Don't monkey up the election!

at the 1:43 mark DeSantis offers his 'Freudian slip' identifying himself as a racist tool for POTUS Trump.

DeSantis may as well have said Make America White Again

It is the Leftists and MSM vermin who again are the racists, they automatically associating MONKEY with BLACKS.

The Republican candidate comment:

"DeSantis said Wednesday morning. “The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda.”...

So DeSantis should comment to the RACIST Leftists and MSM vermin "So you associate MONKEY with Blacks? How RACIST of you!"

The Republicans need to begin playing the SAME GAME that the Leftists do. Gloves off. Do it. NOW!

DeSantis made the statement when referring to Gillum.

Please try & pay attention.

You are NOT paying attention, perhaps if you removed your White Pointy Hood it might help.

I AM paying attention you Unhinged Leftist Racist and NO DeSantis did NOT make the comments directly about Gillum, DeSantis' comments are about how Florida should NOT fuck things up by flirting with SOCIALISM and this Gillum IS a Socialist, DeSantis' comments have ZERO to do with Gillum being a Black man, I repeat it's you Unhinged Leftist Racists who are THE Racists automatically associating MONKEY with BLACKS.

Here is the quote:

“Florida elections are always competitive, and this is a guy who, although he is much too liberal for Florida, he has huge problems with how he’s governed Tallahassee, he is an articulate spokesman for those far left views. The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda.”

So, DeSantis referrences, "this is a guy" ....... "how he's governed Tallahassee" ........... “The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda.”

DeSantis is a f***ing idiot. THIS will cost him the general election, period.

Bullshit, it will be soooooooooooooooooo forgotten by the end of the week. You ignorant regressives have made "racist" a neutered term.

Without hypocrisy and stupidity, liberals are NOTHING!

FLASHBACK: Here's Long List of Top Democrats Saying "Monkeying Around" ^

12 very short videos of Dem hypocrites at link.


Yesterday a firestorm erupted when Florida Republican gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis said during an interview on Fox News, "The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state."

His Democrat opponent Andrew Gillum and his friends in the leftist media immediately pounced, saying the use of the term was a "racist bullhorn."

DeSantis has fired back, saying his use of the term had nothing to do with race.

But despite their outrage, Democrats haven't had any trouble regularly using a similar term: "monkeying around." This includes Democrats working directly for President Barack Obama.

Rich Weinstein has compiled a long list:

Are these Democrats also using racist bullhorns? Or are they just politically opportunistic hypocrites?

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Twelve samples of people using the term "monkey around". Zero of any of them saying "monkey this up" .

"Monkey around" is common. Here's one from half a century ago:

Hey Hey we're the Monkees
And people say we're monkeying around
But we're too busy singing'
To put anybody down​
Pog. Nice TRY but really. You are irrelevant when it comes to also look like a petulant child with your spin...LOLOLOL....Please keep it up we all want to see how desperate you become...
Holy shit, you can't make this up:

DeSantis warns Floridians not to "monkey this up"

DeSantis' opponent:

How utterly stupid can you be if you thought what Desantis said was a racist statement ???

Most people refer to the word monkey in context or within the statement used, as being the F-word. The word monkey has many times been used instead of using the F-word.

Another use of the word monkey is "don't throw a monkey wrench" into a problem or a fix or a thought or a diagnosis etc.

Why the word fits ....... Have you all ever seen the movie "The jungle book" ???

Remember the monkeys, and how crazy they were, and how chaotic they were, and how destructive they were ???

Actually I don't remember, since I never saw it, so I looked it up.

Only "Jungle Book" I knew was the Rudyard Kipling stories.

Well this is why the phrase "quit monkeying around" is used when the kids are acting up or "don't monkey this up" is used to suggest to not screw something up, and "quit monkeying around" has also been used by parents when telling their son's and daughters to get the job done, and "quit monkeying around" or they tell the young folks dating if caught kissing in the parlor to "quit monkeying around" etc.

I doubt it. I think the phrase is older than that.

As for the young folks dating, "Monkey business" was what one old fart said through steamed car windows as I recall. I specifically remember that because my date and I looked at each other and went "Monkey business??" and fell out in laughter.

That, and "monkeying around" are of course common phrases. Never heard of "monkeying up" until yesterday. Clearly he wasn't suggesting his opponent was going to take a "goofy" approach.
DING what are three random examples of figures of speech using the word "monkey" that are not 'monkey this up' for 800 Alex.
Fuck off, ya useless demagogue....

