Don't Mess with Christie - Fires entire commission


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
For decades, the commissioners who ran the state’s largest sewage treatment plant operated it as if they lived in their own kingdom, accountable to no one — not even the governor.

They hired brothers, wives, children and in-laws; cut sweetheart deals for insiders; gave out lucrative, no-bid consulting contracts, and ran up lavish travel expenditures.

Today, Gov. Chris Christie said he had had enough.

He fired nearly all of them.

"This will show you how out of touch these professional political hacks are," Christie said of Flynn’s response. "This is outrageous, and I’ve just had enough. The statute permits to terminate these people for cause."

Gov. Christie moves to fire all but one member of Passaic Valley Sewerage Commissioners |

Love him or hate him - the guy has giant set of balls. :clap2:


Ya, big brass ones.

This man is a bright shining star on the political scene.I know this puts me in the crazy ward according to the Libs here but if that's the deal I would prefer to hang with the crazies then the Libs.This man is amazing.Well done Governor Christie.
I like Chris. I think he might be an excellent choice for POTUS.

I certainly agree with you there! :clap2:

I think he's so valuable. in fact, that I'd like to see him get out now and run for the presidency before anything happens.
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Ya really think that when the jersey rats get through with him he will still be politically germain to the national political scene?
I'm waiting for Bobby Jindhal to strap on a set and do the same.... we have such a bloated bureaucracy here it is unimaginable.

He needs to do a Christie here in LA.
It doesn't take balls to fire people who aren't doing their job in fear of "losing power/voters," all it takes is integrity. He's got plenty of Security.
It doesn't take balls to fire people who aren't doing their job in fear of "losing power/voters," all it takes is integrity. He's got plenty of Security.

Jindhal been a major disappointment, at least for me. Still a vast improvement over Kathleen Babbling Blanco.
It doesn't take balls to fire people who aren't doing their job in fear of "losing power/voters," all it takes is integrity. He's got plenty of Security.

Jindhal been a major disappointment, at least for me. Still a vast improvement over Kathleen Babbling Blanco.

Jindhal did not stand up for his principles at times when it was important, to his constituency.

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