Don't monkey up the election!

While DeSantis’ use of the phrase was likely innocent of any malice, he should have been more careful with his words so as not to give the libs any ammunition to make a claim of racism.
Bingo. He walked right into it.

No. He didn't. Liberals are looking for any even remote turn of a phrase or misheard word to rant about racism, despite the fact that it exposes them as having racist tendencies.

I once was accused of calling a student "retarded", which I did not and never would. After investigating it further, I found out I was accused by the parent of a completely different student of (another race BTW) who misunderstood what I said because English is not their first language. I had told a student that she was being slow getting to work and to hurry up and log on to her computer. When that student related the story to her parents, that became me calling the student "slow" which was then translated into "retarded". I was "called on the carpet" over this incident and forced to apologize for something I didn't even do! You can't make this shit up!
You really don't think that saying "monkey" when discussing a black person isn't going to cause a firestorm? Really?

There is no one in this country who doesn't know what to expect there.

I'm not talking about what SHOULD BE. I'm talking about what IS. Of COURSE it's bullshit, but he still walked right into it.

No, because most people don't look at other people by the color of their skin first when talking about their own election. We need to fight back against this race-based PC nonsense.

Personally, I would have replied that it was simply a testament to their own stupidity if they misunderstood. No one who believe that crap is going to be smart enough to vote for him anyway. There is nothing to lose. That is why Trump is so effective at pissing people off and still accomplishing his goals.
Sure, that's all that can be done in this insane environment. The only question is whether the phony outrage bullshit is still playing with the general public.

I don't know how much of a question that really is. With Barry Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Ocasio-Cortez pretty much headlining for the Democrats, I can see where they may want to stick with the deplorables, race baiting, and orange cheeto strategy a little longer. When you got nothing else anyone wants to buy, sell them trash bags and tell them to get rid of the junk they have.
While DeSantis’ use of the phrase was likely innocent of any malice, he should have been more careful with his words so as not to give the libs any ammunition to make a claim of racism.
Bingo. He walked right into it.

No. He didn't. Liberals are looking for any even remote turn of a phrase or misheard word to rant about racism, despite the fact that it exposes them as having racist tendencies.

I once was accused of calling a student "retarded", which I did not and never would. After investigating it further, I found out I was accused by the parent of a completely different student of (another race BTW) who misunderstood what I said because English is not their first language. I had told a student that she was being slow getting to work and to hurry up and log on to her computer. When that student related the story to her parents, that became me calling the student "slow" which was then translated into "retarded". I was "called on the carpet" over this incident and forced to apologize for something I didn't even do! You can't make this shit up!
You really don't think that saying "monkey" when discussing a black person isn't going to cause a firestorm? Really?

There is no one in this country who doesn't know what to expect there.

I'm not talking about what SHOULD BE. I'm talking about what IS. Of COURSE it's bullshit, but he still walked right into it.

Nope. Not unless you are the racist you call everyone else.

Only a racist would equate a monkey with a black man.

Only a fool would believe the bullshit the lefty loons are tossing.
He just complimented the guy as best as one could expect an opponent to do, and his monkey comment was directed towards republicans. He was basically telling republicans don't screw this up by not voting in November with the thinking Floridians won't vote for a socialist.

i would not expect these democrats to understand context
Don't worry. We understood the context perfectly. ;)

LOL, liberals accused McCain of using the "dog whistle" term "that one" in a 2008 debate with Obama, and now liberals are falling over themselves to praise McCain.

McCain Calls Obama ‘That One’: Why?
While DeSantis’ use of the phrase was likely innocent of any malice, he should have been more careful with his words so as not to give the libs any ammunition to make a claim of racism.
Bingo. He walked right into it.

No. He didn't. Liberals are looking for any even remote turn of a phrase or misheard word to rant about racism, despite the fact that it exposes them as having racist tendencies.

I once was accused of calling a student "retarded", which I did not and never would. After investigating it further, I found out I was accused by the parent of a completely different student of (another race BTW) who misunderstood what I said because English is not their first language. I had told a student that she was being slow getting to work and to hurry up and log on to her computer. When that student related the story to her parents, that became me calling the student "slow" which was then translated into "retarded". I was "called on the carpet" over this incident and forced to apologize for something I didn't even do! You can't make this shit up!
You really don't think that saying "monkey" when discussing a black person isn't going to cause a firestorm? Really?

There is no one in this country who doesn't know what to expect there.

I'm not talking about what SHOULD BE. I'm talking about what IS. Of COURSE it's bullshit, but he still walked right into it.

Nope. Not unless you are the racist you call everyone else.

Only a racist would equate a monkey with a black man.

Only a fool would believe the bullshit the lefty loons are tossing.
Okay, then ignore the whole thing. No problem.
While DeSantis’ use of the phrase was likely innocent of any malice, he should have been more careful with his words so as not to give the libs any ammunition to make a claim of racism.
Bingo. He walked right into it.

