Don’t let the right tell you gun control does not work because it does.

well then, when assault weapons ban is reinstated..

we can remember "context".
Well then? Blather.

You are the one who tossed out the deliberately misleading quote without context. And again, although I disagree with Trump, since I think Pence was correct that we need to be very concerned about due process first (not after the fact), at least if we note the context, the quote is less misleading.

He wasn’t talking about gun seizures in a vacuum. He was talking about taking guns away asap front the mentally I’ll who might be much more likely to commit a mass shooting incodent.

Your notion of “context” is as befuddled as the balance of your thinking and posting. Give honesty a try sometime. It probably won’t make you spontaneously combust.
lol dude fuck Texas. Why would be fight for you to stay? Fuck your redneck breeding ground. You can have your own country. It would be fun to watch it fail.
If Texas were an independent nation we'd have the 4th largest GDP of all nations and move into 3rd in a year after getting red of useless federal regs.

Of course that's really going to fuck up the energy supply for the rest of the nation so it would be hilarious watching you all freeze your asses off in the winter, go bankrupt over gas prices, and fry all summer since we supply a huge amount of both Petroleum and electricity to the rest of the nation.

We'd finance The Republic of Texas on export duties of energy and eliminate property and sale's taxes completely.

I'm all for it, let's go!
California is a shining example of success for curbing gun violence with gun control legislation. It doesn’t come from one specific policy - but a combination of several.

“For the last 20, maybe even 25 years — except for the two years of the pandemic, which have increased homicides and suicides across the country — our rates of firearm violence have trended downward,” said Wintemute, who directs the Violence Prevention Research Program at the University of California, Davis, Medical Center in Sacramento. “And this has been at a time when most of the rates in the rest of the country have gone up.”

California’s rate of firearm mortality is among the nation’s lowest, with 8.5 gun deaths per 100,000 people in 2020, compared with 13.7 per 100,000 nationally and 14.2 per 100,000 in Texas, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported. And Californians are about 25% less likely to die in mass shootings, compared with residents of other states, according to a recent Public Policy Institute of California analysis.

….California has done a lot to prevent high-risk people from purchasing firearms. We’ve broadened the criteria for keeping guns out of the hands of people who pose a danger to themselves or others due to mental illness. If you’re convicted of a violent misdemeanor in California, you can’t have a gun for the next 10 years; that offense has to be a felony in most states….

….We require background checks, and not just from licensed retailers; in most states, purchases from private parties require no background checks or record keeping of any kind. We have a system, that we’re evaluating now, for getting guns back from “prohibited persons” — people who have been convicted of violent crimes or who are facing domestic violence restraining orders. And we enforce these policies, unlike a lot of other states.

Some firearm regulatory measures work, some do not.

UBCs work, AWBs do not.
Totally misleading. For one thing, my source acknowledges the increase you’re talking about that took place during the pandemic in 2020 and 2021. Those years were atypical because all other years outside of the pandemic saw a decrease in gun homicides. They were also atypical because the entire country saw an increase in these homicides during those years You trying to make this increase about California is incredibly disingenuous if it is part of a national statistic.

Yeah, but that was before the Soros catch and release DAs took over in the major cities. You can bet your ass the numbers will keep rising.

Sorry bout that,

1. Chicago has gun control, seems now they need cops, in tanks, on every corner.
2. No one is safe in Chicago.
3. We need more guns not less, the more people have guns, and pack one, the less these demons, will be encouraged, to murder the innocents.
4. The Uvalde parents, knew more than they claim, they know, that if, they say *all*, then society will come crushing in.
5. No amount of shoulder shrugging, will shake off those folks, who lost their children.
6. Hell will be paid.
7. Society that turns its back on G-D soon find themselves in some deep shit.
8. Look around.

Sorry bout that,

1. Chicago has gun control, seems now they need cops, in tanks, on every corner.
2. No one is safe in Chicago.
3. We need more guns not less, the more people have guns, and pack one, the less these demons, will be encouraged, to murder the innocents.
4. The Uvalde parents, knew more than they claim, they know, that if, they say *all*, then society will come crushing in.
5. No amount of shoulder shrugging, will shake off those folks, who lost their children.
6. Hell will be paid.
7. Society that turns its back on G-D soon find themselves in some deep shit.
8. Look around.

The problem is who do you trust with guns.

The Criminal Class?

The Police?

Responsible law abiding citizens?

Well nobody trusts the gov't so that scratches off the police.

Nobody but a fool trusts the Criminal Class.

So who does that leave?
Poor Billy.

His stats are wrong, his methods won't work, and thousands upon thousands of people like me are training their kids to be weapons experts.

Doesn't look good for the leftards. :p
Single parents more than anyone are driving gun sales and have been for the last decade or so.

When they lost single moms, they lost it all.
That ban expired in 2004 dumbass, try again.
well yea, of course it ended in 2004
the assault weapons ban started in 1994.
So the study period is from 1994 to 2004; where the stuidies showed a correlation of reduced mass shooting deaths during the ban period, and more after 2004.
well yea, of course it ended in 2004
the assault weapons ban started in 1994.
So the study period is from 1994 to 2004; where the stuidies showed a correlation of reduced mass shooting deaths during the ban period, and more after 2004.
There was no significant reduction at all in either mass or other shootings that can be attributed to the ban particularly since handguns are the most frequently used firearms in mass shootings.
California is a shining example of success for curbing gun violence with gun control legislation. It doesn’t come from one specific policy - but a combination of several.

“For the last 20, maybe even 25 years — except for the two years of the pandemic, which have increased homicides and suicides across the country — our rates of firearm violence have trended downward,” said Wintemute, who directs the Violence Prevention Research Program at the University of California, Davis, Medical Center in Sacramento. “And this has been at a time when most of the rates in the rest of the country have gone up.”

California’s rate of firearm mortality is among the nation’s lowest, with 8.5 gun deaths per 100,000 people in 2020, compared with 13.7 per 100,000 nationally and 14.2 per 100,000 in Texas, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported. And Californians are about 25% less likely to die in mass shootings, compared with residents of other states, according to a recent Public Policy Institute of California analysis.

….California has done a lot to prevent high-risk people from purchasing firearms. We’ve broadened the criteria for keeping guns out of the hands of people who pose a danger to themselves or others due to mental illness. If you’re convicted of a violent misdemeanor in California, you can’t have a gun for the next 10 years; that offense has to be a felony in most states….

….We require background checks, and not just from licensed retailers; in most states, purchases from private parties require no background checks or record keeping of any kind. We have a system, that we’re evaluating now, for getting guns back from “prohibited persons” — people who have been convicted of violent crimes or who are facing domestic violence restraining orders. And we enforce these policies, unlike a lot of other states.

If gun control worked how did they have a recent mass shooting in California?
Poor Billy.

His stats are wrong, his methods won't work, and thousands upon thousands of people like me are training their kids to be weapons experts.

Doesn't look good for the leftards. :p
You, and people like you, are why the US has the dubious distinction of leading the developed world..........and not by a little gun violence.


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