Don't know what I think about tonight's attack on Syria...

All Russia and Putin are going to do is talk.

They are thrilled that the strikes are over, because now they
can come out of their bunkers and breathe the fresh air.

Now...they will begin to tell everybody what they will do
and how tough they are. That's all they can do anymore..."talk."

They cannot and will not engage us on a conventional battlefield
and it is not in their best interest to engage in a nuclear exchange.

They talk the talk but do not walk the walk. They are very simple
to understand.

The world understands who the bad ass is. We are careful not to engage
Russia on the battlefield because they will not take any initiative against
us. No reason for us to escalate this. No reason for us to take out Assad,
at the moment. He's the perfect Middle East Leader. He rules his people
with an iron thumb. That's the only way you can rule over there.

If you take out Assad, then Putin will install his puppet and that war will
really get out of hand. As much as Putin talks like the old Soviet Leaders
he just doesn't have the military resources they once had, and thus his
talk has no viable threat behind it.

Their consequences will wind up being...crying to the UN security council.

Russia and Assad and Putin should take Trump's lead. Just behave, end
your civil war, and we'll go away and be your ally in getting rid of ISIS.

Just don't screw with us or we will hit you. Next time your Command and
Control goes. Then you won't be able to take out these rebel forces and
Russia doesn't have the resources or capabilities that America does and thus
cannot intervene and take over.

All we have to do is just not laugh outloud when Putin threatens us.

What a fucking joke. You think shooting a few missiles off every now and then make Trump look like a badass!

It is astonishing how stupid people can be when all they care about is their political party

You're just mad that his stock among Independents will rise with the
Syria strike. Plus Syria is a blot on Obama that will never be erased.
When it comes to action...Trump is The Hulk and Obama is Mr Rogers

You could be right. Mr Rogers was a well loved and revered personality for countless millions over several generations. The Hulk is a cartoon character.
All Russia and Putin are going to do is talk.

They are thrilled that the strikes are over, because now they
can come out of their bunkers and breathe the fresh air.

Now...they will begin to tell everybody what they will do
and how tough they are. That's all they can do anymore..."talk."

They cannot and will not engage us on a conventional battlefield
and it is not in their best interest to engage in a nuclear exchange.

They talk the talk but do not walk the walk. They are very simple
to understand.

The world understands who the bad ass is. We are careful not to engage
Russia on the battlefield because they will not take any initiative against
us. No reason for us to escalate this. No reason for us to take out Assad,
at the moment. He's the perfect Middle East Leader. He rules his people
with an iron thumb. That's the only way you can rule over there.

If you take out Assad, then Putin will install his puppet and that war will
really get out of hand. As much as Putin talks like the old Soviet Leaders
he just doesn't have the military resources they once had, and thus his
talk has no viable threat behind it.

Their consequences will wind up being...crying to the UN security council.

Russia and Assad and Putin should take Trump's lead. Just behave, end
your civil war, and we'll go away and be your ally in getting rid of ISIS.

Just don't screw with us or we will hit you. Next time your Command and
Control goes. Then you won't be able to take out these rebel forces and
Russia doesn't have the resources or capabilities that America does and thus
cannot intervene and take over.

All we have to do is just not laugh outloud when Putin threatens us.

What a fucking joke. You think shooting a few missiles off every now and then make Trump look like a badass!

It is astonishing how stupid people can be when all they care about is their political party

You're just mad that his stock among Independents will rise with the
Syria strike. Plus Syria is a blot on Obama that will never be erased.
When it comes to action...Trump is The Hulk and Obama is Mr Rogers

Independents are not warmongers, so no his stock among them will not rise.

Syria is a losing proposition no matter what happens, it is just a big whole to throw money and lives into for the next decade while gaining not a single thing.

Syria uses 1000 dollars worth of weapons and we respond by wasting 100 million worth and you call that winning!

Pull your head out of Trump's ass, get some oxygen to your brain and then come back....
Thought No. 1:

We cannot be the policeman of the world.

