Don't know what I think about tonight's attack on Syria...

I'm not sure why Trump didn't knock out Syrian command and control. After all, it was Assad and his lieutenants that were responsible for the chemical attacks, right?
I'm not sure why Trump didn't knock out Syrian command and control. After all, it was Assad and his lieutenants that were responsible for the chemical attacks, right?

You'd think so......
Instead they hit the so called chem plants.
Something about this whole thing reeks of bullshit.
I'm not sure why Trump didn't knock out Syrian command and control. After all, it was Assad and his lieutenants that were responsible for the chemical attacks, right?
The president is given options and analysis, in this case in coordination with the UK and France. There are so many things we cannot understand since these decision are not made in an open forum.
Thought No. 1:

We cannot be the policeman of the world.

We cannot afford the expensive attacks.

Thought No 2:

Chemical attacks is where we should draw the line and act on the line being broken. Got it Obama?

We can't stand by when innocents are being tortured.

What are your thoughts?

The problem with your number 2 is that people are being tortured all over the world.
Thought No. 1:

We cannot be the policeman of the world.

We cannot afford the expensive attacks.

Thought No 2:

Chemical attacks is where we should draw the line and act on the line being broken. Got it Obama?

We can't stand by when innocents are being tortured.

What are your thoughts?

Well you are going to see from the far left drones about a strategy in Syria and what the goal is.

So unless the far left is willing to swallow the idea of regime change, not much else can really be done.

They only care now about a strategy in Syria, not when Obama was president drawing arbitrary red lines and running from them.

regime change is not going to happen in Syria. Russia has a vital strategic interest in Syria and will defend it, even to the point of an all out war.

We are not going to go to war for a regime change, especially when the next regime will not be any more pro-American than the one now. There is no winning side in Syria for the US. Trump was right when he said he was pulling our troops out, but he will change his mind as he always does
Thought No. 1:

We cannot be the policeman of the world.

We cannot afford the expensive attacks.

Thought No 2:

Chemical attacks is where we should draw the line and act on the line being broken. Got it Obama?

We can't stand by when innocents are being tortured.

What are your thoughts?

Well you are going to see from the far left drones about a strategy in Syria and what the goal is.

So unless the far left is willing to swallow the idea of regime change, not much else can really be done.

They only care now about a strategy in Syria, not when Obama was president drawing arbitrary red lines and running from them.

regime change is not going to happen in Syria. Russia has a vital strategic interest in Syria and will defend it, even to the point of an all out war.

We are not going to go to war for a regime change, especially when the next regime will not be any more pro-American than the one now. There is no winning side in Syria for the US. Trump was right when he said he was pulling our troops out, but he will change his mind as he always does

I know exactly what to think about this attack. It is illegal, unconstitutional, and Trump should be impeached and removed for doing it...just as Poppy, Bubba, W, and BO should have been impeached and removed for their many military interventions.

Alas...I am dreaming of a democratic nation ruled by laws, rather than men.
Thought No. 1:

We cannot be the policeman of the world.

We cannot afford the expensive attacks.

Thought No 2:

Chemical attacks is where we should draw the line and act on the line being broken. Got it Obama?

We can't stand by when innocents are being tortured.

What are your thoughts?

What a quandary.
Thought No. 1:

We cannot be the policeman of the world.

We cannot afford the expensive attacks.

Thought No 2:

Chemical attacks is where we should draw the line and act on the line being broken. Got it Obama?

We can't stand by when innocents are being tortured.

What are your thoughts?

The only problem I'm having is why Assad would do something like this when he knows the US (and others) would respond. I mean, if you take an action, it's usually to get a desired result. I just can't see that result here. Maybe Im missing something because I don't follow international affairs all that closely. And maybe I'm underestimating his mental competency since (to me) he looks like Al Bundy from the show Married with Children.
He might be testing Trump. Just to see if he is the pussy Obama was.

I have made up my mind. I'm glad ATrump took this action. It gives North Korea something to think about.

What a shock!
Thought No. 1:

We cannot be the policeman of the world.

We cannot afford the expensive attacks.

Thought No 2:

Chemical attacks is where we should draw the line and act on the line being broken. Got it Obama?

We can't stand by when innocents are being tortured.

What are your thoughts?

