Don’t Get Blown Away By Those Category 6 Hurricanes We Were Promised

Claire Parkinson, climatologist at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center said,

"many scientists who don’t buy into the “mainstream” position on climate change are reluctant to voice their opinions"

Good article. Your link totally agrees with me. You didn't even read what you posted. You just hoped this article would defend climate change deniers but it totally doesn't. LOL.

scientist-skeptics who do take a public stand often have ties to industry and conservative ideology.

For instance, Patrick Michaels, a climatologist who writes skeptical books about global warming, is a visiting scientist at the George C. Marshall Institute, a nonprofit organization sustained in part by oil and gas companies. He also is a fellow at the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank in Washington, DC. S. Fred Singer, an atmospheric physicist whom many consider to be the godfather of climate change denial, also is linked to numerous conservative and industry organizations.

In 2009 the U.S. Senate Environment & Public Works Committee published a report4 listing more than 7005 scientist-skeptics expressing a spectrum of dissenting views, many questioning the role of anthropogenic emissions in climate change, although a few are quoted denying climate change altogether. James Inhofe (R–OK), ranking minority member of the committee that produced the report, represents the extreme right wing of his party and has received nearly a million dollars in donations from oil and coal companies since 2000.6

The list was compiled by Inhofe’s staff without prior consent by the scientists themselves; Parkinson says some have requested to be taken off the list. Moreover, only 15% of the scientists listed had published in the refereed literature on subjects related to climate science.

Parkinson, who says she has never taken money from the fossil fuel industry, says she respects skeptical viewpoints but leans more toward the mainstream view. Given her analysis of the data, she concludes the Earth has, in general, warmed since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution and that greenhouse gas emissions are at least partly to blame. Virtually all scientists agree with at least the first of those conclusions, she says—even the skeptics.

Roger Pielke Sr., a meteorologist and senior research scientist at the University of Colorado, Boulder—who is often associated with the skeptical side of the climate debate but prefers to be called a “climate realist”—agrees. Like Parkinson, Pielke identifies himself as a political independent who doesn’t take funding from the fossil fuel industry. In his view, those who frame the climate change debate as one that pits the IPCC against those who don’t believe global warming is real or that humans have anything to do with it are wrong on both counts. Global warming is happening, he says, and it can’t be explained entirely by natural forces.
Even Michaels concurs. “Of course there’s a warming trend,” he says. “All you have to do is connect the dots. And I can point you to five truly independent papers in world-class journals—not the crackpot stuff you see in unreferenced websites—that must lead you to conclude that slightly less than half of global warming is due to carbon dioxide.”
Mainstream scientists put the blame for climate change almost entirely on greenhouse gases, but scientist-skeptics differ widely in terms of their alternative explanations. Some, such as Tim Patterson, a paleoclimatologist at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, emphasize natural “forcings” on the climate, especially solar cycles that affect how much radiation strikes the earth. Others cite man-made influences including industrial emissions of black soot, which warms the air by absorbing sunlight. Still others propose that multiple factors—black soot, land use changes, and more—compound the effects of greenhouse gases on global and regional climate.
Yet acknowledging so many possible causes of climate change leaves policymakers without any obvious solutions. And whereas mainstream scientists believe reducing greenhouse emissions is the key, skeptics aren’t unified around any alternate strategy. However, at least one—Pielke—supports a modest, politically acceptable carbon tax to fund alternative energy research.9
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Economic Implications​

The scientific debates on climate change have massive economic implications, which explains why a disagreement that would ordinarily be worked out in the peer-reviewed literature has created such a polarized social divide. Attempts to reverse climate change could inflict enormous costs on industries that will fight to the death for their survival.
Slick Willie made regular trips to the island, that is why Epstein is dead with 69 others
So did Trump. Funny you don't mind that Trump went to that island or raw dogged porn stars.

Trump was a better friend to Epstein.



TRUTH about President Trump’s name appearing on the Epstein plane guest list

And yes, I admit Clinton and Trump are both horrible human beings. No one named Trump or Clinton should ever be allowed to run for POTUS ever again
Indeed, scientist-skeptics no longer deny that global warming is actually happening. Instead, they have shifted their attention to attribution—meaning what’s causing the warming to occur—and whether mandated cuts in greenhouse gases can ever reverse it or should even try.

