Don't Fall For Anti-Trump Scam Talk


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
So far everything coming from the left (in my book that includes RINOs) disguised as criticism of Trump, is really just political sabotage. He's in the way of the RINOs, and the liberals are panic-stricken over him. All this crap they're saying about Trump offending Mexicans, offending McCain, and whoever else is on their offended list, is a pile of crap.

They're all struggling to unseat Trump, and that's all there is to it. Hope you all out there aren't being scammed by them. I wonder who will be the next oh so badly offended poor person(s). I'm finding much more importance with the people whose side Trump has been rallying around > Kate Steinle, the Chattanooga 5, American unemployed citizens.

Geraldo Rivera: don't be ridiculous. Take a vacation dude. You're spoiling perfectly good air time.

Can "The Donald" defeat the elite liberal media?????? An epic battle whereby he will have to summon great courage and determination in order to refrain from saying strode things!!!
From an analysis of the Post hit piece on Trump slandering POWs:
1. The Post did not provide context at the outset disclosing that McCain and Trump have been feuding, with McCain characterizing some Trump supporters as “crazies” and Trump stating that McCain graduated last in his class in Annapolis. The charged rhetoric continued at the conservative Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa this weekend.

2. When a panelist characterized McCain as a “war hero,” the Post is accurate in reporting that Trump initially said McCain is “not a war hero.” But then, Trump immediately modified his statement saying– four times– that McCain is a war hero:

“He is a war hero.”

“He’s a war hero because he was captured.”

“He’s a war hero, because he was captured.”

“I believe, perhaps, he’s a war hero. But right now, he’s said some very bad things about a lot of people.”

3. Did Trump say McCain is not a war hero because he was captured? No, not in the exchanges represented in the Post.

4. Is the Post’s characterization an accident? It would appear not, because it is repeated in the Post’s caption of the video clip, which also states: “Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), a decorated Vietnam war veteran, was not a war hero because he was captured by the North Vietnamese [emphasis added].”

Further, in the Post’s second sentence, Trump is quoted as stating of McCain, “He’s not a war hero…He’s a war hero because he was captured,” but the article selectively left out the phrase Trump had uttered in between: “He is a war hero.”
Fact Check The Washington Post on Donald Trump and John McCain Sharyl Attkisson

McCains actual war record.
McCain, who was saved from drowning by a Vietnamese civilian and was treated at a Hanoi hospital for his wounds, was the son of the Admiral commanding the Pacific Fleet, so he was what might be referred to as a high value captive for the North Vietnamese regime. As such he received considerable attention from his captors, was referred to by his fellow prisoners as the “Crown Prince,” and was, by some accounts, handled with kid gloves. And his connections may have ensured that he would receive additional high value treatment from the Pentagon upon his return to the U.S., he being awarded an astonishing Silver Star, Legion of Merit, Distinguished Flying Cross, Bronze Star and a Purple Heart for his 22 missions spent bombing mostly civilian targets in North Vietnam.
McCain’s own tale of his torture and the confession he recorded for the North Vietnamese comes largely from his book Faith of My Fathers, in which he describes his shame at cooperating with the enemy. But some of McCain’s fellow prisoners, who were tortured and did not collaborate, have challenged his narrative, expressing their belief that McCain was not physically abused at all and that he was well treated. Others who were also in the prison camp dispute that claim. But by McCain’s own account he may have begun cooperating with the North Vietnamese within three days of his capture and was fully on board within two weeks, providing specific intelligence on his aircraft carrier, its aircraft, and the support vessels attached to it, information that was later featured in North Vietnamese radio broadcasts.
John McCain War Hero or Something Less by Philip Giraldi --

Can "The Donald" defeat the elite liberal media?????? An epic battle whereby he will have to summon great courage and determination in order to refrain from saying strode things!!!

Just about all conservatives now know what liars you libtards are. Unfortunately most of the public doesn't know it yet, and certainly none of them know what murderous scum you all are.

It's a vast Left Wing Conspiracy to make The Don say all sorts of craaaazy shit. We control him through toothpaste and send signals from the Soylent Green mothership, cloaked and in orbit.

When we are done with him, we will send him down to the Ameros, resting in the Gulf, waiting to be transported across the NAFTA Superhighway!
Of course it's coming from BOTH sides of these political parties with the help of Lelfwing PRAVDA medias.

when will you people get tired of being PLAYED by these Politicians ?

Can "The Donald" defeat the elite liberal media?????? An epic battle whereby he will have to summon great courage and determination in order to refrain from saying strode things!!!
Can he beat a known criminal, an old Socialist that says women lik to be raped, and a clown that destroyed his own city???

It's a vast Left Wing Conspiracy to make The Don say all sorts of craaaazy shit. We control him through toothpaste and send signals from the Soylent Green mothership, cloaked and in orbit.

When we are done with him, we will send him down to the Ameros, resting in the Gulf, waiting to be transported across the NAFTA Superhighway!
Nice try at covering up your silly attempts to dislodge Trump from the high spot he now holds in the presidential race. You're just tossing around more of the anti-Trump scam talk that I mentioned in the title and OP of this thread. Nice try. No prize.
Why would somebody who dropped bombs on backward villagers living in straw huts, who were not attacking the USA, be thought of as a hero, anyway ?

It's a vast Left Wing Conspiracy to make The Don say all sorts of craaaazy shit. We control him through toothpaste and send signals from the Soylent Green mothership, cloaked and in orbit.

When we are done with him, we will send him down to the Ameros, resting in the Gulf, waiting to be transported across the NAFTA Superhighway!
Nice try at covering up your silly attempts to dislodge Trump from the high spot he now holds in the presidential race. You're just tossing around more of the anti-Trump scam talk that I mentioned in the title and OP of this thread. Nice try. No prize.

Yeah, buddy, you go with that!!!

It's a vast Left Wing Conspiracy to make The Don say all sorts of craaaazy shit. We control him through toothpaste and send signals from the Soylent Green mothership, cloaked and in orbit.

When we are done with him, we will send him down to the Ameros, resting in the Gulf, waiting to be transported across the NAFTA Superhighway!
Nice try at covering up your silly attempts to dislodge Trump from the high spot he now holds in the presidential race. You're just tossing around more of the anti-Trump scam talk that I mentioned in the title and OP of this thread. Nice try. No prize.

Yeah, buddy, you go with that!!!
Just holding up a mirror for you to look in. If you don't like what you see, fix it. :biggrin:
I would caution all to beware of Trump as Perot 2.0.
Make sure your enthusiasm does not make you blind.

It's a vast Left Wing Conspiracy to make The Don say all sorts of craaaazy shit. We control him through toothpaste and send signals from the Soylent Green mothership, cloaked and in orbit.

When we are done with him, we will send him down to the Ameros, resting in the Gulf, waiting to be transported across the NAFTA Superhighway!
What were the crazy things he said? Or are you referring to his bluntness as being crazy even if it's accurate?
So far everything coming from the left (in my book that includes RINOs) disguised as criticism of Trump, is really just political sabotage. He's in the way of the RINOs, and the liberals are panic-stricken over him. All this crap they're saying about Trump offending Mexicans, offending McCain, and whoever else is on their offended list, is a pile of crap.

They're all struggling to unseat Trump, and that's all there is to it. Hope you all out there aren't being scammed by them. I wonder who will be the next oh so badly offended poor person(s). I'm finding much more importance with the people whose side Trump has been rallying around > Kate Steinle, the Chattanooga 5, American unemployed citizens.

Geraldo Rivera: don't be ridiculous. Take a vacation dude. You're spoiling perfectly good air time.

Run Trump Run!

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