Don't monkey up the election!

I just wanted to quote that so, that the members & the mod staff here can see just how pathetic you are.

Also, you were banned over at DP. I see you are really fucking this place up too.

So what are you? The DP Hitman, come to get me here?

You look like a pathetic leftist shill to me.

At least USMB really does support unbiased debate.

DP, notsomuch, as I have saved the emails I got, and people have already laughed their asses off at them, from the DP SJW Administrator.


Clear bias there. Hail to USMB! :rock:

Unless I break the rules in this thread, you're fucked.

No, I am not, "fucked" as you say.

It is you & your tribe of right wing nutz that are filled with hate.

Hate is eating you from the inside out & that is your fate.

and what? what is your threat here? come on kid let it out. tell us how you really feel.
I just wanted to quote that so, that the members & the mod staff here can see just how pathetic you are.

Also, you were banned over at DP. I see you are really fucking this place up too.

So what are you? The DP Hitman, come to get me here?

You look like a pathetic leftist shill to me.

At least USMB really does support unbiased debate.

DP, notsomuch, as I have saved the emails I got, and people have already laughed their asses off at them, from the DP SJW Administrator.


Clear bias there. Hail to USMB! :rock:

Unless I break the rules in this thread, you're fucked.

No, I am not, "fucked" as you say.

It is you & your tribe of right wing nutz that are filled with hate.

Hate is eating you from the inside out & that is your fate.

and what? what is your threat here? come on kid let it out. tell us how you really feel.
I'd help but already banned a week ago
I just wanted to quote that so, that the members & the mod staff here can see just how pathetic you are.

Also, you were banned over at DP. I see you are really fucking this place up too.

So what are you? The DP Hitman, come to get me here?

You look like a pathetic leftist shill to me.

At least USMB really does support unbiased debate.

DP, notsomuch, as I have saved the emails I got, and people have already laughed their asses off at them, from the DP SJW Administrator.


Clear bias there. Hail to USMB! :rock:

Unless I break the rules in this thread, you're fucked.

No, I am not, "fucked" as you say.

It is you & your tribe of right wing nutz that are filled with hate.

Hate is eating you from the inside out & that is your fate.

and what? what is your threat here? come on kid let it out. tell us how you really feel.
caddo kid, where'd you go kid?
I just wanted to quote that so, that the members & the mod staff here can see just how pathetic you are.

Also, you were banned over at DP. I see you are really fucking this place up too.

So what are you? The DP Hitman, come to get me here?

You look like a pathetic leftist shill to me.

At least USMB really does support unbiased debate.

DP, notsomuch, as I have saved the emails I got, and people have already laughed their asses off at them, from the DP SJW Administrator.


Clear bias there. Hail to USMB! :rock:

Unless I break the rules in this thread, you're fucked.

No, I am not, "fucked" as you say.

It is you & your tribe of right wing nutz that are filled with hate.

Hate is eating you from the inside out & that is your fate.

and what? what is your threat here? come on kid let it out. tell us how you really feel.
caddo kid, where'd you go kid?
I'll take his place if you promise you won't call the mods lol
I just wanted to quote that so, that the members & the mod staff here can see just how pathetic you are.

Also, you were banned over at DP. I see you are really fucking this place up too.

So what are you? The DP Hitman, come to get me here?

You look like a pathetic leftist shill to me.

At least USMB really does support unbiased debate.

DP, notsomuch, as I have saved the emails I got, and people have already laughed their asses off at them, from the DP SJW Administrator.


Clear bias there. Hail to USMB! :rock:

Unless I break the rules in this thread, you're fucked.

No, I am not, "fucked" as you say.

It is you & your tribe of right wing nutz that are filled with hate.

Hate is eating you from the inside out & that is your fate.

and what? what is your threat here? come on kid let it out. tell us how you really feel.
caddo kid, where'd you go kid?
I'll take his place if you promise you won't call the mods lol
send me an IM
I think what it really comes down to, is the moment this socialist Dim won the nomination, everyone knew he really didn't have a good chance to win, so playing the race card from the bottom of the deck was worth taking a shot.
Less than 12 hours later and we're OFF....Jesus, fucking christ! This is a 40 year old man. This is 2018.

