Don't know what I think about tonight's attack on Syria...

Thought No. 1:

We cannot be the policeman of the world.

We cannot afford the expensive attacks.

Thought No 2:

Chemical attacks is where we should draw the line and act on the line being broken. Got it Obama?

We can't stand by when innocents are being tortured.

What are your thoughts?

The only problem I'm having is why Assad would do something like this when he knows the US (and others) would respond. I mean, if you take an action, it's usually to get a desired result. I just can't see that result here. Maybe Im missing something because I don't follow international affairs all that closely. And maybe I'm underestimating his mental competency since (to me) he looks like Al Bundy from the show Married with Children.
Thought No. 1:

We cannot be the policeman of the world.

We cannot afford the expensive attacks.

Thought No 2:

Chemical attacks is where we should draw the line and act on the line being broken. Got it Obama?

We can't stand by when innocents are being tortured.

What are your thoughts?

The only problem I'm having is why Assad would do something like this when he knows the US (and others) would respond. I mean, if you take an action, it's usually to get a desired result. I just can't see that result here. Maybe Im missing something because I don't follow international affairs all that closely. And maybe I'm underestimating his mental competency since (to me) he looks like Al Bundy from the show Married with Children.

He is a part of the Russian regime, like North Korea.

So he thinks that he can do anything while Russia, China and Iran are backing him.
Thought No. 1:

We cannot be the policeman of the world.

We cannot afford the expensive attacks.

Thought No 2:

Chemical attacks is where we should draw the line and act on the line being broken. Got it Obama?

We can't stand by when innocents are being tortured.

What are your thoughts?

The only problem I'm having is why Assad would do something like this when he knows the US (and others) would respond. I mean, if you take an action, it's usually to get a desired result. I just can't see that result here. Maybe Im missing something because I don't follow international affairs all that closely. And maybe I'm underestimating his mental competency since (to me) he looks like Al Bundy from the show Married with Children.
He might be testing Trump. Just to see if he is the pussy Obama was.

I have made up my mind. I'm glad ATrump took this action. It gives North Korea something to think about.
Thought No. 1:

We cannot be the policeman of the world.

We cannot afford the expensive attacks.

Thought No 2:

Chemical attacks is where we should draw the line and act on the line being broken. Got it Obama?

We can't stand by when innocents are being tortured.

What are your thoughts?

The only problem I'm having is why Assad would do something like this when he knows the US (and others) would respond. I mean, if you take an action, it's usually to get a desired result. I just can't see that result here. Maybe Im missing something because I don't follow international affairs all that closely. And maybe I'm underestimating his mental competency since (to me) he looks like Al Bundy from the show Married with Children.
He might be testing Trump. Just to see if he is the pussy Obama was.

I have made up my mind. I'm glad ATrump took this action. It gives North Korea something to think about.

That's the only reason I can think of. Trump needs to fan his wings.

But I'm still not convinced that Assad was responsible for the last chemical attack.
I heard Canada is behind us on the attack.
I don't know what to think either. I don't like the idea of having done it and all I can think at the moment is atleast we didn't act alone....but with Britain & France as well.

Not sure but it may be time to bend over & pucker up, cause we may be kissing our asses goodbye
I don't think it is that serious. I do know that I would rather have a president who is strong than one that is weak. Just wish mpre countries joined us, I guess.
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BREAKING: Russian Embassy in the US on US-UK-France strikes on Syria:

"We are being threatened. We warned that such actions will not be left without consequences. All responsibility for them rests with Washington, London and Paris."

3:34 AM - Apr 14, 2018

Anyone live in one of these cities?
I do :eek:
Thanks, Trump, May, Macron.
Germany also supported the decision-

Germany won't participate in possible military action in Syria, but supports sending a message that the use of chemical weapons is unacceptable, Chancellor Angela Merkel said Thursday. Merkel stressed the importance of a united position in response to an alleged attack in Douma that the West is ...
I don't know what to think either. I don't like the idea of having done it and all I can think at the moment is atleast we didn't act alone....but with Britain & France as well.

