Don't monkey up the election!

Do you also find it odd that it's the crazy liberals who are who are associating the word "monkeying" with their own candidate?
You mean like FOX News?
There are plenty of liberals on Fox, idiot.
And so very very quickly, they throw FOX under the bus for their white supremacist "principles".
wait, who is it accusing the blacks of looking like an animal? oops, who is it that's black? the fact they even went there is as racist as any known comment on earth. funny how the hypocrites line up there.
I can't believe conservatives don't even know how to fight back against racist like demolosers. amazing. it's really a simple concept, someone saying you said something automatically is a racist. Period end of story. It's where their mind is, they presented it to you!!!!! fk I hate my own party for not having balls to stand up to these racist bigots on the left.
at the 1:43 mark DeSantis offers his 'Freudian slip' identifying himself as a racist tool for POTUS Trump.

DeSantis may as well have said Make America White Again

But in reality, that's not what he said.
It takes an extremely dishonest person to say that Ron DeSantis said "Let’s Make America White Again."
But you leftists have to fabricate to spread your anti-white propaganda.
I think that the guy used the word "monkeying" as a euphemism for F-ing, but the crazy Liberals are obsessed with race and turned it into a racial word.
at the 1:43 mark DeSantis offers his 'Freudian slip' identifying himself as a racist tool for POTUS Trump.

DeSantis may as well have said Make America White Again

But in reality, that's not what he said.
It takes an extremely dishonest person to say that Ron DeSantis said "Let’s Make America White Again."
But you leftists have to fabricate to spread your anti-white propaganda.

again, if they're saying that that is what they really want. Why else do they say it?
Do you also find it odd that it's the crazy liberals who are who are associating the word "monkeying" with their own candidate?
You mean like FOX News?
There are plenty of liberals on Fox, idiot.
And so very very quickly, they throw FOX under the bus for their white supremacist "principles".

Why do Liberals associate the word "monkeying" with their candidate?
at the 1:43 mark DeSantis offers his 'Freudian slip' identifying himself as a racist tool for POTUS Trump.

DeSantis may as well have said Make America White Again

But in reality, that's not what he said.
It takes an extremely dishonest person to say that Ron DeSantis said "Let’s Make America White Again."
But you leftists have to fabricate to spread your anti-white propaganda.

I said he, "may as well have said."

There is a difference.
at the 1:43 mark DeSantis offers his 'Freudian slip' identifying himself as a racist tool for POTUS Trump.

DeSantis may as well have said Make America White Again

But in reality, that's not what he said.
It takes an extremely dishonest person to say that Ron DeSantis said "Let’s Make America White Again."
But you leftists have to fabricate to spread your anti-white propaganda.

I said he, "may as well have said."

There is a difference.

Not at all.
You're trying to use innuendo to create a false image that DeSantis is a racist.
Any mention of race with respect to his black opponent is nothing but race-baiting and dishonest stereotypical hogwash. That is the only advantage he has, because his political beliefs are a massive negative. Nevermind that his financial support comes from George Soros. That's enough to make him radioactive.
at the 1:43 mark DeSantis offers his 'Freudian slip' identifying himself as a racist tool for POTUS Trump.

DeSantis may as well have said Make America White Again

Until yesterday, according to 'the google, NO ONE ever used "monkey up" as a phrase, a verb, an action before. Isn't Desantis a clever boy?
at the 1:43 mark DeSantis offers his 'Freudian slip' identifying himself as a racist tool for POTUS Trump.

DeSantis may as well have said Make America White Again

But in reality, that's not what he said.
It takes an extremely dishonest person to say that Ron DeSantis said "Let’s Make America White Again."
But you leftists have to fabricate to spread your anti-white propaganda.

I said he, "may as well have said."

There is a difference.

Not at all.
You're trying to use innuendo to create a false image that DeSantis is a racist.
Any mention of race with respect to his black opponent is nothing but race-baiting and dishonest stereotypical hogwash. That is the only advantage he has, because his political beliefs are a massive negative. Nevermind that his financial support comes from George Soros. That's enough to make him radioactive.

BULLSHIT. It was racist.
Was that a racist comment when Obama said it? when Schumer said it? When Pelosi said it? The desperation of the left is pathetic. They have nothing to run on but fake racism. Sad desperate little creatures and their media suck buddies.
at the 1:43 mark DeSantis offers his 'Freudian slip' identifying himself as a racist tool for POTUS Trump.

