Don't monkey up the election!

Look Doodles. Posting "Barry Sanders" by mistake when you mean "Bernie Sanders" is understandable. Barry's probably more widely known. But to then sit there and deny you posted what you did, while it's sitting right there in the quote nest, that's much more problematic. That's outright denial of reality, easily disproven. You appear to be detached, and that puts you in a much more iffy place than the question of what Barry Sanders is doing these days.

I didn't deny I posted Barry, I denied I posted anything about Barry running for office. You cannot twist it Pogo. If you want to be technical, then be technical. :21:

Pogo lacks a certain skill one needs to be effective on message analytical ability not even to mention his shallow thinking....anyone that followed his drivel on the effort to smear Sean Spicer well understands that--- how he kept insisting over and over --'the event occurred' when no one ever denied the event occurred...simply that the part where the ex-con came into the book signing and declared Spicer used the n-word when he was a kid....should not have been spread around the world thus defaming Spicer. Pogo kept insisting that it was an attempt to curtail the free press....such idiocy. Could not grasp the fact that it was a violation of journalism ethics to spread a hurtful and defaming video without any effort to check the accuracy of it.
Look Doodles. Posting "Barry Sanders" by mistake when you mean "Bernie Sanders" is understandable. Barry's probably more widely known. But to then sit there and deny you posted what you did, while it's sitting right there in the quote nest, that's much more problematic. That's outright denial of reality, easily disproven. You appear to be detached, and that puts you in a much more iffy place than the question of what Barry Sanders is doing these days.

I didn't deny I posted Barry, I denied I posted anything about Barry running for office. You cannot twist it Pogo. If you want to be technical, then be technical. :21:

Pogo lacks a certain skill one needs to be effective on message analytical ability not even to mention his shallow thinking....anyone that followed his drivel on the effort to smear Sean Spicer well understands that--- how he kept insisting over and over --'the event occurred' when no one ever denied the event occurred...simply that the part where the ex-con came into the book signing and declared Spicer used the n-word when he was a kid....should not have been spread around the world thus defaming Spicer. Pogo kept insisting that it was an attempt to curtail the free press....such idiocy. Could not grasp the fact that it was a violation of journalism ethics to spread a hurtful and defaming video without any effort to check the accuracy of it.

Pogo may be a goofball, but Pogo is our goofball. :spinner:
The word monkey is racist hate speech
The way some folks use it, it is. But whether it was meant that way (probably not), there are people who will say it was.

Of course, if Gillum were to say "Let's not honk that horn" it's doubtful anyone would bend over backwards to turn that into a racist insinuation.

DeSantis today clarified his choice of words:

"Look, you people went through all these pickaninny shuck-and-jive changes because I used the term 'monkey up'. I simply meant we can't jigger-rig this gig OK? As I noted yesterday in complimentary terms my opponent is an articulate representative of his party plantation, as my Boston-based political analyst says, he's "Uppah D" --- and that's not the element we want moving in, it comes with a mass o' problems.. To me it's clear in black and white; I think this is the linchpin of this election. So I know my place and it's the governor's chair. Now anybody who wants to read "racism" into all that is just following a slavish mentality."​
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Look Doodles. Posting "Barry Sanders" by mistake when you mean "Bernie Sanders" is understandable. Barry's probably more widely known. But to then sit there and deny you posted what you did, while it's sitting right there in the quote nest, that's much more problematic. That's outright denial of reality, easily disproven. You appear to be detached, and that puts you in a much more iffy place than the question of what Barry Sanders is doing these days.

I didn't deny I posted Barry, I denied I posted anything about Barry running for office. You cannot twist it Pogo. If you want to be technical, then be technical. :21:

Pogo lacks a certain skill one needs to be effective on message analytical ability not even to mention his shallow thinking....anyone that followed his drivel on the effort to smear Sean Spicer well understands that---


I got one if you don't have the balls.

What ever happened with that threat against the AP? Did lawyer-boi follow through, or did he run away like you did?
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Laughable seeing so many folks here in this thread refusing to admit DeSantis utilized a racial description in reference to his opponent.
You know what I do believe?

That your faggot paid leftist shill ass will cast no ballots in Florida for Gillium or DeSantis.

Also that you suck cock.

