Don't know what I think about tonight's attack on Syria...


I would be less conflicted if I knew there was a long term goal or plan here. But I have yet to see it.

Not that difficult. PNAC states the long term goal. Gotta keep the "state" safe so their representatives can occupy Western governments and import third worlders. And Bolton is not even Jewish and probably would get his ass arrested like a regular goyem if he ever entered a "temple" on Saturday.

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I don't know what to think either. I don't like the idea of having done it and all I can think at the moment is atleast we didn't act alone....but with Britain & France as well.

Not sure but it may be time to bend over & pucker up, cause we may be kissing our asses goodbye
I don't think it is that serious. I do know that I would rather have a president who is strong than one that is weak. Just wish more countries joined us, I guess.
The fact that more haven't should be your first clue that what we are being told about this probably isn't the whole truth.
I always thought Sebastian Gorka was a very talented public speaker (or cartoon character or something very distinctive), and was fair and balanced and intelligent. By wowsa he fucking lost his mind a few hours ago when debating the dude skeptical of this neocon attack.
I'll give the decision the benefit of the doubt until post attack repercussion starts taking shape.

Trump is known for F'n up so the jury is out - two weeks ago he was ready to pull out - today he's slinging missiles.
Thought No. 1:

We cannot be the policeman of the world.

We cannot afford the expensive attacks.

Thought No 2:

Chemical attacks is where we should draw the line and act on the line being broken. Got it Obama?

We can't stand by when innocents are being tortured.

What are your thoughts?

Well I am not certain our actions are the best actions nor do we really know what happened yet tonight.

But "we can't stand by when innocents are being tortured'?

You do know that we have done just that in Syria- right?

We have stood by while Syria's Assad has bombed and shelled and starved his countries innocent women and children.

What we are telling him is that its okay to kill innocents with bombs and shells- but not with chemical weapons.

But why gas his own citizens?
He was winning already and had no reason to do so.
This shit reeks!
Do the math Siete. Would Assad do something crazy to pull the US in after The Donald indicates they are pulling out? It is possible Assad is insane though and enjoys getting expensive bombs bombing his country.
Do the math Siete. Would Assad do something crazy to pull the US in after The Donald indicates they are pulling out? It is possible Assad is insane though and enjoys getting expensive bombs bombing his country.

the math = Trump reversing course on 95% of his "decisions"

The president-elect ran and won a campaign in which he took 141 policy positions on 23 issues over the course of 510 days. Trump defended this as being "flexible" and unpredictable, something he argued would make him a better leader.
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The Donald reversing his position on neoconism is troubling indeed. Making America great again has nothing to do with insuring the insane asylum of Israel never has to fight its wars per the PNAC protocols.
Thought No. 1:

We cannot be the policeman of the world.

We cannot afford the expensive attacks.

Thought No 2:

Chemical attacks is where we should draw the line and act on the line being broken. Got it Obama?

We can't stand by when innocents are being tortured.

What are your thoughts?

Don't you find it a bit suspicious that just after Trump tweets that he wants to get out of Syria the oscar winning white helmets propaganda outfit releases another video of adorable children being gassed by the evil Assad so now the great orange leader has no choice but to launch some more beautiful missiles?

And the usual warmongering suspects were in a hurry too since the OPCW inspectors are already in Syria, would be a bit embarrassing if they concluded there wasn't any gassing done at all

Thought No. 1:

We cannot be the policeman of the world.

We cannot afford the expensive attacks.

Thought No 2:

Chemical attacks is where we should draw the line and act on the line being broken. Got it Obama?

We can't stand by when innocents are being tortured.

What are your thoughts?

Well I am not certain our actions are the best actions nor do we really know what happened yet tonight.

But "we can't stand by when innocents are being tortured'?

You do know that we have done just that in Syria- right?

We have stood by while Syria's Assad has bombed and shelled and starved his countries innocent women and children.

What we are telling him is that its okay to kill innocents with bombs and shells- but not with chemical weapons.

But why gas his own citizens?
He was winning already and had no reason to do so.
This shit reeks!

If you read up on how Assad- and his father- have controlled Syria- it isn't hard to believe that he would deliberately use chemical weapons so that other Syrians would be to terrified to oppose him in the future.
Trump showed that he was not the Nobel Peace Prize winning Pajama Boy. The strategy is not long-term. That would take boots on the ground, but there is little lost in giving a thug a black eye and then some, Chemical weapons were made illegal following WW I, and even the Nazis and Japanese did not use them in the waning days of the WW II. Something had to be done.
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Thought No. 1:

We cannot be the policeman of the world.

We cannot afford the expensive attacks.

Thought No 2:

Chemical attacks is where we should draw the line and act on the line being broken. Got it Obama?

We can't stand by when innocents are being tortured.

What are your thoughts?

Well I am not certain our actions are the best actions nor do we really know what happened yet tonight.

But "we can't stand by when innocents are being tortured'?

You do know that we have done just that in Syria- right?

We have stood by while Syria's Assad has bombed and shelled and starved his countries innocent women and children.

What we are telling him is that its okay to kill innocents with bombs and shells- but not with chemical weapons.

