Don't monkey up the election!

While DeSantis’ use of the phrase was likely innocent of any malice, he should have been more careful with his words so as not to give the libs any ammunition to make a claim of racism.
Bingo. He walked right into it.

No. He didn't. Liberals are looking for any even remote turn of a phrase or misheard word to rant about racism, despite the fact that it exposes them as having racist tendencies.

I once was accused of calling a student "retarded", which I did not and never would. After investigating it further, I found out I was accused by the parent of a completely different student of (another race BTW) who misunderstood what I said because English is not their first language. I had told a student that she was being slow getting to work and to hurry up and log on to her computer. When that student related the story to her parents, that became me calling the student "slow" which was then translated into "retarded". I was "called on the carpet" over this incident and forced to apologize for something I didn't even do! You can't make this shit up!
You really don't think that saying "monkey" when discussing a black person isn't going to cause a firestorm? Really?

There is no one in this country who doesn't know what to expect there.

I'm not talking about what SHOULD BE. I'm talking about what IS. Of COURSE it's bullshit, but he still walked right into it.

You seem upset.
You're actually speaking for what he thinks?
Yes, thats exactly what im doing. You are doing it too, but much less effectively.

Go read back --- I'm saying there's no way for us to know what his intention was and only he knows that. You however appear to be speaking FOR those intentions. Had you ever even so much as heard of this guy before yesterday?
It was clearly a reference to Bernie Sanders and it didn’t say anything about him running for office.

Thanks BigTruck, but he knows that. Pogo knows what he is doing, it's nothing new, stick around and watch and you can figure him out pretty quick.
Read your own post. Begin with the second sentence.

If Barry Sanders isn't running for office what then is he doing?
I know what I wrote, and doesn't say anything about Barry Sanders running for office. You cannot make it say anything about Barry Sanders running for office because it doesn't.

So you can't explain your own post?

It was clearly a reference to Bernie Sanders and it didn’t say anything about him running for office.

There's no "Bernie" there --- it says "Barry". Barry Sanders is a pretty well-known retired football player. Far as I know nobody's ever called him "Bernie" and nobody's ever called Bernie "Barry" so I thought he knew something about Barry Sanders the rest of us didn't.

Then he sits there and denies he wrote what he wrote, so he's a liar.
There's no "Bernie" there --- it says "Barry". Barry Sanders is a pretty well-known retired football player. Far as I know nobody's ever called him "Bernie" and nobody's ever called Bernie "Barry" so I thought he knew something about Barry Sanders the rest of us didn't.

Then he sits there and denies he wrote what he wrote, so he's a liar.

Neither one is running for office in my post, and I never posted they were. Say it again Pogo.
If you want go back and forth over Barry versus Bernie, that's fine.
It was clearly a reference to Bernie Sanders and it didn’t say anything about him running for office.

Thanks BigTruck, but he knows that. Pogo knows what he is doing, it's nothing new, stick around and watch and you can figure him out pretty quick.

If I meant to refer to Sarah Huckabee-Sanders would I sit here and write "Sarah Silverman" and then deny what I just wrote? Are you on medications?
this is what race hate does to our kids. it often attacks them without warning. it makes them develop a tough exterior to combat the flow of racial insanity into their minds.

only a few have jusdom, excuse me, the judgement and the wisdom to know that DeSantis spouts his racist garbadge, he's just repeating what he is taught
"almighty, hear our prayer.

oh god, how we black people suffer. we your servants are ensnared in tragedy that doesnt end.

we can do nothing to make our tormentors stop their evil. we cant convince them that we are your children. we have tried everything we can to keep whites from slaughtering us in the streets. they hide behind the state to justify killing us.

they say we are scary, they are afraid of their lives. they say this even when we have nothing in our hands but air. we say this even when they are armed with weapons meant to remove us from the face of the earth. they say this even when they must throw down guns to pretended that we intended to do them harm.

how can we possibly combat the blidness of white men who so deeply invested in their own privilege that they cannot afford to see how much we suffer" - Cornel West
That a human being could ever talk like this, shows that there is no end to the combination of stupidity and insanity in our society.
"To monkey around" is a common metaphor. To" throw a monkey wrench into" something is another common metaphor. To "monkey up" is not..

I am afraid you misunderstood that I indicated it was a common phrase here, and means to mess something up, and always has. Sorry if you thought I was asking whether or not you agreed with that, because it doesn't matter if you do. Whatever excuse you want to make, won't change the fact it's a common phrase here. If you want to be offended or try to make it a racial issue, I already said "that's your stupid problem".