Not sure but it may be time to bend over & pucker up, cause we may be kissing our asses goodbye
I don't think it is that serious. I do know that I would rather have a president who is strong than one that is weak. Just wish more countries joined us, I guess.

No, but this may be just the beginning......if and I do mean IF this goes much further & depending on Putins promised could become a problem.
Germany also supported the decision-

Germany won't participate in possible military action in Syria, but supports sending a message that the use of chemical weapons is unacceptable, Chancellor Angela Merkel said Thursday. Merkel stressed the importance of a united position in response to an alleged attack in Douma that the West is ...
Well with her huge influx of Muslims she’s probably right not to join in. Watch the terror attacks escalate in Europe now. Sigh.
Thought No. 1:

We cannot be the policeman of the world.

We cannot afford the expensive attacks.

Thought No 2:

Chemical attacks is where we should draw the line and act on the line being broken. Got it Obama?

We can't stand by when innocents are being tortured.

What are your thoughts?

Well I am not certain our actions are the best actions nor do we really know what happened yet tonight.

But "we can't stand by when innocents are being tortured'?

You do know that we have done just that in Syria- right?

We have stood by while Syria's Assad has bombed and shelled and starved his countries innocent women and children.

What we are telling him is that its okay to kill innocents with bombs and shells- but not with chemical weapons.
Thought No. 1:

We cannot be the policeman of the world.

We cannot afford the expensive attacks.

Thought No 2:

Chemical attacks is where we should draw the line and act on the line being broken. Got it Obama?

We can't stand by when innocents are being tortured.

What are your thoughts?

The only problem I'm having is why Assad would do something like this when he knows the US (and others) would respond. I mean, if you take an action, it's usually to get a desired result. I just can't see that result here. Maybe Im missing something because I don't follow international affairs all that closely. And maybe I'm underestimating his mental competency since (to me) he looks like Al Bundy from the show Married with Children.
He might be testing Trump. Just to see if he is the pussy Obama was.

I have made up my mind. I'm glad ATrump took this action. It gives North Korea something to think about.

You agreeing with what Trump has done is totally unexpected.

Who could have seen that coming?
look... if Mc Stain oops Cain aproves of this shit.....

that's all you need to know about tonights attacks...

enough said I hope.
Thought No. 1:

We cannot be the policeman of the world.

We cannot afford the expensive attacks.

Thought No 2:

Chemical attacks is where we should draw the line and act on the line being broken. Got it Obama?

We can't stand by when innocents are being tortured.

What are your thoughts?

The only problem I'm having is why Assad would do something like this when he knows the US (and others) would respond. I mean, if you take an action, it's usually to get a desired result. I just can't see that result here. Maybe Im missing something because I don't follow international affairs all that closely. And maybe I'm underestimating his mental competency since (to me) he looks like Al Bundy from the show Married with Children.
He might be testing Trump. Just to see if he is the pussy Obama was.

I have made up my mind. I'm glad ATrump took this action. It gives North Korea something to think about.

You agreeing with what Trump has done is totally unexpected.

Who could have seen that coming?

Yep. Totally unexpected if you haven't been reading all his "We're on our way with bombs" tweets for the last several days.
where are the promises Mr Trump....

of no intervention in the Middle East...


all too sad for words....
Do you want to be the President who sent the world into WW3 ?

Is that what you want?

to go into History like that???????????

Mercy Lord!
Thought No. 1:

We cannot be the policeman of the world.

We cannot afford the expensive attacks.

Thought No 2:

Chemical attacks is where we should draw the line and act on the line being broken. Got it Obama?

We can't stand by when innocents are being tortured.

What are your thoughts?

Well, if you have a problem with people being killed in Syria, what about everywhere else?

The Kurds in Turkey, the Uighurs in China etc?????

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