Coincidentally that's exactly what I wrote on my write-in ballot.

That woulda been sweet if the media had to report that "Fuck off ya useless demagogue" won the election.
Holy shit, you can't make this up:

DeSantis warns Floridians not to "monkey this up"

DeSantis' opponent:

How utterly stupid can you be if you thought what Desantis said was a racist statement ???

Most people refer to the word monkey in context or within the statement used, as being the F-word. The word monkey has many times been used instead of using the F-word.

Another use of the word monkey is "don't throw a monkey wrench" into a problem or a fix or a thought or a diagnosis etc.

Why the word fits ....... Have you all ever seen the movie "The jungle book" ???

Remember the monkeys, and how crazy they were, and how chaotic they were, and how destructive they were ???

Actually I don't remember, since I never saw it, so I looked it up.

Only "Jungle Book" I knew was the Rudyard Kipling stories.

Well this is why the phrase "quit monkeying around" is used when the kids are acting up or "don't monkey this up" is used to suggest to not screw something up, and "quit monkeying around" has also been used by parents when telling their son's and daughters to get the job done, and "quit monkeying around" or they tell the young folks dating if caught kissing in the parlor to "quit monkeying around" etc.

I doubt it. I think the phrase is older than that.

As for the young folks dating, "Monkey business" was what one old fart said through steamed car windows as I recall. I specifically remember that because my date and I looked at each other and went "Monkey business??" and fell out in laughter.

That, and "monkeying around" are of course common phrases. Never heard of "monkeying up" until yesterday. Clearly he wasn't suggesting his opponent was going to take a "goofy" approach.

I think we saw the jungle book when we were young kids ourselves, and then we saw it again with our own kids after marriage and we became the parents.

A non issue is what the whole thing was in the Desantis case, but desperation calls for desperate measures I guess. The race card is being badly over used, and it is very revealing of a racist agenda on one hand, and a usery tool that is thrown to much by white liberals on the other hand in which uses race to help them win or remain in power that way. Afterwards they flee the race issues.
And yet, here you are blaming the victim.
And you blame the people calling him a racist for the controversy.
Do you also blame victims of family violence for staining the carpet with their blood?
One of the reasons I love this place.

The same shit from each end, same story. Illustrating the first line of my sig for the zillionth time.

Fess up: Do you folks get trained at the same place? Group rates, maybe?

Much appreciated. You have fun.

Last edited:
And yet, here you are blaming the victim.
And you blame the people calling him a racist for the controversy.
Do you also blame victims of family violence for staining the carpet with their blood?
One of the reasons I love this place.

The same shit from each end, same story. Illustrating the first line of my sig for the zillionth time.

Fess up: Do you folks get trained at the same place? Group rates, maybe?

Much appreciated. You have fun.


I have sigs turned off so I don’t know what you’re talking about.

If history is any indicator; neither do you.
Holy shit, you can't make this up:

DeSantis warns Floridians not to "monkey this up"

DeSantis' opponent:

How utterly stupid can you be if you thought what Desantis said was a racist statement ???

Most people refer to the word monkey in context or within the statement used, as being the F-word. The word monkey has many times been used instead of using the F-word.

Another use of the word monkey is "don't throw a monkey wrench" into a problem or a fix or a thought or a diagnosis etc.

Why the word fits ....... Have you all ever seen the movie "The jungle book" ???

Remember the monkeys, and how crazy they were, and how chaotic they were, and how destructive they were ???

Actually I don't remember, since I never saw it, so I looked it up.

Only "Jungle Book" I knew was the Rudyard Kipling stories.

Well this is why the phrase "quit monkeying around" is used when the kids are acting up or "don't monkey this up" is used to suggest to not screw something up, and "quit monkeying around" has also been used by parents when telling their son's and daughters to get the job done, and "quit monkeying around" or they tell the young folks dating if caught kissing in the parlor to "quit monkeying around" etc.

I doubt it. I think the phrase is older than that.

As for the young folks dating, "Monkey business" was what one old fart said through steamed car windows as I recall. I specifically remember that because my date and I looked at each other and went "Monkey business??" and fell out in laughter.

That, and "monkeying around" are of course common phrases. Never heard of "monkeying up" until yesterday. Clearly he wasn't suggesting his opponent was going to take a "goofy" approach.