We cannot afford the expensive attacks.

Thought No 2:

Chemical attacks is where we should draw the line and act on the line being broken. Got it Obama?

We can't stand by when innocents are being tortured.

What are your thoughts?

Well I am not certain our actions are the best actions nor do we really know what happened yet tonight.

But "we can't stand by when innocents are being tortured'?

You do know that we have done just that in Syria- right?

We have stood by while Syria's Assad has bombed and shelled and starved his countries innocent women and children.

What we are telling him is that its okay to kill innocents with bombs and shells- but not with chemical weapons.

That's exactly what we are telling them; we have standards when it comes to death.

But it's not like we don't practice what we preach. We execute some criminals, but we can only do it with drugs. We can't execute people by hanging, electrocution, or even a firing squad. And some have taken the issue of drugs to court claiming that is inhuman because the needle pinches the criminal and it hurts.
Thought No. 1:

We cannot be the policeman of the world.

We cannot afford the expensive attacks.

Thought No 2:

Chemical attacks is where we should draw the line and act on the line being broken. Got it Obama?

We can't stand by when innocents are being tortured.

What are your thoughts?

It's an act which will not deter Assad, or his support from Russia. Unless the entire world's leader condemn both Assad and Russia we can expect nothing more than a war of words, or worse by this act.

It's not that I disapprove of targeted attacks with good intell on where Chemical Weapons are stored, and clear evidence on their source (someone makes them), but it did not hurt the regimes as much as economic sanctions which Trump has refused to implement thought past by Congress a year of so ago.

Trump talks a good game, but his behavior has alienated our allies and emboldened or foes. Trump needs to grow up and understand that Diplomacy - which he has all but ignored - can do wonders, and Brinkmanship ("bring it on") bravado is returned in kind, by bellicose responses.

IMO, Trump needs

  • to enforce the economic sanctions on Russia;
  • Put a cork in his mouth and fire the Ambassador to the UN;
  • Replace her with someone with the skills of a diplomat and not present the US as first among equals;
  • Fill all Ambassador posts with exceptional people with the skill of diplomats and knowledge of the culture of the nations where they are posted (not the cronies who he has surrounded himself with);
  • Fire his press secretary and appoint one who is not an obsequious liar.
Thought No. 1:

We cannot be the policeman of the world.

We cannot afford the expensive attacks.

Thought No 2:

Chemical attacks is where we should draw the line and act on the line being broken. Got it Obama?

We can't stand by when innocents are being tortured.

What are your thoughts?

Well I am not certain our actions are the best actions nor do we really know what happened yet tonight.

But "we can't stand by when innocents are being tortured'?

You do know that we have done just that in Syria- right?

We have stood by while Syria's Assad has bombed and shelled and starved his countries innocent women and children.

What we are telling him is that its okay to kill innocents with bombs and shells- but not with chemical weapons.

That's exactly what we are telling them; we have standards when it comes to death.

But it's not like we don't practice what we preach. We execute some criminals, but we can only do it with drugs. We can't execute people by hanging, electrocution, or even a firing squad. And some have taken the issue of drugs to court claiming that is inhuman because the needle pinches the criminal and it hurts.

Capital punishment is too expensive and not punishment, per se. Using a maximum security prison for those convicted of a capital crime, for life, with no hope for parole is punishment.

23 and 1/2 hours a day alone with no TV, no radio, no books, no calendar or reading material; no family visits, nor visits by anyone but an annual physical, and a secure physical activity facility without a view of the sky for 1/2 hour of exercise three days per week, escorted by a guard who is ordered to maintain silence.

That is punishment, and a sentence which fits the crime.
I heard Canada is behind us on the attack.
I don't know what to think either. I don't like the idea of having done it and all I can think at the moment is atleast we didn't act alone....but with Britain & France as well.

