Don't monkey up the election!

what exactly do you want done? do you want to stop black on black murder in our major cities? do you want to stop planned parenthood from killing black babies in the womb? do you want to stop black drug dealers from infecting young black kids, do you want to stop black rappers from referring to black women as ho's and bitches? do you want Sharpton to pay his 4.5 million in back taxes? do you want Whoopi to stop the racist rants. Tell us, exactly what you think white America can do to fix black America.
abolish racism in the police.

the police were put on earth to protect blacks, but blacks need protection from the police

Police were put on earth to protect blacks??? WTF.
isn't it the police's duty to protect the people from criminals? are you saying blacks are not people?

as that great philosopher Jay Z once in "Ballad Of The Fallen Soldier", a deep and angry battle with the police terror that grips black life...

"Off to boot camp, the world's facing terror
Bin Laden been happenin in Manhattan
Crack was anthrax back then, back when
Police was Al Qaeda to black men"

If you don't want to be harassed by police, don't violate the law. Its really quite simple.
you should watch "Alright", a song of cataclysmic hope amid cops' fiendish assault on black men. the video unveils uplifting dimensions of urban magical realism. Lamar flies over hood landscapes until he lands on top of a high streetlight, only to be felled by the imaginary bullet spun from a cop's gun, a gun formed by the cop's pointing fingers. Lamar falls down in slow motion, dead, or at least we think he is. then he opens his eyes and smiles widely. he lets us in on the joke, on the artifice of what we've just seen.

it is a stinging rejection of the power of blue to determine black life and death

Hmm...flies over hood landscapes and felled by an imaginary bullet from a cop's fingers....yup, sure sounds like some real magical realism. Sounds more like someone needs to get a grip on realism.
I don't get how leftists associate blacks with monkeys. DO they think blacks are some lower level of evolution ? I don't see how it can do with color. Lots of monkeys have WHITE faces, not black.




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"almighty, hear our prayer.

oh god, how we black people suffer. we your servants are ensnared in tragedy that doesnt end.

we can do nothing to make our tormentors stop their evil. we cant convince them that we are your children. we have tried everything we can to keep whites from slaughtering us in the streets. they hide behind the state to justify killing us.

they say we are scary, they are afraid of their lives. they say this even when we have nothing in our hands but air. we say this even when they are armed with weapons meant to remove us from the face of the earth. they say this even when they must throw down guns to pretended that we intended to do them harm.

how can we possibly combat the blidness of white men who so deeply invested in their own privilege that they cannot afford to see how much we suffer" - Cornel West
The guy is guilty of managing to be dumb enough of making such a comment, but the idea he did it purposely as a dog whistle to drum up more support from racists is truly idiotic.
This guy will likely lise votes instead of gain any.
Sure, that's all that can be done in this insane environment. The only question is whether the phony outrage bullshit is still playing with the general public.

I don't know how much of a question that really is. With Barry Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Ocasio-Cortez pretty much headlining for the Democrats, I can see where they may want to stick with the deplorables, race baiting, and orange cheeto strategy a little longer. When you got nothing else anyone wants to buy, sell them trash bags and tell them to get rid of the junk they have.

Barry Sanders is running for office?
DeSantis made it even worse by saying Gillum is articulate. He should have gone full jim crow and said he was clean.
Gosh, some of you people are really stupid. And that’s why the dimocrats love you so. You’ll take any absurd slant they and their media cohorts put on anything and, bingo, it’s gospel to you dopes.

For the record, DeSantis did not Harry Reid Gillum, saying he was light-skinned and didn’t speak with a Negro dialect, unless he wanted to, or anything like that. What he did when asked about Gilllum as an opponent was reply he thought him “an articulate spokesman” for the far left. And followed it up with, “The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases...” No reference whatsoever to Gillum’s race and used a term in the context it has been used for decades by millions of fellow Americans, and that includes dimocrats.

But please do keep up your insanity as the elections are right around the corner now.

Yup. That's exactly what was said and all anyone has to do is read it. I did.

Actually watching it is more informative than reading it. You can see he was holding it in his pocket looking for a chance to air it out. When he thought he had his setup, which was pretty awkward, he accented it.

That's the effectiveness of an inference -- you can always deny you said anything provocative and your apologists will come out to white-knight even if they've never heard of you before, just because you have the appropriate letter after your name. So no one but the speaker himself will ever know but it sure looked calculated.
Sure, that's all that can be done in this insane environment. The only question is whether the phony outrage bullshit is still playing with the general public.

I don't know how much of a question that really is. With Barry Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Ocasio-Cortez pretty much headlining for the Democrats, I can see where they may want to stick with the deplorables, race baiting, and orange cheeto strategy a little longer. When you got nothing else anyone wants to buy, sell them trash bags and tell them to get rid of the junk they have.

Barry Sanders is running for office?

I didn't say that anywhere in the post. Being as anal retentive about the English language as you are, I'm guessing your struggle be a partisan hack caused you to miss that or interpret what I did post as saying something it doesn't.
While DeSantis’ use of the phrase was likely innocent of any malice, he should have been more careful with his words so as not to give the libs any ammunition to make a claim of racism.
Bingo. He walked right into it.

No. He didn't. Liberals are looking for any even remote turn of a phrase or misheard word to rant about racism, despite the fact that it exposes them as having racist tendencies.