The only problem I'm having is why Assad would do something like this when he knows the US (and others) would respond. I mean, if you take an action, it's usually to get a desired result. I just can't see that result here. Maybe Im missing something because I don't follow international affairs all that closely. And maybe I'm underestimating his mental competency since (to me) he looks like Al Bundy from the show Married with Children.
He might be testing Trump. Just to see if he is the pussy Obama was.

I have made up my mind. I'm glad ATrump took this action. It gives North Korea something to think about.
War is ALWAYS about the health of the state.

My guess is this action is much like Bubba's action, when he was in trouble politically. This is likely a Wag the Dog situation. It won't save Trump.
Thought No. 1:

We cannot be the policeman of the world.

We cannot afford the expensive attacks.

Thought No 2:

Chemical attacks is where we should draw the line and act on the line being broken. Got it Obama?

We can't stand by when innocents are being tortured.

What are your thoughts?

Well you are going to see from the far left drones about a strategy in Syria and what the goal is.

So unless the far left is willing to swallow the idea of regime change, not much else can really be done.

They only care now about a strategy in Syria, not when Obama was president drawing arbitrary red lines and running from them.

How did you feel about North Korea jumping over Rump's red lines within 24 hrs, at least 3 times?

I would be less conflicted if I knew there was a long term goal or plan here. But I have yet to see it.

Agree with you 100%.
The goal is obvious. It is to get rid of Assad, because the Saudis and Israelis want it so...and besides, the American ruling class loves war. It makes them even more wealthy and powerful.
There has to be a powerful policeman of the world, when there isn't you get The Dark Ages. The US is the policeman of the world, with various deputies like Britain, France, and Germany, but it is the US and it's ability to project horrific military power anywhere on Earth that keeps most tyrants in check. Assad thought Russia would back the US down with a threat, now he knows better.

But the point is MOOT, the US is the world cop by default. No choice.
Do the math Siete. Would Assad do something crazy to pull the US in after The Donald indicates they are pulling out? It is possible Assad is insane though and enjoys getting expensive bombs bombing his country.

the math = Trump reversing course on 95% of his "decisions"

The president-elect ran and won a campaign in which he took 141 policy positions on 23 issues over the course of 510 days. Trump defended this as being "flexible" and unpredictable, something he argued would make him a better leader.
I thought he was a loose cannon.

I would be less conflicted if I knew there was a long term goal or plan here. But I have yet to see it.

Agree with you 100%.
The goal is obvious. It is to get rid of Assad, because the Saudis and Israelis want it so...and besides, the American ruling class loves war. It makes them even more wealthy and powerful.

I will not argue with you about this. I hate to see people suffer, but JFC it is way past time for others to step up and do the world police BS!
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All Russia and Putin are going to do is talk.

They are thrilled that the strikes are over, because now they
can come out of their bunkers and breathe the fresh air.

Now...they will begin to tell everybody what they will do
and how tough they are. That's all they can do anymore..."talk."

They cannot and will not engage us on a conventional battlefield
and it is not in their best interest to engage in a nuclear exchange.

They talk the talk but do not walk the walk. They are very simple
to understand.

The world understands who the bad ass is. We are careful not to engage
Russia on the battlefield because they will not take any initiative against
us. No reason for us to escalate this. No reason for us to take out Assad,
at the moment. He's the perfect Middle East Leader. He rules his people
with an iron thumb. That's the only way you can rule over there.

If you take out Assad, then Putin will install his puppet and that war will
really get out of hand. As much as Putin talks like the old Soviet Leaders
he just doesn't have the military resources they once had, and thus his
talk has no viable threat behind it.

Their consequences will wind up being...crying to the UN security council.

Russia and Assad and Putin should take Trump's lead. Just behave, end
your civil war, and we'll go away and be your ally in getting rid of ISIS.

Just don't screw with us or we will hit you. Next time your Command and
Control goes. Then you won't be able to take out these rebel forces and
Russia doesn't have the resources or capabilities that America does and thus
cannot intervene and take over.

All we have to do is just not laugh outloud when Putin threatens us.
All Russia and Putin are going to do is talk.

They are thrilled that the strikes are over, because now they
can come out of their bunkers and breathe the fresh air.

Now...they will begin to tell everybody what they will do
and how tough they are. That's all they can do anymore..."talk."

They cannot and will not engage us on a conventional battlefield
and it is not in their best interest to engage in a nuclear exchange.

They talk the talk but do not walk the walk. They are very simple
to understand.