I'm reading your article and I'm sorry but I'm not buying it. I'm sure if you look closely at who's denying man made climate change, you'll find those scientists are right wing idiots. So just like you swallow the stolen election argument or the masks don't work argument" if you are a con scientist, you are probably trying very hard to be skeptical about the evidence.

Just like darwinism/evolution. You guys are still denying it right? Could that be because you WANT to believe in the poof theory? Sure seems like it.

I thought of an argument against the POOF theory. If god POOFED us into existence, he would have given us the eyes and ears of an eagle. Instead our eyes and ears evolved appropriately for someone who is not god's chosen animal.
I don't have time to correct all the mistakes you just made. But there is no evidence of AGW. Only modeling. Models aren't evidence.
Good article. Your link totally agrees with me. You didn't even read what you posted. You just hoped this article would defend climate change deniers but it totally doesn't. LOL.

scientist-skeptics who do take a public stand often have ties to industry and conservative ideology.

For instance, Patrick Michaels, a climatologist who writes skeptical books about global warming, is a visiting scientist at the George C. Marshall Institute, a nonprofit organization sustained in part by oil and gas companies. He also is a fellow at the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank in Washington, DC. S. Fred Singer, an atmospheric physicist whom many consider to be the godfather of climate change denial, also is linked to numerous conservative and industry organizations.

In 2009 the U.S. Senate Environment & Public Works Committee published a report4 listing more than 7005 scientist-skeptics expressing a spectrum of dissenting views, many questioning the role of anthropogenic emissions in climate change, although a few are quoted denying climate change altogether. James Inhofe (R–OK), ranking minority member of the committee that produced the report, represents the extreme right wing of his party and has received nearly a million dollars in donations from oil and coal companies since 2000.6

The list was compiled by Inhofe’s staff without prior consent by the scientists themselves; Parkinson says some have requested to be taken off the list. Moreover, only 15% of the scientists listed had published in the refereed literature on subjects related to climate science.

Parkinson, who says she has never taken money from the fossil fuel industry, says she respects skeptical viewpoints but leans more toward the mainstream view. Given her analysis of the data, she concludes the Earth has, in general, warmed since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution and that greenhouse gas emissions are at least partly to blame. Virtually all scientists agree with at least the first of those conclusions, she says—even the skeptics.

Roger Pielke Sr., a meteorologist and senior research scientist at the University of Colorado, Boulder—who is often associated with the skeptical side of the climate debate but prefers to be called a “climate realist”—agrees. Like Parkinson, Pielke identifies himself as a political independent who doesn’t take funding from the fossil fuel industry. In his view, those who frame the climate change debate as one that pits the IPCC against those who don’t believe global warming is real or that humans have anything to do with it are wrong on both counts. Global warming is happening, he says, and it can’t be explained entirely by natural forces.
Even Michaels concurs. “Of course there’s a warming trend,” he says. “All you have to do is connect the dots. And I can point you to five truly independent papers in world-class journals—not the crackpot stuff you see in unreferenced websites—that must lead you to conclude that slightly less than half of global warming is due to carbon dioxide.”
Mainstream scientists put the blame for climate change almost entirely on greenhouse gases, but scientist-skeptics differ widely in terms of their alternative explanations. Some, such as Tim Patterson, a paleoclimatologist at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, emphasize natural “forcings” on the climate, especially solar cycles that affect how much radiation strikes the earth. Others cite man-made influences including industrial emissions of black soot, which warms the air by absorbing sunlight. Still others propose that multiple factors—black soot, land use changes, and more—compound the effects of greenhouse gases on global and regional climate.
Yet acknowledging so many possible causes of climate change leaves policymakers without any obvious solutions. And whereas mainstream scientists believe reducing greenhouse emissions is the key, skeptics aren’t unified around any alternate strategy. However, at least one—Pielke—supports a modest, politically acceptable carbon tax to fund alternative energy research.9
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Economic Implications​

The scientific debates on climate change have massive economic implications, which explains why a disagreement that would ordinarily be worked out in the peer-reviewed literature has created such a polarized social divide. Attempts to reverse climate change could inflict enormous costs on industries that will fight to the death for their survival.
Which is why Parkinson is credible when she says, "many scientists who don’t buy into the “mainstream” position on climate change are reluctant to voice their opinions"

It's hilarious how you can come to the opposite conclusion the paper reaches after you read the paper.
I’m so old I remember when the US would be pummeled by numerous Category 6 (we had to increase the scale, it’s really that bad!) hurricanes unless we ACTED NOW 25 years ago.
Suuuuure you did.

