Don’t Get Blown Away By Those Category 6 Hurricanes We Were Promised

We could use a good Cat 4 hurricane up here in New England. I’d love a $4000 paycheck for a week of work. Might even get to double it if there’s enough damage.

P.S. - I work for a utility company.,
Not likely. Surface temps are 3 deg C cooler than last year and the polar jet is much stronger already. I do not see a change in the items that have been currently keeping them from becoming organized storms.

At least within the next 24 hours ... things can change that quick ...
This is like the vaccine. It was fun watching people on your side drop while you continued to deny. In fact you still deny it. Same way I enjoy watching southerners lives ruined by weather and then come crawling to the Federal Government for help, all while they refuse to change or wake up.

Right now people north and south of the Colorado river are fighting about who needs to conserve water. Because one of them uses a lot more water than the other. I bet the south uses more than the north. Regardless, right now they are fighting over going green. I love it! Conserve water. Don't cut grass. Don't water grass. I'm fine with the Colorado River going dry. That's not where I get my drinking water.

What do I care here in the Great Lakes State? Other than you will start asking us to empty our lakes so you can water your grass? Fuck you! Go pound dry sand. LOL.

Most people that "dropped" were old people confined to infected nursing homes by Democrat dimwits.
Most people that "dropped" were old people confined to infected nursing homes by Democrat dimwits.

A lot of people were old but also a lot of blacks who don't trust the government and white conservatives who didn't get vaccinated died too.

So old, or unvaccinated.

At least 7 conservative radio hosts and anti-mask advocates have died from COVID-19 after bashing the vaccines​

How many vaccinated, pro vaccine advocates died? Do you know any?
Most people that "dropped" were old people confined to infected nursing homes by Democrat dimwits.
How do you hope to maintain even a veneer of rationality making comments like that?

A lot of people were old but also a lot of blacks who don't trust the government and white conservatives who didn't get vaccinated died too.

So old, or unvaccinated.

At least 7 conservative radio hosts and anti-mask advocates have died from COVID-19 after bashing the vaccines​

How many vaccinated, pro vaccine advocates died? Do you know any?

You are confused Moon Bat.

Statistically more old people died in nursing homes confined by Democrat leaders in the big city shitholes than in the general populace.

When the Democrats made the deal with the Chinese to release the bio weapon so they could use a pandemic as an excuse to create fraudulent ballots then that fucked a lot of Americans and other people in the world. It really fucked the people that the Democrats confined to infected nursing homes.
How do you hope to maintain even a veneer of rationality making comments like that?
After awhile you forget you are talking to a person who thinks the scientists are lying about everything from evolution to vaccines to evolution.

And the Dimcrats stole 5 states. But they can't see how Bush used a lot of trump's tactics to win 2000 and 2004. Only back then he only had to rig one state, not 5. The Supreme Court could help Bush but it was too much of a shillacking for them to help Trump. But this new Supreme Court will help the next Republican, if it's closer. Especially when they control the other houses because then they can make abortion illegal.

What else do they deny? Just remember they are so brainwashed you shouldn't take them seriously. But be scared that Trump got a lot of idiots interested in politics. And don't forget they loved Bush in the 2000's. Today they may admit he sucked and lied us into a war. Maybe in 20 years they'll admit Trump was a total criminal.
After awhile you forget you are talking to a person who thinks the scientists are lying about everything from evolution to vaccines to evolution.

And the Dimcrats stole 5 states. But they can't see how Bush used a lot of trump's tactics to win 2000 and 2004. Only back then he only had to rig one state, not 5. The Supreme Court could help Bush but it was too much of a shillacking for them to help Trump. But this new Supreme Court will help the next Republican, if it's closer. Especially when they control the other houses because then they can make abortion illegal.

What else do they deny? Just remember they are so brainwashed you shouldn't take them seriously. But be scared that Trump got a lot of idiots interested in politics. And don't forget they loved Bush in the 2000's. Today they may admit he sucked and lied us into a war. Maybe in 20 years they'll admit Trump was a total criminal.
probably not since Democrats supported slick willie and Hillary, two of the biggest criminals in the last 100 years. Lets not forget Obama who waged war against the middle class and now Biden doing much of the same
This guy who only wrestled in junior high told me my wrestling credentials are basically non existent. I was an all state wrestler in high school and wrestled with an olympic gold medal winner my freshman year of college.

So compared to him, I'm a black belt in karate compared to his wrestling abilities. No question about it. I told him, 10 out of 10 times.

But my other friends said, "why do you let a moron get under your skin like that? He's a joke."

They are right. Why am I letting a fool bother me. So I may not be an all state climate scientists, but I do listen to them. And you are my friend who's a joke. Not compared to me. Compared to those climate scientists who say you're a fucking idiot.