I just wanted to quote that so, that the members & the mod staff here can see just how pathetic you are.

Also, you were banned over at DP. I see you are really fucking this place up too.

Oh! That's very interesting that you know about that. Your leftist site that promotes transgenderism to the max.

What exactly is it you're doing here, boy?

This is a politically neutral site, you may have a hard time here with your leftist shenanigans.

So, at least you admit you were banned over at DP; I will give you credit for admitting that but for nothing else.

Care to tell folks here why they HAD to ban you from DP?

I couldn't be as faggoty as they were, I'm too used to here, sorry.

They didn't "have" to do anything. I told some guy who started a thread that would never fly here about how Cuban people are, and he didn't like it. He reported it, and I realized the whole site is SJW.

Are you game to walk down Miracle Mile wearing a Che Geuvara T-shirt? Let's see your cojones, boy.

Let's see how much you support your leftist cause.

Cubans do respect big balls.

You might want to keep it tame here because if you threaten people here, like you did @ DP, you will have established a pattern of threats. Your IP address will lead LE straight to your door. You likely don't want to be hassled by LE for making threats against others, on multiple web sites, do you? Might not be wise.

You might want to keep it tame here because if you threaten people here,

Like you just did?

first, they receive a warning, then their post is deleted.

after that is up to them.
Laughable seeing so many folks here in this thread refusing to admit DeSantis utilized a racial description in reference to his opponent.
Oh! That's very interesting that you know about that. Your leftist site that promotes transgenderism to the max.

What exactly is it you're doing here, boy?

This is a politically neutral site, you may have a hard time here with your leftist shenanigans.

So, at least you admit you were banned over at DP; I will give you credit for admitting that but for nothing else.

Care to tell folks here why they HAD to ban you from DP?

I couldn't be as faggoty as they were, I'm too used to here, sorry.

They didn't "have" to do anything. I told some guy who started a thread that would never fly here about how Cuban people are, and he didn't like it. He reported it, and I realized the whole site is SJW.

Are you game to walk down Miracle Mile wearing a Che Geuvara T-shirt? Let's see your cojones, boy.

Let's see how much you support your leftist cause.

Cubans do respect big balls.

You might want to keep it tame here because if you threaten people here, like you did @ DP, you will have established a pattern of threats. Your IP address will lead LE straight to your door. You likely don't want to be hassled by LE for making threats against others, on multiple web sites, do you? Might not be wise.

Oh! so here's where you lay the ground for your fullashit bullshit.

I'll tell ya right now, go fuck yourself, turdby.

I didn't threaten anyone, and you're a lying piece of shit. Reported, cuntboy.

Report all you like pressure cooker. You are filled with that hating hate & you are loosing it.

No, but I know how things really are.

I like my pressure cooker, it makes great Beef Stew.
The word monkey is racist hate speech
The way some folks use it, it is. But whether it was meant that way (probably not), there are people who will say it was.

Of course, if Gillum were to say "Let's not honk that horn" it's doubtful anyone would bend over backwards to turn that into a racist insinuation.

DeSantis today clarified his choice of words:

"Look, you people went through all these rhetorical shuck-and-jive changes because I used the term 'monkey up'. I simply meant we can't jigger-rig this gig OK? As I noted yesterday in complimentary terms my opponent is an articulate representative of his party plantation, as my Boston-based political analyst says, he's "Uppah D" --- and that's not the element we want moving in, it comes with a mass o' problems.. To me it's clear in black and white; I think this is the linchpin of this election. So I know my place and it's the governor's chair. Now anybody who wants to read "racism" into all that is just following a slavish mentality."​

This whole mess would never have happened if people didn't use common sense so niggardly. This is nothing but a misspelling. Desantis didn't say "monkey" he said "monkee."
Without hypocrisy and stupidity, liberals are NOTHING!

FLASHBACK: Here's Long List of Top Democrats Saying "Monkeying Around" ^

12 very short videos of Dem hypocrites at link.


Yesterday a firestorm erupted when Florida Republican gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis said during an interview on Fox News, "The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state."

His Democrat opponent Andrew Gillum and his friends in the leftist media immediately pounced, saying the use of the term was a "racist bullhorn."

DeSantis has fired back, saying his use of the term had nothing to do with race.

