Don’t have to pay back your student loan but you will your. Military bonus

I got so many shots in boot camp my rear is still sore. I don't remember getting to pick and choose which one I took.
Why wast this not taken care of in the omnibus bill

From the article,

he would have to pay back his original signing bonus upon his termination from the military because he did not complete the commitment in his contract

Cry me a damn river, when you don't complete a contract you have to pay back the signing bonus. Hell, the military is nice enough to prorate it, I be damn if I would, refusing a direct order, no, pay it all damn back.

George Washington required all the members of the Continental Army to be, not vaccinated, but inoculated against smallpox. That had a real one percent death rate, if not higher. I have found no record of a single solider refusing. These modern soldiers refusing the Covid vaccine are a disgrace to the uniform. Good riddance.
Why wast this not taken care of in the omnibus bill

Here is a thought. Quit going to Gateway Pundit. I mean check out the author of the article, "ProTrump News Staff". Get the fawk out of here. The lead sentence,

The Biden administration is a disgrace

No, the Gateway Pundit is a disgrace. It is yellow journalism at its worst. It has been labeled "fake news" by every journalism professor in the country. And quite honestly, from the lead sentence, anyone with half an education and even limited critical thinking skills could surmise that the site is a shithole.

I got to be honest, I see it time and time again on this messageboard. Some dumbass yahoo posts something and links to Gateway Pundit. It is liked raising a big ass flag that says, "I am a total dumbass that can't possibly think for myself". It is really kind of damn sad.
I see the return of the draft.
Anyone who volunteers for today's military under the Bidenista's is nukkin' futz!!
If you like sex join the military, they fuck you every day, said the shithouse poet on the latrine wall.(1982-88)
Here is a thought. Quit going to Gateway Pundit. I mean check out the author of the article, "ProTrump News Staff". Get the fawk out of here. The lead sentence,

The Biden administration is a disgrace

No, the Gateway Pundit is a disgrace. It is yellow journalism at its worst. It has been labeled "fake news" by every journalism professor in the country. And quite honestly, from the lead sentence, anyone with half an education and even limited critical thinking skills could surmise that the site is a shithole.

I got to be honest, I see it time and time again on this messageboard. Some dumbass yahoo posts something and links to Gateway Pundit. It is liked raising a big ass flag that says, "I am a total dumbass that can't possibly think for myself". It is really kind of damn sad.
As opposed to anything posted from slate, vox, mother jones, salon, daily kos, daily beast….etc?
I got so many shots in boot camp my rear is still sore. I don't remember getting to pick and choose which one I took.
Liar. Shots are given in the arm. I was in the Navy for 21 years and had one shot in the rear and that was penicillin for strep throat that would not go away.
Liar. Shots are given in the arm. I was in the Navy for 21 years and had one shot in the rear and that was penicillin for strep throat that would not go away.
We got lots of shots in various places and I did not get to refuse a single one. You sure that PCN shot was for strep throat?
Why wast this not taken care of in the omnibus bill

Politicians were thinking of themselves and their pork, not the military.

For refusing to take the experimental drugs causing heart attacks and stroke you have the option to reconsider or be fired + payback your bonus.

Reminds me when I was deploying into the MI we were ordeted yo take the Anthrax shot, something like a series of 3 shots. I was lucky - I only had to take 1 before the military shut it down. I know team mates who got all 3 - it messed some of them up.
We got lots of shots in various places and I did not get to refuse a single one. You sure that PCN shot was for strep throat?
No, you didn't as all shots are intramuscular.

Considering I was in the Navy, got my initial treatment at an Air force base, and then had to go to an Army post while on leave, I can assure you that was the case. Also, considering we had a bad snowstorm and my father drove me to the base hospital, I can assure you I did not get VD like apparently you did.
No, you didn't as all shots are intramuscular.

Considering I was in the Navy, got my initial treatment at an Air force base, and then had to go to an Army post while on leave, I can assure you that was the case. Also, considering we had a bad snowstorm and my father drove me to the base hospital, I can assure you I did not get VD like apparently you did.
Actually I am surprised you caught the VD reference.

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