Don’t Get Blown Away By Those Category 6 Hurricanes We Were Promised

A. We've gone Green since the days we made those predictions.
B. We can't even accurately predict the weather tomorrow
C. Climate scientists say all these extreme and unusual weather conditions are the cause of global warming. It's throwing everything off

Google Texas Drought and Texas Floods.
Moron... LOok back into the 1930's and see what happened then. same shit different day...
So add denying global warming to the list of reasons you're dumb. Got it.
It's called weather... and we can never be 100% right all the time...

We're pretty good at 24 hour forecasts ... past that we may never get any better, no matter how fast these computers get ... the math doesn't offer easy solutions ...
I know, too much rain, global warming, drought, global warming, average rainfall, global warming, more hurricanes, global warming, less hurricanes, global warming, warmer temperatures global warming, cooling temperatures global warming, more snow, global warming, less snow global warming, polar bears not breeding, global warming. Humans having less sex, global warming, more sex? global warming the list doesn't end and includes a span of more, less and average, it is all global warming.

Great way to make it fit for everything. The left has done a great job of propagandizing global warming.
Wait, when have humans had too much sex?

Also when is Global Cooling starting?
I'm predicting a rather busy end to the season.
My thinking is that the lack of storms and the hot summer in South FL is charging the Ocean battery for a big season end grand finale discharge.
Not likely. Surface temps are 3 deg C cooler than last year and the polar jet is much stronger already. I do not see a change in the items that have been currently keeping them from becoming organized storms.
I know, too much rain, global warming, drought, global warming, average rainfall, global warming, more hurricanes, global warming, less hurricanes, global warming, warmer temperatures global warming, cooling temperatures global warming, more snow, global warming, less snow global warming, polar bears not breeding, global warming. Humans having less sex, global warming, more sex? global warming the list doesn't end and includes a span of more, less and average, it is all global warming.

Great way to make it fit for everything. The left has done a great job of propagandizing global warming.
Without global warming and climate change, these 'climate scientists' would have no jobs. It's in their best interest to keep the lie going.
Moron... LOok back into the 1930's and see what happened then. same shit different day...
Moron... Go talk to a climate scientist so they can explain why you are stupid. Then tell us we should listen to you instead of them.
This is like the vaccine. It was fun watching people on your side drop while you continued to deny. In fact you still deny it. Same way I enjoy watching southerners lives ruined by weather and then come crawling to the Federal Government for help, all while they refuse to change or wake up.

Right now people north and south of the Colorado river are fighting about who needs to conserve water. Because one of them uses a lot more water than the other. I bet the south uses more than the north. Regardless, right now they are fighting over going green. I love it! Conserve water. Don't cut grass. Don't water grass. I'm fine with the Colorado River going dry. That's not where I get my drinking water.

What do I care here in the Great Lakes State? Other than you will start asking us to empty our lakes so you can water your grass? Fuck you! Go pound dry sand. LOL.
Do you dispute my observation? I am spot on. We have global warming and have been warming for a century or so, but you morons with your stupid moronic definitions make it difficult to take you seriously.

This is a reason it is tough to take clowns seriously. 45 ridiculous things global warming will supposedly cause

I don't need a list to know why we all think you are dumb, your posts are quite telling of your low IQ.
No dummy. Climate scientists see the difference after Mexico, Africa, Canada, Europe, Asia and Africa all started manufacturing more. Since humans on the planet started manufacturing more, we see humans are causing climate change and it's not good for us.

The planet will be fine.
No dummy. Climate scientists see the difference after Mexico, Africa, Canada, Europe, Asia and Africa all started manufacturing more. Since humans on the planet started manufacturing more, we see humans are causing climate change and it's not good for us.

The planet will be fine.
Dumb, dumb, nothing you posted change the facts I posted, so until you do, you are a moron.
Dumb, dumb, nothing you posted change the facts I posted, so until you do, you are a moron.

This guy who only wrestled in junior high told me my wrestling credentials are basically non existent. I was an all state wrestler in high school and wrestled with an olympic gold medal winner my freshman year of college.

So compared to him, I'm a black belt in karate compared to his wrestling abilities. No question about it. I told him, 10 out of 10 times.

But my other friends said, "why do you let a moron get under your skin like that? He's a joke."

They are right. Why am I letting a fool bother me. So I may not be an all state climate scientists, but I do listen to them. And you are my friend who's a joke. Not compared to me. Compared to those climate scientists who say you're a fucking idiot.

Now tell me how they are lying. No, it's not the lobbyists or the corporate pollutors or Fox News or Republicans in Congress or Trump who are lying. Nope. It's the scientists. Same way it wasn't Trump who was wrong about covid, it was fauci.

You're basically very close to being a full on Trump supporters who thinks 2018 was rigged.

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