But despite their outrage, Democrats haven't had any trouble regularly using a similar term: "monkeying around." This includes Democrats working directly for President Barack Obama.

Rich Weinstein has compiled a long list:

Are these Democrats also using racist bullhorns? Or are they just politically opportunistic hypocrites?

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Twelve samples of people using the term "monkey around". Zero of any of them saying "monkey this up" .

"Monkey around" is common. Here's one from half a century ago:

Hey Hey we're the Monkees
And people say we're monkeying around
But we're too busy singing'
To put anybody down​
The word monkey is racist hate speech
The way some folks use it, it is. But whether it was meant that way (probably not), there are people who will say it was.

Of course, if Gillum were to say "Let's not honk that horn" it's doubtful anyone would bend over backwards to turn that into a racist insinuation.

DeSantis today clarified his choice of words:

"Look, you people went through all these rhetorical shuck-and-jive changes because I used the term 'monkey up'. I simply meant we can't jigger-rig this gig OK? As I noted yesterday in complimentary terms my opponent is an articulate representative of his party plantation, as my Boston-based political analyst says, he's "Uppah D" --- and that's not the element we want moving in, it comes with a mass o' problems.. To me it's clear in black and white; I think this is the linchpin of this election. So I know my place and it's the governor's chair. Now anybody who wants to read "racism" into all that is just following a slavish mentality."​

This whole mess would never have happened if people didn't use common sense so niggardly. This is nothing but a misspelling. Desantis didn't say "monkey" he said "monkee."

:eusa_doh: Of course, that's it. He wants Florida not to Peter Tork the place up. That could sent the state right down to Davy Jones' locker.

Jesus fuck you are one stupiud ass.

1) The word monkey in itself is not racist
2) Monkeying around is a common term for actions like manipulating something. Has nothing to do with race.
3) Using the term monkey ion reference to black people is a racial slur
4) Who ever uses the terminology "monkey up".

1. Says who?
2. It really isn’t that common.
3. Nobody was referring to a black person. He was referring to Democrats and socialism.
4. Everybody has their own made up phrase or term that they like to use.

1) Says intelligent people. Probably why you don;t get it. A monkey is an animal
2) Common enough
3) Really. Sure. Right. Yep. Not about his opponent in the upcoming election. Nope couldn't be
4) So you can use racial slurs & then pretend they mean something else and this is OK.
I just wanted to quote that so, that the members & the mod staff here can see just how pathetic you are.

Also, you were banned over at DP. I see you are really fucking this place up too.

So what are you? The DP Hitman, come to get me here?

You look like a pathetic leftist shill to me.

At least USMB really does support unbiased debate.

DP, notsomuch, as I have saved the emails I got, and people have already laughed their asses off at them, from the DP SJW Administrator.


Clear bias there. Hail to USMB! :rock:

Unless I break the rules in this thread, you're fucked.

No, I am not, "fucked" as you say.

It is you & your tribe of right wing nutz that are filled with hate.

Hate is eating you from the inside out & that is your fate.


Yeah, we are living in your poor empty little head, rent free. Have you ever wondered how life might be if you actually start thinking for yourself? Nah, I guess it's easier just to parrot propaganda from your masters.

I just wanted to quote that so, that the members & the mod staff here can see just how pathetic you are.

Also, you were banned over at DP. I see you are really fucking this place up too.

So what are you? The DP Hitman, come to get me here?

You look like a pathetic leftist shill to me.

At least USMB really does support unbiased debate.

DP, notsomuch, as I have saved the emails I got, and people have already laughed their asses off at them, from the DP SJW Administrator.


Clear bias there. Hail to USMB! :rock:

Unless I break the rules in this thread, you're fucked.

No, I am not, "fucked" as you say.

It is you & your tribe of right wing nutz that are filled with hate.

Hate is eating you from the inside out & that is your fate.


Yeah, we are living in your poor empty little head, rent free. Have you ever wondered how life might be if you actually start thinking for yourself? Nah, I guess it's easier just to parrot propaganda from your masters.

Texas wins a Trumpy Bear,,,Will wins 2 lol
I just wanted to quote that so, that the members & the mod staff here can see just how pathetic you are.

Also, you were banned over at DP. I see you are really fucking this place up too.

