Don’t let the right tell you gun control does not work because it does.

Dems never talk about banning all guns. You just pretend we do because the nuance of gun control policy is too complicated I guess lol
We can't give you a goddamn thing because you have PROVED yourselves to be UNTRUSTWORTHY!!!

Sorry to disappoint you, gun grabber. We don't believe a cocksucking word out of your filthy sewers.

Machine guns or Valhalla
No, you're not a tough guy.

You're a sheeple

What have YOU done lately?

exact;y as predicted.
The cowards crying about their guns being taken away.... will do nothing against the gun grabbers....

But boy oh boy they'll turn on their own viciously if you dare point out that they need to actually do something other than whine on forums.
This is why I can guarantee with absolute certainty that the gun grabbers are poised to win this war.
Point proven.
We can't give you a goddamn thing because you have PROVED yourselves to be UNTRUSTWORTHY!!!

Sorry to disappoint you, gun grabber. We don't believe a cocksucking word out of your filthy sewers.

Machine guns or Valhalla
Lol I obviously would not be the one taking your guns If that were a thing so there’s really no point in me lying.
exact;y as predicted.
The cowards crying to keep their guns are being taken....but will do nothing against the gun grabbers....

But boy oh boy they'll turn on their own viciously if you dare point out that they need to actually do something other that whine on forums.

Point proven.
WTF are you talking about?

I walk the walk, asshole. I'm out in the field pounding the pavement every single day

I repeat my question: what have YOU done lately, besides complain?
WTF are you talking about?

I walk the walk, asshole. I'm out in the field pounding the pavement every single day

I repeat my question: what have YOU done lately, besides complain?

Blah blah they all say. Just go over to guns and cowards and see.

I repeat.......
You are not worthy of demanding anything from anyone.

(but FAR more than you ever will)
Is there actual data to back that up? In order for that even work, Illinois itself would need those laws.
Data to prove that Chicago is a shooting gallery? In the word's of the Drooler in Chief, Billy..."C'mon Man!" Does anyone need to back up something that obvious?
Lol I obviously would not be the one taking your guns If that were a thing so there’s really no point in me lying.
No, you assholes made us fight you TO THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT over whether we actually have A FUCKING INDIVIDUAL RIGHT, you cocksucking piece of shit.


No, you assholes made us fight you TO THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT over whether we actually have A FUCKING INDIVIDUAL RIGHT, you cocksucking piece of ahit.


Lol you’re such a whiny little drama queen bitch. Good god. It’s hilarious when you people accuse the left of being snowflakes when posts like this are just hypocritical.

Not sure what that SC case was, but I doubt it’s all that relevant to the policies that leftwingers actually push.
Lol you’re such a whiny little drama queen bitch. Good god. It’s hilarious when you people accuse the left of being snowflakes when posts like this are just hypocritical.

Not sure what that SC case was, but I doubt it’s all that relevant to the policies that leftwingers actually push.
Whatever, you get nothing bitch.

We are going for machine guns, not the other way around.

We will fight you and your ilk tooth and nail to the fucking death.

We are not afraid to die. Are you? How committed are you motherfucker?

Don't get mad when we get what we want and then we shit right in your ugly fucked up face.
Whatever, you get nothing bitch.

We are going for machine guns, not the other way around.

I will fight you tooth and nail to the fucking death.

I am not afraid to die. Are you? How committed are you motherfucker?

Don't get mad when we get what we want and then we shit right in your ugly fuck your face.
Lol are you even listening to yourself? You’re basically having a fantasy conversation right now. Instead of just listening to the words I say, you decide I am saying “I’m coming for your guns mother fucker! I’m kicking down your door tonight! Get ready!”

I suppose that’s the conversation you are wanting because it makes you feel manly and tough I guess.
First we we push to repeal OR strike down all federal gun laws.

If that fails then we secede.

Then we go to war and kill each and every last one of you motherfuckers.
California is a shining example of success for curbing gun violence with gun control legislation. It doesn’t come from one specific policy - but a combination of several.

“For the last 20, maybe even 25 years — except for the two years of the pandemic, which have increased homicides and suicides across the country — our rates of firearm violence have trended downward,” said Wintemute, who directs the Violence Prevention Research Program at the University of California, Davis, Medical Center in Sacramento. “And this has been at a time when most of the rates in the rest of the country have gone up.”

California’s rate of firearm mortality is among the nation’s lowest, with 8.5 gun deaths per 100,000 people in 2020, compared with 13.7 per 100,000 nationally and 14.2 per 100,000 in Texas, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported. And Californians are about 25% less likely to die in mass shootings, compared with residents of other states, according to a recent Public Policy Institute of California analysis.

….California has done a lot to prevent high-risk people from purchasing firearms. We’ve broadened the criteria for keeping guns out of the hands of people who pose a danger to themselves or others due to mental illness. If you’re convicted of a violent misdemeanor in California, you can’t have a gun for the next 10 years; that offense has to be a felony in most states….

….We require background checks, and not just from licensed retailers; in most states, purchases from private parties require no background checks or record keeping of any kind. We have a system, that we’re evaluating now, for getting guns back from “prohibited persons” — people who have been convicted of violent crimes or who are facing domestic violence restraining orders. And we enforce these policies, unlike a lot of other states.

Did California's tough gun laws skip over 2019.

Blah blah they all say. Just go over to guns and cowards and see.

I repeat.......
You are not worthy of demanding anything from anyone.

(but FAR more than you ever will)
And you're just a troll.

When the gun grabbers come for you, you'll probably invite them in.
Lol are you even listening to yourself? You’re basically having a fantasy conversation right now. Instead of just listening to the words I say, you decide I am saying “I’m coming for your guns mother fucker! I’m kicking down your door tonight! Get ready!”

I suppose that’s the conversation you are wanting because it makes you feel manly and tough I guess.
Did you not get the motherfucking point, you cocksucking idiot.?

There is no nuance. There is no compromise. We will fucking go to war if you try to do one cocksucking thing.

Do you get it?

There's no room for compromise.

Do one motherfucking thing and Texas is gone. I pray to Sweet baby Jesus Odin in Thor that you're one that comes and tries to make us stay.
Lol why would preventing people from getting guns 100% be the only standard for evidence for gun control working? That’s just something you made up on the spot. If gun violence is on a downward trend after passing so many gun laws, obviously it’s safe to assume gun control laws work. Again gun violence per capita is lower than the national average. You can pretend that doesn’t matter if you want but it’s stupid lol
I'm stating a fact. Gun laws will never stop someone who really wants a gun from getting one.

There are some 30-50 million illegal guns being traded among the criminal class in this country and that number grows by upwards of half a million per year.
Do I have to explain to you raw numbers and state size to you yet again?
I don’t you to explain anything to me……oh wait, tell me how KKKalifornia‘s gun laws work when they have almost 3000 murders per year.

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