Not sure but it may be time to bend over & pucker up, cause we may be kissing our asses goodbye
I don't think it is that serious. I do know that I would rather have a president who is strong than one that is weak. Just wish mpre countries joined us, I guess.

That will have the world shaking in their boots. :21:
Thought No. 1:

We cannot be the policeman of the world.

We cannot afford the expensive attacks.

Thought No 2:

Chemical attacks is where we should draw the line and act on the line being broken. Got it Obama?

We can't stand by when innocents are being tortured.

What are your thoughts?
Should have fucking nuked them, Syrians are a total waste of good land.
I heard Canada is behind us on the attack.
I don't know what to think either. I don't like the idea of having done it and all I can think at the moment is atleast we didn't act alone....but with Britain & France as well.

Not sure but it may be time to bend over & pucker up, cause we may be kissing our asses goodbye
I don't think it is that serious. I do know that I would rather have a president who is strong than one that is weak. Just wish mpre countries joined us, I guess.

That will have the world shaking in their boots. :21:
Last time the US won a war (WWII), they had Canada's help.

A 17 minute strike did nothing to take out the chemicals Assad had a week to move them. It was a waste of money. Yes, something has to be done but not a short message, this attack is something that had to continue for a day or longer not just 17 minutes and nothing was there.

You don't know that. And don't you think we have satellites watching every move they make with those weapons to know they were not moved?

During the briefing yesterday, they did say that other weapon stocks are possible, it's just they are stored in civilian areas and taking them out would cause a lot of casualties.
I know what to think about the attack.
We were played like a cheap violin by an Israel Flase Flag act
What are your thoughts?

Trump is a coward for not targeting Assad
This was Assad's second warning. There will not be a third warning. Assad knows that if he should use chemical weapons again he'll be eating a nice fat juicy MOAB burger for his last dinner.
I'm wondering when Putin, who as we have been told repeatedly by the 'experts' on CNN/MSNBC is blackmailing Trump, is going to expose what he has on Trump.
Thought No. 1:

We cannot be the policeman of the world.

We cannot afford the expensive attacks.

Thought No 2:

Chemical attacks is where we should draw the line and act on the line being broken. Got it Obama?

We can't stand by when innocents are being tortured.

What are your thoughts?

Well you are going to see from the far left drones about a strategy in Syria and what the goal is.

So unless the far left is willing to swallow the idea of regime change, not much else can really be done.

They only care now about a strategy in Syria, not when Obama was president drawing arbitrary red lines and running from them.
Ah so, now we see that Strumpet is no different than previous administrations...
I know what to think about the attack.
We were played like a cheap violin by an Israel Flase Flag act

I think it goes much deeper than that. Think of it:

There is only one reason Assad used (if it was him) biological weapons, and that was for the explicit purpose to draw us (and perhaps some allied forces) in. Now why would he want that?

I can't see how that would benefit him. But what if he was given marching orders by Russia?

Then the question would be why would Russia want to draw us in?

Or is it possible Assad and Russia were not involved, and somebody else used those weapons to draw us in?

I'm having a hard time making sense out of all this. Too many unanswered questions to form an opinion.
Thought No. 1:

We cannot be the policeman of the world.

We cannot afford the expensive attacks.

Thought No 2:

Chemical attacks is where we should draw the line and act on the line being broken. Got it Obama?

We can't stand by when innocents are being tortured.

What are your thoughts?
Should have fucking nuked them, Syrians are a total waste of good land.

and you cant afford to buy any.
I'm not sure why Trump didn't knock out Syrian command and control. After all, it was Assad and his lieutenants that were responsible for the chemical attacks, right?

You'd think so......
Instead they hit the so called chem plants.
Something about this whole thing reeks of bullshit.
You are playing checkers pal.
Asad is Putin's puppet. It doesn't matter if Assad is in power or not. If Trump kills Assad then Putin will simply stick another puppet in Assad's palace.
Putin doesn't give a fuck if every sand monkey in Syria is killed. All he wants is access to the seaports on the Med. sea.

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