Zone1 Don't call yourself a Christian if you do these things (& never repent)


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023
So many people call themselves Christian but are NOT

A true Christian does not believe that its OK to sin "because Jesus died for" him 2000+ years ago and forgives everything... EVEN before the sin is committed! Jesus CAN and does forgive sins but not if someone is not sorry, does not repent of it, does not make "a firm purpose of amendment" as the words of Absolution (in the RCC) puts it.

A person who hates others and does them wrong is violating Christ's Commandment to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Yes, we have all violated that one, at least with words. But some Christians realize or suspect when they may be doing this and... again: REPENT.

If you are not repenting daily of your sins and attempting to get rid of them

Sorry, but you are not a true Christian.

Jesus said that FEW find the narrow Way. (Mt 7:14, Lk 13:24...). The canonized saints say EXCEEDINGLY few
I live in a glass house and ain't throwin' any stones.

well, it depends on how you define House and Stones

Sometimes someone needs to be awakened from his sleep and throwing a "stone" of some sort is about the only way he will wake up. But again, we have to define terms here...
Gatekeeper types are always so cringy. "Don't call yourself a blah blah blah if you yada yada yada." As if this dude is the authority and not just some mouth breather on the internet.
well, it depends on how you define House and Stones

Sometimes someone needs to be awakened from his sleep and throwing a "stone" of some sort is about the only way he will wake up. But again, we have to define terms here...
And a very basic form of pseudo intellectualism to boot. OP is a legit cringe-lord.
Gatekeeper types are always so cringy. "Don't call yourself a blah blah blah if you yada yada yada." As if this dude is the authority and not just some mouth breather on the internet.
I acknowledge I do not have the authority.
well, it depends on how you define House and Stones

Sometimes someone needs to be awakened from his sleep and throwing a "stone" of some sort is about the only way he will wake up. But again, we have to define terms here...
You throw a stone at me and I'll probably shoot ya.

Take that for what you want. That's assault with a deadly missile.
Gatekeeper types are always so cringy. "Don't call yourself a blah blah blah if you yada yada yada." As if this dude is the authority and not just some mouth breather on the internet.
I acknowledge I do not have the authority.
I don't know exactly what authority you are referring to but your humility would seem to qualify you for... being authoritative, at least on some issues.. Some here have NO humility at all.. think they know everything already and can never learn a damn thing from anyone else. I've been accused of such, but the thing is, I really DO have the truth RE Jesus... not all of it but enough. Jesus knew we had to have at least "enough" to get us to Heaven, and He provided us with this "enough"...... if only we will take it
I don't know exactly what authority you are referring to but your humility would seem to qualify you for... being authoritative, at least on some issues.. Some here have NO humility at all.. think they know everything already and can never learn a damn thing from anyone else. I've been accused of such, but the thing is, I really DO have the truth RE Jesus... not all of it but enough. Jesus knew we had to have at least "enough" to get us to Heaven, and He provided us with this "enough"...... if only we will take it
One can learn something beneficial from almost everyone.
One can learn something beneficial from almost everyone.
that is true. And I am, not surprisingly, more open to listen to posters who offer their truth, subjective though it may be, in an intelligent, calm, open to truth kind of way...
Here I thought to be a Christian was to believe that Jesus was the Divine son of God born of a Nubile Virgin named Mary. Also that he was resurrected after being dead for days and who ascending into Heaven after x days of living after dying.
Here I thought to be a Christian was to believe that Jesus was the Divine son of God born of a Nubile Virgin named Mary. Also that he was resurrected after being dead for days and who ascending into Heaven after x days of living after dying.

"Even the demons believe, and tremble"

James 2:12 or thereabouts


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