Don't Cheer for USA Athletes Until They Change Their Pro-Communist Ways

Don't Cheer for USA Athletes Until They Change Their Pro-Communist Ways​

Of course I second that! :thup:
Isn't it telling how fascist orange cultists are all about a piece of cloth OVER actual human American athletes?
If an athlete decides to attack our Veterans by kneeling for the Star Spangled Banner, they are literally a communist as a matter of fact.
They don't like the rockets red glare or the bombs bursting in air, or their blood washing out their foul footsteps pollution. It's all too gory and violent for liberals.
I fought communism during the Cold War... now liberal media and corporate establishment promotes it. Hope Team USA losses every contest...Democrat motherfucking shit bags. There was a time we could cheer for our Olympic teams.
And what do the US Olympic teams have to do with communism?
Rapinoe is an idiot.
So who's her girlfriend? Or is that a threescore with Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger?

Isn't it about time to clean out that women's locker room? That's some deadly serious funk going on there. Almost as bad as that musky odor in the men's lockers, plenty of that, too, I'd imagine. Have any these players washed their clothes since last season? Needles, 'roids, maybe a coat hanger abortion going on in there once in a while.
My mom had the Olympics on yesterday and I realized I'm an American that is too competitive to root against the USA. Yeah, I hate the disrespectful BS that some are dwelling on and I would never watch that hammer thrower or the women's soccer team or anyone else who is outwardly belittling my country. But I still think there are a lot of admirable kids on that team that have worked their asses off to be great and put their team and country first like a true Olympian should. I just love this country too much to turn my back on them. So my new rule will be if they turn their back on their team and country, I will turn my back on them. Otherwise, I'll continue being the same gung ho USA die hard I always have been. Go USA.
Like when you Tards use "RACIST" and "RUSSIA" at every turn?
Indeed, the Trumpsters are acting just like the hardcore Left, who have turned "racism" into a meaningless word by screaming it at anything that moves. As I've pointed out hundreds of times here. Or thousands.

It's telling that you people are so willing to act just like those you loathe. Why is that? What is wrong with you?

The first line of my sig proven for the thousandth time. Good stuff.
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If an athlete decides to attack our Veterans by kneeling for the Star Spangled Banner, they are literally a communist as a matter of fact.
That's not communism, Einstein. That has nothing to do with communism.

Holy shit. How can you people be this ignorant? How do you NOT know this stuff?
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I have something against anti-Americans who use the stage of the Olympics to disrespect our country while promoting themselves.

Maybe if your country behaved in a more respectable fashion towards ALL of its citizens, people will be less inclined to call people like YOU hypocrites.

You do know that one of the signs of fascism is hyper nationalism and obsession with respecting symbols of the nation.
You really believe him? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

I lived through the Cold War. The reason it was called the "Cold War" was there was no shooting, and no battles. The troops had to endured endless insults from the Russians. The propaganda barrages were endless.
I fought communism during the Cold War... now liberal media and corporate establishment promotes it. Hope Team USA losses every contest...Democrat motherfucking shit bags. There was a time we could cheer for our Olympic teams.
You seem to be so obsessed by "Communism" (which you don't seem to know the definition off) you have turned into a one man Phelps Family(not the swimmer, the ones that protest military funerals)
These people clearly don't even know what communism is. They prove it virtually every day.

It's fine that they use the word to scare each other. To everyone else, though, it's a clown show.

I guess countless American citizens that have left actual Communists countries to come to the US who overwhemingly vote Republican don’t know what Communism is either. They vote Republican because they recognize what you and other Democrats can’t…the Democratic policies are leading us down that path. You only and others like you only THINK you are enlightned when in reality you are just full of false information and rhetoric that you have been fed since grade school. That is how it all starts. Do some homework.
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How can you cheer for a Country that hasn't won a military engagement since WWII?
Well there was Grenada and Panama if you wanna count them.

So you only value a country based on how many wars it has won and nothing else?

I get it, you're using scemantics just to make an argument, but it's still a really fucking stupid one to pick.
You seem to be so obsessed by "Communism" (which you don't seem to know the definition off) you have turned into a one man Phelps Family(not the swimmer, the ones that protest military funerals)
We used to laugh at the Communists Sports representatives which had truth in it as steroid laden and maybe not even the same sex they were supposed to be. Now it is us!!!!!! Separate the nation into a loose federation of states or regional areas.
Maybe if your country behaved in a more respectable fashion towards ALL of its citizens, people will be less inclined to call people like YOU hypocrites.

You do know that one of the signs of fascism is hyper nationalism and obsession with respecting symbols of the nation.

I lived through the Cold War. The reason it was called the "Cold War" was there was no shooting, and no battles. The troops had to endured endless insults from the Russians. The propaganda barrages were endless.

Its easy for a foreigner to suggest that America should just STFU about our country being disrespected.

But if I went to Maple Leaf Gardens and crapped on the Flag of Canada while "Oh Canada" was being played by the organist, would you be cool with that?
I fought communism during the Cold War... now liberal media and corporate establishment promotes it. Hope Team USA losses every contest...Democrat motherfucking shit bags. There was a time we could cheer for our Olympic teams.
There are no communist US athletes competing. Zero. None. Zip. Nada.
Talk about irony. Cheez.
You're free to be the first Trumpster to provide examples of Democrats advocating for public ownership and control of all production and distribution.

Go ahead. That's the definition of communism, but you obedient Trumpsters lack the capacity to understand that. All you have is your arrogant ignorance.

Looking forward to those examples. :popcorn:
I guess countless American citizens that have left actual Communists countries to come to the US who overwhemingly vote Republican don’t know what Communism is either. They vote Republican because they recognize what you and other Democrats can’t…the Democratic policies are leading us down that path. You only and others like you only THINK you are enlightned when in reality you are just full of false information and rhetoric that you have been fed since grade school. That is how it all starts. Do some homework.

Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, France etc.. are all stable, prosperous and successful .... and have a high standard of living.

Your pontificating is interesting. Have you ever traveled to any of those countries?

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