new analysis from The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Urban Institute put some of the loudest hysteria to rest, finding that that “premium increases will be moderate (in line with underlying cost growth) rather than growing by double-digits.”

The brief’s author, health economist John Holahan, concedes that the rate of increase will depend on the state of the local health care market. Customers living in areas with few insurance options, for instance, may experience higher premium growth, while those residing in competitive areas could see smaller increases. Yet Holahan argues that on average, the market forces that created lower-than-expected premiums in 2014, “should be even stronger in 2015 with increased enrollment and a more stable risk pool.” Here are four reasons why:

1. “The underlying rate of growth in health care costs remained slow through 2012.” Lower than expected health care spending means that premiums — which traditionally keep up with underlining health care spending — could be lower. Even though preliminary evidence suggests that spending increased in the first quarter of 2014 from all-time-lows, health care prices are still continuing to grow at low rates.

2. “Enrollment in Marketplace plans should be substantially higher in 2015 than 2014.” The Congressional Budget Office anticipates that 7 million people will sign up for health care coverage in 2015 and experts predict that with all of the early website problems fixed, the 2015 open enrollment process will prove smoother. Health insurers also reported a rush of younger enrollees in the final days of the first open enrollment period and expect that since sicker enrollees signed up in the early months of open enrollment, healthier than average beneficiaries will join in 2015.

3. “Cost sharing in the silver tier, the plans most often selected, are high enough to dampen utilization.” Economists have long found that higher cost sharing and narrower networks of doctors and hospitals could keep premiums lower and decrease unnecessary health care spending.

4. “Increasing size and attractiveness of the nongroup markets could intensify the amount of competition from insurers.” The marketplaces appear to be attracting greater insurer participation for 2015. “In Washington state, four insurers plan to sell for the first time on the exchange next year, including UnitedHealth. In Virginia, a local health plan owned by a hospital and physicians in Lynchburg has proposed to join Aetna Inc., Kaiser Permanente and WellPoint Inc. in 2015. And in Indiana, the health exchange’s offerings may double to eight companies,” Bloomberg reported.

Initial premium filings from Washington state and Virginia appear to substantiate Holahan’s analysis. Insurers in Washington, for instance, posted an average proposed rate of 8.25 percent, the lowest increase in seven years. In Virginia, the rate requests similarly fall “shy of the much larger boosts some critics predicted.” Insurers in Indiana are posting increases below the double-digit mark.

“There is every evidence that the 2014 risk pool was more or less what insurers expected and that the 2015 risk pool will be better, so insurers have little reason to raise their premiums,” Timothy Jost, a law professor at Washington & Lee University, told ThinkProgress.


This is how stupid you are.

Your thread title: Don't believe the lies aobut [sic] increased premiums

Then you provide an article and a link showing how premiums will in fact increase.
And what about the biggest lies of all...
If you like your plan you can keep your plan.If you like your Doctor your can keep your Doctor.Period...
Lies told over and over again.

And the Libs seemed fine with that.
How do you allegedly insure more people, with mandates that coverage includes all sorts of things people will never use, and not have prices skyrocket?

Are you a complete lunatic?

Like most Marxists, Dudley is a liar, dishonest and dishonorable. Truth is irrelevant. His personal greed is everything.
How do you allegedly insure more people, with mandates that coverage includes all sorts of things people will never use, and not have prices skyrocket?

Are you a complete lunatic?

Like most Marxists, Dudley is a liar, dishonest and dishonorable. Truth is irrelevant. His personal greed is everything.

1. anyone who claims to defend "prochoice" principles on the basis of keeping govt out of personal decisions (and "respecting due process" instead of penalizing and regulating choices) is in denial when it comes to this ACA mandate penalizing people and choices

whatever justification it takes to overlook that contradiction
not sure if you call that "lying" or avoiding the question or what

But once you brush that aside, what do you have left to defend?
How can you argue to defend "prochoice" and enforce this ACA against free choice?

What do you call THAT?

2. as for prices skyrocketing
what price can you put on liberty to manage your own financial and health care decisions?
what is the cost to society and public trust of abusing govt to railroad this legislation
through that contradicts the very principles of choice that Democrats and liberals
proclaim to defend, along with the civil and religious liberties and beliefs in Constitutional govt that conservatives, Republicans and Libertarians believe in?

can that cost be measured of the damage done to public trust in govt and party leaders?
to me, that is worse than any of the dollars and cents and stats argued about online.
How do you allegedly insure more people, with mandates that coverage includes all sorts of things people will never use, and not have prices skyrocket?

Are you a complete lunatic?

Like most Marxists, Dudley is a liar, dishonest and dishonorable. Truth is irrelevant. His personal greed is everything.

1. anyone who claims to defend "prochoice" principles on the basis of keeping govt out of personal decisions (and "respecting due process" instead of penalizing and regulating choices) is in denial when it comes to this ACA mandate penalizing people and choices

whatever justification it takes to overlook that contradiction
not sure if you call that "lying" or avoiding the question or what

But once you brush that aside, what do you have left to defend?
How can you argue to defend "prochoice" and enforce this ACA against free choice?

What do you call THAT?

2. as for prices skyrocketing
what price can you put on liberty to manage your own financial and health care decisions?
what is the cost to society and public trust of abusing govt to railroad this legislation
through that contradicts the very principles of choice that Democrats and liberals
proclaim to defend, along with the civil and religious liberties and beliefs in Constitutional govt that conservatives, Republicans and Libertarians believe in?

can that cost be measured of the damage done to public trust in govt and party leaders?
to me, that is worse than any of the dollars and cents and stats argued about online.

total bull shit
Dr. Milton Wolf says the verdict is in. Americans want full repeal of ObamaCare. We have seen the future of government-run healthcare. It is the VA ...

Oh! you have to have bladder cancer surgery? Okay come back in 6 months and we will get you in to see a doctor. Now don't you call this office and make a fuss because it's close to BONUS TIME! and we don't want to have to place you on that fake list now do we? Oh and just one more thing; answer this innocent little question on line 30 (are you a republican, a democrat or a hateful member of the tea party) :eusa_silenced:
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