LOL... After reviewing your clip, I can see why Desantis said don't monkey up the election.
It's a good thing that DeSantis used this dog whistle, because the Republican voters would have never noticed that his opponent is black.
We really dodged a bullet here !
And yet, here you are blaming the victim.
And you blame the people calling him a racist for the controversy.
Do you also blame victims of family violence for staining the carpet with their blood?
One of the reasons I love this place.

The same shit from each end, same story. Illustrating the first line of my sig for the zillionth time.

Fess up: Do you folks get trained at the same place? Group rates, maybe?

Much appreciated. You have fun.


I have sigs turned off so I don’t know what you’re talking about.

If history is any indicator; neither do you.

It's not the only thing you "turn off".
Did not read the whole thing, hopefully these are not duplicates.

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I am afraid you misunderstood that I indicated it was a common phrase here, and means to mess something up, and always has. Sorry if you thought I was asking whether or not you agreed with that, because it doesn't matter if you do. Whatever excuse you want to make, won't change the fact it's a common phrase here. If you want to be offended or try to make it a racial issue, I already said "that's your stupid problem".

I'm not sure what your references to "here" mean. I haven't mentioned a "here"; I simply analyzed common US English phrases and the speaker's delivery of an uncommon one. Which is neither 'here' nor 'there'.
What does 'monkey up' mean to you? Is the subject always a negro?

Sounds kinda racist of you.

Never heard it before today. That's uh, kind of why it stands out here. Phrases tend to stand out when they're out of the ordinary. Before George Allen I didn't know the word "macaca" either.

If he had said "we can't fuck this up" I wouldn't have thought he was talking about sex, but that's a common phrase.
Is your answer a yes or no?

As your reading teacher will explain to you I just told you. I never heard it before today, therefore it came with no meaning. That's the question...... isn't it.
Interesting. You've never heard it before yet here you are arguing it's racist.

Do you always think of negroes when you hear the word monkey?
I'm not sure what your references to "here" mean. I haven't mentioned a "here"; I simply analyzed common US English phrases and the speaker's delivery of an uncommon one. Which is neither 'here' nor 'there'.
What does 'monkey up' mean to you? Is the subject always a negro?

Sounds kinda racist of you.

Never heard it before today. That's uh, kind of why it stands out here. Phrases tend to stand out when they're out of the ordinary. Before George Allen I didn't know the word "macaca" either.

If he had said "we can't fuck this up" I wouldn't have thought he was talking about sex, but that's a common phrase.
Is your answer a yes or no?

As your reading teacher will explain to you I just told you. I never heard it before today, therefore it came with no meaning. That's the question...... isn't it.
Interesting. You've never heard it before yet here you are arguing it's racist.

Do you always think of negroes when you hear the word monkey?

Interesting. I've just said seven times that it has no meaning for me yet here you are arguing I argued it's "racist".

Do you always think of running strawmen out on the field when you know I eat them for lunch?
What does 'monkey up' mean to you? Is the subject always a negro?

Sounds kinda racist of you.

Never heard it before today. That's uh, kind of why it stands out here. Phrases tend to stand out when they're out of the ordinary. Before George Allen I didn't know the word "macaca" either.

If he had said "we can't fuck this up" I wouldn't have thought he was talking about sex, but that's a common phrase.
Is your answer a yes or no?

As your reading teacher will explain to you I just told you. I never heard it before today, therefore it came with no meaning. That's the question...... isn't it.
Interesting. You've never heard it before yet here you are arguing it's racist.

Do you always think of negroes when you hear the word monkey?

Interesting. I've just said seven times that it has no meaning for me yet here you are arguing I argued it's "racist".

Do you always think of running strawmen out on the field when you know I eat them for lunch?
Fuck it up doesn't mean sex, but monkey it up means negroes.

You people never change.
Never heard it before today. That's uh, kind of why it stands out here. Phrases tend to stand out when they're out of the ordinary. Before George Allen I didn't know the word "macaca" either.

If he had said "we can't fuck this up" I wouldn't have thought he was talking about sex, but that's a common phrase.
Is your answer a yes or no?

As your reading teacher will explain to you I just told you. I never heard it before today, therefore it came with no meaning. That's the question...... isn't it.
Interesting. You've never heard it before yet here you are arguing it's racist.

Do you always think of negroes when you hear the word monkey?

Interesting. I've just said seven times that it has no meaning for me yet here you are arguing I argued it's "racist".

Do you always think of running strawmen out on the field when you know I eat them for lunch?
Fuck it up doesn't mean sex, but monkey it up means negroes.

If you say so. Actually I think it means "looka me, I just invented a phrase, how you like me now?".

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