No. He didn't. Liberals are looking for any even remote turn of a phrase or misheard word to rant about racism, despite the fact that it exposes them as having racist tendencies.

I once was accused of calling a student "retarded", which I did not and never would. After investigating it further, I found out I was accused by the parent of a completely different student of (another race BTW) who misunderstood what I said because English is not their first language. I had told a student that she was being slow getting to work and to hurry up and log on to her computer. When that student related the story to her parents, that became me calling the student "slow" which was then translated into "retarded". I was "called on the carpet" over this incident and forced to apologize for something I didn't even do! You can't make this shit up!
You really don't think that saying "monkey" when discussing a black person isn't going to cause a firestorm? Really?

There is no one in this country who doesn't know what to expect there.

I'm not talking about what SHOULD BE. I'm talking about what IS. Of COURSE it's bullshit, but he still walked right into it.

Nope. Not unless you are the racist you call everyone else.

Only a racist would equate a monkey with a black man.

Only a fool would believe the bullshit the lefty loons are tossing.
Okay, then ignore the whole thing. No problem.

LOL I would but it sure is fun throwing it back at these lefty loons.
DeSantis made it even worse by saying Gillum is articulate. He should have gone full jim crow and said he was clean.
Gosh, some of you people are really stupid. And that’s why the dimocrats love you so. You’ll take any absurd slant they and their media cohorts put on anything and, bingo, it’s gospel to you dopes.

For the record, DeSantis did not Harry Reid Gillum, saying he was light-skinned and didn’t speak with a Negro dialect, unless he wanted to, or anything like that. What he did when asked about Gilllum as an opponent was reply he thought him “an articulate spokesman” for the far left. And followed it up with, “The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases...” No reference whatsoever to Gillum’s race and used a term in the context it has been used for decades by millions of fellow Americans, and that includes dimocrats.

But please do keep up your insanity as the elections are right around the corner now.
DeSantis made it even worse by saying Gillum is articulate. He should have gone full jim crow and said he was clean.
Gosh, some of you people are really stupid. And that’s why the dimocrats love you so. You’ll take any absurd slant they and their media cohorts put on anything and, bingo, it’s gospel to you dopes.

For the record, DeSantis did not Harry Reid Gillum, saying he was light-skinned and didn’t speak with a Negro dialect, unless he wanted to, or anything like that. What he did when asked about Gilllum as an opponent was reply he thought him “an articulate spokesman” for the far left. And followed it up with, “The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases...” No reference whatsoever to Gillum’s race and used a term in the context it has been used for decades by millions of fellow Americans, and that includes dimocrats.

But please do keep up your insanity as the elections are right around the corner now.

Yup. That's exactly what was said and all anyone has to do is read it. I did.
Do you also find it odd that it's the crazy liberals who are who are associating the word "monkeying" with their own candidate?
You mean like FOX News?
There are plenty of liberals on Fox, idiot.
And so very very quickly, they throw FOX under the bus for their white supremacist "principles".

Why do Liberals associate the word "monkeying" with their candidate?
it's quite obvious to me who the racists are. their party affiliation begins with D. To think they compare monkeys to blacks is quite disturbing. Why do you all believe that?
Do you also find it odd that it's the crazy liberals who are who are associating the word "monkeying" with their own candidate?
You mean like FOX News?
There are plenty of liberals on Fox, idiot.
And so very very quickly, they throw FOX under the bus for their white supremacist "principles".
wait, who is it accusing the blacks of looking like an animal? oops, who is it that's black? the fact they even went there is as racist as any known comment on earth. funny how the hypocrites line up there.
Our country is soft. Cannot say anything anymore. It was a figure of speech. People need to get a real education and I don't mean majoring in botany with a minor in sociology. People who play the race card are weak idiots.
Do you also find it odd that it's the crazy liberals who are who are associating the word "monkeying" with their own candidate?
You mean like FOX News?
There are plenty of liberals on Fox, idiot.
And so very very quickly, they throw FOX under the bus for their white supremacist "principles".

Obama admits that the Dirty Democrats “monkey” with the elections.
Soooo obviously Obama must be a racist according to the Left Wingers.

Obama in 2008 'it helps that Dems are in charge of the machines' | Daily Mail Online
Do you also find it odd that it's the crazy liberals who are who are associating the word "monkeying" with their own candidate?
You mean like FOX News?
There are plenty of liberals on Fox, idiot.
And so very very quickly, they throw FOX under the bus for their white supremacist "principles".
I threw Fox under the bus long long ago.

I am very disappointed in Sandra Smith though.

I thought she was better than that.
He's just getting his GOP base riled up to vote.

He knows if he runs as a racist, it gets them motivated.
Yet the only ones claiming he is a racist are libtard morons like you.

Sorry Mikey - Any combination of a black person and the word "monkey" is out of bounds RACIST.
You are welcome to spew that nonsense but not if you're running to be governor of the fourth larges state.
If true then it's only true to race baiting cry babies, and I'd bet money this is only brought up to try and influence the election. Liberal scum are real good at that.

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