I'm not sure what your references to "here" mean. I haven't mentioned a "here"; I simply analyzed common US English phrases and the speaker's delivery of an uncommon one. Which is neither 'here' nor 'there'.
What does 'monkey up' mean to you? Is the subject always a negro?

Sounds kinda racist of you.

Never heard it before today. That's uh, kind of why it stands out here. Phrases tend to stand out when they're out of the ordinary. Before George Allen I didn't know the word "macaca" either.

If he had said "we can't fuck this up" I wouldn't have thought he was talking about sex, but that's a common phrase.

Pffffft. Monkey this. Monkey with. Webster. Get a grip.

monkey with
phrasal verb
Popularity: Bottom 10% of words
Definition of monkey with
: to handle or play with (something) in a careless way : to monkey around with (something)
  • I told you not to monkey with the lawn mower.
Definition of MONKEY WITH

"Monkey with" sure. We've all heard that.
"Monkey around", we've all heard that too.
"Monkey business" I don't think anybody mentioned but that's also common.

"Monkey up" however is a whole new phrase. That's exactly why it stands out. The only question left is, was it put there for that purpose --- to stand out? Based on watching the video it looks like it was.
If I meant to refer to Sarah Huckabee-Sanders would I sit here and write "Sarah Silverman" and then deny what I just wrote? Are you on medications?

If you think I would I would care about you posting Silverman over Huckabee, before I would try to figure out what you actually meant in context, just so I could argue with you or correct you about it, that's what I meant about being so anal retentive you kind of always miss the point*. :21:

*Or you just make another point, because you have no other comment to make.
"almighty, hear our prayer.

oh god, how we black people suffer. we your servants are ensnared in tragedy that doesnt end.

we can do nothing to make our tormentors stop their evil. we cant convince them that we are your children. we have tried everything we can to keep whites from slaughtering us in the streets. they hide behind the state to justify killing us.

they say we are scary, they are afraid of their lives. they say this even when we have nothing in our hands but air. we say this even when they are armed with weapons meant to remove us from the face of the earth. they say this even when they must throw down guns to pretended that we intended to do them harm.

how can we possibly combat the blidness of white men who so deeply invested in their own privilege that they cannot afford to see how much we suffer" - Cornel West
That a human being could ever talk like this, shows that there is no end to the combination of stupidity and insanity in our society.
well, i agree with him. i am fearful that some smart-assed hotshot with a badge and a gun will thrill himself to the slow letting of blood from one of my sexy black ex-boyfriend's bodies while he blithely ignores their suffering to high-five his sworn "to protect and serve" compatriot in crime
So somebody can call names and hold up a sign. Want to place odds this airhead flunky to leftist media knows little or nothing about the GDP growth rate, unemployment rate, Trump's soaring black approval rate, remittances$ loss from immigrants, or what's in the Koran ?

Moron liberals love to show off their idiocy.
at the 1:43 mark DeSantis offers his 'Freudian slip' identifying himself as a racist tool for POTUS Trump.

DeSantis may as well have said Make America White Again

But in reality, that's not what he said.
It takes an extremely dishonest person to say that Ron DeSantis said "Let’s Make America White Again."
But you leftists have to fabricate to spread your anti-white propaganda.

I said he, "may as well have said."

There is a difference.

Not at all.
You're trying to use innuendo to create a false image that DeSantis is a racist.
Any mention of race with respect to his black opponent is nothing but race-baiting and dishonest stereotypical hogwash. That is the only advantage he has, because his political beliefs are a massive negative. Nevermind that his financial support comes from George Soros. That's enough to make him radioactive.

None, myself included, asked DeSantis to open his mouth, say something 'coded' & to make himself look like a dumb ass.

DeSantis did that all on his own.

now he's james bond, too funny. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::ack-1:
That's where our politics are now: Take the slightest perceived potential advantage and blow it up by a factor of a thousand.

Then be really, really outraged.

This actually gets us nowhere, of course.

It's like going to breakfast and asking where the milk is, and some goofball thinking you want directions to the local KKK meeting.

Ummmm..... nnnnnnno it isn't. Nobody has ever code-substituted "milk" for "Klan".

It's more like posting "Barry Sanders" and then claiming you meant "Bernie" while denying that you posted "Barry" even though it's sitting right there on the page.
Liberals are morons.

