Don't Cheer for USA Athletes Until They Change Their Pro-Communist Ways

Protesting lack of freedom,the gulags, socialized medicine, being told what to do, living in squalor.

Take your pick, there are a lot of objections to Communist regimes.

Its none of our business what goes on in Russia ... Tend your own backyard.

I remember going to the Winter Olympics in Innsbruck in the mid 1960s and it wasn't political.
Have you noticed the assault on Capitalism by the left? If not, where have you been? When you choose to start removing more and more forces of the free market you are clearly moving towards Socialism. Have you noticed that many Democrats are so emboldened by the utter ignorance of the Democratic voter base they they can even declare themselves Democratic Socialists and get elected? Do you recogize that Socialism is a branch of Communism? Yes, there are differences, but not nearly enough to make a reasonable person feel comfortable heading down that path.

I don’t expect you to understand. Your head is far too deep in the sand to hear any voices of reason.
What do you expect? by all appearances his understanding of economic and political theory not to mention history comes solely from comic books. Anyways you made some good points.

BTW Marx and Ingels didn’t define socialism as a “branch” of communism, they identified it as a lower (transitory) stage of communism, a subtle distinction to be sure but an important one. ;)
As i keep telling you, your beloved democrats have adopted the fascist economic model of private ownership but strict government control of the wealth that the private sector produces

calling libs communists is letting them off easy

LOLOL.. We don't have a fascist economic model in the US. You are really dumb.
As i keep telling you, your beloved democrats have adopted the fascist economic model of private ownership but strict government control of the wealth that the private sector produces

calling libs communists is letting them off easy
That really is breathtakingly ignorant.

I want to laugh, but this isn't funny.
Well there's another Republican lie shot to hell. Where would Amazon be without the Post Office, without roads, bridges, or airports to transport their goods, without a well educated work force, and a transportation system for them to come and go from work, efficiently, all to support their distribution centres.

For Amazon to build their new New York headquarters, they required a $9 billion infrastructure investment to support their new headquarters. But Amazon paid no federal income taxes last year, while Jeff Bezos became the world's first trillionaire, and is spending hundreds of billions flying into space.

The entire concept of private property rights is supported by a huge government infrastructure of patents and trademark registrations, registration of corporations, real property registration and records, along with ownership of vehicles, and other high end consumer goods, complete with court enforcement of those rights.

How is the government supposed to maintain all of those private property ownership rights, while providing the infrastructure, communications and transportation systems that private business requires if the wealthy aren't paying their fair share?

Bezos is wealthy, but he isn't a trillionaire in any sense of the word.

Amazon, BTW, pays huge amounts of taxes to state, federal and local governments across the fruited plain. Were you aware that here in America employers are required to pay matching social security taxes and medicare taxes on all of their employees? And they have to pay those taxes even if their enterprise is losing money?

what's a "fair" amount? Just sounds like an overly greedy government to me.

For your information, people really don't have to be highly educated to work for Amazon.
I would still like to know why Trumpsters choose to remain ignorant about what communism actually is.

There is no shortage of education available for them. This is incredible.
I would still like to know why Trumpsters choose to remain ignorant about what communism actually is.

There is no shortage of education available for them. This is incredible.

Trump has glorified stubborn ignorance. He called it "patriotism".
Trump has glorified stubborn ignorance. He called it "patriotism".
It's one thing to be ignorant about something. Hell, all of us are ignorant about many things. Ask me to program a computer, and all you'll get is a freakin' blank stare.

But you won't find me attacking and insulting computer programmers for the way they program computers. Why not? Because I know better than to attack people based on my own ignorance.

I've always thought this would just be the way most adults are, y'know?
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Its none of our business what goes on in Russia ... Tend your own backyard.

I remember going to the Winter Olympics in Innsbruck in the mid 1960s and it wasn't political.

Back in the 1960's, sports wasn't nearly as political.

Today, athletes like to use sporting events to protest against people they don't like.
Afghanistan was about ENRON.
Correct – as was the lawless war started in Afghanistan in 2003.

Again, China was likewise aiding the Mujahideen along with the US to oust the Soviets – it wasn’t about ‘fighting communism,’ it was about control in the Near and Middle East.
Where did you fight communism?
Bushie is obviously on his "tactical keyboard" :)

I would still like to know why Trumpsters choose to remain ignorant about what communism actually is.

There is no shortage of education available for them. This is incredible.

Maybe you too should read the actual definition of Socialism. Yes, it is one step away from Communism, by definition. I didn't receive a response from my previous post from Surada linking to the definition. It doesn't fit the narrative in which brainwashed folks so fervently believe. Just like with "infrastructure" the left has attempted to change the definition by calling it Democratic Socialism. Sounds better. Works with low IQ folks.

Why do you guys keep doing this?
Why do you keep asking the same fucking question AFTER I GIVE YOU THE FUCKING ANSWER????????????????????????

You know good and goddamn well what we are talking about and you KNOW this is incrementalism in full motion.

At least 50% of the country is so disgusted by the erosion of our national identity on full display before the international community that we can't even watch that shit.

Put your empty head back in the sand.

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