DeSantis may as well have said Make America White Again

But in reality, that's not what he said.
It takes an extremely dishonest person to say that Ron DeSantis said "Let’s Make America White Again."
But you leftists have to fabricate to spread your anti-white propaganda.

I said he, "may as well have said."

There is a difference.

Not at all.
You're trying to use innuendo to create a false image that DeSantis is a racist.
Any mention of race with respect to his black opponent is nothing but race-baiting and dishonest stereotypical hogwash. That is the only advantage he has, because his political beliefs are a massive negative. Nevermind that his financial support comes from George Soros. That's enough to make him radioactive.

None, myself included, asked DeSantis to open his mouth, say something 'coded' & to make himself look like a dumb ass.

DeSantis did that all on his own.
Was that a racist comment when Obama said it? when Schumer said it? When Pelosi said it? The desperation of the left is pathetic. They have nothing to run on but fake racism. Sad desperate little creatures and their media suck buddies.

This thread has nothing to do with Obama, nor Schumer, nor Pelosi. Please try and stay on topic.
at the 1:43 mark DeSantis offers his 'Freudian slip' identifying himself as a racist tool for POTUS Trump.

DeSantis may as well have said Make America White Again

But in reality, that's not what he said.
It takes an extremely dishonest person to say that Ron DeSantis said "Let’s Make America White Again."
But you leftists have to fabricate to spread your anti-white propaganda.

I said he, "may as well have said."

There is a difference.

Not at all.
You're trying to use innuendo to create a false image that DeSantis is a racist.
Any mention of race with respect to his black opponent is nothing but race-baiting and dishonest stereotypical hogwash. That is the only advantage he has, because his political beliefs are a massive negative. Nevermind that his financial support comes from George Soros. That's enough to make him radioactive.

BULLSHIT. It was racist.

BULLSHIT yourself, did you scream racist when Obama said it? you are making a fool of yourself.
Was that a racist comment when Obama said it? when Schumer said it? When Pelosi said it? The desperation of the left is pathetic. They have nothing to run on but fake racism. Sad desperate little creatures and their media suck buddies.

This thread has nothing to do with Obama, nor Schumer, nor Pelosi. Please try and stay on topic.

it has to do with the hypocrisy of dems. the word "monkeying" is racist when a republican says it but not when a dem says it. Don't you get that?
get your monkey up

get (one's) monkey up
To make one angry. Please calm down, I didn't mean to get your monkey up. This whole situation gets my monkey upso much—it's amazing that I haven't screamed at the whole staff today.

You can post all the lame definitions that you want. That comment was a very loud dog whistle to all the white supremacist out there. It proclaimed to the racist that have crawled out of the shadows since the trump regime took over, "NOT TO WORRY! PUT YOUR SHEETS BACK ON AND BURN YOUR CROSSES! WE GOT YOUR BACK!"

(Note to file: Crosses are not burned anymore. The racist burn tiki torches can't carry one of those big crosses!)
While DeSantis’ use of the phrase was likely innocent of any malice, he should have been more careful with his words so as not to give the libs any ammunition to make a claim of racism.
Bingo. He walked right into it.

No. He didn't. Liberals are looking for any even remote turn of a phrase or misheard word to rant about racism, despite the fact that it exposes them as having racist tendencies.

I once was accused of calling a student "retarded", which I did not and never would. After investigating it further, I found out I was accused by the parent of a completely different student of (another race BTW) who misunderstood what I said because English is not their first language. I had told a student that she was being slow getting to work and to hurry up and log on to her computer. When that student related the story to her parents, that became me calling the student "slow" which was then translated into "retarded". I was "called on the carpet" over this incident and forced to apologize for something I didn't even do! You can't make this shit up!
You really don't think that saying "monkey" when discussing a black person isn't going to cause a firestorm? Really?

There is no one in this country who doesn't know what to expect there.

I'm not talking about what SHOULD BE. I'm talking about what IS. Of COURSE it's bullshit, but he still walked right into it.

No, because most people don't look at other people by the color of their skin first when talking about their own election. We need to fight back against this race-based PC nonsense.

Personally, I would have replied that it was simply a testament to their own stupidity if they misunderstood. No one who believe that crap is going to be smart enough to vote for him anyway. There is nothing to lose. That is why Trump is so effective at pissing people off and still accomplishing his goals.
I really don'r know which is worse. Your acceptance of racial slurs in general or your acceptance of Trump's lies, & bigotry & support for violence.

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