GOP’s Ron DeSantis insists it’s ‘absurd’ to think his ‘monkey’ comment about ‘articulate’ black opponent was racist


29 AUG 2018 AT 12:03 ET


Ron DeSantis and Sandra Smith on Fox News/Screenshot

Florida Republican Ron DeSantis, who won his party’s nomination for governor Tuesday night, has issued a statement to Fox News hours after referring to his black opponent Andrew Gillum as “articulate” and warning that he would “monkey up” the state.

“Florida elections are always competitive, and this is a guy who, although he is much too liberal for Florida, he has huge problems with how he’s governed Tallahassee, he is an articulate spokesman for those far left views,” DeSantis said Wednesday morning. “The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda.”...

GOP's Ron DeSantis insists it's 'absurd' to think his 'monkey' comment about 'articulate' black opponent was racist

Damn, you're really good at posting flagrant lies. Two words out of context, great propaganda, not much truth though.

As I already noted above in a post which has now expired from the quote nest, I don't know if he's using a racial slur or not --- only he does. But how it would help his campaign is an easy question to answer. Race-baiting calls attention to a base he might wish to cultivate, a base that might not be paying close attention, and how has been 'signaled' that there's one of "them" running so they'd better get out and vote.

That's pretty much the point Pogo. When you say you don't know if he meant it as a racial slur, there are shitload of people who are saying, you are among the race consumed, partisan goofballs race-baiting by suggesting it could be to start with. I think you miss how actually common the phrase is and how stupid it makes you look to suggest it has something to do with race.
That's where our politics are now: Take the slightest perceived potential advantage and blow it up by a factor of a thousand.

Then be really, really outraged.

This actually gets us nowhere, of course.

So, call out those who do it. Don't blame the poor sap who doesn't have a Masters's degree in self censorship.
Is there anyone on this board more anti-PC than me? Nope.

Is there anyone on this board who takes more silly shit from the Regressives than me over it? Nope.

And yet, here you are blaming the victim.
Holy shit, you can't make this up:

DeSantis warns Floridians not to "monkey this up"

DeSantis' opponent:

How utterly stupid can you be if you thought what Desantis said was a racist statement ???

Most people refer to the word monkey in context or within the statement used, as being the F-word. The word monkey has many times been used instead of using the F-word.

Another use of the word monkey is "don't throw a monkey wrench" into a problem or a fix or a thought or a diagnosis etc.

Why the word fits ....... Have you all ever seen the movie "The jungle book" ???

Remember the monkeys, and how crazy they were, and how chaotic they were, and how destructive they were ??? Well this is why the phrase "quit monkeying around" is used when the kids are acting up or "don't monkey this up" is used to suggest to not screw something up, and "quit monkeying around" has also been used by parents when telling their son's and daughters to get the job done, and "quit monkeying around" or they tell the young folks dating if caught kissing in the parlor to "quit monkeying around" etc.

It is also used to say "don't screw something up" as a clan of real monkey's will do when playing and yet get out of control doing it.

Enough of the idiocy already.

The desperation of the leftist and such idiots constantly crying wolf, is doing a huge disservice to their cause and political quest in life.
As I already noted above in a post which has now expired from the quote nest, I don't know if he's using a racial slur or not --- only he does. But how it would help his campaign is an easy question to answer. Race-baiting calls attention to a base he might wish to cultivate, a base that might not be paying close attention, and how has been 'signaled' that there's one of "them" running so they'd better get out and vote.

That's pretty much the point Pogo. When you say you don't know if he meant it as a racial slur, there are shitload of people who are saying, you are among the race consumed, partisan goofballs race-baiting by suggesting it could be to start with. I think you miss how actually common the phrase is and how stupid it makes you look to suggest it has something to do with race.
That's where our politics are now: Take the slightest perceived potential advantage and blow it up by a factor of a thousand.

Then be really, really outraged.

This actually gets us nowhere, of course.

So, call out those who do it. Don't blame the poor sap who doesn't have a Masters's degree in self censorship.
Is there anyone on this board more anti-PC than me? Nope.

Is there anyone on this board who takes more silly shit from the Regressives than me over it? Nope.

And yet, here you are blaming the victim.
In your perception only.

Somehow, you took "Take the slightest perceived potential advantage and blow it up by a factor of a thousand. Then be really, really outraged", and in your mind, perceived that as blaming DeSantis. I don't know how to respond to that, because it just isn't reality.
at the 1:43 mark DeSantis offers his 'Freudian slip' identifying himself as a racist tool for POTUS Trump.