The world understands who the bad ass is. We are careful not to engage
Russia on the battlefield because they will not take any initiative against
us. No reason for us to escalate this. No reason for us to take out Assad,
at the moment. He's the perfect Middle East Leader. He rules his people
with an iron thumb. That's the only way you can rule over there.

If you take out Assad, then Putin will install his puppet and that war will
really get out of hand. As much as Putin talks like the old Soviet Leaders
he just doesn't have the military resources they once had, and thus his
talk has no viable threat behind it.

Their consequences will wind up being...crying to the UN security council.

Russia and Assad and Putin should take Trump's lead. Just behave, end
your civil war, and we'll go away and be your ally in getting rid of ISIS.

Just don't screw with us or we will hit you. Next time your Command and
Control goes. Then you won't be able to take out these rebel forces and
Russia doesn't have the resources or capabilities that America does and thus
cannot intervene and take over.

All we have to do is just not laugh outloud when Putin threatens us.

What a fucking joke. You think shooting a few missiles off every now and then make Trump look like a badass!

It is astonishing how stupid people can be when all they care about is their political party
All Russia and Putin are going to do is talk.

They are thrilled that the strikes are over, because now they
can come out of their bunkers and breathe the fresh air.

Now...they will begin to tell everybody what they will do
and how tough they are. That's all they can do anymore..."talk."

They cannot and will not engage us on a conventional battlefield
and it is not in their best interest to engage in a nuclear exchange.

They talk the talk but do not walk the walk. They are very simple
to understand.

The world understands who the bad ass is. We are careful not to engage
Russia on the battlefield because they will not take any initiative against
us. No reason for us to escalate this. No reason for us to take out Assad,
at the moment. He's the perfect Middle East Leader. He rules his people
with an iron thumb. That's the only way you can rule over there.

If you take out Assad, then Putin will install his puppet and that war will
really get out of hand. As much as Putin talks like the old Soviet Leaders
he just doesn't have the military resources they once had, and thus his
talk has no viable threat behind it.

Their consequences will wind up being...crying to the UN security council.

Russia and Assad and Putin should take Trump's lead. Just behave, end
your civil war, and we'll go away and be your ally in getting rid of ISIS.

Just don't screw with us or we will hit you. Next time your Command and
Control goes. Then you won't be able to take out these rebel forces and
Russia doesn't have the resources or capabilities that America does and thus
cannot intervene and take over.

All we have to do is just not laugh outloud when Putin threatens us.

What a fucking joke. You think shooting a few missiles off every now and then make Trump look like a badass!

It is astonishing how stupid people can be when all they care about is their political party

Too many words. Make trump look like an ass is more accurate.
All Russia and Putin are going to do is talk.

They are thrilled that the strikes are over, because now they
can come out of their bunkers and breathe the fresh air.

Now...they will begin to tell everybody what they will do
and how tough they are. That's all they can do anymore..."talk."

They cannot and will not engage us on a conventional battlefield
and it is not in their best interest to engage in a nuclear exchange.

They talk the talk but do not walk the walk. They are very simple
to understand.

The world understands who the bad ass is. We are careful not to engage
Russia on the battlefield because they will not take any initiative against
us. No reason for us to escalate this. No reason for us to take out Assad,
at the moment. He's the perfect Middle East Leader. He rules his people
with an iron thumb. That's the only way you can rule over there.

If you take out Assad, then Putin will install his puppet and that war will
really get out of hand. As much as Putin talks like the old Soviet Leaders
he just doesn't have the military resources they once had, and thus his
talk has no viable threat behind it.

Their consequences will wind up being...crying to the UN security council.

Russia and Assad and Putin should take Trump's lead. Just behave, end
your civil war, and we'll go away and be your ally in getting rid of ISIS.

Just don't screw with us or we will hit you. Next time your Command and
Control goes. Then you won't be able to take out these rebel forces and
Russia doesn't have the resources or capabilities that America does and thus
cannot intervene and take over.

All we have to do is just not laugh outloud when Putin threatens us.

What a fucking joke. You think shooting a few missiles off every now and then make Trump look like a badass!

It is astonishing how stupid people can be when all they care about is their political party

You're just mad that his stock among Independents will rise with the
Syria strike. Plus Syria is a blot on Obama that will never be erased.
When it comes to action...Trump is The Hulk and Obama is Mr Rogers

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