I once was accused of calling a student "retarded", which I did not and never would. After investigating it further, I found out I was accused by the parent of a completely different student of (another race BTW) who misunderstood what I said because English is not their first language. I had told a student that she was being slow getting to work and to hurry up and log on to her computer. When that student related the story to her parents, that became me calling the student "slow" which was then translated into "retarded". I was "called on the carpet" over this incident and forced to apologize for something I didn't even do! You can't make this shit up!
You really don't think that saying "monkey" when discussing a black person isn't going to cause a firestorm? Really?

There is no one in this country who doesn't know what to expect there.

I'm not talking about what SHOULD BE. I'm talking about what IS. Of COURSE it's bullshit, but he still walked right into it.

Nope. Not unless you are the racist you call everyone else.

Only a racist would equate a monkey with a black man.

Only a fool would believe the bullshit the lefty loons are tossing.

Again --- you don't need to "equate a monkey to a black man". All you need is to appeal to those who do.
Sure, that's all that can be done in this insane environment. The only question is whether the phony outrage bullshit is still playing with the general public.

I don't know how much of a question that really is. With Barry Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Ocasio-Cortez pretty much headlining for the Democrats, I can see where they may want to stick with the deplorables, race baiting, and orange cheeto strategy a little longer. When you got nothing else anyone wants to buy, sell them trash bags and tell them to get rid of the junk they have.

Barry Sanders is running for office?

I didn't say that anywhere in the post. Being as anal retentive about the English language as you are, I'm guessing your struggle be a partisan hack caused you to miss that or interpret what I did post as saying something it doesn't.

Read your own post. Begin with the second sentence.

If Barry Sanders isn't running for office what then is he doing?
While DeSantis’ use of the phrase was likely innocent of any malice, he should have been more careful with his words so as not to give the libs any ammunition to make a claim of racism.
Bingo. He walked right into it.

No. He didn't. Liberals are looking for any even remote turn of a phrase or misheard word to rant about racism, despite the fact that it exposes them as having racist tendencies.

I once was accused of calling a student "retarded", which I did not and never would. After investigating it further, I found out I was accused by the parent of a completely different student of (another race BTW) who misunderstood what I said because English is not their first language. I had told a student that she was being slow getting to work and to hurry up and log on to her computer. When that student related the story to her parents, that became me calling the student "slow" which was then translated into "retarded". I was "called on the carpet" over this incident and forced to apologize for something I didn't even do! You can't make this shit up!
You really don't think that saying "monkey" when discussing a black person isn't going to cause a firestorm? Really?

There is no one in this country who doesn't know what to expect there.

I'm not talking about what SHOULD BE. I'm talking about what IS. Of COURSE it's bullshit, but he still walked right into it.

Nope. Not unless you are the racist you call everyone else.

Only a racist would equate a monkey with a black man.

Only a fool would believe the bullshit the lefty loons are tossing.

Again --- you don't need to "equate a monkey to a black man". All you need is to appeal to those who do.

Nah. I don't buy that at all.
Read your own post. Begin with the second sentence.

If Barry Sanders isn't running for office what then is he doing?
I know what I wrote, and doesn't say anything about Barry Sanders running for office. You cannot make it say anything about Barry Sanders running for office because it doesn't.
Bingo. He walked right into it.

No. He didn't. Liberals are looking for any even remote turn of a phrase or misheard word to rant about racism, despite the fact that it exposes them as having racist tendencies.

I once was accused of calling a student "retarded", which I did not and never would. After investigating it further, I found out I was accused by the parent of a completely different student of (another race BTW) who misunderstood what I said because English is not their first language. I had told a student that she was being slow getting to work and to hurry up and log on to her computer. When that student related the story to her parents, that became me calling the student "slow" which was then translated into "retarded". I was "called on the carpet" over this incident and forced to apologize for something I didn't even do! You can't make this shit up!
You really don't think that saying "monkey" when discussing a black person isn't going to cause a firestorm? Really?

There is no one in this country who doesn't know what to expect there.

I'm not talking about what SHOULD BE. I'm talking about what IS. Of COURSE it's bullshit, but he still walked right into it.

Nope. Not unless you are the racist you call everyone else.

Only a racist would equate a monkey with a black man.

Only a fool would believe the bullshit the lefty loons are tossing.

Again --- you don't need to "equate a monkey to a black man". All you need is to appeal to those who do.

Nah. I don't buy that at all.

It's got many a politician elected, as recently as Rump. As long as you have enough of a base to make that appeal to, it works.

Lotsa wags get hung up on whether this or that politician "is a racist". Usually that's not even the point --- the point is they're manipulating those who are.
Read your own post. Begin with the second sentence.

If Barry Sanders isn't running for office what then is he doing?
I know what I wrote, and doesn't say anything about Barry Sanders running for office. You cannot make it say anything about Barry Sanders running for office because it doesn't.

So you can't explain your own post?
So you can't explain your own post?

I didn't say that in any of my posts either. You're just making shit up in order to argue about something I never posted and you want to argue about. I didn't explain how you misinterpreted what I posted, but I did explain why I thought you wanted me to.
Read your own post. Begin with the second sentence.

If Barry Sanders isn't running for office what then is he doing?
I know what I wrote, and doesn't say anything about Barry Sanders running for office. You cannot make it say anything about Barry Sanders running for office because it doesn't.

So you can't explain your own post?

It was clearly a reference to Bernie Sanders and it didn’t say anything about him running for office.

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