So what are you? The DP Hitman, come to get me here?

You look like a pathetic leftist shill to me.

At least USMB really does support unbiased debate.

DP, notsomuch, as I have saved the emails I got, and people have already laughed their asses off at them, from the DP SJW Administrator.


Clear bias there. Hail to USMB! :rock:

Unless I break the rules in this thread, you're fucked.

No, I am not, "fucked" as you say.

It is you & your tribe of right wing nutz that are filled with hate.

Hate is eating you from the inside out & that is your fate.


Yeah, we are living in your poor empty little head, rent free. Have you ever wondered how life might be if you actually start thinking for yourself? Nah, I guess it's easier just to parrot propaganda from your masters.

Texas wins a Trumpy Bear,,,Will wins 2 lol

You're weird.
What a totally dumb fuck, asinine, ass in the air, stupid choice of words at this critical junction.
Laugh hard Pogo and Stormy and all you Left wingers.....for a change I totally agree with you. Some Right wingers are fucking retards all the way.
I just wanted to quote that so, that the members & the mod staff here can see just how pathetic you are.

Also, you were banned over at DP. I see you are really fucking this place up too.

So what are you? The DP Hitman, come to get me here?

You look like a pathetic leftist shill to me.

At least USMB really does support unbiased debate.

DP, notsomuch, as I have saved the emails I got, and people have already laughed their asses off at them, from the DP SJW Administrator.


Clear bias there. Hail to USMB! :rock:

Unless I break the rules in this thread, you're fucked.

No, I am not, "fucked" as you say.

It is you & your tribe of right wing nutz that are filled with hate.

Hate is eating you from the inside out & that is your fate.


Yeah, we are living in your poor empty little head, rent free. Have you ever wondered how life might be if you actually start thinking for yourself? Nah, I guess it's easier just to parrot propaganda from your masters.

Texas wins a Trumpy Bear,,,Will wins 2 lol

When can I expect delivery, or is this just another regressive lie?

I just wanted to quote that so, that the members & the mod staff here can see just how pathetic you are.

Also, you were banned over at DP. I see you are really fucking this place up too.

So what are you? The DP Hitman, come to get me here?

You look like a pathetic leftist shill to me.

At least USMB really does support unbiased debate.

DP, notsomuch, as I have saved the emails I got, and people have already laughed their asses off at them, from the DP SJW Administrator.


Clear bias there. Hail to USMB! :rock:

Unless I break the rules in this thread, you're fucked.

No, I am not, "fucked" as you say.

It is you & your tribe of right wing nutz that are filled with hate.

Hate is eating you from the inside out & that is your fate.


Yeah, we are living in your poor empty little head, rent free. Have you ever wondered how life might be if you actually start thinking for yourself? Nah, I guess it's easier just to parrot propaganda from your masters.

Texas wins a Trumpy Bear,,,Will wins 2 lol

I just wanted to quote that so, that the members & the mod staff here can see just how pathetic you are.

Also, you were banned over at DP. I see you are really fucking this place up too.

So what are you? The DP Hitman, come to get me here?

You look like a pathetic leftist shill to me.

At least USMB really does support unbiased debate.

DP, notsomuch, as I have saved the emails I got, and people have already laughed their asses off at them, from the DP SJW Administrator.


Clear bias there. Hail to USMB! :rock:

Unless I break the rules in this thread, you're fucked.

No, I am not, "fucked" as you say.

It is you & your tribe of right wing nutz that are filled with hate.

Hate is eating you from the inside out & that is your fate.


Yeah, we are living in your poor empty little head, rent free. Have you ever wondered how life might be if you actually start thinking for yourself? Nah, I guess it's easier just to parrot propaganda from your masters.

Texas wins a Trumpy Bear,,,Will wins 2 lol

"Will wins 2 "

care to explain that?
I just wanted to quote that so, that the members & the mod staff here can see just how pathetic you are.

Also, you were banned over at DP. I see you are really fucking this place up too.

So what are you? The DP Hitman, come to get me here?

You look like a pathetic leftist shill to me.

Using third grade strategy only makes you & your tribe look like the brain dead Americans that you are.

By continuing to carry as you do, you cast a shadow of doubt upon all Americans.

I see you actually hate America.

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