But why gas his own citizens?
He was winning already and had no reason to do so.
This shit reeks!

If you read up on how Assad- and his father- have controlled Syria- it isn't hard to believe that he would deliberately use chemical weapons so that other Syrians would be to terrified to oppose him in the future.

When it assures his own destruction?
Thought No. 1:

We cannot be the policeman of the world.

We cannot afford the expensive attacks.

Thought No 2:

Chemical attacks is where we should draw the line and act on the line being broken. Got it Obama?

We can't stand by when innocents are being tortured.

What are your thoughts?

Well I am not certain our actions are the best actions nor do we really know what happened yet tonight.

But "we can't stand by when innocents are being tortured'?

You do know that we have done just that in Syria- right?

We have stood by while Syria's Assad has bombed and shelled and starved his countries innocent women and children.

What we are telling him is that its okay to kill innocents with bombs and shells- but not with chemical weapons.

But why gas his own citizens?
He was winning already and had no reason to do so.
This shit reeks!

If you read up on how Assad- and his father- have controlled Syria- it isn't hard to believe that he would deliberately use chemical weapons so that other Syrians would be to terrified to oppose him in the future.

When it assures his own destruction?

He has been gassing his people for quite sometime- and has Russia backing him up.

Why would he think it would assure his own destruction?
Thought No. 1:

We cannot be the policeman of the world.

We cannot afford the expensive attacks.

Thought No 2:

Chemical attacks is where we should draw the line and act on the line being broken. Got it Obama?

We can't stand by when innocents are being tortured.

What are your thoughts?

Well I am not certain our actions are the best actions nor do we really know what happened yet tonight.

But "we can't stand by when innocents are being tortured'?

You do know that we have done just that in Syria- right?

We have stood by while Syria's Assad has bombed and shelled and starved his countries innocent women and children.

What we are telling him is that its okay to kill innocents with bombs and shells- but not with chemical weapons.

But why gas his own citizens?
He was winning already and had no reason to do so.
This shit reeks!

If you read up on how Assad- and his father- have controlled Syria- it isn't hard to believe that he would deliberately use chemical weapons so that other Syrians would be to terrified to oppose him in the future.

When it assures his own destruction?

He has been gassing his people for quite sometime- and has Russia backing him up.

Why would he think it would assure his own destruction?

He's getting the shit bombed out of him?
If he really gassed his own citizens would you leave him in power and alive?
This stinks to high Heaven.
Well I am not certain our actions are the best actions nor do we really know what happened yet tonight.

But "we can't stand by when innocents are being tortured'?

You do know that we have done just that in Syria- right?

We have stood by while Syria's Assad has bombed and shelled and starved his countries innocent women and children.

What we are telling him is that its okay to kill innocents with bombs and shells- but not with chemical weapons.

But why gas his own citizens?
He was winning already and had no reason to do so.
This shit reeks!

If you read up on how Assad- and his father- have controlled Syria- it isn't hard to believe that he would deliberately use chemical weapons so that other Syrians would be to terrified to oppose him in the future.

When it assures his own destruction?

He has been gassing his people for quite sometime- and has Russia backing him up.

Why would he think it would assure his own destruction?

He's getting the shit bombed out of him?
If he really gassed his own citizens would you leave him in power and alive?
This stinks to high Heaven.

We did last year.

He has been bombing his own citizens for years now- and the world has basically just yawned.

Why would Assad expect anyone to do anything now?
Well I am not certain our actions are the best actions nor do we really know what happened yet tonight.

But "we can't stand by when innocents are being tortured'?

You do know that we have done just that in Syria- right?

We have stood by while Syria's Assad has bombed and shelled and starved his countries innocent women and children.

What we are telling him is that its okay to kill innocents with bombs and shells- but not with chemical weapons.

But why gas his own citizens?
He was winning already and had no reason to do so.
This shit reeks!

If you read up on how Assad- and his father- have controlled Syria- it isn't hard to believe that he would deliberately use chemical weapons so that other Syrians would be to terrified to oppose him in the future.

When it assures his own destruction?

He has been gassing his people for quite sometime- and has Russia backing him up.

Why would he think it would assure his own destruction?

He's getting the shit bombed out of him?
If he really gassed his own citizens would you leave him in power and alive?
This stinks to high Heaven.

What are ya laughing about ya stupid indian?
The gassing deaths or the bombing?
But why gas his own citizens?
He was winning already and had no reason to do so.
This shit reeks!

If you read up on how Assad- and his father- have controlled Syria- it isn't hard to believe that he would deliberately use chemical weapons so that other Syrians would be to terrified to oppose him in the future.

When it assures his own destruction?

He has been gassing his people for quite sometime- and has Russia backing him up.

Why would he think it would assure his own destruction?

He's getting the shit bombed out of him?
If he really gassed his own citizens would you leave him in power and alive?
This stinks to high Heaven.

We did last year.

He has been bombing his own citizens for years now- and the world has basically just yawned.

Why would Assad expect anyone to do anything now?

Well barry did draw the fake line in the sand....and did nothing.
Are you saying Trump actually taking it to Assad is a good thing when barry failed to?

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