Now tell me how they are lying. No, it's not the lobbyists or the corporate pollutors or Fox News or Republicans in Congress or Trump who are lying. Nope. It's the scientists. Same way it wasn't Trump who was wrong about covid, it was fauci.

You're basically very close to being a full on Trump supporters who thinks 2018 was rigged.
2018 was rigged? WTF?
probably not since Democrats supported slick willie and Hillary, two of the biggest criminals in the last 100 years. Lets not forget Obama who waged war against the middle class and now Biden doing much of the same
Why because he lied about getting a blow job? When all the men accusing him of it were getting them too? Trump included? Trump was a Democrat back then. He admitted they fucked Bill and he was one of the greatest. You're just an idiot.

Or Hillary's emails? BFD everyone including Trump does/did it.

Or she lied about being under sniper fire? That was the big lie you had on Hillary? And yet you worship the biggest liar in political history. You believe every lie. What is wrong with you?

And there are many other sources if you don't like this one. Just google Hillary actually honest and see how you've been duped con.
At least within the next 24 hours ... things can change that quick ...
Not likely. Surface temps of the oceans do not change that fast. Stratosphere temps are also about 6 Deg C cooler than last year. There is insufficient temperature gradient between thermal layers of our atmosphere to create strong storms. Add that the polar jets are intruding, and that wind shear makes it nearly impossible for a storm to get beyond cat 1 before being torn to shreds by it.

To many factors go against the NOAA prediction.
I know, too much rain, global warming, drought, global warming, average rainfall, global warming, more hurricanes, global warming, less hurricanes, global warming, warmer temperatures global warming, cooling temperatures global warming, more snow, global warming, less snow global warming, polar bears not breeding, global warming. Humans having less sex, global warming, more sex? global warming the list doesn't end and includes a span of more, less and average, it is all global warming.

Great way to make it fit for everything. The left has done a great job of propagandizing global warming.

You forgot one ... Why did the chicken cross the road ... Global Warming.

Why because he lied about getting a blow job? When all the men accusing him of it were getting them too? Trump included? Trump was a Democrat back then. He admitted they fucked Bill and he was one of the greatest. You're just an idiot.

Or Hillary's emails? BFD everyone including Trump does/did it.

Or she lied about being under sniper fire? That was the big lie you had on Hillary? And yet you worship the biggest liar in political history. You believe every lie. What is wrong with you?

And there are many other sources if you don't like this one. Just google Hillary actually honest and see how you've been duped con.
70+ plus people have mysteriously died all having ties to the Clintons including Epstein. The Clintons are as dirty as you can get when it comes to politicians. Of course Monica and Paula Jones would have been out of business if Hillary was taking care of business.
You're a climate scientists who disagrees with the consensus that man made climate change is real and a major threat to humanity?
Claire Parkinson, climatologist at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center said,

"many scientists who don’t buy into the “mainstream” position on climate change are reluctant to voice their opinions"

Claire Parkinson, climatologist at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center said,

"many scientists who don’t buy into the “mainstream” position on climate change are reluctant to voice their opinions"

Indeed, scientist-skeptics no longer deny that global warming is actually happening. Instead, they have shifted their attention to attribution—meaning what’s causing the warming to occur—and whether mandated cuts in greenhouse gases can ever reverse it or should even try.

I'm reading your article and I'm sorry but I'm not buying it. I'm sure if you look closely at who's denying man made climate change, you'll find those scientists are right wing idiots. So just like you swallow the stolen election argument or the masks don't work argument" if you are a con scientist, you are probably trying very hard to be skeptical about the evidence.

Just like darwinism/evolution. You guys are still denying it right? Could that be because you WANT to believe in the poof theory? Sure seems like it.

I thought of an argument against the POOF theory. If god POOFED us into existence, he would have given us the eyes and ears of an eagle. Instead our eyes and ears evolved appropriately for someone who is not god's chosen animal.
70+ plus people have mysteriously died all having ties to the Clintons including Epstein. The Clintons are as dirty as you can get when it comes to politicians. Of course Monica and Paula Jones would have been out of business if Hillary was taking care of business.
Thank you for trying to seriously give the Clinton's credit for Epstein, when Trump was better pals with him and Trump was literally in charge of the prison system when Jeff hung himself.

So Trump's in charge of the prison, something bad happens, and you want to blame the Clinton's? You are such an idiot.
Thank you for trying to seriously give the Clinton's credit for Epstein, when Trump was better pals with him and Trump was literally in charge of the prison system when Jeff hung himself.

So Trump's in charge of the prison, something bad happens, and you want to blame the Clinton's? You are such an idiot.
Slick Willie made regular trips to the island, that is why Epstein is dead with 69 others

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