We always were aware they knew nothing about History, Economics, Civics, The Constitution, Climate Science, Ethics or biology, not to mention personal hygiene.

Now we find out they are ignorant of the English language.

They don't know the difference between a noun and a verb.
dude it's code. can you listen to these boobs? hly fk. their lives must fking really suck to have that thought all the time when they hear things. wow :ack-1:
at the 1:43 mark DeSantis offers his 'Freudian slip' identifying himself as a racist tool for POTUS Trump.

DeSantis may as well have said Make America White Again

But in reality, that's not what he said.
It takes an extremely dishonest person to say that Ron DeSantis said "Let’s Make America White Again."
But you leftists have to fabricate to spread your anti-white propaganda.

I said he, "may as well have said."

There is a difference.

Not at all.
You're trying to use innuendo to create a false image that DeSantis is a racist.
Any mention of race with respect to his black opponent is nothing but race-baiting and dishonest stereotypical hogwash. That is the only advantage he has, because his political beliefs are a massive negative. Nevermind that his financial support comes from George Soros. That's enough to make him radioactive.

None, myself included, asked DeSantis to open his mouth, say something 'coded' & to make himself look like a dumb ass.

DeSantis did that all on his own.

"Coded"?????????????? Really??????????????

If I meant to refer to Sarah Huckabee-Sanders would I sit here and write "Sarah Silverman" and then deny what I just wrote? Are you on medications?

If you think I would I would care about you posting Silverman over Huckabee, before I would try to figure out what you actually meant in context, just so I could argue with you or correct you about it, that's what I meant about being so anal retentive you kind of always miss the point*. :21:

*Or you just make another point, because you have no other comment to make.

Look Doodles. Posting "Barry Sanders" by mistake when you mean "Bernie Sanders" is understandable. Barry's probably more widely known. But to then sit there and deny you posted what you did, while it's sitting right there in the quote nest, that's much more problematic. That's outright denial of reality, easily disproven.

You appear to be detached, and that puts you in a much more iffy place than the question of what Barry Sanders is doing these days. Apparently you want to take the same view of what's in your own post as your view of the possibility that the candy-guy was race-baiting, that view being

Last edited:
That's where our politics are now: Take the slightest perceived potential advantage and blow it up by a factor of a thousand.

Then be really, really outraged.

This actually gets us nowhere, of course.

It's like going to breakfast and asking where the milk is, and some goofball thinking you want directions to the local KKK meeting.

Ummmm..... nnnnnnno it isn't. Nobody has ever code-substituted "milk" for "Klan".

It's more like posting "Barry Sanders" and then claiming you meant "Bernie" while denying that you posted "Barry" even though it's sitting right there on the page.
:aug08_031: It's seems as though some people where able to understand the point I was making. I'm willing to accept it may have escaped you. :21:
QUOTE="OKTexas, post: 20684074, member: 39653"]
at the 1:43 mark DeSantis offers his 'Freudian slip' identifying himself as a racist tool for POTUS Trump.

DeSantis may as well have said Make America White Again

But in reality, that's not what he said.
It takes an extremely dishonest person to say that Ron DeSantis said "Let’s Make America White Again."
But you leftists have to fabricate to spread your anti-white propaganda.

I said he, "may as well have said."

There is a difference.

Not at all.
You're trying to use innuendo to create a false image that DeSantis is a racist.
Any mention of race with respect to his black opponent is nothing but race-baiting and dishonest stereotypical hogwash. That is the only advantage he has, because his political beliefs are a massive negative. Nevermind that his financial support comes from George Soros. That's enough to make him radioactive.

None, myself included, asked DeSantis to open his mouth, say something 'coded' & to make himself look like a dumb ass.

DeSantis did that all on his own.

"Coded"?????????????? Really??????????????

well, i agree with him. i am fearful that some smart-assed hotshot with a badge and a gun will thrill himself to the slow letting of blood from one of my sexy black ex-boyfriend's bodies while he blithely ignores their suffering to high-five his sworn "to protect and serve" compatriot in crime
And why are you fearful of that ? Because Barrack Obama and Al Sharpton said you should be ? Are you not aware that all the race hustling and cop hate rhetoric they espoused in 2016 (while threatening mayors with DOJ lawsuits), was nothing more than to gin up votes for Democrats in the 2016 election ?

Blacks fear of cops, and all this other preposterous stuff you posted, is pure idiocy, and for you to believe it makes you an idiot. Plain and simple. You have some fundamental reassessing to do.

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