Back in reality, climate science never predicted more hurricanes. Deniers just lie about that. But then, they lie about everything. They have to, because all the science says they're cult morons.

I also wonder why they're whimpering about Cat 6 hurricanes, since nobody other than them has ever done so. The stuff deniers make up just gets dumber and dumber.
So did Trump. Funny you don't mind that Trump went to that island or raw dogged porn stars.

Trump was a better friend to Epstein.

View attachment 687355
View attachment 687356
TRUTH about President Trump’s name appearing on the Epstein plane guest list

And yes, I admit Clinton and Trump are both horrible human beings. No one named Trump or Clinton should ever be allowed to run for POTUS ever again
bottom one is a photoshop, LMAO
Here it is a day away from Sep 1st and the US has not been hit by a hurricane. The storms out in the Atlantic now are all expected to turn north. This has been a very mild season for tropical storms. So far one of the mildest on record.

Where are all these mega hurricanes the Environmental Wackos promised us because of this silly idea of man made global warming?

Where is the seal level rise?

There ain't jackshit because their ain't no man made global warming.

Environmental wackos be beaucoup dinky dau!
Here it is a day away from Sep 1st and the US has not been hit by a hurricane. The storms out in the Atlantic now are all expected to turn north. This has been a very mild season for tropical storms. So far one of the mildest on record.

Where are all these mega hurricanes the Environmental Wackos promised us because of this silly idea of man made global warming?

Where is the seal level rise?

There ain't jackshit because their ain't no man made global warming.

Environmental wackos be beaucoup dinky dau!
The reason for the mild hurricane season is global warming.
The reason for the mild hurricane season is global warming.
But the AGW scammers told us that global warming would produce mega hurricanes.

In 2004 when Central Florida was hit with three hurricanes an Environmental Wacko put up a big billboard on I-4 near the Sunshine Parkway exit in Orlando blaming the hurricanes on global warming.
probably not since Democrats supported slick willie and Hillary, two of the biggest criminals in the last 100 years. Lets not forget Obama who waged war against the middle class and now Biden doing much of the same
Why because he lied under oath about a blowjob?

Imagine if the Republicans back then would have found Clinton was calling other foreign leaders and asking them to make up shit about his opponent?

Let me give you a great example of what a fucking ignorant hypocrite you are. Remember Mrs. Lynch? She ran the FBI remember? Hillary was under investigation and you thought it was inappropriate Bill went into her airplane to talk to her for a couple minutes. HOW INAPPROPRIATE you guys said.

But with Trump, he can fire Comey for whatever reason he wants. Trump can get away with MURDER and Bill couldn't even get a BJ from an intern.

Or if Gore would have called TN in 2000 and told the Governor to "find him" however many votes he needed to overturn the election.
But the AGW scammers told us that global warming would produce mega hurricanes.

In 2004 when Central Florida was hit with three hurricanes an Environmental Wacko put up a big billboard on I-4 near the Sunshine Parkway exit in Orlando blaming the hurricanes on global warming.
Lol! They tell us lots of stuff that makes no sense. If it is a drought, it’s global warming, if it is too much rain, it’s global warming, if it is a average rainfall year it’s global warming, it there are lots of hurricane, global warming, below average hurricanes, global warming, just an average hurricane season, global warming.

Get a load of this claim:

Here are people behind the movement, former tree spiders.
Why because he lied under oath about a blowjob?

Imagine if the Republicans back then would have found Clinton was calling other foreign leaders and asking them to make up shit about his opponent?

Let me give you a great example of what a fucking ignorant hypocrite you are. Remember Mrs. Lynch? She ran the FBI remember? Hillary was under investigation and you thought it was inappropriate Bill went into her airplane to talk to her for a couple minutes. HOW INAPPROPRIATE you guys said.

But with Trump, he can fire Comey for whatever reason he wants. Trump can get away with MURDER and Bill couldn't even get a BJ from an intern.

Or if Gore would have called TN in 2000 and told the Governor to "find him" however many votes he needed to overturn the election.
It wasn’t lying over a blow job, it was the obstruction of justice that created a bigger issue because it was denying Paula Jones her civil rights and led to him being disbarred over it. Have you ever thought about researching a subject before posting?

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