Don't Brawl

More rightwingnuts have orgasms in their pants over the thought of killing fellow Americans. In between dreams of kissing Putin's ass. LOL
If the Left tries to overthrow our government, they can expect to be shot and killed. It won't be the first time.o
In other words, you think that anyone with a political opinion different than yours deserves to be shot the moment they enunciate that opinion. And you will be glad to do the deed. Provided, of course, said person is not equally armed, then you will nominate someone else to do the job while you hide in your mother's basement. LOL

You keyboard commandos are all cowards. LOL
In other words, you think that anyone with a political opinion different than yours deserves to be shot the moment they enunciate that opinion. And you will be glad to do the deed. Provided, of course, said person is not equally armed, then you will nominate someone else to do the job while you hide in your mother's basement. LOL

You keyboard commandos are all cowards. LOL
What part of "if the left tries to overthrow" did you not understand?

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