Don't monkey up the election!

That's where our politics are now: Take the slightest perceived potential advantage and blow it up by a factor of a thousand.

Then be really, really outraged.

This actually gets us nowhere, of course.

It's like going to breakfast and asking where the milk is, and some goofball thinking you want directions to the local KKK meeting.

They might think you mean MLK Day which is the holiday on the 3rd Monday in January.

That's actually more plausible. In New Orleans it's common to refer to Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard as "Milk Boulevard". One of the deliberately self-effacing mispronunciations along with "pee-tolemy" (for Ptolemy) and "C.L. 10" (for Clio)
That's where our politics are now: Take the slightest perceived potential advantage and blow it up by a factor of a thousand.

Then be really, really outraged.

This actually gets us nowhere, of course.

It's like going to breakfast and asking where the milk is, and some goofball thinking you want directions to the local KKK meeting.

Ummmm..... nnnnnnno it isn't. Nobody has ever code-substituted "milk" for "Klan".

It's more like posting "Barry Sanders" and then claiming you meant "Bernie" while denying that you posted "Barry" even though it's sitting right there on the page.
:aug08_031: It's seems as though some people where able to understand the point I was making. I'm willing to accept it may have escaped you. :21:

I dunno dood, you posted something about Barry Sanders as if we were supposed to know what he's doing.

Go watch Sarah Silverman-Palin's White House briefing.
I just wanted to quote that so, that the members & the mod staff here can see just how pathetic you are.

Also, you were banned over at DP. I see you are really fucking this place up too.

So what are you? The DP Hitman, come to get me here?

You look like a pathetic leftist shill to me.

Using third grade strategy only makes you & your tribe look like the brain dead Americans that you are.

By continuing to carry as you do, you cast a shadow of doubt upon all Americans.

I see you actually hate America.
Look Doodles. Posting "Barry Sanders" by mistake when you mean "Bernie Sanders" is understandable. Barry's probably more widely known. But to then sit there and deny you posted what you did, while it's sitting right there in the quote nest, that's much more problematic. That's outright denial of reality, easily disproven. You appear to be detached, and that puts you in a much more iffy place than the question of what Barry Sanders is doing these days.

I didn't deny I posted Barry, I denied I posted anything about Barry running for office. You cannot twist it Pogo. If you want to be technical, then be technical. :21:
I dunno dood, you posted something about Barry Sanders as if we were supposed to know what he's doing.

Go watch Sarah Silverman-Palin's White House briefing.

That's what you have to offer as far as a comment worth consideration? If so, it's just wasted time.
monkey things up has nothing to do with racism, stupid bastards, my father used that to describe anyone screwing things up
Of course. This is a "controversy" only because the leftist media has CHOSEN to make it a controversy. It is not a controversy at all, and it shows that Democrats are desperate for anything that they can blow up into a (fabricated) "issue" to then bitch about.

The word "monkey" has no necessary connection to blacks. It could just as easily be applied to whites. See Post # 360.
Was that a racist comment when Obama said it? when Schumer said it? When Pelosi said it? The desperation of the left is pathetic. They have nothing to run on but fake racism. Sad desperate little creatures and their media suck buddies.

This thread has nothing to do with Obama, nor Schumer, nor Pelosi. Please try and stay on topic.

Butt, Butt, butt, they used the code word!!!!!!!!!!

Why is it only ignorant regressives have these code books and dog whistle listening devices?

I just wanted to quote that so, that the members & the mod staff here can see just how pathetic you are.

Also, you were banned over at DP. I see you are really fucking this place up too.

So what are you? The DP Hitman, come to get me here?

You look like a pathetic leftist shill to me.

Using third grade strategy only makes you & your tribe look like the brain dead Americans that you are.

By continuing to carry as you do, you cast a shadow of doubt upon all Americans.

I see you actually hate America.

No, I love America. An America where you don't have to walk on eggshells, watching what you say.

You just speak your mind in natural language.