DeSantis may as well have said Make America White Again

It is the Leftists and MSM vermin who again are the racists, they automatically associating MONKEY with BLACKS.

The Republican candidate comment:

"DeSantis said Wednesday morning. “The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda.”...

So DeSantis should comment to the RACIST Leftists and MSM vermin "So you associate MONKEY with Blacks? How RACIST of you!"

The Republicans need to begin playing the SAME GAME that the Leftists do. Gloves off. Do it. NOW!

DeSantis made the statement when referring to Gillum.

Please try & pay attention.

You're a liar, he was referring to socialist policies.

How utterly stupid can you be if you thought what Desantis said was a racist statement ???
I said that? Really? Where?

Wingers sure can make some pretty wild assumptions.

I've said multiple times on this thread that it was not racist and that the Regressive Left is doing what it always does, pretending it was racist for political advantage. I've also said I think the whole story is funny, from beginning to end.

Maybe you should guys should ease up on the caffeine.
Holy shit, you can't make this up:

DeSantis warns Floridians not to "monkey this up"

DeSantis' opponent:


Monkey this up?? you have to complete the rest of the sentence of what he said. Its a fucking travesty how Democrats trying to constanty turn this country against each other. Problem is its been working for so long.

So if white Racists were not going to vote for a black candidate anyway ( I'm assuming they wouldnt) Why is it that they would even need a Trigger word to make them vote one way or another?
We'll I see after reading some, that I came late to the party... Oh well, hopefully the debate has been settled, and the crazy people who believed that what Desantis said was racist are feeling very dumb about now.

Hey it worked so well on Rosanne, might as well stretch it in order to get more caught up in the racist trap that is attempting to ensnare all opposition until it takes them out of the running or out of power. No excuse for Rosannes case, but this Desantis thing was ridiculous and desperation by the left in it's purest form.
So if white Racists were not going to vote for a black candidate anyway ( I'm assuming they wouldnt) Why is it that they would even need a Trigger word to make them vote one way or another?
Yeah, very good point.

They know this wasn't a racist comment. They're just doing what they always do - stretching it and leveraging it for political gain.

DeSantis' amazing tone-deafness to say it in the first place was absolutely hilarious to me, but yes, the PC zealots jumped right on it, right on cue.
That's pretty much the point Pogo. When you say you don't know if he meant it as a racial slur, there are shitload of people who are saying, you are among the race consumed, partisan goofballs race-baiting by suggesting it could be to start with. I think you miss how actually common the phrase is and how stupid it makes you look to suggest it has something to do with race.
That's where our politics are now: Take the slightest perceived potential advantage and blow it up by a factor of a thousand.

Then be really, really outraged.

This actually gets us nowhere, of course.

So, call out those who do it. Don't blame the poor sap who doesn't have a Masters's degree in self censorship.
Is there anyone on this board more anti-PC than me? Nope.

Is there anyone on this board who takes more silly shit from the Regressives than me over it? Nope.

And yet, here you are blaming the victim.
In your perception only.

Somehow, you took "Take the slightest perceived potential advantage and blow it up by a factor of a thousand. Then be really, really outraged", and in your mind, perceived that as blaming DeSantis. I don't know how to respond to that, because it just isn't reality.

Your words.

"I very much doubt it was, but the level of tone-deafness is hilarious."
That's where our politics are now: Take the slightest perceived potential advantage and blow it up by a factor of a thousand.

Then be really, really outraged.

This actually gets us nowhere, of course.

So, call out those who do it. Don't blame the poor sap who doesn't have a Masters's degree in self censorship.
Is there anyone on this board more anti-PC than me? Nope.

Is there anyone on this board who takes more silly shit from the Regressives than me over it? Nope.

And yet, here you are blaming the victim.
In your perception only.

Somehow, you took "Take the slightest perceived potential advantage and blow it up by a factor of a thousand. Then be really, really outraged", and in your mind, perceived that as blaming DeSantis. I don't know how to respond to that, because it just isn't reality.

Your words.

"I very much doubt it was, but the level of tone-deafness is hilarious."
Correct. You somehow missed the first part, and assumed the second part is "blame". And I just said it again, in post 618.


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