I think it's an awesome concept!
I just wanted to quote that so, that the members & the mod staff here can see just how pathetic you are.

Also, you were banned over at DP. I see you are really fucking this place up too.

So what are you? The DP Hitman, come to get me here?

You look like a pathetic leftist shill to me.

At least USMB really does support unbiased debate.

DP, notsomuch, as I have saved the emails I got, and people have already laughed their asses off at them, from the DP SJW Administrator.


Clear bias there. Hail to USMB! :rock:

Unless I break the rules in this thread, you're fucked.

No, I am not, "fucked" as you say.

It is you & your tribe of right wing nutz that are filled with hate.

Hate is eating you from the inside out & that is your fate.


Oh! Ok.

Guess who the next governor of FL will be?

Ron Desantis.

By the way, who's the president of The United States?
I just wanted to quote that so, that the members & the mod staff here can see just how pathetic you are.

Also, you were banned over at DP. I see you are really fucking this place up too.

So what are you? The DP Hitman, come to get me here?

You look like a pathetic leftist shill to me.

Using third grade strategy only makes you & your tribe look like the brain dead Americans that you are.

By continuing to carry as you do, you cast a shadow of doubt upon all Americans.

I see you actually hate America.

No, I love America. An America where you don't have to walk on eggshells, watching what you say.

You just speak your mind in natural language.

I think it's an awesome concept!

If you loved your nation you would not be a divisive asshole; just like Trump.

Who says I'm divisive? I'm for all Americans coming together and getting it done!

On what grounds do you call me a "divisive asshole"?

Btw! Thanks for comparing me to Trump, I am flattered, cupcake.
Please, you wimpy, pussy liberals keep doing this shit most independents are seeing just how deranged you are!

FLASHBACK: Here's Long List of Top Democrats Saying "Monkeying Around" ^

12 very short videos of Dem hypocrites at link.


Yesterday a firestorm erupted when Florida Republican gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis said during an interview on Fox News, "The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state."

His Democrat opponent Andrew Gillum and his friends in the leftist media immediately pounced, saying the use of the term was a "racist bullhorn."

DeSantis has fired back, saying his use of the term had nothing to do with race.

But despite their outrage, Democrats haven't had any trouble regularly using a similar term: "monkeying around." This includes Democrats working directly for President Barack Obama.

Rich Weinstein has compiled a long list:

Are these Democrats also using racist bullhorns? Or are they just politically opportunistic hypocrites?

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
The ONLY thing this is about is stirring up the black (and white) tard voting base. They ar slowly losing the black vote, and this is how they try to get them motivated.
Without hypocrisy and stupidity, liberals are NOTHING!

FLASHBACK: Here's Long List of Top Democrats Saying "Monkeying Around" ^

12 very short videos of Dem hypocrites at link.


Yesterday a firestorm erupted when Florida Republican gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis said during an interview on Fox News, "The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state."

His Democrat opponent Andrew Gillum and his friends in the leftist media immediately pounced, saying the use of the term was a "racist bullhorn."

DeSantis has fired back, saying his use of the term had nothing to do with race.

But despite their outrage, Democrats haven't had any trouble regularly using a similar term: "monkeying around." This includes Democrats working directly for President Barack Obama.

Rich Weinstein has compiled a long list:

Are these Democrats also using racist bullhorns? Or are they just politically opportunistic hypocrites?

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
The word monkey is racist hate speech

Barack Obama warned supporters that politicians had “monkeyed around” with elections, during a campaign speech at Kent State University in New Philadelphia, Ohio, on September 3, 2008.
Then-Senator Obama (D-IL) said (0:29 in the video below): “I come from Chicago. It’s not as if it’s just Republicans who have monkeyed around with elections in the past. Sometimes Democrats have, too. You know, whenever people are in power, they have this tendency to try to tilt things in their direction.”
Oh, and THIS, from the chief "MONKEY AROUNDER"

Obama in 2008: Both Parties 'Have Monkeyed Around With Elections'

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